Are you on track to retire by 30?

Are you on track to retire by 30?

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I'm 33 and I want to run a hose pipe from the exhaust of my car to the drivers seat, despite having savings most of my peers couldn't dream of.

nope not this rate with retards too scared to buy 100k btc stagnating the markets which means bear cycle is immanent

Im 29 years old and a millionaire but still a virgin. I genuinely don't understand how it's even possible to get a gf.

I'm 36 and live with my parents


3. Father of 2 with 125K AUD to my name if I sold all crypto, just trying to afford a house.

Nope. It's funny... not more than a couple years ago I thought I was on track to do so but being burned on memecoins recently + the bleak outlook of the tech job market has made me accept the fact that retiring at 30 will probably not happen. Maybe 35 or 40

Lol I'm 28 and have had my apartment since I was 22 and I haven't had a single female other than family members enter my place since I got it
I actually just don't even like thinking about it sometimes, it's that pathetic

I genuinely don't understand how it's even possible to get a gf.

What have you tried?
why pay rent if you don't even get laid kek? I'd rather save my money and use that to pay for an escort or sex tourism at that point

I don't pay rent, I bought it. The benefit of being invisible to women is that I've pretty much paid it off in 6 years and I now have a lot of equity in it because I've been a near recluse the entire time.

at least you have dubs

if women learn you own a house they will try to take it from you with a child or something else.
dont ever tell them.

Probably the worst thing about being 28 and single is that I didn't fall in love with a girl when I had nothing to my name and now I'm about to probably buy a proper house and any bitch that enters my life can legally take half of it after a year in my country
This is what I deserve for not falling in love with a girl when I was younger

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Me too bro, got 150k AUD in crypto and 1 kid so far … I wanna get enough so I can buy a house without my wife having to work, don’t want to put our kids in day care

Find yourself a trad homeschooled lady and wife her up. Unironically,

I retried after college because I was given a trust fund that my grantor pays all the taxes for. Tried to get a job for 8 years but all the positions I wanted went to brown kids via affirmative action, so I figured stressing myself out or working somewhere I didn’t want wasn’t worth it.

At 35 it’s only worth $14mm today. But that’s enough to pull $240,000 after trust distributions and holiday gifts. I save about $50,000 a year from my monthly distributions. I don’t really feel wealthy, especially compared to my other wealthy family, but I disdain using credit so have no debt other than my house that I’m going to pay off soon anyway (since my ARM rate is going up and no longer worth holding the mortgage).

Really want a second home in the forest. Seems like a pipe dream tho, so far off.

In the last 18 months

cousin died of pulmonary embolism at 44

brother betrayed me and tried to steal my life's work off me off me

I lost 100K in leverage

I had to sell off most if my assets including my dream car and cancel a trip to Japan to recoup losses

met a beautiful woman who was interested in me and we went on some dates but she couldn't date a guys he worked with so aiad no to my advances

watch said women fester in an abusive relationship as my love fades not one bit

my ex also works with us and despite being seperated for 8 years she still gets upset when I flirt with available women in the office, bitch barely touched me when we were fucking together and now I can't have a normal relationship because her needs must be met

it's a family business and my parents own it and they disapprove of my advances on beautiful and interesting girl despite hiring my ex (then gf) and ruining our relationship with workplace strain and trying to set me up with another coworker right after we broke up 8 years ago (who's fucking PARENTS tell me I can't be happy because their son's EX is upset about it??)

found myself drinking a bottle of wine for breakfast because of the stress

my bio dad (not in the compony) had a stroke 2 weeks ago and fell 3 times this weekend but won't have me as a visitor because he is a proud man who doesn't want his kids to see him like this

my own mother threatened to assault me today

Literally the only thing keeping me going is the fact I have a blue belt exam in Jiu Jitsu coming up which I have thrown myself into in the last 7 months. If not for that I might literally have killed myself.
Here have a picture of a man dying from Rabies. He looks about as good as I feel.

I need to make at least $100k this cycle and then PERHAPS

Is that tattoed chick what you're wishing you had?
It's actually the other way around here in USA. You're only entitled to money the spouse makes after you've been together. So a girl you married while going from 0 to millions is entitled to half but the girl you married at millions might not be entitled to anything.
how do you even spend your time? I'd just make cool things in my own business and volunteer regularly at that point.


I'm in exactly the same position. Lots of money and every morning I wake up wishing I had died in my sleep.

Dude I made it to halfway of your post before I said “what is this shit”

Fuck caring whether your ex is happy or not wtf

Well you should read the rest of the post. I don't give a FUCK about her happiness. She literally works with me. I can't fire her. My parents own the company and are friends with her now. I can't get a normal relationship because she spooks all the women away when they find out I work with parents and an ex and my mum thinks of my ex like a daughter.

how do you even spend your time?

Hang out with my wife. Goon to my favorite hentais. Drive my classic car. Play video games. Read. My actual hobby is writing so I have several fiction books. Take care of responsibilities and home maintenance. Road trips and camping.

I wanted to start a business a few years ago but live in California and it was too much bullshit. Even offered to pay the first year’s rent up-front and the commercial real estate around here would rather sit empty than have any tenants.
I think it’s just an age thing. I used to want to die because despite my wealth nothing I want really works out. It’s like the universe/producers/NPCs won’t let me. But then you get over the late 20s/early 30s psychosis and realize you have it better than most people, and learn to enjoy life’s pleasures. Sitting with your girl and dog. Driving a scenic road. Walks at sunset. Shooting targets in your backyard with a BB gun or a real gun at the range. Doing these things without worrying about some pressing issue tomorrow is bliss.

Its easier to become millionaire
Its not your fault its your face mostly and the rest is mostly your height and frame

I missed out on the happy wife with kids, instead I got married to my high school sweetheart and it was over in 7 years, I fucked around the past 20 years and haven't done shit. I'll be 55 next year so and there's little no chance on having any of that now, so I'll just go to my plan B and start investing my time getting some fuck you money.

Doesn't reproduce

Dies alone in a nursing home surrounded by screaming pants shitting dementia patients

Never feels the sublime feeling of seeing his child walk, talk, learn from mistakes, excel, and continue the family legacy

Gives nothing of value back to the world and therefore lets it slide further to shit

This reads like it's 70% describing my nepo baby brother in law except he drinks and stayed in the city and isn't a crypto fiend. Also he's more of a self-imposed relationship destroyer rather than one who actively opposed dating. Otherwise it's pretty spot on.


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instead I got married to my high school sweetheart and it was over in 7 years

what happened?

Dies alone in a nursing home surrounded by screaming pants shitting dementia patients

You assume most of us aren't going to an hero at some point.

I wanted kids she wanted a career, A few years later after dating a couple girls I realized how much women had changed so I checked out of dating all together. I seen a picture of my ex a few years ago, I hardly recognized her, I lucked out in the end.
now at 55 and pretty much set in life, I'm going into crypto and see if I can turn a buck or two.

Lol this guy is literally me

I wish I didn't waste my 20s

my ex also works with us and despite being seperated for 8 years she still gets upset when I flirt with available women in the office

it's a family business and my parents own it

Just leave wtf find a job that isn't under your parents and with an ex, and just stop dating coworkers because shit exactly like that happens.
You don't have to leave your parents hanging but it doesn't take more than a few months to find a replacement and train them up and bounce. You should have plenty of work experience by now and are able to find a similar role elsewhere.
That you put up with working with an ex, that was withholding affecting while simultaneously being jealous/controlling, and your mom considers her a daughter should be more than enough to tell you to gtfo, that you put up with it for 8 years gives me second hand embarrassment. Like holy shit take some control in your life and stop just accepting the shitty life situation you're in and change it.
Hope that helps you not be retarded anymore, sorry about your cousin and father, hope you can forgive your brother one day.

Yeah, sometimes family is the one screwing you over. I found out the best way to deal with that is cut them off and never contact them again, and that includes your relatives as well like cousins and aunts/uncles as they will desperately try to reel you in back.

my mum did this. it's an easy way to kill yourself. don't do it though, don't be a nigger

Easy and painless, you say?

if you don't have kids, just wait til your parents die first