We are NOT reaching 100k anytime soon

This sell wall is like nothing ever seen before, in any asset on Earth.

It's like the fucking walls from Attack on Titan, and I'm NOT talking about the outcropping walls around Shiganshina District that the Colossal Titan first appeared at in episode 1. More like one of the actual main walls like Wall Maria, filled with TENS OF MILLIONS OF COLOSSAL TITANS. That's how fucking big this BTC sell wall is at 100k.

100k is not happening this year.

Tell me you're a newfag without outright telling me you're a newfag.



Glow more. Walls disappear. Like your shorts.

imagine we hit 100k and satoshi shows up and market sells 1 million bitcoins

They can't even hit 99k lmao

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uhhhh bobo?

file.jpg - 645x115, 14.79K

50% of that will get pulled

Whatever, a tiny pop up above doesn't count. It's already crashed down below 99k again lmao.

Tell me you're a reddit faggot without telling me you're a reddit faggot.

bitcoin CRASHES below **99K**

holy shit you bobos sound so disgustingly pathetic we are so fucking early wagmi 400k is programmed

This will be another bobo suicide thread that we laugh at a week from now

It already hit 100k dingus. Look at cme futures


Did you read his shit? He’s a fucking nerd.

This tbqhfam

You are all newfags and it shows

Are you worried about throat cancer from all the dick you suck?
Can you use your LINK to pay for chemo?

Relax buddy, 1 fucking billion of usdt was just minted, the wall will be utterly destroyed and all bobos annihilated


Nobody gives a shit retard

Still looking bad (for bulls).


Call me crazy but it will hover around 100k until Trump is sworn in then it will crash so that the Feds could slurp up more btc's, the true golden bullrun will happen during that time.

OOF BIG CRASH into the 98000s now heh

bitcoin CRASHES to $98.9k

It's ok bobo let me find the suicide hotline for you

It's already down to 98.7k dumbtard. Look again, uh-oh mumu!

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Admitting to being new and including a reddit response. Beautiful

These walls will disappear when shorts get too comfy.


It's time to Sasageyo your Shinzou


soyface 3.jpg - 1024x1024, 203.22K

Okay fuck all of you what's wrong with watching Attack on Titan?

What website is this anyway?

Anon Babble

imagine we hit 100k and satoshi shows up and market sells 1 million bitcoins

Or even worse, he is a Jew.

turns out satoshi was a Jeet all along

pulls off the biggest rug planet earth has ever seen, a rug unlike any other

8 billions humans now live abject poverty, forced into street shitting as there is no longer an alternative

Satoshi become a Hindu god and his name is forever immortalized in Indian myth and legends

lemonparty dot org

Nothing, he just had to get too deep into the lore to have his analogy make sense. Just say the wall is like the one in the West Bank vs your neighbor's fence.

Like in my fucking ANIMErinos!!!

I would love to see it, just for the lulz.

The greatest jeet in history.

get your ass back to /a

Humiliation rituation.

Btc could break 100k in minutes fucking idiot geek

It's literally going to break it in like 10 mins KEK

Sure it will. The wall is still there, dumbos.

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now it GIGAPUMPED to 99.3k get fucked you retarded mongoloid nigger faggot retard NIGGER

oopsie-poopsie! Now it crashed below 99k AGAIN.

You see? Tiny little pops up above do not matter. Retard

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A billion dollar sell wall could evaporate in seconds if the wales let it happen.

aaaaaaand CRASH LOL

This sell wall is like nothing ever seen before

someone didnt remember the slaying of the bearwhale
those moments lost like tears in the rain

dude that was a completely different time Bitcoin was small then

As long as my Auki bag is pumping, gtfo anon

satoshi will dump millions of some unimportant erc20 token to pay for his triple macs next week, he won't touch the one million

What a trader you are..

100k is not happening this year.

No shit, everyone and their mother wants to sell once it gets to 100k. Even if we managed to breach 100k, it would probably immediately dump to 70k or even 60k from all the normies mass dumping and the panic selling retards that would follow them.

Bitcoin won't pass 100k until it becomes a solid investment and means of exchange. Once you can easily buy a car or a house with bitcoin it might surge past, but until then, people are going to sell their 6 digit bitcoin in order to buy things in real life

All I'm hearing is short squeeze

It already got to 100K. Normies won't accept it though until it shows on CMC.

Dumb fucking bot

Your shitty jeet miniscule volume "exchange" doesn't count.

Stop hate speech

Call me crazy but it will hover around 100k until Trump is sworn in then it will crash so that the Feds could slurp up more btc's, the true golden bullrun will happen during that time.

wouldn't surprise me if it goes over 100k the day of Trump's inauguration. That way people can say "Trump ushered in the era of 6 figure bitcoin"

a lot. a lot is wrong. imagine liking a show where your MC kills himself cause he cant get asian pussy and has no answer to why he killed 80% of the world followed by his own home getting nuked so it had no meaning anyways. you deserve to lose the crypto game.

it "doesn't count"

Yeah. That's the exact wording I used elsewhere too. Until it's on CMC, normies won't accept it.

put me in the screencap

trump eyes.jpg - 640x480, 34.15K

He doesn't understand how liquidity works lmao.



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Post short