the future of finance
The future of finance
I was a dumbass that didn't write down or remember his recovery phrase and learned a $650,000 lesson
the dumber you are the more expensive your mistakes
Don't keep 650k in your shared apartment or pants pocket
I am a nigger, thank you crypto!
what is encryption
what is steganography
what are backups
what are datacenters
it's a larp
no one with 650k stores it on usb
it's like saying you lost your physical wallet with $650k cash in it
just stupid
Seed words are scattered to the ends of my oldest hardcore minecraft map. They are well hidden requiring defeating many self destructive traps and exact positioning to view, not something you could find in map viewers. Feel free to copy me, not worried about anyone being able to steal my seed words. If anyone manages to do it they deserve the wallet anyway.
this is a funny, but sadly fake store.
I want to mod a my favorite game to have the final credits reveal the seed phrase so i can have nostalgia for my old life before my new life begins, but i dont know how to mod
no secure backups
not cloning another USB
not encrypting a hard drive or two and backing up to there
Probably a fake post, I'm going full tech schizo for a few thousand bucks nevermind $650k
Finding your BTC treasure this way would be like discovering a pirate trove which is fucking cool. Toast to you anon.
do people use steganoprahy for seed words or something? seems a little dubious but maybe you mean its used in different way
Why not just bury the seed phrase in the middle of nowhere and keep the GPS cords?
Do people seriously trust an usb drive with their keys? I've had so many usb sticks just fail for no reason.
i used a $15 usb drive to protect $650k and lost it and this is the fault of crypto
How about this.
grab a book
generate a series of numbers in hex that represent page number, sentence number and/or character number starting from that page that point to seed words
use a large prime as a cypher to obfuscate your series of numbers that lead to the words of your seed phrase within that book
convert string to binary or some other non-standard base
hide the book on your bookshelf amongst all your other books
dont do that, wallets have already been hacked from people who thought they were so smart with seemingly elaborate methods like that.
There are farms that have nearly every book as input that scan through possible wallets derived from it.
You would be surprised how easy it is to find your wallet.
Use true random words, dont even trust your computer to create it. Take dices and physically roll them to generate your words (google bitcoin dice wallet)
the absolute state of Anon Babble. you're supposed to back the drive up with a list of seed phrases. you can even imprint them into a metal sheet for extra security. some people apparently memorize their seed phrases. if the device fails you can restore your wallet onto a new drive.
usb stick wallet (encrypted) + emergency paper backup with seed (first half, second half, each half in two different premises, not the same place as the usb in case of housefires and stuff, a safe deposit box or two will work)
You have to do a full format (write all memory) of the usb stick every 2-3 years to keep the memory from losing the charge and data, maybe get two just to be safe
won't stop a spook or other sufficiently motivated criminal from getting to your wallet by following you around but it's enough protection against accidents
If you're worried about dying, the location of the backup paper seeds can be stuck in your will with instructions even a low-tech family member going through your estate can understand
this has worked for a decade
Or just get an actual hardware wallet. Stop trying to make flash drives into something they were never intended for
What a retard
Doesnt have 10 backups of his backup.
Well he relaxed so he learned the lesson.
fake confession
But USBs work perfectly fine after going through the wash????? I've done that plenty of times and never had an issue
Wow retard.
Just use HW wallet, at least back shit up man holy shit.
I edited an ebook to put my phrase in it somewhere that I remember
Thank you, I thought I was going crazy. How is this not the most obvious method?
Wouldnt have happened if he left the money in the exchange.
Isn't it 256 digits?
You also need to generate it on a computer that never connects to a network.. and should format your drive after generating to be safe.
mine are scattered all throughout a modded NES game. certain tile groups on certain levels spell out the words.
you might think that you could just grab the assembly code and compare color switches to the original game... but i changed the entire pallet.
nigga if i had 650k in my fucking pocket u best be sure im not forgetting. absolute retard. maybe he could consider a fucking bank account and putting the usb somewhere safe instead? how fucking hard is it to not be a faggot
*spawns behind you*
pssst, nothin personal kid
Not your keys, not your coins but you might be better off if you're a retard.
huh what? as long as you store your seed phrase somewhere for e,g icloud you'd be good to go.
I really don't understand the hardware wallet cucks though. At the end of the day its your seed phrase/private key that is going to let you recover your wallet. So you're still relying on paper and/or some intricate storage (certain sequence in minecraft maps, obscure books, etc) depending on your threat model (if you're worried about LE/spooks, obviously you can't simply just write down your seed phrase).
Its a dozen words
Another backup: Create a silly short story (so its memorable) in your head that incorporates the seed phrase and memorize it. So if all else fails you still have it stored mentally. Long as you dont go senile or suffer a TBI you're good. But again this is just another backup amongst what should be many.
He doesn't use on-chain vaults with time lock and claw back.
and where is this minecraft game stored?
if on a pc, what if pc crashes?
if on a server, what if the server is taken down?
My seeds are saved in several zip files within zip files with passwords of course. Saved on offline pc and in the cloud and on phone
what is a backup
1 backup is also not a backup. you need 3 copies.
The hw wallet is more about signing transactions rather than long term storage. Long term storage should be on metal or something.
HW wallet just means you can sign transactions without your private key ever being on a computer.
I took a gun and shot myself in the head. Gee thanks a lot, military industrial complex
lmfao, unencrypted single usb stick with keys, what a retard. i have a hardwrae wallet password protected, 24 seed phrase saved in an encrypted file. file is stored on 1 apricorn pin protected hw encrypted usb stick, 1 apricorn pin protected magnetic hdd, 1 sd card encrypted with veracrypt and also online backup (fully encrypted of course). one of the devices is stored in a safe in the ground beneath my house.
The big issue with the stamped metal wallet is when you go to spend your coins. So you have your 12 or 24 words, great. Now move those coins. You'll need to import the wallet using those 12 words. You type them into the computer. Seeing the problem yet? Hardware wallets solve this problem: We don't ever want our private key to even exist in plaintext on digital media. You may think this could never happen to you. But it's pretty easy to create malware that will monitor for anything that seems like a seed phrase and just try it. Or you just get lazy and caught slipping. I just saw someone yesterday lose $100,000 in like 10 seconds by accidentally showing his seed phrase on stream.
normies honestly look at wallets and other storage like a debit card that can access your money but isn't a big deal if you lose it because the money is still "in the bank" somewhere. Of course in reality the seed phrase is the money, and worth the exact value of the wallet in any form.
You'll need to import the wallet using those 12 words. You type them into the computer. Seeing the problem yet?
Yes, real Gs use another airgapped computer with amnesia, hw wallet is sort of like that except I don't see how you can really trust the manufacturing/delivery chain on such an obvious high-value crypto-specific target.
I guess you could not trust the manufacturing but you can somewhat trust the handling. Most of them come with a few tamper evident features. Everyone recommends buying direct from the manufacturer for this reason. Airgap machines work, if you're sure a keylogger was never active before it must connect to the internet to broadcast a transaction. And if you're sure there is no other I/O hardware you missed in prep. At that point we are mainly concerned with the physical security.
i just hide mine on a piece of paper in my model m keyboard. only my brotger knows, but im pretty sure that even if i dided he would not revocer it
pretending he lost it, v based
claims to have 650k
has roommates
fake and gay