Is PEPE gonna pop off?

Yes. Here's why.

pepe is a very culturally significant and globally recognized meme with powerful symbolic significance in the collective unconscious. Just look how many pepes are on this catalog right now

as a meme it is far more powerful and holds far more spiritual energy than doge or shiba inu or whatever other bullshit meme due to the emotional intensity associated with it. Pepe is associated with rebellion and chaos.

pepe has often been associated with donald trump, who just won the US presidential election

trump presidency will bring chaos

pepe has been known to trigger leftist/woke people, like when they called him a white supremacist symbol during trump's first presidency.

genz and gen alpha are becoming more supportive of trump in retaliation of the leftist millenial cuck marvel movie funko pop triggered beta cuck culture

if funny meme man elon (soon to hold a position in US govt) (appointed by trump) decides to make a funny meme tweet about pepe, the value will increase like crazy

I think it could follow the same trend as doge, going from worth fractions of pennies to like 50 cents.

pepe.png - 552x426, 275.54K

What time frame do you think is reasonable for PEPE to reach the 50 cent range?

I think it'ill take a few years to get that high, and there might be some ups and downs along the way, but it's definitely worth getting in now and holding through 2025

It can 10x-15x from here but anything past that will require giga-massive burns.

It’s definitely a multicycle meme and I’m assuming Elon already has a position. He will probably shill Pepe at some point during the bull run.

PEPE holders make me want to sell this shit holy fuck you guys are true retards, 50 cents? really?

I was using OP's figure he provided us.

It's going to moon obviously. I'm looking into Holiday themed coins this cycle for memes to make some extra SOL.


this is all reasonable and true till you said 50 cents. if Pepe did a 200x from here and reached the mc of fucking bitcoin it would still be less than half a cent. you're a top signal, extreme left curve. that being said, you're so stupid you're partially right. Pepe will 5x from here this cycle.

top signals.png - 1118x310, 53.41K

PEPE holders make me want to sell this shit holy fuck you guys are true retards, 50 cents? really?

doge is currently $0.44 and it was fucking worthless a few years ago

learn basic math kys, you make me want to sell my pepe bags so baddddddd

I just bought 400$ worth it can feel it in my gut

Literally just bought $100 in it

Idk anything about crypto besides buying weed with btc


you have nothing to say, no point to make. Please just sell your pepe bags so real men of wisdom like myself can buy them

Wait why's my name that the fuck?
I like milfs tho...?

Pepe at 44cents would be the market cap of earth so please understand how actually retarded you are. doge and pepe are orders or magnitude different in their decimal pricing. Pepe could grow many times larger than doge and it would still trade under a penny.

What's a Loli?
Did the jannies make my name that..?
I'm banned on /pol for a few more days..

ok I'm recalculating. It will pump to .005 cents. Will increase bigly

at least there's 1 (one) PEPE bagholder with more than 80 IQ

ok I'm recalculating. It will pump to .005 cents. Will increase bigly tho

meant $0.005. I am a proud retard who will be rich

It very quickly became advertised alongside the likes of doge and btc for major normoid insta and yt cryptodotcom type ads. The herd is still sus or stubborn. It's being ironed into the collective mind. We will win. Suicide stack 100m

Excuse me sir, we’re going to the moon. We’re not concerned with earth (((market caps)))

stop thinking of price and think of market cap. Its at 8B. I think it can reach 40B this bullrun, but more than likely it will reach 16B so 2-4x what ever you put in now.

that's exactly how I'm thinking? trust me I've long on high leverage. 5x from here this cycle.

yeah I didnt mean to argue with you, but damn people be retarded. I keep trying to trade on this and gave up after losing $200 yesterday. It does not follow market at all.

that's the beauty of pepe, it caters to left and right curve and mid curves won't realize till it's too late

son I have 1 million dollars on pepe we are not the same

post proof if youre going to brag

son I have 11 million pepes we are not the same

that's the beauty of pepe, it caters to left and right curve and mid curves won't realize till it's too late

lol true

pepe summary.png - 1024x682, 389.82K

thats still not even a sui stack bro

Also whenever tokens are burned. The new one minted back into supply have zero affect on price. It’s quite funny actually.

Im stacking more as we speak nigga. I got 33 mil now

100M suicide-stack, 1B make-it stack.

gg keep stacking mang

was that your lunch money? lmao


How about 300M

he doesn't have basedai from og pepe

is Pepe going to pop off

is worth 10b market cap

Wow great analysis OP thank you for making this threat and giving me this precious alpha this is why I come to biz
Wow great analysis anon

Pepe will lose a zero before going to zero.

pepe is already in the billions

cheese is literally 2m market cap