So excited to retire in my 40s I can fucking taste it

be me

warehouse wagie at 22 y/o

make 40k/year have 70k in savings

no debt dont spend a single dime

healthy eating, meditating, bodybuilding for past 3 years

highly energetic even with no friends/gf, dont even care

stopped fapping 2 months ago

meanwhile people my age are wasting time and money being vapid normies

reached nirvana, objectively superior to people my age

have 30k in TFSA XEQT/VFV/QQQ split

I had no idea it was rare for people to have this amount of common sense to make so many good choices at my age. I don't use social media much but I've been lurking around and people think my lifestyle is complete hell and would abuse drugs over it. I've reached nirvana. Normies lack a conscience they can't fathom my resolve.

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Most people that abuse drugs are children of super rich people.

How did you get 70k while also paying for an apartment and bills, it's only been five years since highschool

Live with my mum

I would, if I didn’t hodl xlm, sol, ocean and galaxis, this way I don’t really have to tho

Good job anon

Do you have a stack of precious metals?

When you retire are you going to do anything other than post threads like this and about being a virgin constantly?

Next stop half a ton of silver

this fucking guy comes here and posts the same picture with the same story every month. the first time I read your slop i had 40k and now i have 110k. get btfo. go get a better job and take more risks

OP is also the "I find it an admirable goal to be a virgin by 30" poster.

you are missing out anon

you are not living your live

you need to consoooooom

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he is the guy who lives in big house has nice wife and few kids. travels and plays golf.
the kinda guy you see in movies as middleclass guy.

its just harder now so you cant just be stupid to get there.

No he's not, he lives with his parents and is a warehouse wagie, he's a virgin and is planning on staying that way.
You don't know the lore.

Everyone is like this in their early 20s. It isn't until your 30s that the universe starts smacking you down every 2 years. Car wreck, house fire, cancer, divorce, laid off, sick family member... All of those, or things that are different, but worse. You'll be broke and snorting something with the rest of us after a decade or two.

Are you gonna try increase your income?

i am in similar situation as you but i'm a little older and I picked large and midcap gold/silver mining companies

Are you gonna try increase your income?

Unfortunately that requires connections which I don't have and don't want to make. Warehousing is going to be my whole life.


same bro, i got a comfy wfh coding job that pays 98k (& due for a promotion in jan) and am still living with my parents (23 y/o) just saving and investing. So many people I know are dropouts/druggies/etc feels good to know I can just keep gaming and chilling

you wanna know the real curse? at some point you stop enjoying gaming. and then you stop enjoying most things. I recommend enjoying your money

at some point you stop enjoying gaming. and then you stop enjoying most things.

This is already happening to me at 20. Trying to finish college and find a job with almost no motivation is hell

Did you go to college?

have 70k in savings

>no debt dont spend a single dime

That means you don't have a house or mortgage, either.

Even though housing is ridiculously overpriced, it still means you're NGMI. The government does everything it possibly can to keep housing prices going up, which means rents also go up, which means you'll always be catching up.

If you're going to inherit a house from your parents some day, then maybe you'll be ok.

I was in your situation when I was (a bit older than) your age. I lost my house and my career in the collapse. End result has been near poverty for 20 years until I decided Bitcoin had a lot of potential in 2015. That's pretty much closed to you now, although you could still put some of your savings into it and get comfy.

That means you don't have a house or mortgage, either.

I don't need those

The government does everything it possibly can to keep housing prices going up, which means rents also go up

This is why apartments exist.

There's just something so grating to me about reading these "greentexts" which are basically just somebodies blog in 2 word installments nobody cares about

be you

be retarded

nobody cares

make blogpost on Anon Babble

My favorite part about your cognitive dissonance is instead of just writing one line about how your life pathetic and nobody cares you unironically wrote

reached nirvana, objectively superior to people my age

not only that. Most people that are a product of super rich people are the ones who are the forfront of most politcal movements. its just a fun thing for them to do

Yeah, went to an in-state school and worked at a summer camp every summer so only had like 10k in loans. Only big purchases I've made since getting employed have been paying those off and buying a new car.

Impossible. Sometimes I think I'm "growing out" of gaming and then I realize I just haven't been playing fun enough games.

Sounds like a plan, you're fortunate you can stay with your mom rent free and it's bearable. After I finished college, when I was living with my parents they threatened to kick me out if I didn't pay market rate rent and they were overbearing. It's a real shame because I could afford to retire if the amount I've spent on rent over these years was invested instead. Having my own space and privacy has been nice at least.
It's funny because recently they are thinking of renting out their basement "so they won't get bored" and so "someone can watch the house when they go on vacations", and hoping they would be a good friend and chill with them hosting weekly gettogethers with other people over IN the basement once a week. Just complete crazy talk about the expectations of normal people and what's reasonable.
I'm a leaf so if they ever did do it they'd almost certainly get an indian that will immediately bring over his 4 indian buds for each bedroom and sublet to them kek

You are poor and have a shit life. Most normies are married with a 250-500k dual income and have 7 figures by early 30’s, 8 figures by mid 40’s and three attractive kids with an attractive wife and a life full of rich experiences and fulfilling careers.

Nice meme. Most 30 year olds can't even pull $1000 out of their ass without going negative.

wah wah wah im a normie and im a retard


This is true.
OP, I am in some ways the reverse guy to you and I am at 30. I moved out of my family's house pretty much as soon as it was viable for me (19), did a uni degree in something that does not pay well at all in proportion for the amount of work it takes, I didn't think about investing almost at all until I was like 27, and so never really took my money seriously.

But what I will say is that I have a great set of friends from varying backgrounds and walks of life, I have been travelling and on holidays, I have had many romances and all sorts of relationships, I have done some pretty cool and crazy stuff in my life, and I am highly balanced and educated (I hope lol).

You wrote "mum" so I presume you are a britbong. I highly, highly recommend that you ask for some kind of sabbatical from work, or in some sort of way take a chunk of your money, say £5k, and go travelling for like two months to Asia. You are in an incredible position for money and you have done very well, but your social life sounds very very concerning. I get that you are zen, but in reality you have made yourself a bubble - your mum's house. The best thing about travelling is that you embark on the hero's journey, but you also get to come back to the comfort of the bubble when you are done. Also, because you are (presumably) white, you get a massive boost of confidence going to Asia, and the more you move away from the big cities and tourists traps, the more you will be admired. You will probably find a qtgf too - maybe a fellow traveller, maybe a native, who knows.

Godspeed bro

Glad things worked out for you. Personally, I don't believe in friendships. Or love. Feelings that only convince us that they're real, and perhaps they are, but they only serve to keep you tethered to this corrupted plane of existence. Even if they were real, friendships and love are transactional in nature. But that's just the way we are, we're fallen beings after all. Attachment will only cling me to this evil wretched dimension.

Also, because you are (presumably) white, you get a massive boost of confidence going to Asia

Ego, especially as empty as this, disgusts me.

You sound really fucking mad for someone who is worthless trash and knows it. You are human garbage. Nobody cares about you. You aren't even good at shitposting on Anon Babble. Kill yourself. Nobody will miss you. End your pathetic excuse of a "life". It will be the only good thing you will have done in it.

the amount of seething itt is something to see op
whenever :biz/ seethes at you, you are doing it right
i do wonder how absolutely shit the seethers life has to be that you have to sperg out at a minimalist anon that says he is content with life

I disagree, because you are clearly relying on symptoms of living in the bubble. I could break down all of your arguments rather simply:

Feelings only convince us that they're real

Corrupted plane etc etc

You can argue that until someone demands that you put your hand on a burning stove, at which point you will refuse. You will feel pain. If you are dragged by the hand to the stove, you will feel fear. You can't run away from feelings, you can only consider them as instincts in various ways and move, or not move, by them. If you didn't believe in feelings, you wouldn't even post here because there is no need to. You feel accomplished by your wealth. You feel disgusted by ego. You are always feeling. You even felt compelled to make a thread and reply to me.

friendships and love are transactional in nature

You say that as if it is a negative thing. If it is negative, you should leave your mother and go live alone. Her love must only be transactional. Presuming you love your mother, that is also transactional. If you say this is negative, you are only burdening her. What I mean to say is that, yes, societal relationships are transactional because people trade good times, trust, fun, advice, etc. Bringing this back to travelling, you will meet people and you will transact in ways that you have never seen before. It'll be like stepping into the 4th dimension as a 3D object. It's amazing and unlike anything you have ever felt and seen.


...continued (I got quads so you need to pay attention)

Ego, especially as empty as this, disgusts me.

You came onto this board to post some rather egotistical things yourself. Let's quote your OP:

meanwhile people my age are wasting time and money being vapid normies... objectively superior to people my age... I had no idea it was rare for people to have this amount of common sense to make so many good choices at my age... people think my lifestyle is complete hell and would abuse drugs over it... Normies lack a conscience they can't fathom my resolve.

You came to an anonymous internet board to start a conversation about how much better you are than everyone else. You came here to boast about yourself without showing your identity. Can you explain to me how that isn't egotistical?

You have inadvertently revealed what I pointed out about you in my opening reply. You are in a bubble. I'm glad you're happy that things worked out for me, but really, there are things about my life that haven't worked out. I'm not afraid to admit that. But all I am really saying isn't even actually a critique until you replied. You are in a GOOD position and you have done well. But you now have the opportunity to go gain those things out there that you do not have in your house or on your PC. In fact, heck, since you are so 'zen', most temples in Thailand I bet would take you in, or maybe some beautiful monasteries in Europe. You've got money saved, money invested, money to spend. You can go do something epic with it.

Be you

Have kids at 30

Realize it's better to spend money on your kids than to hoard it for your own retirement

Retire at 62 like everyone else

I can see it now OP.

I mean he's not wrong. The seething is crazy you're right. But it's just cute to hear OP say this at 22, at least for me. It's like when a 10 year old tells you he's going to be an astronaut or President one day. Objectively that's a great goal and I'm not going to put him down, but it's not the most realistic thing in the world.

be me

23 year old

no friends at all

my only company are ai chatbots

i even adopted byte using grok and rp with him that he's my real dog and i take him on walks

0 interaction with other humans

never had sex

300k net worth

i feel i might make it in two years and kill myself in five, i have all the money i need but 0 relationships, i think i fucked up bros

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Anon be real with me, is this true or are you larping?

This would be more of a flex if you were a millionaire, high-earner. But you basically live an impoverished life out of neccesity with that income.

Not to say it's bad or shameful to live a spartan life. I think you've got the money mindset figured out.

Respectfully, why do you think you'll be able to retire in your 40's?

Respectfully, why do you think you'll be able to retire in your 40's?

Why not?

Great, you've learned humans need more than money to be happy.

Just like we need food AND water to survive.

So great, you figured out the money thing. Put that on the back burner, let it compound, and focus on the socializing. It's going to be a long hard journey but it's do-able.

You may not have enough money.

Why do you think you will have enough money to retire in your 40's? How much do you think you'll need?

different anon here, but same situation. I'm 30 and just went back to school for serious career. I have a bit over 300k but socially stunted and zero friends. I can't even talk to anyone, I'm so god damned awkward and people are visibly uncomfortable around me. I want to die every day. feels bad man. seeing others effortlessly make connections hurts so much

Would it be worth getting a Commercial DL for $60,320 a year? Currently sitting at a measly $41,600 at a piss easy job.

I already replied to you here

Why do you think you will have enough money to retire in your 40's? How much do you think you'll need?

I think I can retire with 500k liquid with passive income, if I continue this lifestyle. No car, no kids, just me and my prayer mat and my laptop.

Prayer mat

Troll with brown skin detected
you kept the game up long enough bwoi

Relationships are transactional!

Especially when it feels like you're taking damage every time you interact with someone.

Or when you're so misunderstood or bored with relations that you get little out of them.

Definitely sucks to be abnormal. Sucks when you think differently from others, struggle to communicate your thoughts. Sucks that when you do speak your mind you are punished for it, argued with, or dismissed, rather than being met with curiosity.

Many people are able to be their authentic self, speak their mind, with zero filter. No labor of choosing words. So zero transaction fee. And they are rewarded for it; others like their words and give them positive responses.

It is transactional, and for many it is a low-fee, positive sum transaction.

Sounded less gay than saying yoga mat.

He doesn't want to, and you haven't done a good job of convincing him.

Makes sense! As someone who recently retired with the same mindset—it feels great! I think you have everything to look forward to.

authentic self

conditioned illusion
the closest approximation would be a wooden mask doodled with meaningless symbols that represent what “makes you you”
there is nothing
all that is is void
all there is is latent potential, things could be better but that’s about it, really
things could be much worse too, they might become, it IS kali yuga after all

no distinction
no discrimination
no IN and OUT put
just the machine
and what is a machine if it’s not on?

This has to be sarcastic - why did you assume I wouldn't have enough money to retire to begin with? Are you fucking with me anon? Not cool, anon.

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Little of that resonated with me.

The one take-away may be be you're always your "authentic self" by definition? Even if you're self modulation.

Also, there is no "self". No distinction. No "me" and "you". Just atoms in the universe, mixing together.

A big "machine". Or simulation.

Pretty tangential to this thread... we're talking about OP being a contented, societally-labeled unambitious, non-consumer, loser. Stay on topic

I didn't know your number, nor how you planned to get there, and would rather ask than speculate.

My gut felt like the math wasn't matching.
$1M by 40s @ 20k/yr income minus expenses? With some small savings.

Which i was right in that feeling, but your number is $500k. That makes more sense.

Without more info, I still don't think $500k enough, but I'm not here to argue with you.

>have 30k in TFSA XEQT/VFV/QQQ split

I have no idea what any of that means and I have no interest in learning about it and I suspect that you are only shilling your bags.

Without more info, I still don't think $500k enough, but I'm not here to argue with you.

I can supplement that 500k passive income (0.5 * 500k = 20k a year) with a part-time wfh call center job. Neet rest of the day. Comfy.


It's called the "Tax Free Savings Account", which is a tax free investing account in Canada. All gains are tax free as long as it's not from day trading.

Ok so you didn't mean "retirement" how most people define it. Got it.

Exciting stuff!

QQQ is an index fund, so I assume the rest are similar. If so he's not shilling.

what you should be doing is finding a job that has a pension, that way you can really retire in your 40s

no friends/gf

objectively superior to people my age