/pmg/ - Precious Metals General

Geiger squares edition.

Why Gold?


Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable


Bullion dealers

luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)
more at:pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

Numismatic search


News and graphs








Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test


Previous Thread:

anyone else is going to add the Trump coin to their meme stack ?

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I remember the first time I brought any silver I still lived with my parents, I showed it to my mum and she was disappointed and said it was stupid. I never forgave her for that

My dunmer queen.

reminds me of my parents
I started getting into pm last year or so and spend half of my savings on a 100g gold bar and a 5Kg Silver bar my parents thought it was good of me to look into the future but said I shouldn't spend so much
No i have all my Money in pm and barely anything in my account

lol no
Peak cringe to buy trinkets from this zog grifter

Same for me, since 2009.

I remember when I was at BNP, I had a big inflow of money, they bothered me with their stupid savings accounts, I told them to fuck off, and as soon as they saw my purchases from precious metal sellers (in Germany), I received a letter from them 15 days later informing me that I had to look for another bank.

The guy at the agency had understood that he would never make money with me. :D

Already got my fist pump trump tube of 20 rounds.

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The most staged shooting in history. Female secret service agents stumbling around and dudes walking around roofs with rifles unhindered. Sure thing.

Yep, some people are dumb.

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You mean this one?
Lcs had these ones for 35....

I fucking knew you shiny rock jeets were just trying to scam retarded hillbillies.
Now I have proof directly from the government.


We don't buy gold, we exchange counterfeit money that destroys the value of our work, for something that, on the contrary, maintains it.

You're the stupid one for not understanding that.

Looks like another /pmg full of vapid and obnoxious mid wits. Enjoy the circle jerk, i think i'm done with this board for good.

see you tomorrow Anon

buys a roll of trump rounds

calls others midwits

Five hours twenty minutes before the market opens. What's going to happen this week?

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mid wits

worships zion don

Don't fall for the trap. Just buy a broad ETF or portfolio of stocks. Researching stonks is actually fun if you know how. One thing I do is I have a python script loop every stocks in the US market and screen dump various valuation sites' pages for that ticker. I then scroll through the folder and find tiny stocks with phat profits and ROICs. Everyone else is buying meme stocks and overpriced junk.

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buy a broad ETF or portfolio of stocks

Buy rope instead.

Cede owns 83% of all issued stocks in the United States

You can't own stocks lol. You own Bitcoin w/ self custody (not advocating for it, just an example), but not stocks.

Ah oh, a schizo retard.

you can't arrest me bro, I'm technically an admiral at sea journeying the highway in my boat

beginner question is there an actual reason why the market closes on weekends and doesnt open until 9 30 eastern time?

muh graphs that go back to 1802

you know they're desperate when they show you shit that is meaningless unless you happen to live for 200+ years kek

You're the one advocating for stocks in Precious Metals General. Who's retarded now?

it's an artifact of history from when people actually had to show up in person to trade stocks
they keep it around because it allows for lots of off hours shenanigans

Gold might not be as good a ROI as stocks but its impossible to FAIL with Metals which is the important thing
You can make a bunch of Money if you get lucky and bought Miocrosoft or Apple stocks back in the day before anyone knew it was gonna rise like crazy but you can also lose a bunch of Money that way
With Metals at Worst you will break even at at best You will make money back
Also you dont buy Metals to make money but to shield against Inflation

funny, my gold has made me a lot of money

Also you dont buy Metals to make money but to shield against Inflation

You get better protection against inflation by holding assets that produce value for you. See chart again and compare stocks to the dollar.

even if you're right (you're not), past performance does not indicate future results
this is end game
no, we're not buying the pico top of your boomer stocks
now get out

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Gentlemen happy Sunday

97 Apurand so far

Pirate rounds expected to finish by Oct 11 due to gold plate processing

Buying at the top of the stock market actually produces superior returns to trying to time the market. There are many studies on this.

Even so, you don't have to buy the stocks with crazy valuations (some of the megacaps are 100+ p/e)

+ gold itself is ATH. Unlike stocks, you could have dead money for DECADES from this point out.

everyone has their own reason for stacking up on Metals and no one is really wrong as long as they keep on stacking
I stack because in a few years when im old and the pension system has crumbled to death because there are no young people around to care for the old people one of those will pay for my monthly rent and groceries

Ownership in businesses isn't fiat. It can be denominated in anything. I could sell you stocks for a business for a cartload of manure, it doesn't mean that stocks are manure.

Honestly guys, I'm seeing extremely low IQ and ignorant takes in this general.

the only stocks that keep going up are the stupid mega 7 or whatever it is
buying midcap companies is a great way to lose money

and you think gold won't go up from here for decades huh. we'll just see about that, sweetie

oy gevalt don't exchange your precious paper for precious metals, it's a SCAM

KEK, the desperation from the tiny hats is palpable. Glad to see none of the comments are taking it anymore.

I never thought i'd finally see the day where the trust of people in government's authorities drop below fucking zero. Hilarious.

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businesses can at any time decide to dilute your stock by creating and dumping a million extra shares on your ass
sounds like fiat to me

we'll just see about that, sweetie

perfect note to end this on. I belly laughed.

Enjoy your piles of nonproducing assets, greyhaired rednecks

+ gold itself is ATH. Unlike stocks, you could have dead money for DECADES from this point out.

oh, so you mean from this point on fiat will finally and magically stop to be constantly debased & devalued?
Do you pinky promise? No more money printing? No more deficit spending? No more mass T-bonds emitting? No more extra trillion USD in federal debt added every few months? No more inflation?

I'm so, so happy anon! At this point i thought the course couldn't be reversed anymore. But if you tell me it's cancelled, that our dollar purchasing power will always remain the same from now on, then we should all rejoice. Fuck gold indeed!

Ownership in businesses isn't fiat.

Please tell me you aren't dumb enough to believe you actually "own" a chunk of the businesses you buy digitalized paper coupons from...

You write like a Q believer. Exact same attitude, worldview, and white trash demographic as well.

That's funny becuz if you check the Q archives you'll see my post in 10th or so position from his very first thread where i call his larp fake & gay.

But it requires beyond Qtard delusion -or desperate glowniggery lying- to believe fiat will magically stop to be devalued.

perfect note to end this on

keeps on replying

you just rekt yourself
seethe more

Of course fiat will continue to devalue. And it's a little petty but I'm enjoying the fact that you're converting it to dead rocks instead of producing assets.

You come from a toxic culture and only 1 in a million of you make it even to upper middle class. It's largely genetic, unfortunately.

Appalachian + Q believer + old + crying


using appalachian as an insult

well now we know you're jewish

The only producing asset you'll ever own is uncle's old still after he passes away from diabeetus at 45


t. seething brownoid baboon

You will never be White. You'll never achieve White greatness. You'll always have you feces and skin the same color.

You got your nose wrong.

transparent attempt to leverage racism to have someone to look down upon even though the median "brownoid" earns 10x as much

Another classic meth-american trait

Sadly for you, no amount of monies will ever make you white. Not even in your next reincarnations.

kys OP and never bake again.
Nigger thread.
No metals posted.
Low iq bait posting.
Do not post here, you have been warned,

the absolute state of /pmg

are you able to post a position balance yet?

If the two Anons are done arguing i have a question related to precious metals
How can i exchange my 5kg silver bar to 160 ounces of Silver?
I bought it when i just started and when it was the cheapest option for Bulk silver in Germany at the time for my but now isee the problems with it
If im ever gonna sell it i have to sell 5KG all at once when mist transaction with silver you could realistically make would only be .5 or 1 ounce like your weekly grocery trip for example

it's not OP's fault some stockfag showed up

why is this lady boiling in a pot of shit?

Then why are you posting here? Go make another


And show us how lame we are ;)

I had to look for another bank.

Whut. How can it be legal. What country?

You're not going to get a 1:1 exchange because smaller amounts of PMs will always carry a higher premium. Call around to various coin shops and ask what they'd give you in cash for your bar, if they even accept it. Then after you sell it, call around again and ask for the prices on 1 ounce rounds or coins, or whatever else you're after. 1 oz generic rounds will be cheaper but recognizable coins like Philharmonics or Britannias will have a higher premium.

why would you expect to trade a bar for the exact weight in 1 oz coins. lol
you bought the bar because it had lower premium. if you trade it for coins you're gonna take a hit on weight

can i atleast get a 1:1 if i exchange it for 1Kg or 500Gramm bars
It even be okay with something like 150 ounces of silver

This is true but the important part is to call around to various coin shops if you have them in your area. And keep in mind every shop might have differing ideas of both buying and selling, so you need to call around again to get the best price when you buy.

It's escalating quickly, isn't it?

mfw I realized JUST that 2001 1/4 oz coin is retailing for over $1100 now.

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trading it for 150 oz should be doable i think

should i go for it?
I would only lose out on 10 Ounces which isnt all that much but if Silver really Moons in the coming months then those 10 ounces could be 20 or 30 ounces whcih would suck

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I need internet people to think for me.

Average nu-pmg poster logic.

This anon never stated that he was holding xrp you midwit.

I don't understand the purpose of forums

angry autist logic

Yeah you can change you id as much you like on you mommys lap top op. you wail always be a moron.

Well there are no Coin shops in my area and im never getting a fair exchange for it so im just gonna keep it
It was my first real purchase and it does have some sentimental value to me even though its a bit impracticall
Im just gonna trade it for a new Car one day when the need arises or when i get a fair deal for it

1.) It's obviously implied
2.) If I'm a midwit, you still live with your parents and need a state appointed care taker when you go to school. What are you in now pal, 7th or 8th grade?

no Coin shops in my area

Have you considered saving up those fiat cash bucks and going on a road trip?

930 eastern is when the New York futures market opens. Gold actually starts the trading week on Monday, 930 Sydney time. Because it's on the forex desk and forex only closes on Sunday.

yup, that's how it works
gold goes up, people get FOMO, but it's too expensive, so they go for silver

When is the cut-off date for ordering Apurrands?

Similarly to the Pirate round, presales will continue until the production sample is ready which I predict should be some time in November

Cool, thanks.

Markets are opening soon lads.

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China's been trying to stealth stack without driving the western prices up much more in the last few months, so I wouldn't expect explosions or anything just yet.

china's been stealth stackin for years

At what time do they open exactly?

I bid on a numismatic gold piece and thought I was going to win it but some fag outbid me :(

It’s only .2411ozt 90% but I really wanted it. The next bid would make it $933 after fees but before tax when my last bid was only going to be $880. That’s a bit much and I don’t think going farther would be worth it anymore.

I really thought I’d win it. Part of me feels like the guy is a shill bidder because the piece hasn’t historically sold this high except to eBay assholes. Even if he’s not, he can be the retard who pays almost $1,000 for less than a quarter ounce of gold.

Yeah though they're getting extra sneaky about it now, probably try to ramp it up even more before October.

only i can have silver

you're not allowed

Be me. Over at moms. Trying to watch a movie. Cable doesnt work. Mom calls. They ask Mom for her security code.


I love mom

50 bings

I'm interested to exchange it for a 1:1 ratio equivalent in fractional silver if you want to. I live in the EU.

Dubs checked... a lot of whining with a touch of persecution complex.

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Its the Saudi's that are stealth buying right now, the chinks are taking a break, I think the brics countries are taking turns buying loads of gold as not to collapse the system (yet)

When silver eventually moons to thousands of dollars, do you think things with 50 or 100% premiums will still be worth 50 or 100% more than spot? Why not just stack silver that's still appealing to refineries for as cheap as possible right now instead of playing around with high premium semi-numismatics?

probably not. whole reason premium is so high is to compensate for the amount silver is suppressed. so if silver is allowed to increase in price, premiums won't be needed as much. yes, it's the overwhelming consensus here that weight is king.

When the Hunt brothers tried the corner the silver market back in the 80's there was bullion coin stores with queue's around the block with people who were buying silver at $100 with the spot at $50 all because of panic buying.

God, and with debt-to-GDP ratio being like 4x worse than it was back then, that whole mercury dime meme will be true.

but now isee the problems with it

He fell for the "Im going to buy a big Silber bar so i can be better than the 1 Ouncers" meme

mercury dime meme will be true

Probably 1, 90% silver dollar when coin shops sill have inventory.
When coin shops need bank-tier levels of infrastructure is when the merc dime meme will come to fruition.

true. the bar people always mocked us coiners
who's laughing now

wtf bros i havnt been following metal prices for a while. are cheapies truly gone forever?

Total Weight: 60 carats

Sizes: Under 1 carat to 3 carats

Dimension: 4mm to 11 mm

Treatment: No treatment applied

Variety: Corundum

Color: Purplish pink with bewitch color shift in various lights (white, warm, yellow, and daylight)

Origin: Azad Kashmir, Pakistan

It is a ballsy move, but fractionals are always needed in every stack.

And yes, it is legal, banks are private companies, they can tell you to leave if they want, you have 2 or 3 weeks to find another bank.

It's legal in France? May not fly in the US at this time.

When silver eventually moons to thousands of dollars

I heard it's going to $1,5 million per oz within 2 years. I've taken up credit card debt to buy more. The nice bearded man in the youtube wouldn't lie to us. What are you doing to do with your trillions? I'll give half of mine to Q for keeping Trumf safe against the underground Hillary Clinton armies in the DUMBs.

I remember BTC was supposed to hit 1 million a few years ago.
You have to be an idiot to listen to influencers.

I have a nice healthy range with a small portion of kilos, a medium selection of 5 - 10 oz bars, most of my stack being 1 ozs and I've been focusing more on mercs and half dollars this last year.

Nice photos fren.