if you had 250k to work with what would you invest in?
If you had 250k to work with what would you invest in?
Buy a flat
Nice pod.
2.57 Bitcoins
Bitcoin (BTC)
bedroom in the living room KEK
living in a BUILDING rather than a HOME
TOP KEK could NOT be me
If you don't want to "think" about it yet and you're very risk averse, just buy t-bills for 0 effort and 0 risk 4.5% interest you retard.
401k definitely or getting myself a house. The best could but doge btc sui or a rocket to galaxis
whacking it
look out window
across the street some other guy is whacking while looking directly at you
I would buy a cheap ass house and put the rest in a high yield savings account
Splitting it 50/50: half into $UAFC on Solana, half into DOGE. EZ clap, no brainer.
Probably 200k BTC, 40k to alts with the intent to hold for months, 10k to play with more short term memes.
Living/Bedroom and probably kitchen unit behind them.
Still looks comfy to me, but they need a duvet cover for the bed. It's too awkward for guests to have your bed exposed like that.
myself :)
$200k on a no prep car, $25k on bees, $25k on buying used snow sports equipment in the summer to sell in the winter. Sell honey in the summer, street race in the spring and fall, sell snow sports equipment in the winter for 2x markup. Lol at the retards in this thread trying to make money on magic coins, no wonder you are broke.
half into DOGE
you're the dipshit that spent 200k on a car
its called a studio retard
you only live in your moms basement and cannot comprehend how some people live
also having a bed next to your sofa makes fucking city chicks 100x easier
kek these virgins never lived the student life
they never lived the red brick wall lifestyle broseff
i have small appartment but my bedroom is like just outside the livingroom so for me the "aw my back I gotta lay down for a little can u maybe give me a massage" trick before fuckign chicks is also easy
cant imagine living in a mansion and having to take the stairs or elevator up, she has too much time to change her mind that way
didnt you see the diddy party footage? every door leads to a potential rape room.
No please do share so I can decide how to design my mansion once I make it
Tiny ass bed with a couch in the same room that probably costs 3x as much. Tiny, dogshit desk with uncomfortable ass chair.
I guess some people are just that retarded.
ayo c'mere g yo breff stank lemme git you dat lystorine
*can't taste spiked drink*
what part? I can only look so much at this type of shit
All in Chainlank
go all in on polkadot and 5x that money in the next 12 months
schools are only in cities
$SOLAMA, then wait for a 3x to dump it when they list on gate.io.
Nothing, I would wait for this bullrun to end and for crypto to "die" once again and buy BTC. You might still try for a 1,5x to 2x on BTC.
Nothing, I would wait for this bullrun to end and for crypto to "die" once again and buy BTC
Buy BTC and ETH first then put the rest in AUKI
250k on red
very bad feng shui. The bedroom should be a room used for nothing more than sleep and sex. Bugs know the move
just pretend it's a trailer
Memecoins all the way, UAFC or nothing
I'd buy a a duplex or 4plex and fix it up then rent out the units and deal with all the idiot tenants but at least not have a job wasting my time
I think NVDA has more stable upside than a lot of cryptos at this point. Sure some alt's could offer greater returns, but it's more of a risk. BTC could be near the top (I said "could", not "is").
NVDA will be $200 in the next year. You do the math.
As a poorfag I've never seen so much money, so it would just have to be spread over S&P500 and HYSA as risking it and losing that would end me.
you are le stupid
The bedroom should be a room used for nothing more than sleep and sex
People keep saying that shit and it makes no sense. I think people just like wasting money on bullshit at this point