Should have not sold

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Will it go to $27 again? Perhaps even beyond?

Yes obviously! Please buy my bags.

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kda is $1 lol

im the original kda is $1 lol poster cant believe kda is still $1 lol

Sisters! Dare I say it...

Any Anon hodling this should be ashamed. Even if it should pump. Disgusting.

You missed buying cheap didn't you (pls buy my bags)

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kda is a $1 stablecoin

im the original kda is $1 lol poster

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Are we back babenatrannies?

Kevin you told me this was a 3 digit asset you bald fuck

Kadena babena don't be sadena

So glad I solded at $20. KDA was my best trade ever and I'm eternally grateful
Probably won't buy back in, though

if it doesn't break $150 i'd be pretty disappointed in humanity's ability to perceive and realize value

im the original kda tranny who the MTV fag went psychotic over.

You're welcome :3

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What's with all the people claiming to be people they're not ITT?

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you forgor

Kadena has no future, you have no womb, you have no ovaries. Even your idol Kevin Murcko had the foresight to abandon your shitcoin and sell as he is not emotionally married to his bags like (You) are.
It has been over 5 years since mainnet and what have they developed...? 0 dApps ? 0 wallets ? 0 smart contracts ?
Kadena can only handle 0.01% of their acclaimed "480k tps".
Your chains haven't scaled for years (because it doesn't have the capacity to and will bottleneck which it currently does)
(You) fell for the Stuart Haber meme.
The community developers are constantly getting shafted, unable to build anything because the Kadena Tranny Foundation are completely incomptent.
Imagine trusting the Kadena Tranny Foundation after they literally scammed $100M from the community, didn't pay the marketing agency in which they hired, and then trying (and failing) to do damage control ever since.
I remember when you retards were shilling Kaddex to be the most revolutionary dex in all mankind, and now look at ye.
Kadena's circulating supply increased by 5x over the last 3 years and is literally decades ahead of their cited token emmissions schedule they keep altering (this should be very alarming to you niggers)
Thanos hates (You)
"Kadena themselves can't even release a functional multichain dapp. Data segregation between chains is painful. The complexity of using more than one chain is insane. Try to make something as simple as an oracle, you either serve only one chain or you spam the same data 20 times."
If you've been around crypto long enough, (You) would understand that 99% of shitcoins simply don't recover in the next bullrun.
I warned (You) with Kadena in 2021 (I took profits at $15-$20), I warned (You) with Kaddex, and now I'm warning (You) not to miss out on the upcoming bullrun.
All the best xoxo

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I am gay!

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Fuck I did not time the bitcoin bedrock bottom

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Once again, all you want for Christmas is Babena.

What is VAIX?

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I have the screenshots with the replies to my posts including the (you)s proving i am the original KDA tranny (who actually hates trannies and KDA's anime culture)
so suck a dick you anime posting faggot
bet you would enjoy that anyways though


Post the screenshots, I want a good laugh. It's been at least a year or two since we had those posts.

I'm MTV Anon.

a rare good vocaloid

The kagamine twins are cute though.

wtf should have bought more XCM

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Hate it when the spooky ectoplasm monster explodes in your face.

My mom doesn't want me to invest my allowance in *** so she deleted the ********* thread.
Sorry, it's over.

WARNING to new anons. These scammers have been here for two years, spamming Anon Babble and causing countless anons to lose all their money. There is a very strong negative correlation between activity in KDA threads and the board, Anon Babble got destroyed after we got flooded by trannies. KDA is a scam and just as fake as trannies claiming to be women.

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They posted you in the tg chan.

And you in the troll tg chan.

You're both famous.

You're mom's a bitch.

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We missed you~

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Welcome back

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