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I want to fucking die. I was down 80% in september then everything ripped and i was only down 20% but now im back to being down 50%

I bought dogecoin at 46 cents and bitcoin at 99k. Should I buy cardano?

I was just getting into a comfortable position financially but one short on an alt coin has taken all my months of tiny gains

If I get liquidated I'll probably kill myself because this is the same thing that happened in 2021 when I lost 50k in a week when King Shitcoin dropped to 20k

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Bad Dave. I bought a low cap shitcoin called cheese and could’ve cashed out with $50k, but held and then lost it all when it rugged

Slow down there anon. Why you tell us a little bit about your portfolio? That sounds like ALOT to be down in such a short period.

No you should just kys

Where can I buy KYS? Is it a utility token like XLM?

Stop margin trading, it's that fucking simple. Holy shit.

I swung like a retard

Doing pretty good David. I’ve broken the code. I finally have cryptographically secured privately controlled wealth. I have six figures in magic internet money

Is it really common for americans to pay the minimum of credit cards? Between that and leonin student loans and mortgages every time I watch this guy and see people with 500k+ debt everytime with no chance of ever recovering and it looks terrifying.

There's really no reason to pay off credit cards and every reason to max them out

Inflation will eat up the cost of the money anyways. Why pay back a 10,000 credit card debt when 10,000 will be the equivalent of a dollar in 5 years

Debt is just free money you can use to buy goods that you need today.

I’m in debt for funny gov money because I spent all my money on magic internet money

Are you really willingly gonna enslave yourself to thr jewish usury?

Enslave what?
If it doesn't pay out, just leave to some SEA country for 7 years after declaring bankruptcy

So many of us....

better than I deserve, Dave! just reached baby step 7 by investing my emergency fund into farcaster AI agents

I think it means kill your self, xlm is utility token? xrp seems a better hold or sui sol galaxis or even flt

Know Your Seed is a new type of upcoming technology that identifies the decodes the cryptographic genesis seed a blockchain used in memecoin and decodes it, allowing you to rugpull the rugpullers if used correctly. Dave is from the year 2345 and knows what's up, lucky SOB.

hey dave, im waiting patiently by the fire singing kumbala waiting for kaspa to pump. i have all my net worth in it!

BeTtEr ThAn I dEsErVe

Wear your socks upside down every other day, they'll last twice as long.

Hey Dave,

Ive been buying bitcoin since 2020. I just keep buying and holding and now im a multimillionaire. Ive beat ever hedge fund with a 33% CAGR. Glad i never took your advice.

Have a good day.

Never kill yourself
I know you won't, but never give up either
I lost $70k in the blockfi-FTX debacle
In total, my portfolio was down from $270k to $0 in the year of 2022
But I just crossed $300k networth as of this month
You just have to remember one thing: regret
Regret is the gainskiller
The only and best thing you can really do when you lose, is take stock, be sad or angry for a while, and just go on
The way people lose it all is by trying to make it all back

hey dave. how come you talk about how easy it is to lose weight by copying what skinny people do, yet you haven't been able to do it yourself? put down the cookies dave

damn 300k from nothing? where you getting your investing money?

Hey Dave, longtime listener first time caller. So I’ve been called back into the office but I don’t actually know what my job is. I got hired during the pandemic and have just been answering emails the last 4 years. I’m worried about getting fired. So far most of my savings have been going into Pregnant Butt token. The ticker is P, like the letter P, B-U-T-T in case any of your listeners also want to invest. Anyway I’m worried what will happen if I get fired and my PBUTT position doesn’t pan out. What should I do? Thanks, Dave.

he's a redditer larping
literally impossible to be worth $0
70k - 270k = 200k
everything else went down maybe 85% at the lowest
if he's not larping, most likely some trustfund fag or nepo baby earning 80-100k straight out of college/uni

still a jobless neet who browses for fun and doesnt actually engage in le business and finance

you must be lost son r/Anon Babble is 3 domains down

Buy on dip how hard can it be faggot

Good, just bought my first house.

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Where's the guy that got upset in the last Ramseystein thread hahaha? Spend less than you make, dummies.

dave i make 30k a year and bought a 100k truck even though our family already has 2 vehicles what do you think i should do

Fantom was supposed to be $15 already. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.

I'm doing better than I should ramsey? Okay so here is my situation. I have a 230k car, a 800k house, student loans of 100k, and a credit card balance of 2.30 on a salary of 15/hr. Why am I losing money?

Pretty fucking good, despite everything solbank is still the most profitable asset i posses, there is no current anxiety in the market considering we're pretty much guaranteed to go past 100k and after all the recent blunders i've made i feel confident in my strategy

I made $200,000 this year by uploading my net worth to the internet and I am not going to cash it tonight

10,000 will be the equivalent of a dollar in 5 years

The doomzoomers here will really just say anything

you mean inside out.