Day 1218 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
Day 1218 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
I said 2 months ago: 1234
uh based
Poor snail. So close, yet so far.
Uhhh snail, we're losing the battle to the Bobos here.
They butchering us with those shorts and butt raping us with those BBCs (Big Bobo Cocks).
we'll make it someday soon, i have absolute faith in the snail
2 more weeks
jannies sticking that thread early really screwed snailposter over
Autumn leaves whisper,
Snail crawls toward the golden goal,
Crypto dreams near bloom.
mods are inept retards, imagine that!
At least I'm having fun, financially speaking.
Maybe the real 100k was the snail threads we made along the way
lame cope
I'm linking my post in the other thread. See faggots, we're already back over $98k. It could happen any day now. I'm rolling for 1234 though, that would be neat.
you're gonna say it's a sure thing today, again
and it's gonna fail, again
I never said it was a sure thing today you esl beartard. I said it could happen suddenly at any random point, which it will. And the second it happens some fag like you will post a thread saying
LMAO $100k rejected AGAIN
No way, did they really? Was that yesterday? I had to leave my comfy innawoods retreat to go into town so I must have missed all that.
Don't even try to deny that you were one of the idiots screaming from the rooftops that $100k was imminent. You blew your load way too soon.
sits around making up situations in his head
I don't even give a fuck about bitcoin except as the harbinger of altseason, which basically looks like it started yesterday.
I don't even give a fuck about bitcoin
Sure. You seem like a maxi to me
I first bought in Q4 2017. I threw in my life savings and took out a personal loan at like 25% for 20k, went all-in on fucking altcoins right before the big crash. Suffice to say 2018-2019 were really dark years. I did like -90% and then, whatever dust I had remaining got lost in the Cryptopia hack. So I literally did a -100%. Completely JUST'd. Was too poor/depressed to even buy LINK (probably a blessing desu, knowing myself I wouldn't have sold the top and stayed bag holding alongside the schizos). Anyway, I paid my debts - ate nothing but oatmeal and fast food value-meal-deals for like 11 months, didn't go out, walked to/from work, gooning and Anon Babble were my only hobbies. Through 2020 I saved enough to buy a couple of BTC's and ETH's, which I have been sitting on since. Made a promise to myself to never ever trade with those.
nice blog post faggot
I just wanted to partake in this moment in history. What a fucking ride. For a complete loser like me who never had anything going for them, this is basically the biggest W of my life. And I'm not gloating - not even at 7 figs after all these years. I'm a literal retard. But what the fuck man, BTC at 100k...
Gentlemen, it has been an honor. Snailbro, you're crazy for doing this for 3+ years.
Who else has a story to share? Or a memory or meme about Anon Babble ?
RIP bizonacci
forgot img
God you're dumb. My portfolio is like 95% alts, I've been getting shitted on by bitcoin all year. But it's still the signal that alts will take off at some point so I root for it. Plus I admire snailbro's dedication.
why do we always have to do this gay retrace shit
posting a thread once a day could hardly be considered dedication
nice digits, it's just edging
typical snail fan scam artist
i don't want to switch to my bobo folder so here's nana laughing at you
Good evening fellow maxipads. Where are we staking our patrician gainz these days?
It's the weekend lil bro, rest easy for the next week ahead.
Just a bit longer!
Postin' in an epic snail thread.
Keep on snailin', snail fren.
99,860 ATH
not like this Snailbro... not like this