smartest person in history
buys high sells low
how do you prevent this? how do you keep yourself from being emotional while investing your life savings?
smartest person in history
buys high sells low
how do you prevent this? how do you keep yourself from being emotional while investing your life savings?
he was a literal incel
smartest person in history
he was the smartest person in physics you dum dum
is it the nigger market?
being smart means you are outstanding in every field
Wow good idea i'll ask Steven Hawking to change my tire then
It’s emotion and lack of experience that made him do that, not intellect. And you fix it by creating rules that you always follow
Newton was absolutely one of the smartest people ever, if you don't believe it just look at his peers and how far above them he was
This mfer solved that problem that stumped all of europe for six months in an evening while he was retired working for the Mint
That said, just because you're smart doesn't mean you have control over your emotions.
this makes me feel better for being an idiot. newton was too!
Why don't you read the second sentence of my original post and then discuss those rules you mentioned because that's the entire point of the thread.
Being a good investor isn't about being smart it's about emotion control. Newton was an emotional investor, caught up in ego, fear and hype
I despise you.
simply epic!
you don't keep yourself from being emotional, that's impossible.
what you do is you look at your emotions objectively and think about what they mean. if your emotions make you buy tops because you get carried away with the hype, then you have to learn to recognize those times of peak emotion as red flags.
shit at trading and bad with women
literally the OG Anon Babble anon
Personally I think that market success requires the use of EQ more than IQ. You have to understand what the majority of people are thinking and be able to apply it to specific scenarios and situations. Scientists and people with high IQ are notoriously shitty at being able to understand others.
I believe this is why socio and psychopath personality types are the best at business and investing as well. They're highly intelligent, understand the thoughts of the average man, and don't have pesky morals holding them back from making decisions. Truth is OP you have to be smart, understand people, AND have a shitload of time just staring at charts, especially in crypto. There gets to be points where when looking at buy/sell orders you can actually get what the masses are feeling at the time
you fix it by creating rules that you always follow
make some rules
to always follow
they turn out to be shit rules
you're broke again
understand the thoughts of the average man, and don't have pesky morals holding them back from making decisions
This. I've been in crypto for 11 years and honestly it was only by late 2018 that I didn't feel paralysing guilt about "winning" (e.g. by selling without warning everyone first). If you have any trace of that BS you're gonna get rekt.
Also very true that the kind of "intelligence" required is quite different to the spergy IQ that we normally think of.
The majority of characterisations of "successful traders" in popular culture actually are of this type; street-wise, socially astute, etc. So it should be a familiar idea.
EQ is the new IQ.IQ is established and boring,EQ is new and trendy
Exactly what this guy said.
Scientists and people with high IQ are notoriously shitty at being able to understand others
Because they suppress their emotions for their whole life because their IQ is their strong suit and their EQ is weaker and because that's true they start suppressing their EQ because their IQ is soo much more useful for them. Why would someone who's intuitively good at being an architect become a programmer? It doesn't really make sense to that person. But the problem with that is that you're not a balanced, well rounded individual. I can speak from personal experience that I did the exact same and now that I'm learning emotional skills a whole new world of experiences, knowledge and awareness has opened up for me, I can see stuff I wasn't able to see before that.
if we take Newton for example, he's a physics guy with a high IQ, not an economics guy that studied economics. He knew gravity and stuff like that worked, he never studied human behaviour or socio-economics or behavioural economics or any of that. And due to his high IQ he, I'm 99% sure, suppressed his emotions so hard he didn't even feel them and even though you don't feel your suppressed emotions you still act on them, you still take actions based on those emotions, your actions are emotionally driven and therefore when he saw the GIGA PUMP and because he didn't understand his own emotions (fear of missing out, shame for selling, euphoria, guilt of selling, ...) he FOMOd in real hard and it was a completely emotional and reckless decision in spite of his high IQ because IQ doesn't really help you with emotional stuff.
And that's why if you're making the argument of "He's so smart, why did he fuck up with stonks?!?!?!" you don't really get EQ / emotions / human behaviour and should probably start studying psychology, neuroscience, emotions/intelligence/ego/the self, karmic religions in order to further improve your awareness and knowledge of the world. Good luck
It's pretty well known by now that you have to be stupid to make it with crypto. None of it has any inherent value so continuing to hold after a huge dump is illogical (but it's how retards make it).
Newton... literally me...
how do you keep yourself from being emotional while investing your life savings?
The answer is YOU FUCKING DON'T. What you do is actually get your EQ so high that you're able to detect your emotional state to begin with. I'll give you an example. Let's say you're playing LoL or DOTA and you're tilting HARD and here you have 2 options. Option 1, you say you aren't tilting and you ignore your emotional state and therefore your brain can't calculate and take into account your anger and hurt and therefore you play poorly due to your suppressed anger. Option 2, you say "I'm angry" and you admit to yourself that you're tilted and pissed off and angry as fuck and therefore your brain can take into account and calcuate your decisions based on that anger, your brain knows you're angry, therefore by being aware of your anger you start to dissolve it immediately and can therefore play better as if you would if you didn't even know / you were denying being angry in the first place. Another way to think about it is that if you don't fucking know what your problem is you can't fix it, if you don't know you're angry, you'll stay angry and you'll start to suppress the anger and then you'll carry that shit with you for the rest of your life and it'll manifest in all kinds of other ways. It's like seeing someone being an alcoholic and you know they're an alcoholic and if you tell them "Hey, you're an alcoholic and should drink less" they'll freak out at you and be like "No I'm not", because that person doesn't EVEN REALIZE IT BECAUSE THEY'RE SUPPRESSING IT SO HARD BECAUSE THAT'S A PROTECTIVE MECHANISM.
AMA I'm basically a therapist / psychology dude / psychiatrist...
how do you prevent this?
By NOTICING and being AWARE of your emotional state. By having a clear mind (emotionally and intellectually and egotistically)
People have started moving up in maslows hieararchy of needs. Most of the population of the modern world is at "Love and belonging", that's why there's a loneliness epidemic, why suicide rates are up, why people don't have a sense of connection, it's because everyone breathes, everyone has food, everyone has water, everyone has shelter, everyone has clothing and everyone has sleep, everyone has health (they're not dying due to plagues and bacteria, that's what I mean. I don't connect obesity with this), everyone has employment, everyone has property (a roof over their head), everyone has family and social ability. That's why suddenly a lot of people have a lot of emotional issues, because we've moved up with our needs in the needs hierarchy and that's why some people have started moving into EQ, because that's the next human evolution if we want to progress as a civilization. Get in touch with your emotions! And yes, it won't be easy, but it will be rewarding.
The hierarchy is also the reason why for instance if you go to africa everyone will tell you they're happy, actually they're not in a sense. The only reason why they're not depressed is because they're not high enough on the hierarchy + what's also true is that they don't suppress their emotions through technology. Technology is the new plague of the mind. People cope with gaming, social media, porn, (tik tok, youtube, twitch), ... Feeling bad? Open up instagram and browse insta thots. Still feeling bad? Open up a porn site, jerk off and get a dopamine hit. Still feeling bad? Play a game and redirect your awareness from your emotional state onto the game. And now you're 100% feeling "OK" where ok means that you've suppressed your emotions into the ground, they're still active, you just don't notice it
just because he was an autist and excelled at math and physics doesn’t mean he would be good at stocks
did you know he died a virgin and was a hobby alchemist? he boiled piss in his spare time.
this this this
Newton was first Chud,
Yesterday was a thread on Anon Babble about him.
He was raised by a single mother
He was interested in schizo shit like Bible code and Gematria
He invented calculus,
He cannot invest money
And the most important part:
He died as a virgin.
He died as a virgin.
you can be smart in one domain and dumb in another you dumbass
Anon, you act like Jews didn't exist during the 18th century
economics is not even a study is just waffle on bigbutton calculators.
Phys Maths and Eng >>>>>>> economics.
No one can know the future so no one can trade the market.
emotions = irrational.
with BTC you finally have no counterparty risk, so you don't have to depend on other people. Nor can other people sieze your assets. Before this you needed emotions to read the room and get in with or coerce other meat back to help or not kill you.
Finall that bulshit is over. I can force my will by my undestanding of an idea only.
If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry
There exists two forms of money: solid and liquid.
99% of humanity only knows the solid version.
By this logic all physicists would be millionaires
Physics, Math, English = hard science
Economics = soft science, just like psychology, neuroscience, behavioural economics or advertising. Just because you can't formulate a 100% guaranteed formula doesn't mean you can't find patterns
No one can know the future so no one can trade the market
Then how come I knew we were hitting well above 100k$ this bull market? And how come I've been in the crypto space for 7 years and have been able to know we'll hit 10k, 100k and 1m$ on BTC since 13 years ago? Just because the future isn't clear, just because I can't predict the exact price doesn't mean I can't give it a good guesstimation which won't be off by too much for me not to make a killing, does it?
emotions = irrational
So when someone punches you and you're emotionally hurt, angry, dissapointed at them, when you feel worthless, inferior, helpless, humiliated, disrespected, provoke, infuriated, ridiculed, embarrassed, disapproving, powerless, fragile, vulnerable because of that punch to the face... Is that irrational? Emotions are very much rational, that's actually the thing, once you get it you'll see that for the mind to work normally there is no other way then to combine emotions with intellect, only then can you function properly. Emotions come from the limbic system and intellect comes from the frontal lobe. If you don't accept, use, and listen to both parts of your brain then you're missing 50% of the information. Emotions are invaluable
other meat back to help or not kill you
I guess English isn't your first language or is it? Because I can't even understand half of what you're trying to say
implying the "average man" is who makes up markets
It's 90%+ institutions. look at the largest holders of any stock. The vast vast majority of it is held by banks and hedge funds. Retail is a single digit percentage, if that.
So smart that he wasted his life studying alchemy
I did this last week kek
kek I too am a newtonian trader
Thinking about borrowing 1k dollars and buy some btc. Do I have the makings of a newton trader?