I cashed out

Not a life changing amount of money, but my average buy's were at $34,000 from 2020 to 2022. 3x is good enough for me this cycle. I stopped buying after that due to some financial hardships.

I just liquidated everything, $9,391.99. 5k of it is going to pay off my credit card and the rest is going to savings, waiting for when BTC is crashing again.

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Clearing debts is good but why the fuck do you have 5k debt on your card. Unless thats just the monthly bill then nvm

whenever it crashes it will halve, are you sure it will be lower than 95k?

this is the last bullrun bro. you sure you wanna waste the rest of it?

lol retard, you're gonna regret this. either this is a troll or a really dumb person. I mean either one of both or both reallt kek. Cheers for the laugh, good chuckle kek

whenever it crashes it will halve, are you sure it will be lower than 95k?

It will halve in 4 years, anon. It just did it in early 2024. I am happy with my profits. Its going to a good cause and half of it will be waiting for a crash.

i can hold generational wealth and work for more income


I will sell my winning lottery ticket to pay off jewish bankers

top kek

lol retard, you're gonna regret this. either this is a troll or a really dumb person. I mean either one of both or both reallt kek. Cheers for the laugh, good chuckle kek

I used to think like you, but then I realized just holding all the time is a lost cause. BTC will keep dipping and rising and you'll just keep holding, losing out on 2-3x your investment. Easier to cash out at 2-3x and wait for the next cycle.

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Good work anon. Something beats getting scammed out of everything.

You'll start to paniv while sidelined and then end up buying bac in at $250k, just in time for the crash.

Yeah but like, you can't even type right so your opinion is lower than dogshit, sorry. You should work on that if you want to come across as serious.

Oh boy we are definitely breaking 100k and never coming back are we.


kek no cuz i rptate my shit. you cashing out before the bullrun is retarded /dumbass

Yeah but like, you can't even type right so your opinion is lower than dogshit, sorry. You should work on that if you want to come across as serious.

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Don't forget to pay your taxes

I didn't know we got a redditor simulator at home. This is sweet.

nobody really cares about a sidelined dog tho. You just stay where yoou are, where you can eat the leftovers, like a good little cuck. You do you boio kek, noone will blame you but yourself and you will either remember this thread or completely erase it from your short term memory, but it'll come back and hurt you eventuallly. Welcome to the club my friend, now you're a real trader.

i dont know you and you're opinion means very little to me kek

Help me sar. I am Indian. Help me sar. Please. Please Sar, help me, I am Indian. Please! SIR! SIR! DO NOT REDEEM! SIR!! PLEASE DO NOT REDEEM!

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Congrats, loser. Bitcoin will be 250k EOY 2025, and it will never be below 150k again after that.
You could have easily had a guaranteed 4.5x you paperhanded vagina.


wtf can you even do with that little amount of money?

Get this, he's gonna "save" it for when bitcoin crashes again. KEK

Kek, assblasted retard debtslave wage has the audacity to think he's better than everyone? Lol, lmao even your 9k is worth less than dogshit and I personally take great pleasure in threads like these, because I know you're destined to be a 70 IQ mouthbreathing permawageslave faggot. I hope when you see btc at 150-200k you kys lmao smug fat retard.

15 minutes with a high class escort.

Good for you to pay off debts, but also mam, what in the fuck are you thinking? Theres so much upside left, you couldnt wait 6 months?

Good work. Now find some memecoins to throw gas money into.


120k isn't that much upside

Your best bet for safe gains is putting that 5k into xrp and xlm. Let your credit crash for a year who gives a fuck. You'll have enough cash to make up for it and then pay off your debt then

We haven't witnessed a Trump crypto speech yet, we're primed to go on an absolute tear in 2025. This is the most pro crypto presidency in history and you sold before any legislation is passed lmao

Damn bro you’re definitely retarded.

sold before pro crypto US president gets sworn in

selling right as the first leg of the bullrun begins

sold before Zion Don starts WWIII after invading Iran for Israel

Smart man.

congrats on earning one american monthly salary, truly worthy of a thread


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bought too high

sold too low

We were at 16k twice in that period and you bought at more than 2x that

reddit larp. ignore this fucktard. post timestamp, op from ur pc. u wont. fake and extremely gay

bloody bloody

I am getting sick and tired of everyone taking the ‘models’ as fact. It’s going to get priced in sooner or later and max pain will be felt. Not even a bear but this shits so stupid.

You’ll regret later, fag. Should’ve put it to work on any of Yield Layer’s 42 curated DeFi yield strategies.

you're gonna regret this

Yeah why anyone would sell now is incomprehensible. I mean nothing will happen soon...

poorfags selling

lol i feel bad for you OP

Proud of you, anon, but don’t miss TRIBAL’s public sale on Dec 4 zero-gas USDC betting and Play-to-Airdrop. This is the way