Gonna be retiring in my 40s

be me

live in leafistan

70k saved at 22 years old from working at a warehouse and not falling for the college debt meme

not falling for "muh traveling" meme

not falling for "muh life experience" meme

not falling for moving out meme

not falling for friendship meme

not falling for goyslop fastfood takeout meme

not falling for subscription netflix slop meme

not falling for uber meme

not falling for partying meme

not falling for expensive clothes meme

not falling for car meme

not falling for drinking/drugs meme

not falling for vidya/expensive PC meme

not falling for new phone meme

maxed out TFSA contribution room (~33k), 20k in XEQT, 8k in VFV, 2k in ENB (Enbridge), 3K in QQQ

aggregated ~13% returns yearly

over 20ish years I'd have 1.3 million

move to Mexico and live like a NEET god until I expire

That easy. Post your normie copes or whatever below.

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We don't want retarded gringos driving up our rent prices in Mexico.
Go find some other country to live your worthless and devoid of meaning life.

You have done absolutely nothing with your life.

y-y-yeah because everything's a meme

Good God

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this faggot must hate his life lol

>aggregated ~13% returns yearly

>over 20ish years I'd have 1.3 million

Are you assuming you'll get 13% yearly for decades? You almost certainly won't, but you're generally right that you'll be able to incel-FIRE like this.

Dude those heavy bags you're married to are going to crash to 0 once maybe twice within 20 years.
Do something. You have a long ass life to live so might as well have something to remember later.
And Mexico fucking sucks especially if you want to own a home. Be ready to lose your property to the cartels one day out of nowhere.

I respect you. But why not go crazy and put it all in bitcoin? Fuck it. You could double it within 1 year. You could trade up on mexico too.

Genuinely curious, to you, what is the meaning of life?
To avoid memes?

he fell for the college is a meme meme

he fell for the friendship is a meme meme

he fell for the car is a meme meme

he fell for the experiencing life is a meme meme

wow OP totally based and redpilled

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dude like the west is gonna collapse in 2 weeks and every investment is unsafe going to drop to 0

Yeah I'll pass on your advice but thanks for the reddit doomposting anyway.

be 27

have 70k in college debt

saved 200k from having a good job because I went to college

don't contribute to 401k or any other retirement fund because I can do much better with crypto

will be able to pay off all debts after the bull run and will have millions left over

will be able to buy a mansion in burgerland as well as mansions in Europe (dual citizen) after the bull run

have large circle of real, good quality friends

have gf who was a virgin when we started dating

have luxury car I maintain myself

don't hate my life

don't have to post weird cope on le 4channel dot biz to keep myself from becoming an hero

Life is good in the cool zone. Post your loser copes or whatever below.

Genuinely curious, to you, what is the meaning of life?

To live comfy in a shoebox apartment without interference. That's it.

didn't you already make this thread? why do you seek validation from permavirgins on an alsatian traditional dance forum?


thinks he'll ever make it

It was over from the start.

That's what you want to do. What is the meaning of life?

Have a serious think about OP. You don't have to aspire to have multiple mansions but you do seem to be thinking very small with your one life.
Don't sell yourself short or be scared of failing while trying for something more; if you really do want this incel lifestyle then go ahead but honestly ask yourself if that's what you want.

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and college (paid)

and veteran (bennies)

world travel (20 countries)

moved out 8 years ago

friends in half the continents

I got tired of reading your list here
Bte it's all in btc and doge
You will wagie for 20 years to make $1 mil that will be worth $500k in today's money by then
I will take the escalator to $1 mil by 2030 from funny internet tokens
Your pepe is disheveled and withering already, a bellwether of the future

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You don't have to aspire to have multiple mansions but you do seem to be thinking very small with your one life.

And do what? I have no interest in any of the worthwhile majors for colleges. Skilled trades are impossible to get into. I don't even care about girls or relationships. So what exactly is out there for me?

I only hit the gym and eat as healthy as I do because I'm always in awe anytime I stare into a mirror or a reflection of myself. I do everything for myself. Fuck a girl. Fuck my ex.

ok so you are just gonna have no life until you are 40 and then you are old and will continue to have no life?

buying boomer indexes

has to move to shithole

made it

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good job broder im also leaf. im 25 tho. i maxed my tfsa with btcc, vfv, xeqt, qtum, msft and cgl.c. $10k in eth/ltc

I traveled the world at 23, i moved out on my own for 5 years but moved back in with my parents cuz renting is a scam, i have a car, i did a shit ton of drugs when i was younger, i have 2 degrees, no debt, tons of friends, and a career.

still no gf though. NW sitting at 60k.

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Never too old to browse Anon Babble and workout and exercise and cook and meditate and read books, which is all I really do and look forward to. Just having a fridge and kitchen all to myself sounds fucking euphoric, unironically one of my biggest dreams.

1.3 million is fucking nothing these days, and you think 1.3 million in 20 years is going to be enough to retire? kek

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I'm always in awe anytime I stare into a mirror


what you are witnessing is what we call the supreme gentleman's cope

Why doesn't he show his Mr Universe body to someone and get a gf instead of rage crying

Fuck my ex.

She was right. I'm glad she's moved on. She's happy now

be me

immigrate to leafistan

cant get a job

live off gibs

its neat to not have to work but id rather have an actual income

dare i say based? normal fags well cope as usual in this thread and say you are living life wrong

because he is either ugly or boringly average in all fields. clearly average income wise so easy to assume everything else as well. muscles does absolutely nothing unless you are already born a chad. it might help you fuck other men or ugly-average gymwhores but that's sadly where the reality of the gymcel fantasy ends

I'm convinced people on biz who actually made it absolutely hate their lives. One guy sent me a screenshot of his bank account after I triggered him by asking how he is in his 20's but failed to have sex. He then continuously followed my posts and kept trying to brag about skiing trips lol it's like only the most emotionally broken people have the fortitude to "make it" through sheer investing.

be me

live in leafistan

use an old diagnosis to get on disability

use legal loopholes to earn as much money as possible working part time

effectively make 90k net delivering pizza 24 hours a week

OP is a fag

fuck u, so many of u stupid spics in usa.

I am a disabled pizza delivery guy heh *tips fedora

Another turbo loser. These threads should be studied

500k net worth and buying a rental property next year, stay mad

>maxed out TFSA contribution room (~33k), 20k in XEQT, 8k in VFV, 2k in ENB (Enbridge), 3K in QQQ

>aggregated ~13% returns yearly

>over 20ish years I'd have 1.3 million

lol. who wants to tell him?


500k net worth


If upu told me I had to live my life all over again and I receive $10m. - but I had to spend my life as a disabled pizza delivery guy. No thanks kek

So calm you had to reply twice

zoomer thinks 70k is enough to retire


everything worth doing has already been done. Everything since 2001 has just been outdoing eachother in how fake and gay you can be

A disabled pizza delivery guy is trying to make me look bad for replying to him

fuckong word salad

Is this whole thread full of disabled people?

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