/gme/ - hope rides alone edition

Physical vidya, card grading, and stopping games. Get ready for the retail holidays.

Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Results:
Tuesday, December 10, 2024

DRS & Computershare

~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024

~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5

~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,

~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co

Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,

12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22

and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021


Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares

'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 217.793B, 64P 3.403B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 188.567B, 57P = 3.308B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 204.254B, 58P = 3.522B per (roughly)
Monday RRP: ????
Tuesday RRP: ????
(If anyone has the missing numbers/format, please post)

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

As always:

sneed hedgies

Last time on /GME/:

I'm thinking we're gonna wagmi THIS YEAR

Will we finally... be free?

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Digits is percent chance of moass today, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal

wanting to be free

no way, I'd miss this ride too much

Last thread. WAGMI.

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i’m at 300 and just buy one share every check. it’s the buy, borrow, die for strategy me.
i was on another board the other day and they were discussing something similar. tech is brain draining a lot of the talent from other fields. but even tech is starting to become over saturated. pic related 1/2

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let's stop comfy money dream

IDK, that sounds kinda ominous

How cool would it be if the moass happened. Not just because of the money but to btfo all these smug haters who for some reason rejoice at the common mans blight

pic rel 2/2

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yeah I'll check that, wagmi

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This is why you should be stacking physical value-dense materials as a store of wealth. The U.S. economy is fundamentally flawed and a lot of the luxuries we have that make us feel wealthy are simply over-priced services or pointless trinkets and appliances you can buy. The financial system is not fundamentally sound and neither is the economy. So in that sense alone it is good to keep one foot in the life-raft at all times.

That's me. I've seen it in tech, and in finance(2 of the many fields I've worked). Where you get these brains of the most absurd caliber and pedigree...just there because the job pays six figures. You could tell it's killing their soul and they really want to be working on saving the trees or some social outreach job or something. It'l be interesting in a moass world to see where patronage comes back. Grants in universities used to be this but it's all hedgefund white paper mill slop.

yup. this and physical video games. i’ve been stocking up on ps3 games and downloading local copies of steam games whenever i can. yes video games are just as important as physical assets to me kek. i fear that one day we’ll have our crumbling infrastructure attacked and there goes the internet.

How cool would it be if the moass happened.

Extremely cool.

Not just because of the money but to btfo all these smug haters who for some reason rejoice at the common mans blight

This is my #1 reason for why I want moass to happen. The money is cool. Never having to wage under a petty tyrant with brain damage is a plus. But the sheer SATISFACTION of knowing that, once again, I was right, and that these smug POS really did forget I'm HIM...now that's priceless...

Highly agree with both picrel's but it's actually far worse as those software engineer roles are often at companies that have absolutely no future or purpose other than trying to be a casino moonshot to be potential IP that gets harvested. I've worked through many mergers and acquisitions(boy is the shitting on the bbby one telling! Almost always these are just radio silence...). You would always know when the merger shit would start because you could be working on the most incredible product or code, and get told stop working on everything just make the deployments and unit tests clean. It was basically the sign to spruce up your resume and be ready to hop.

I think it's becoming more clear to all that if the US has any hope of recovering, there needs to be some sort of wealth transfer from the hoarding institutions to the people. Not only for the sake of survival, but for the sake of growth. Surely not all of the overlords are totally blinded by greed and can recognize the massive damage that has occurred by now. The only way forward is a hard pivot. Corporations milking the common man for every single penny they have for the sake of the unreachable goal of "infinite growth" is reaching critical levels. Something has to give.

Aaaaasa, yahoo won't load, it's ogre!!

That picrel is super true overseas from everyone I've spoken with professionally. But even here in the US you can tell everyone's waiting for some hope sign, some rally or movement that gives them purpose again.

Surely not all of the overlords are totally blinded by greed and can recognize the massive damage that has occurred by now. The only way forward is a hard pivot.

The problem is that their ethos is very much driven by game theory. It's easy to see the forest as a whole, "something has to give". But much like why Bill Gates never donated *all* his wealth to charities, actually making that change is different.
One billionaire can't actually do all that much. By weakening their position for the good of society, all they really accomplish is weakening their position. And for the record, there are lots of wealthy people who do do this. But there's not that much to say.

They found a charity that's helped x million people

They've helped y thousand low-income people attain university degrees or attain housing

They've helped z new laws get passed that increases protection for consumers

Great. That's a drop in the bucket and basically unnoticeable compared to the world-wide fuckery going on. So they do all that, lose their money and the world is still fucked. It's a lot easier to just shut the outside world out and live a relaxing life.

(The multi-billionaires who are actively going out of their way to build more wealth are a different kind of fucked. You don't become someone like Elon Musk if you have any concern for society or even the intellect to understand how damaging you are to the world)

the fucking damning part is that they didn’t have to give us much! have wages keep up with inflation and an extra week of vacation and some kind of education reimbursement. like jesus fuck most ppl in their 20s-30s just want a house. but they really couldn’t go without that extra fucking billion and 4th yatch.
so true overseas. i peruse international random and you read shit all the time. as much as i would like to think trump will change things i truly think things will get worse before they get better.

GME blows lol
where's teh MOASSSSSSSSSSsssssss

By weakening their position for the good of society, all they really accomplish is weakening their position. And for the record, there are lots of wealthy people who do do this

i will push back on this a little. if besoz were to take control of amazon and raise every warehouse worker that has been there at least 1 year to $25/hr he would literally change america over night and pull millions out of poverty. not only that but other low wage jobs will have to compete. amazon will take a hit but it’ll bounce back. it’ll probably destroy some companies but that’s how free market capitalism should work. trickle down economics will only work if those at the top ACTUALLY trickle the wealth down.

100% anon. i agree.
patronage is the right word. finance and money has become a closed loop, finance is making more money to do more finance. the snake is eating it's own tail.
i want nothing more in life than to be a gamestop patron funding the arts and sciences and have talented people reach their full potential instead of having them solve puzzles for the beast.

they’re starting to set up the narrative that retail are the ones causing this new run up. pic rel

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Where is the best place to relocate after moass? To pay the least possible amount of taxes in Europa?

Sentiment is growing on Stocktwits

msm is such a fucking joke

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They want it to seem like a speculative meme trade and not focus on the fundamentals looming that this company is systemic-naked-short-sold, debt free with a visionary CEO at the helm who has ALREADY put in he work to turn the company around.

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we will be the scapegoats, it was always going to be that way
poor lil hedgies, against so many terrorists who want to destroy America

Murica' I would imagine. Getting the hell outta Commie UK before Reeves taxes everything into the ground


South America is the play, New Zeeland should also be fine since that is where all the rich people are buying property

GME blows lol

where's teh MOASSSSSSSSSSsssssss

btc back up, gme back down

do you have a green card, saar?

show my Computershare account

get immediately arrested

soon this will be the "trump" stock
screencap this


The market appears to be expecting bad news going into the holiday. They will probably announce the SMCI fraud in time for the stock market to go on holiday. I expect some news before the half day trading day coming up.

NVDA is tanking

Sure. But like I say,

You don't become someone like Elon Musk if you have any concern for society or even the intellect to understand how damaging you are to the world

It's true that the 1% of the 1% could probably do a lot to fix the lives of millions of people for relatively not that much effort. But they didn't get to where they are by being the sort of person that would ever do that. And if they do decide to ever want to be altruistic, it will come only after they no longer have the insane power they have now.

get told to forget GAMESTOP

forgot GameStop for 2 years

The psyop had the wrong effect

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Yes, and?

Instead of the one percent I would rather concern myself with the bottom quintile who are not only unproductive but also actively destructive and the structures that have built up around managing them for profit

how long are you gonna wait before you conclude it won't happen

So is it just gonna go up forever and ever like this last month.

Imagine how many people who weren't paying attention to moass would basically leap at a chance to get someone to sponsor them and the work they want to try to accomplish.

I don't think anyone is going to be falling for it this time. People are so much more skeptical of media nowadays that they can't control the narrative like they used to so despite all of the noise and confusion, the internet will likely hone in with laser precision on the banks & upper classes and the tribe.
MOASS is such an issue for them because it is actually a class vs class issue as it is not politically partisan as most issues tend to be.

occupy wall street is rising from its grave

The greatest traders of all time will tell you that diversifcation is actually overrated. It is best for people who don't know what they are doing and investing on a long timeframe. If you can isolate a home-run and can afford a large stake in the trade then you will do far better than people using safer strategies.
GME as a concept has been parsed over for years by the entire internet hivemind with paid shills who can't concoct a compelling counter narrative. So we have seen with 100% certainty that GME is the real-deal and MOASS is inevitable. Who cares how long I need to wait if it makes me a millionaire?
Being systemic-naked-sold-short means the price can never crash. If anything the opposite will happen which is a cascade of buy orders far in excess of the sell orders! So the opposite is set to happen. It is the PERFECT hedge. And the fundamentals and management are also top tier so this is not even a risky play.
By removing the uncertainty in investing, and being on the cusp of a squeeze, you literally don't need ANY other investments besides precious metals tucked away just incase.

Occupy Wallstreet was a little too close to home for the elite and all of the woke politics of the last 12 years turned on like a light-switch from that event. Very compelling to see color revolutions at home stemming from academia and media.

They fucked with gamers. This is our rightful comeuppance.

market opens

"Dooomp it"

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interesting. i've kept a small bag of GME which is why i'm bitter. but if MOASS is inevitable...how much do you think you need to own to make life changing money?


was here for the MOASS but stayed for the FUNDAMENTALS now as a LONG TERM investor of GameStop!

1 drsed share, 2 to sell on the way up

so you gave up on the MOASS then? that's the whole reason i bought in the first place

nice. i'm as good as wealthy then

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SPY double topping at 600
*Chef's kiss*

so you gave up on the MOASS then? that's the whole reason i bought in the first place

i mean, as long as you're not an ostrich with your head stuck in the sand, you know theres a low probability of moass happening. the endless dilutions, drs movement not able to lock the float, lack of trust in RC... the variables that were there to make moass happens in 2021 are no longer there. im sure the shills will come and say that moass will happen because "there are a billion shorts so dilutions don't matter and dilutions are good". YMMV

there are a billion shorts so dilutions don't matter and dilutions are good

there are a billion shorts so dilutions don't matter and dilutions are good


I hope you're happy

I hope you're happy

always. even more happy when i see my crypto port. gme going up is just icing on the cake.

GME is not event you should take lightly and anyone who only owns 1 share of a stock is an absolute fool.
I think the proper way to think about GME MOASS is to expect something similar to MMTLP where the price traded at $24,000. $24,000 is NOT lifechanging money if you have 1 share. But people who have been accumulating for 4 years are going to wagmi.
Could the price go in to the millions? It very well could but it is DEPENDENT on the actions of others. GME, RC, insiders, institutions, and retail will ALL be selling.
So treat it like a desert oasis - the last stop for water before you head out into the desert. Drink as much as you fucking can.

It’s wild how many “people” in these generals are liars and nothing like what they present themselves as.
Would be a real shame if someone were to release some evidence of posters being paid to post in these threads…wouldn’t it?
Fuck your NDA



Fuck your NDA

This is not the BBBY general

If crypto is somehow worth 100k a coin, my GME can be worth 500k a share.

i so want it to be true. to just imagine holding this little bag of GME was the key to a life changing amount of wealth

fuck off bathnigger

What am I supposed to do with this information? Please keep your cope to the appropriate containment thread

Found the two screeching retards that don't hold GME already kek

Why were BBBaggies expelled from more than 109 GME threads?

I will sell at $120/share before Ryan does dilution gain. Do you have realistic price target?

I am currently paid to post bbby related topics in gme threads on Anon Babble and on Reddit. Would you like to know more!?

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Tell me about PP, why does he grift the tards?

i name the unformed souls and eat the dead flesh

Thoughts on platinum sparkles tattoo?

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He glows

And yet you agree with him.

About what

Based fellow Protomen enjoyer

act 3 when? : (


Thoughts on platinum sparkles


What's upcrab?

What about it

How do you say based in chinese?

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I should have sold when it was $60...
I should have bought $btc...
I should have bought $doge...
I shouldn't have voted to allow chobani to dilute...

In any event lovely to be green while pretty much everything else is selling off

today we gap up to at least $50.

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You act as if there were any other options. Fake inflated stocks like Tesla or Nvidia? Imaginary internet money everyone freaks out about even though all it did is get some 30% gains after 5 years of wait? Yeah, I will go with the option that will either change nothing or make me utterly filthy rich. There is literally nothing to lose here and there is still people asking why one would hold GME, lol.

Manufactured by BBBaggies to keep engagement up

I can't wait for you to do a flip.

Manufactured by BBBaggies to keep engagement up

im wondering what stocks are out there we can use to grift?
bbbyq: taken.
mmtlp: taken.
any suggestions?

Smells like upcrab in here.

Thank you anon from last thread! This platinum sparkles litmus test works great!

Cope. You're not from here.

xAI and gme, mgga


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brown hands

too many massive corpos!

said the massive corpoman

There's no need to be coy this late in the game.

Kek hedgies. Fuck it, short it more then

If DFV returns before eoy and MOASS is in January I am buying a cat

This is why you own precious metals. We have no fucking clue how many synthetics exist for literally every stock in existence. We all have heard of Bernie Madoff going rogue and operating a ponzi scheme. But what do we do if ALL of wallstreet has engaged in this behavior and settling up is not even possible. What if every last penny anyone ever invested in the stock market was just sold short - with the anticipating of covering after a massive market-crash.
Why is that impossible? If the dollar crashes then so too will Wallstreet. Why not turn it all into a looting operation?
I take it as a given that these people operate on a different level of information than I do. My interests are not the same as theirs. You and I are tax-cattle and these people HATE us.

Remember that time short selling broke the nickel trade and they shut it down because the price of nickel hit 50k?

Moass is in March.

GME WILL skyrocket because capital MUST employed, OUR FUTURE depends on it. A series of very wealthy anons are MORE productive than a few centralized gibsmachine giants.
This is way bigger than just t-bagging the fraudulent mass money system. This is about steering humanity towards greater heights than ever before.

Fuck, we're doing a tombstone.

Apparently the COMEX discovered they had bags of rocks instead of actual nickel.
This is alarming because you can't even sell a paper cup without out it being stamped with an identifier that can like it directly back to a retail store and back to a plant. At what point were bags of rocks loaded up onto a truck and shipped off to the storage warehouses without being able to trace it all the way back to the mine or the semi where a heist took place.
This is inventory fraud. The markets are spoofingthe inventory to make it appear that more exists than in reality. This is to keep the price lower for whatever reason and the end-result is a sudden actualization of the shortage.
The credit system is cracking and I think MOASS is not going to be a solitary event but a dramatic change in the value of commodities and currencies will follow suit.
No matter how you look at it I have the sinking suspicion that MOASS may be bigger than just a market maker imploding. But it could be a drawndown on a leveraged system that causes some very serious blowback. The notion that there will be a fleet of Lambos driving around with the rest of the world carrying on a normal always strikes me as odd. I think something will change on a fundamental level and it will NOT look like some sort of V shaped recovery like what we saw in 2020.


they shut it down

with jews you lose

They could do that because the companies holding the physical metals were all "on exchange" so no rocks changed hands. With retail long term holding physical metals, physical share certificates, or, say, DRS BOOK shares, they can't just force a sale.

Maybe. Let's see if that's what Ryan was saying, that we'll see classical TA signs that are just going to be false because of all the manipulation

April if we are currently Aug 2020.

Assuming time table isn't sped up.

I believe the time table is sped up 3x.

Dilution in 3... 2... 1...

Dilution happens on Friday.

We just need to give them a thread of their own...

I'm not a line expert but that sounds like bullshit

boss said i can oooo above 30 so here i am


The bear will leave its cave forever

People handing each other $50 in a circle is not $5000 of GDP it's a shell game and unproductive. Chasing "profits" so strongly is unproductive

The whole shell game is pretty simple. Create a glut of IOUs and sell them to the masses. We own them in our insurance pools, our investments etc. The rest of it is nothing but liquidity sloshing around and people working tirelessly chasing after the dream that is set to poof right before our very eyes.

Just learned that earnings are on the same date as my birthday. Looks like I am becoming a millionaire.

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The nominal threshold for ooooing is $80

Outsider here. We're gonna hit $50 today.

i kneel: mstr is everything i wanted gme to be


checked and nosepilled

When you get out of my comfy gme thread

thread dilution is real!!!

sorry anon. i just want to believe

I figured out what the fire emoji means



I figured out what the fire emoji means

nothingburger as always?

It means the hedgies are going to go to jail and take BBC by the mile. And that there will be so much friction, and pressure that hedgies will literally be engulfed in flames as they spontaneously combust like corpses stacked on railway ties from the nonstop train of black cock retaking reparations from Wallstreet.

RK is filling out the option chain. Ken your death bed awaits.

Buck's getting fired again, isn't he?


We're gonna moass on TZERO, I'm fulling expecting an exodus from the DTCC.

I hope Ryan Cohen does dilute one more time, currently at 426M outstanding shares and if he dilutes another 70M shares at say $28 it would be the equivalent of adding 1.96B cash taking total cash to 6.5B

when is enough not enough?
when is a door not a door?


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kek dumbfuck baggies

we most likely see another 4:1 split fairly soon.

There aren't enough authorized shares left for anything more than another 2:1.

i no rite loooolz

It's over.

poompa time

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kek, that retard is a treat.

insider here. gap up to $40 in 27 minutes

Why 40? If there's ever going to be a huge gap up it will be way more than $9

I hope Ryan Cohen does dilute one more time

just like Saylor, Chobani too has figured out an infinite money hack by dumping on baggies.

Are they really trying to still fud dilution? When gamestop has billions of dollars more in cash and gme is currently above $31? Really?

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post proof

If there's another runup I hope there is dilution. Then the book value only goes up.

Let's dilute again at 500 and at 2000

If we get to 500 right now, Ryan better be ready to dilute, because the shorts are going to have a field day otherwise.

I think the field days are over, but let's see


Poompa time! WAGMI

What's after $31.50?

Dilute 70 mil shares for increased cash on hand. 2:1 splividend pt. electric boogaloo on the remaining 500m shares in the little billy offering. Do it chobani. Would be so comfy.

get to 500

because the shorts are going to have a field day otherwise.

Do 3 Indians really get internet access a second?

I have now acquired 420 shares, it was the final puzzle piece

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KEK wall streeties



My understanding is that as we pump, the shorts get fucked on collateral, BUT
if we pump too fast, they can go back to shorting, opening new positions at the top, and gaining some respite.
And that's why those dilutions are deliciously evil, they fuck up with the cycle.


But thanks sweet baby jesus the guy that's doing the diluting knows to wait more than this.
What is this, a pump for ants?

if we pump too fast, they can go back to shorting

Nigger they short all the time. Only thing that'd affect them at $500 is the volume they can catch.


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Check'd, kek'd, and rek'd

This is dumb. We need to keep a reserve of fossil fuels or else reindustrialization after a collapse will be almost impossible. That means not digging up every single lump of coal.

Which isn't the accusation.

sitting at over2k shares, If the DD is right and they are really as underwater as we think they are then a few shares will make you wealthy.

svSo wait, wouldn't this cancel SPY and VOO completely, as in pay-cash-value-to-holders and delist?

GME my boy if you can go retest 32 and blow right past it into the fucking stratosphere that would be pretty chill

Highly recommend you carefully read over the GME 7 security shelf offering filing. Really, really soak that in what it can entail.

No, they'd be given fines, if they state can prove criminal misconduct a few executives might see jail time and they might be forced to sell off a significant portion of their equity to prevent further abuse.


Yes and it would also implode the market when index funds are being dumped.


update: it didn't happen

Can I soon feel successful if I have 50 shares?

How does 50 billion dollars sound?

it's at thirty bucks loser

Today I will remind them

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Then 40
Then 60
Then 100
Then 500
Then 2000
Then 100k
Then hedgies seppuku and it blasts to 1 billion each
It will all happen over the span of a few minutes

the mental gymnastics of trying to calculate how many countries in Africa I want to buy or just buy the continent outright for 7 shares

Hello yes I'm ready to open negotiations for the sale of one authentic pristine share of GameStop

Yeah, yeah, mm hmm, yep I know I'm generous for agreeing to part with a share but it won't come cheap

That's right, ALL the tea in China... and some of those cookies too

artofthepeel.png - 657x525, 40.05K

umm... baggie bros??? you said that ken would have to buy my literal shares in my CS account?? why is he able to buy them no problem??

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Opening coal development back up is a matter of depleting those reserves.

and who buys my shares at 100k/share

Go on? What do they say over seas? Where is over seas?

Hedgies HAVE to buy them off you because they shorted. Then once they can no longer buy them off you the DTCC with its many trillions will be able to buy them off you

markets closed until Monday because of Thanksgiving

It's gonna be a boring weekend.

Friday is open but closes early

big red tomorrow

thanks fren. gonna hold my shares just in case. not a large position but...just in case

I wonder if Ryan Cohen has thought about getting off of his fat, lazy keister and doing something with all those billions he diluted us for.

purple.png - 1596x1144, 2.34M

not my problem

I think we'll know in due time what he plans