/pmg/ - Precious Metals General

Silver Booty Edition

Why Gold?


Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable


Bullion dealers

libertycoin.com/ (US)
chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

Numismatic search


News and graphs



findbullionprices.com/ (US)
eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)





Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test


Previous Thread:

Precious Metals

metalbros how can we cope with picrel?

”Why Gold?”

I’ll suck your dick for eternity if you change this line to “Why gold and silver?”

I’ll suck your dick for eternity if you change this line to “Why gold and silver?”

Done. Whenever I post new threads from now on you will see it.


+157% YTD


+31% YTD


+42% YTD


+25% YTD

You don't need cope, you need to think for yourself.

turning $100 into $100

Kektop! Actually after premiums, taxes, shipping and fees it's turning $100 into $$53 but somehow it's more funnier your way.

Anywho, mayhaps sell all my digital gold and upgrade into MSTR.....thoughts?

MSTR.jpg - 641x578, 101.2K

It really makes you wonder how BTC can so effectively be soaking up all of this liquidity but the money metals hardly seem to budge. This is not a coincidence that while the financial issues the country face seem to be coming to a head there is a magical new investment class that is creating a speculative fervor. And this asset class makes no impact on real-world commodities.
You see, the entire point of capitalism is that ALL excess money is held in limbo. By deferring your consumption and chasing after interest and dividends, you excess demand and purchasing power never makes an impact on the supply of goods. You can swap it in and out for other investments, or make leveraged purchases for housing and car, luxuries or consumer goods. But your savings never take anything "off the table" like when you buy physical metals. Sure, some goldbugs can go and stack to their hearts content. But the whole country can't do so. Silver is the most important commodity because it can forcefully revalue gold which is what the banks truly don't want given the political nature of the metal on an international basis. Hence the need for people to run off in the other direction to protect themselves from inflation. They were leaving the dollar anyway so they actually want to destroy you in a massive pump and dump. They can't really do that to stackers because our stacks have very important industrial use.

how BTC can so effectively be soaking up all of this liquidity but the money metals hardly seem to budge

everyone smart picks the best money

No offense, but what a pain in the ass that stack is, the burden of tracking your purchases and performance, multiple sizes, shapes, purity levels. Various non comfy plastics crinkling about to "protect" the commodity, you know the coverings are fake and gay but some tard (not a coin merchant) will pay 12 cents more so you feel forced to ruin your stacking adventure, I'm glad i dumped all my physical metal shitcoins for the awesomeness of 1's and 0's of 21st century finance.

I would argue that it is not money but just another form of credit. It sure seems like a nice volatile speculative asset to make some credit-gains - And when it hits $15,000 again I'll probably pick some up.

the halving will end one day, what if all 21 million bitcoins are mined?

Yes, this guy is a genius investor and $ bull, but is swapping out $ for bitcoin. "Good money chases out bad" as the saying goes

In the unlikely event any of yall are high iq, maybe over 130 min, he's a good follow for financial insight. For all you low iq tards who think the $ is crashing or worthless, as Adam says Fcuk off!

There's this company called Tether. They print a private crypto currency called "USDT" that they claim is backed 1:1 with USD in their vaults. Basically it's like an IOU for USD that they are supposed to have. They print this USDT, buy bitcoin with it and pump the price. USDT is pegged to USD (until it's not), this pumps the USD price along with it since they are treated as equivalent. On an exchange this works OK and USDT is indeed worth as much as USD and interchangeable. The problem is cashing out USDT, redeeming the IOU for USD directly at Tether. I think it's technically possible if you have $100k worth but that's still a lot of money. It's similar to how COMEX doesn't want you to take delivery for physical. Fundamentally it is a similar kind of scam but with the opposite goal of pumping the price instead of suppressing it.
Then there's Saylor's Microstrategy () which also does extremely funny stuff. Simply put, bitcoin price action is peak clown world economics where no one even pretends any more.

"pegging" prices to one another is not a concept that can work indefinitely in the markets. Ratios and prices are supposed to ebb and flow with arbitrage opportunities being what hold things together.
Just look at the BOJ trying to manage the Yen against the dollar. The fundamental analysis has different plans despite what the central banks want it to be doing. They have to whip-saw the price every so often because of it.

Simply put, bitcoin price action is peak clown world economics where no one even pretends any more.

The issue people need to contend with is the notion that the U.S. and the global banking system is truly in some dire straights and they have been since 2008 in particular. The Fed literally ruined their balance sheet just to keep the banks alive. I believe this is best understood as someone on a drug-binge who is on their way to rock-bottom. They can tell you all they want that they can stop whenever and that things aren't so bad while they keep imbibing larger doses of drugs.
If they actually did have fix, then why not put in the work to get it fixed? The truth is the nature of interest ensures that we can only go forward. It is like getting trapped in a flash-flood and all we can do is float in the current, headed for whatever fate awaits us. To understand what is happening does not require financial expertise. The U.S. economy is not a boat that can be steered like they want you to think. Metaphysically, these IOUs, debts, and credits are simply hiding the fact that there is a severe shortage of resources and the integrity of the currency is being undermined to hide it. At it's heart, the bank you use to deposit your money is insolvent and it is only through the careful management of the ponzi-scheme that transactions can occur undisturbed. It is akin to dancing on a cliff overhang. The danger is very real and on a long enough timeline it WILL collapse with people standing on it. This is true because interest rates are exponential functions. And the kick the can further involves a write-off of IOUs which are collectively held as "assets" in our investment and insurance accounts. If you undermine treasuries you can say goodbye to your bank deposits as well. And to assuage the investment losses you will see the cash reserves also undermined (this is the Zimbabwe style inflation we all talk about. Not printing of money backed by bonds)

Any more news about the new EU silver tax that goes into effect about a month from now? I'm just wondering if old coins will be exempt like in UK.

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I think technically the US treasury could actually start issuing debt free US notes and slowly phase out the bond market by paying off bond holders with those fresh DEBT FREE US notes. As opposed to the now common debt-based, interest-bearing federal reserve notes. Kennedy was the last president to do it. After that no one else tried, for obvious reasons. That wouldn't fix the deficit spending but it would cut the interest part which is increasingly eating up the budget.
What new EU silver tax?

EuropaBullion sent me this via email 2 months ago:


We regret to inform you that Poland was the last EU country to end the VAT margin taxation on silver and platinum coins.

The changes will take effect on January 1st, 2025. After that all silver coins in the EU will be taxed with full VAT of 17% (in Luxembourg) to 27% (in Hungary).

Europa Bullion's Final Offer!

At Europa Bullion we took a strategic decision to not restock silver and platinum so now is your last chance to buy these metals at the reduced VAT rate until supplies last.

We would like to thank all the silver investors who ordered on our website over 22,000 times in the past 4 years.

In October we are rebranding Europa Bullion to Premium Gold and moving our operations to Germany. Stay tuned!

think it's technically possible if you have $100k worth but that's still a lot of money. It's similar to how COMEX doesn't want you to take delivery for physical

Retardation. Comex is happy to let you take delivery, that's why they allow it

haven't even heard of a new silver tax
I don't know all the details but it just sounds like Poland has added an VAT to silver like all EU countrys do but that's not so bad
I don't know how it is in all of the EU but here in Germany at least you can buy coins without a VAT as long as they are bullion coins same with bars as long as they are Coin bars I.E are monted not by a private company but a government mint and have a coin stamp on them
As long as nothing else changes you should still be able to stack silver

The changes will take effect on January 1st, 2025. After that all silver coins in the EU will be taxed with full VAT of 17% (in Luxembourg) to 27% (in Hungary).

Lmao, the EU btfo of stackers. This makes your existing stacks worth even less. Luddites hit hardest. Will they grow up and use the big boy etfs or will they continue losing?

I watched an interview with some billionaire bond-portfolio manager and he actually stated that he only invests in debt that has a 1% or less coupon. The yields are all the same, but he said that there is a very real risk of bonds that have 5-6%+ coupons could easily get trimmed down to 1%. So I would take it on good authority that some measures like that could be in the works to help get some mileage out of the financial system.
I would also imagine that creating some sort of debt-free currency could also help in paying down debts. But the question always remains: How does creating currency have any impact on real-world scarcity? Sure, it helps if you can find a scheme to stop the interest, but you still have massive claims on the present day GDP through these bonds. And if people aren't being compensated for their investment that actually keeps up with inflation, the risk of capital flight from debt to the real world remains present and could be hastened.I hold it to be axiomatic that rectifying the financial issue will impoverish the masses and there is no way around it.
The last 40 years of our economy has been centered around increasing the velocity of money via consumption. It was a spending binge and all of our stores of capital, having been consumed, will need to be rebuilt via savings and higher interest rates. And due to this reality, the prime form of savings will be in value-dense materials imperative to the banking system & industry.

$35.00 A COIN??

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In the email it said they're going to tax coins (like in this pic) also:

After that all silver coins in the EU will be taxed with full VAT of 17% (in Luxembourg) to 27% (in Hungary).

So you can expect prices on all new silver coins to jump up by a large amount starting in January. Currently the VAT is only applied to the dealer's margin (i.e. the difference between wholesale and retail).
I was just wondering if old coins and junk silver will also be taxed this way (hopefully not).

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that pic

Jesus H tap dancing Christ fucking clean that with a magnasonic cleaner you fucking animal
Also put it in the right sized plastic case afterwards

Sounds like this affects Poland only. In some EU countries there's still only a margin tax on sovereign silver coins/coin bars, but not other silver products.
I agree that a lot of imaginary wealth is going to disappear.

Sounds interesting
do you have a link to the proposed law anywhere?
From the looks of it sounds like youre gonna have to pay a VAT on any silver now if that's all that changes than im gonna buy a lot more fractanonal gold but if there's nore to it and there gonna start taxing shit like capital gains then im thinking of selling of my silver stack and moving it into Gold

The email is a bit confusing, but the way I'm reading it is that Poland was the last country to vote against a new EU-wide full VAT tax on silver coins. The law isn't currently in effect, so that's why prices haven't changed anywhere (other than following the spot price trends).

Their email was the only news I ever got about this. And basically this makes all forms of silver (plain bars, coin bars, rounds, coins) equal in tax for buying.
When selling though, it depends totally on your country. In France we have two CGT tax schemes, which applies equally to silver AND gold:
1) If you don't have any receipt in your name, you pay a flat 11.5% tax on the entire amount of the sale.
2) If you have a dated receipt in your name from when you bought the coins or bars, you pay a 36.2% CGT if you bought them less than 3 years ago. After 3 years that amount decreases by 5% per year. So after 22 years you don't pay any CGT at all.

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Lmao, none of you stacktards ever made a profit why worry about ltcg?

Anyway, Glad to live in America where the first $50,000 LTCG per year on crypto are tax free. That's enough to live on and never pay 1 cent to the taxxir

Why do you bother staying among the losers?

In the end, it's you and your bot buddies who come across as idiots by repeating the same messages every day.
Go play somewhere else, go to dating sites, show your BTC to the sluts, they'll love it, you have the same intellectual level.

Wah wah wah says the gatekeeper.

I own all the precious metals fact is that digital gold is eating your lunch so you crybabies want to pretend it doesn't exist.

You've had 10 years to educate yourself so blame yourself not people who told you so chud

I went to 4 different Aldi yesterday and bought all their lamb.


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Glad to live in America where the first $50,000 LTCG per year on crypto are tax free

this is wrong dude lol
sounds like you have a huge unexpected tax bill due

just educate yourself guys

Bitcoin produces nothing and is not used for anything

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BTC is an IRS wet dream. 100% traceable.
PMs are any authoritarian governments nightmare since they're almost impossible to control.

the halving will end one day, what if all 21 million bitcoins are mined?

Things will continue as normal, except that the BTC will be extremely valuable, for past 4 years (around 2100 - 2104 or something) humanity was spending great expenses in power to generate the last possible 0.000001 BTC per day, and then it drops to flat 0 new BTC per day - even more unobtainable - zero emission forever.

As for the miners, the same as even NOW in 2024 somtimes, and the same as it will be always in ~2030 to 2100 and forever, for their work they are paid mostly by giving them some of the existing Bitcoin (paid by people sending transaction as txfee) and the bonus payment of getting awarded the minted new BTC from new block will be not important.

Everyone knows monero is the best cryptocurrency, but they have to lie and say Bitcoin is the only one that matters because if it ever got replaced then the whole market is worthless. Lots of mental gymnastics going on.

BTC is an IRS wet dream. 100% traceable.

that is what BTC got giburiment and low information people to think, but that is no true.

Since at least 2018 (technically possible since 2009 even) people can hide transactions with CoinJoin so that you do not know who has which funds.
Since few years ago it became more reasy with Wasabi Wallet.
And Lightning Network adds another layer to move money back and forth with ZERO TRACE on the blockchain.

Educate ?

A bot has nothing to teach anyone.

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shitcoin good

no, shitcoin always bad.
The gimmick of privacy is also a lie, Bitcoin has it, just you do not know, since you are low information, see Picrel sort of ilustrates how BTC coinjoin works ;)
Just look it up, if you want to learn.

Everyone knows transaction fees aren’t enough to support the network and BTC faces major security issues in the future.
Mara is already mining bitcoin at a loss with about $128k cost per bitcoin.

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I bought 200 swiss 1 franc coins in February (the bags in pic). That was probably the last real cheapies I got before the spot price started running up. They were only 2.95 euros each. They're the only .835 coins I ever bought. All my others are .900 and up.

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shitcoin always bad

Exactly what I’m talking about. You have to dismiss coins that are clearly better so this scheme can continue.

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no max amount

I mean, the only selling point of BTC is that there's a "maximum" supply.

get audited

auditor sees you used a btc mixer

get fucked

lol, pretty simple

Hell yeah! I have just over 50 1s and 100ish 1/2s. I need 13 more 2s if I want a nice 12x12 pic, but I'd rather buy more 1toz rounds and gold at this point.
And buying bullets, primers and powder for reloading since I've been shooting more lately.

if you want to learn

Privacy only works at the base level. If you try to use bitcoin anonymously with something like coinjoin your coins are likely to get flagged and your wallet blacklisted. There is a reason the dark net chose monero over bitcoin.

*base layer

yup, and that's another reason btc isn't money: it isn't fungible
shit that's gone through any mixers will be black listed

Pic related. Unlike these crypto dorks, if I make a claim

just over 50 1s and 100ish 1/2s

I back up what I say.
I wouldn't lie to a fellow stacker, but I would lie to a crypto shill. That's the truth ;)

Bitcoin is money, precious metals aren't money....simple as

precious metals aren't money


No one cares, literally no one even wants those, melt them down if you want to cash out (you cant). It always amazed me when metal dorks post a pic of shit like it's impressive

Oh, he's mad.

They never have any solid arguments.

Oh he's mad. Lmao these tards got scammed out of real money to buy a commodity, so illiterate they think rocks are money

Because they don't have solid money.

I'm thinking about selling all my silver and only buying gold going forward. I believe gold have more potential to reach extreme heights. Persuade me into not ditching silver.

just repeats what I say

I know you're incapable of original thoughts, you don't have to demonstrate it. You're so funny, keep posting dumb shit.

dance monkey, dance!

gold have more potential to reach extreme heights

It's quite the opposite.

What's the elephant coin/round?

You have to dismiss coins that are clearly better so this scheme can continue.

there are no coins better than Bitcoin
there are only low information people who do not understand why Bitcoin is superior. they are easily parted with their money, and their money land in form of BTC (but in pocket of shitcoin's developer or CEO)

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>auditor sees you used a btc mixer

1) with joinpay or lightning they do not see even that
2) >get audited >auditor sees you used M*nero or other shitcoin that has lol fuck gov I am private as the selling point >go to jail

also you are moving goal post from "its private" to "people cant know I use privacy", and point 2 anyway

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I almost bought 200 of those 50c coins, because they were exactly half the price of the 1 franc coins. But I got those 4 other coins instead, because they were also pretty cheap (in the 24-28 euro range). Now you can't even buy a wiener or noah's ark for under 34...
Even better, a year earlier in 2023 I got these during a sweet dip right before the SVB event. The noah's arks were 22.64 and the kangaroos (the tube on the right) were 23.20 euros. The price difference is because it was actually two different orders they shipped together. I was buying on the way down the dip.
But I stopped buying 1 oz coins once I couldn't find any for 30 euros or less. Now I'm just buying .900+ junk that's near or below spot.

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They're $50 in maple syrup money.

silver is more of an Industrial metal and has its value tied to industrial apllication and loses its value if the general economy isnt doing well since there is less of an demand for it which makes it more unstable and the price fluctuate to much unlike Gold which has always been a stable vault to secure youre purchasing power
Silver is incredibly undevalued right now and its price is more heavily manipulated than Gold but once the manipulation stops or becomes unfeasable because of the demand for Silver and the price skyrockets most Industrial process in which silver finds its use will use an Silver substitute and the Silver price will go down again where as Gold will never lose its value it will only increase from her on out
The price of Silver will obviosly not go to zero overnight but it will definetly sink after its reached its peak and a subsitute for silver will be used
You can make a lot of money with silver potentially but Goberment might force you to pay Capital Gains tax on your profit unlike Gold which is tax free in most states
This only applys to EU countrys and not th US but who knows what the future brinks and in 4 years when the Democrats are in power again they might implement a Capital gains tax only for repubklicans to take it away in the next election
Its good to stack both just remember that they have different purposes

Spread the information. Why is Bitcoin superior than any of the other thousands of cryptos? Some are more private, faster, can handle smart contracts. Please help me understand wise one.

2023 Gibraltar War Elephant (15k minted)
It's a nice coin, but their capsule (included with the coin) is somehow very slippery on the sides. It's the only coin I keep dropping. XD

Silver is extremely abundant and it's so useless no one bothers to mine it instead the supply is byproduct or recycling. Why not sell it to retards?

Anyways silver is losing to digital gold by 50,000%. This is why stackers are so full of bitterness and hate for their betters......the paaaaaaaaaain

Why is Bitcoin superior than any of the other thousands of cryptos?

only case of fair initial distribution
no premine
no CEO
no leader
only coin leading ASIC (most alts do not use ASICs)
the most responsible developed
community with actual BILLIONS $ together "democratically" (but based on wallet, not on amount of people per se) comes to global consensus how their BILLIONS $ network will change (e.g. the SegWit discussions 2015-2017)

The only real coin in every way, other's are toys and imitations in comparison.

Silver is extremely abundant

This is a lie.

Sounds like Monero except cpu mineable and private. Even if bitcoin were the only coin fairly launched, another coin better than bitcoin can always pop up with a new satoshi. Nothing you are saying has any value. Basically just “Bitcoin was first and has the best network”.

Silver is extremely abundant

Now i know for certain you are a shill

Serious threat in the next 100 years


What do they mean by this? If helium was under threat the universe would collapse

no, other alts - including m*nero
- have a CEO
- had premine or alike
- are not that well developed (usually are total shit under the hood)

Also Bitcoin excels in new technology, like taproot, lightning.
Alts do not use lightning usually (maybe except LTC)
Alts are usully designed so that most people use light nodes, SPV - so INSECURE nodes, while Bitcoin is always first supporting the full nodes, including the excellent Bitcoin Core full node

and Bitcoin IS private, even more so - since with m*nero and otehr such coins when you use it you should LOOOL I AM MIXING COINS NANANA CAN'T GET ME LOOOOOL
while with using Bitcoin you do not.

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he lied? no way !!

Everyone knows transaction fees aren’t enough to support the network and BTC faces major

They sure are now, even with already being only 1/16 th of what it once was.
When it falls to 1/32 th in 2028, then Bitcoin will probably be worth half million $ or more.
1/64 in 2032, will be worth millions.

In future, probably in 2030-2040 humanity might agree on increasing block size somewhat, if needed, we will see, we will agree.
Without a CEO, once more and forever.

bitcoinwiz.png - 1024x1024, 1.02M

monero does everything btc claims to do but better
thats the fact
only thing btc is good for is the massive tulip bubble it's in right now. just be sure to get out in time

*ignores every point and fact posted above*

yeah but no my shitcoin does it better! because!


You are delusional but I guess that’s what it takes to believe in Bitcoin. If you have to jump through hoops to find a value case, it has no value.
Silver is easy. It costs about $26 to mine and it has been in a deficit due to its industrial demand. Clear value case. Good luck with your internet coins.

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*ignores every point and fact posted above*

no I can't post a rebuttal to any of things you posted


silver is easy!

I see a pattern here...

Mining is already not profitable though. Mara is mining a bitcoin at $128k cost.

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the fact is people who actually care about privacy use monero. they do NOT use btc. go look up the stats dude lol

It was just gibberish worth no reply.

bitcoin excels in new technology

Monero is better, can’t use a smart contract

bitcoin is private



No one uses it

Mara is mining a bitcoin at $128k cost.

where from you have this information?
difficulty and mining cost adjust up and down to get into a point that works out.

I will call "gibberish" on everything proving I am wrong

ok, ignoring you, obvious idiot


No one uses it

literally millions $ in it right now, thousands of nodes (probably far more, don't bother to check 4 you)

They are a public company. Look at their financial records for yourself.

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I saved this the other day. I Find it interesting how gold, silver and copper are the best conductors with them roughly being the grades of metals used for olympic medals (bronze being an alloy of copper and tin).

if they would reaaaaly spending more than 100,000$ in electricity to mine rn then obviously they would shut down miner and just buy on market.

Eh, except for short time, they might expect it to work out in the end given liquidity or timing of things. But anyway there is no problem since diff always adjusts, so you don't have any point here.

delusional bitcoiner keeps jumping through hoops

Monero is better. Private, fair launch, better tech. But at the end of the day, we all know it is worthless because it produces nothing and is not used for anything.


so is Bitcoin, but using XMR instatly means you are suspect. using Bitcoin doesn't have this problem - so make it in practice MORE private

fair launch

lol nah.
Bitcoin has no premine, and no CEO.

better tech.

lol no
No lightning, no taproot. And source code is very dubious quality. t. software developer


bitcoin sucks

But it’s going to $13 million because of the tech

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because of the tech

All tech needs gold and silver to exist...

You mean my bitcoins aren’t needed for anything?

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Imagine the poison these people are constantly pouring into their own souls. Day after day just spewing venom. What a life.

Everyone is getting rich off bitcoin but it doesn’t produce anything like a farm or company and it’s not used for anything like a commodity like oil or silver…so how is all this wealth being generated?

If precious metals were a good thing they wouldn't have to shill them constantly. Lmao they would also go up in value. Lmao They also would also attract the smartest investors instead of the brokest retards.

We are over the target. Ignore the haters. Get richer with e_gold. Never work again let your digital gold work for you

so how is all this wealth being generated?

I wouldn't worry about it, you are very Le Smart to buy your rocks, your historical currency, your sooper de dooper important commodities that make everything LePossible. Ps soon you will win and be recognized as important after all you have what everyone needs

I agree. People constantly shilling their ideas to people who aren’t interested are the lowest pieces of shit on the planet.

If it’s so easy to know why it’s valuable, then just tell me you monkey.

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so how is all this wealth being generated?

the je- I mean, the bankers, lose the power to steal effects of our works. Less is spent on what ever they do, more power with us.

They can't. They just mock you, which doesn't make me want to buy BTC so their approach is counterintuitive.

""Bankers"" want you to own nothing. They're buying gold while you're buying numbers on a traceable ledger.
Gold will open the door to wealth and the value of silver will run through it.

Do you really believe that San answer? The sad thing is, you probably do.

adding my pile (111) of 1/2 Francs to the list, $2.1273 each back in early August.

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They're buying gold while you're buying numbers

the "numbers" are better money

on a traceable ledger.

keep ignoring any knowledge posted ITT

the “numbers” are better money

But you can’t say why they’re valuable and bitcoin isn’t even used as a money or currency like the dollar. At least gold and silver have a history as money and that’s because they actually have value to store.

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Wow a $200 stack. When the world collapses you will have $0. Lucky for you it wont

I absolutely remember you fren :) You did good! I'd have hopped on that deal too if I saw it, but I can't hog all the Swiss silver lol.


They're like Merd dimes, but with Magix. Do only good with them fren. Because remember, what you intend to do negativity comes back three times on you.


I gotta get a new phone. There's a white line since it's been through hell twice and back.

Marine proof

I was never in the Marines, but they issue my model in the field still apparently.

But you can’t say why they’re valuable

because no one can produce them faster than agreed upon term, and everyone can transfer it to anyone, while no one can stop it - all over the world

the perfect money

the perfect money

LOL 100% monetary premium with nothing to back its value. Bitcoin works the same at $1 as it does at $100k. This is a house of cards.

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Many rumblings amongst the woo crowd the storm begins this black friday

You are so right, you are poor because i fell for the bitcoin scam and got rich accidently. Oh well, glad i get to spend my millions while you smartly wage and save up for your next Roosevelt dime. Thanks for being so gracious

We know were in a silver deficit
We know were going to be in a long term silver deficit
We know industries that are dependent on silver include medicinal, solar, film industry, electronics, batteries, military, engine manufecturers and more
We know 99% of this silver used up in these industry applications will Never ever be recovered
We know that our biggest mines are runnning out of silver SOON
We know that more primary silver mines are NOT being opened in foreseeable future.
We know silver is being manipulated
We know there to each 1 oz of silver theres an equivalent of 1000 US dollars despite a silver round costing less than a percent of that amount
We know there is 500 "paper ounces" to each physical ounce of silver

This is not pumping, shilling or any other kind of cherrypicked biased analysis. These are ALL cold hard proven FACTS do with them whatever you will and make your own choices.

LOL 100% monetary premium with nothing to back its value




some boomers just can't cope with this.

Bitcoin-boomer.jpg - 1070x1041, 115.97K

Good job memorizing all the coin merchants talking points. Too bad they lied and scammed your real money. No refunds!

invades a general

but number go up so I win

Typical response of a cryptofag when he runs out of arguments. Enjoy your bitcoins and your riches.

in money, money is not important

number go up is.... la bad!


muh fiat value

Nothing backs fiat, and only fiat backs BTC...
You're a special kind of stupid.

poor, rich...
you have the intellect of a domesticated animal.

why are you talking to me?
you are nothing to me, just a bot.

If I bought crypto, I wouldn't waste my time here.
Do I talk to a beggar in the street?
every day I sit next to him and tell him how smart and rich I am, unlike him?

Go away, and come back when BTC is at 1 million, then you can chat and tell us what you did with your money, it will be much more interesting, but for now, you are making a fool of yourself.

>muh fiat value

Bitcoin went up in every value, could buy a small used car for 1 BTC in 2015, now can buy a small house for it.

backed.png - 680x680, 434.61K

Holy shit shill, you don't understand what the Federal Reserve is or what reserve fractional is. You're clearly euphoric about the price of BTC.
So, explain to me what gives BTC it's value as if I'm an 8th grader. That should be easy for someone clearly so smart *rolls eyes*

losing argument so reverts to bitcoin memes

what kind of domesticated animal?

At this point they're actual NPCs. I don't subscribe to simulation theory, but if there's a live person behind the crypto shills ITT that's clearly a precious metals containment thread...
They're just meat automatons. I used to value each person but as time goes on, maybe we do need an event to further natural selection. And not by violence, I think when fiat crashes that should be good enough when we have to ultimately see a mass starvation of people too dumb for their own good.
Darin was right and I'm glad to be on the winning side in the long run.

A dickfor

Nocoiner, nomoney, no opinion

Lmao you've been wrong about everything

Lol true. I don’t know what compels them to come here other than they feel inferior and threatened by us

about the price of BTC.

I just replied to that, you purposefully obtuse moron. Bitcoin goes up in value, no matter if you express it in fiat, or in grams of gold - it is up up up up +10000% in last decade.
Keep coping and seething.

*fails to reply to any argument or post own arguments*

y-you are losing argument!

Keep coping and seething.

Take note kids, these are the last metal-proponents.

Why does nobody just report them?

For what, making obscene profits from while your investments fail?

Makes this post and thinks he won an argument. Peak delusion.

Bitcoin goes up in value, no matter if you express it in fiat, or in grams of gold

i would not trade you gold for bitcoin

Hope you Anons bought those high premium swords when you could. Because they sold out and aren't coming back.

Just let the bitnigs do their shilling, I'm more annoyed at the stacking anons feeding them. It's blatant raiding of a general but you're giving the jannies way too much credit to do anything about it.

>>>mmmm I love being poor, THANKS silver!

>>silver lost lol

>Why does nobody just report them?

For what, making obscene profits from while your investments fail?

lamao.jpg - 483x288, 15.19K

He basically just said bitcoin is valuable because it goes up in value.
It’s valuable because it’s valuable.
You can’t make this shit up.

IMG_0125.jpg - 125x125, 2.32K

Instructions unclear, thought for myself, turned $3,000 into $1,000,000 in nine years. Halp pl0x.

and thinks he won an argument

anon everyone who listened to you in 2015 would now have 0.1 kg of gold
everyone who instead listened to Bitcoiners now would have 100 kg of gold
that's the argument you can't cope with

European here. What's the best way to turn gold and silver into cash for when I need to make a large purchase (house, car, etc)

In fairness, the boomer rocks my father gave me 24 years ago have gone from $4,000 to $54,000.

He basically just said bitcoin is valuable because it goes up in value.

that's right. and it goes up in value because people use it as SoV and MoE, and they do that because it is far better than metals in these roles.
everyone besides you and small circlejerk of boomers got that around 5-10 years ago

bitcoin-pepe3.jpg - 1000x963, 983.04K

I'm done arguing with these crypto retards.
They can play pidgin chess where they knock over the pieces and shit all over and declare themselves the winners all they want.
Silver and gold stackers will win in the end.
I'm out.
I've said goodbye to /pmg/ in the past so I could focus on other internet things with the time I allot myself. But I'm going to just stick around Anon Babble reloading threads and occasionally post in handgun general.
Bye for good.

You can’t explain what gives it value though. It’s not a SoV. That’s our whole point.

IMG_0049.jpg - 406x422, 12.06K

In fairness, the boomer rocks my father gave me 24 years ago have gone from $4,000 to $54,000.

nice, and had you swapped it into Bitcoin when it was first widely known, in 2012, and swap back now - you would now have around 400,000,000$ = 40 KG of gold.

bitcoinpepe.jpg - 1200x1200, 230.67K

I mean, that's fine (except that the "film industry" is all but dead, the ONLY non-digital any more AFAIK is holography and that will never convert because the information density is simply not available digitally), but every $300 of BTC I bought in 2014-2016 can now buy (manipulates abacus) about 3100 ounces of silver. Give or take.

Admittedly BTC doesn't come in adorably designed shiny round things. Which is part of why I get both.

implying reporting does anything

Even if the jannies did get off their asses they just ban evade and swap IPs.

it's a very dedicated operation apparently

You can’t explain what gives it value though

I did, most people get it, but you can't:

and it goes up in value because people use it as SoV and MoE, and they do that because it is far better than metals in these roles.

you can't wrap your mind around concept of money (just money, not a commodity that also is used as money)

I honestly tried to find a way to buy BTC back then. I didn't try very hard, mainly because I was almost penniless other than those boomer rocks. I got mostly wiped out in the dot.com collapse and then almost fully wiped out in the Second Great Depression. I literally had to take a credit card advance against my last remaining card in order to move to a job that had promised to hire me if I'd just show up.

I wish I'd found a way, but at least I started buying once I had some savings and a job again.

>In fairness, the boomer rocks my father gave me 24 years ago have gone from $4,000 to $54,000.

nice, and had you swapped it into Bitcoin when it was first widely known, in 2012, and swap back now - you would now have around 400,000,000$ = 40 KG of gold.

whoops mistaken a coma there.

you could had 4581 KG of gold.
bullet dodged!

Probably that is still possible but wait time would be like 3 decades not 1.

Real money has intrinsic value. That’s why it’s valued in the first place before it becomes a medium of exchange.
Fiat currencies like the dollar at least have a government and country behind them. You have to pay taxes and transact in dollars.
Bitcoin is like a fiat currency with nothing behind it.

I wish I'd found a way, but at least I started buying once I had some savings and a job again.

based and good luck.
Receipt for success is easy:
daily weekly or monthly by some amount, for 5 to 30% of income, don't mind the price too much.
Once a cycles goes by and it feels like a new ATH or about so (and at least x2 since old ATH) then covert a bit to gold... a bit more if it's x3 or x4 from previous ATH. Never convert more than 50%.
2 years later when it drops to very low values, buy back.

That's it.

Why so salty? I don't begrudge your $2700 boomer rocks. I like mine just fine. You guys seem to have an all-or-nothing approach, like gold and silver are the ONLY THING YOU CAN BUY because it's heresy to touch anything else.

I comfortably have gold, silver, Bitcoin, guns, housing, some scraps of stocks that I never cleaned out after getting destroyed in 2009, and even four bags of Reese's Pumpkins and an 18-pack of eggs.

Want to buy an egg? No lowballing, I know what they're worth. Holy fuck, even Costco is running out of them.

Fiat currencies like the dollar at least have a government and country behind them.

Bitcoin has the strongest cryptography network in the world behind it.

Your USA gubirment can't stop me from sending 0.001 BTC to anyone in the whole wide world.

those are pretty smart tho

be a rebel f-fellow anon, do NOT get rich!

you can gain your +3% on rocks

you are NOT allowed to make +500% on Bitcoin and then buy x5 more rocks, only we are allowed to do that!!

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Stacker bros, the shills are getting paid 0.000000001 Bitfucks for each post, we LOST!

LOL get out of here anon. Pure cope.

*ignores facts*

pure cope! I won the discussion since I said so.

no wonder this type of smart people missed out on doubling their gold holdings

you'd have to post facts first for us to ignore them

Those “facts” don’t make bitcoin valuable. You can send bitcoins around all you want no one cares. It’s pure schizo cope.

One person could own all the bitcoin in the world and everyone else would be just fine. If you do that with any other commodity including precious metals, the world is fucked.
Value, no value

You can send bitcoins around all you want no one cares.

literally people will give you 100,000$ for it if you send it to them
entire world and billions $ transacted monthly prove you are absolutely out of touch like a rambling hobo

All you can point to is price because that’s all bitcoin has. A price is not value.
Deep down you have to know it is a pyramid scheme. I think everyone knows you go into crypto to “get rich quick”.

All you can point to is price because that’s all bitcoin has. A price is not value.

You give a dude Bitcoin, he gives you a car. Simple as.

but but but but but but but

or you give him a Bitcoin and he gives you 10 kg silver or whatever, how about that your rock-gobbling boomer

You don’t understand value. Simple as.

IMG_0140.jpg - 1148x630, 46.76K

Explain this shills

You don’t understand value

you don't understand money, that is why you have now 0.1 Kg of gold instead 100 Kg.
not all money has to be commodity but your cavemanbrain can't fathom that

Hello everyone,
I am still in the middle of preparing the packages for shipment. Was in the middle of moving a lot of stuff to a new place this last week but I'm finally getting settled in. Expect your tracking numbers in the coming days

not all money has to be a commodity

I believe money should have value outside its use as money but your monkeybrain can’t comprehend that.

You shouldn't put money you are going need anytime soon into gold or silver. That was your first mistake.

Uhhh... can someone with more wisdom of PMs explain to me why the fuck Gold just randomly decided to dip, I guess Black Friday has something to do with it??

bugs.png - 556x642, 337.8K

It's called consolidation and is basically a period of people selling/taking profits and is a healthy sign of sustained higher prices when people once again step in and resume buying.

I believe money should have value outside its use as money but your monkeybrain can’t comprehend that.

what for would it need that?
Bitcoin does fantastic without need for that.
silver has it and suuuucks - no one gets rich holding it.

inb4: >it's bad to get rich!!!!!

This only applys to EU countrys and not th US but who knows what the future brinks and in 4 years when the Democrats are in power again they might implement a Capital gains tax only for repubklicans to take it away in the next election

Democraps won't just waltz back into the White House if Trump deports their legion of illegal voters anon. I think the era of forcing people to do things they don't want to is quickly coming to an end regardless of what side you are on. Many people are simply at their wit's end as it is right now and you wouldn't even argue against that if you've been outside recently. We are sliding into a low trust backstabbing free for all. Good luck enforcing taxes on people who barter silver IRL without going through the IRS.

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He's not wrong. I once sent a month's webhosting fees to some guy who was hosting porn. I don't know who he was or where he was on the planet, all I had was a Bitcoin address that he posted here (probably Anon Babble, might have been Anon Babble or even Anon Babble). Best part was that it was totally anonymous, at the time I only could buy through a BTM and it didn't require any KYC shit at the time (this was 2014). There were no crypto exchanges available where I lived at the time.

I also sent enough for a pizza to Edward Snowden (at his 1snow address) back when he first got stuck in Russia (same BTM), and sent a couple hundred bucks to Kyle Rittenhouse's legal defense fund in 2021 (my own software wallet) -- remember when the fucking commies were doxxing anyone who had donated and were getting them fired from their jobs? I didn't have to worry about any of that.

Wikileaks famously got forced into saving all of its donation money in Bitcoin because Obama got the banks to "debank" them, and it made them fabulously rich for a while.

Oh, and a website I used to use likewise got debanked and forced to do its fundraising in BTC . . . starting in around 2018. Last time I went there they had enough funds to last for decades even though hosting companies were charging them out the wazoo because they were persona non grata. Bitcoin has done a 4X since then; they'll probably still be able to pay their hosting bills in a hundred years, even if nobody donates any more.

Those are gorgeous. How much did they cost?

Hey, I got satanic trips. Yay me!

Anyway, n/m I found it, or at least I found one dealer that used to carry them. Only about US$176-ish according to that site -- and they take Bitcoin as payment!!! I'll add my email to the waitlist in case they ever produce more.


All I know is that I can send the above merchant about 0.00180 BTC (might have to add 0.000005 for transaction fees if it were right now) and they will send me the silver sword seen here I spent a little over (on average) fifty cents for that much BTC when I bought it between 2014-16. So your $176 silver sword prevented me from buying half a candy bar back then.

satanic trips

The sword was my one and only purchase on Reddit. I never even saw it at my usual & accustomed dealers.

I regularly buy contraband with dollars sent via Western Union around the world. Crypto is simply not necessary to make instant global cash transactions. It can be done with paper USD right now and it can easily be done with gold or silver in the future.

It's quite normal for there to be a dip in early Monday (Asia) trading. The dip often stays there until about 9:00 AM USA Eastern time. That's when the upcoming trend is more reliably revealed.

Looking forward to it!


I don't think that word means what you think it means. Also, Western Union charges something like 20% as a fee, and every place I've seen has cameras and AFAIK requires ID. I've never heard of people phoning in a transaction through WU but maybe it's possible. If you're really buying contraband, well, good luck to you on not getting caught.

Meanwhile, BTC is about as anonymous as you'll ever find, can be sent in an instant from any public wifi access point, and currently costs about thirty cents to send any amount you want anywhere in the world in ten minutes on average. All with no intermediary to rat you out. Good luck doing that with physical coins.

The regular sword was around $90 on release and go for $180 each on ebay now.

The gilded swords come in two different colors along with a display stand. Limited to 500 each. JM Bullion had them for around $270-290 and they are already listing for $400 on eBay.

That number should go up after the first round of scalping.

It's over

Pink gold - good choice. Was my pick if i had bought, too.