The Russian ruble is crashing.
The Russian ruble is crashing
That's nothing new. But fiat was always a race to the bottom. Russia is simply winning the race.
Quintessential muttsar post
Price of a white whore in Moscow?
Any way they can fix this situation with their economy?
Fifty bucks, they've always been on a dollar standard (will now take euros at 1:1 though).
crashing seems like an overstatement
With Trump in charge their war economy is collapsing as people are pricing in deescalation.
free, russian women are the biggest race traitors in the world.
There are literal whore lines in USA while Russia enjoys cheap white pussy every day. What The Fuck.
What happened to her?
all blacked porn comes from NA, the brownest EU country is the whitest US state
True, they never reall recovered from communism.
I missed selling the top
Mutt’s Law Euro Edition, can’t wait for those tariffs to start rolling in and you go crying to China about it.
Don't worry, RT told me the sanctions did nuffin, Russia is winning the war in two weeks and the decadent imperialist west will fall.
Ruble crash so far isn't anything special. I'd say it's straight on its normal prewar downward trend even.
Thing will start to get very bad from here on though. Russia has been able to keep the ruble from collapsing thanks the high hydrocarbon prices at the start of the war (which have now gone back down) and thanks to raising interest rates (which are already high enough where they can't keep for long without wrecking the economy). There is nothing left for them to even try to keep the fall of the ruble on the normal trend anymore.
It will probably be worth less than half of its current value in the forex markets a year from now.
things wont get better for average russian. if havent fled yet... it'll be the holy 90's all over again...
Lmao when you realize this chart is against the dollar which also lost a shit ton of purchasing power in the past 20 years.
balls deep into pseudo war production only paid by sanctioned oil selled for mandarines to india
war has to be finaced the same way
soviet stockpile of weapons is mostly gone
weapons export is dead (which also relied on refurbishing soviet stockpile)
demographic catastrophy imminent with extreme low birth rates, people fleeing and of couse the meat grinder in the west
even if the war is "won" they get a bombed out piece of land deprived of any industry and most people
they only have fucking churkas and chechens to settle in the new land
its not looking good for the russian economy in the next years
this situation with their economy?
their war economy is collapsing
Which situation? They already passed Germany and Japan and are #4 economy in the world now by PPP:
The only economy that's about to crash hard is American. It's the paper fiat printer (((economy))) that prints trillions.
Anon challenged by propaganda here.
Russia is top 3 country in the world by energy.
Top 3 oil and gas producer: USA, Saudi Arabia, Russia.
Russia is the world's largest producer of processed uranium for the world's 400+ nuclear power plant . Russia produces nearly 50% of the world's processed uranium.
German economy now collapsing because their whole economy was based on cheap russian oil and gas which these retardes sanctioned / started a war themselves. And now German economy is collapsing.
Energy is everything.
Digits in a computer such as (((GDP))) is nothing and is all fake.
sure thing ranjid.
but what does bring you all the energy generation in the world if your neighbors dont want to buy from you and you dont have the people to build any significant industry around it?
central bank interest rates @ 21%
inflation in double digits a year
Pee pee poo poo brother
People need energy to SURVIVE, my challenged anon.
You cannot live without energy. You won't survive winter without oil and/or gas.
Also in the modern world gas means industrial fertilizer which produces lots of food .
digits in a bank computer means nothing.
2 banks pass billion $ digits between each other's computers, that's $2 bln in (((GDP))) - it is all fake
What is important and you can't survive without is not computer digits but Energy.
There is nothing left for them to even try to keep the fall of the ruble on the normal trend anymore.
Sure there is, in 2022 Putin forced "hydrocarbon" companies to sell their usd profits for rubles. That has since been cancelled, could go back into effect
btw saying hydrocarbon instead of oil and gas is retarded
>central bank interest rates @ 21%
Last time I checked , 6% mortgage rate is an equivalent to 17%-18% real interest rate if you move, like an average American family, every 7 years.
all mortgages are front loaded, you are paying interest first
try with 7% interest and moving every 7 years, you'll get the same 20-21%
what does bring you all the energy generation in the world
Ever heard of that thing called umm let me look it up
Energy is directly convertible into cash in the modern world
Your believe that the modern banking system which is a mafia that sits outside of countries and claims to be above law in our Financial Capitalist system is going to rape you less because you have an american passport is astounding. and naive.
could go back into effect
They don't have any more USD profits to sell, sweetie. They've been sanctioned the fuck out of the dollar since 2022. The only places they've been selling their oil are China and India, and they found out that India doesn't allow rupees to be traded internationally, so all they could do with their rupees was buy Indian agricultural products.
Good god! It's dumping today.
RIP anyone holding rubles for the next 6 months
in russia
There aren't any.
The only places they've been selling their oil are China and India
Nah, EU still buys billions worth of Russian energy, they just don't like to talk about it
zoom out
ruble has the same devaluation rate it had for the past decade
nothing ever happens
no husband
Do you realise that the west had much higher interest rates during the "golden years" the boomers enjoyed? Moron.
I prefer og bitches like Boxxy, if I'm going to admire a woman it should be one that I remember fondly and one that gives me money
we all love russia here
I want to slap around a hot russian whore and fuck her with a condom on (can't do raw because they all have HIV)
Russian women are white blond hair blue eyes big tits and will marry any American for the chance to get a green card
What's the catch?
how do i profit from this
they are soulless mongols. i'm not even joking. the average russian is competing with chinese and jews for who is the most heartless being on this planet.
And westerners aren't? Lol. The whole planet is spiraling into a slow degenerate oblivion, don't pretend you are somehow above it all, you are not.
Eastern European women are extremely cruel and will drive you to liver failure or suicide. there’s only one man on Earth who is capable of taming Slavic whores and he’s literally the next president of the United States
Your average Slavic woman’s top 2 hobbies are pentesting a man’s brain and murdering small animals
you have never meet one have you? i have.
and i wont defend them for another reason that anon already mentioned.
Russian women are white blond hair blue eyes big tits
that should be enough of a redflag, keep investing and dont let women ruin your lives.
I have slept with a half dozen prostitutes of Eastern European origin. They are extremely evil creatures relative to prostitutes of other kinds.
there is no better representation of a nation than said nation’s prostitutes. They represent the pure distilled energy of their peoples