/GME/ - GameStop Chan Edition

Basic Information

gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

Daily reminder


Mandatory study time

The Everything Short




Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk


Failure to deliver


SEC 10-K Annual report FY23


GameStop Investor Site


What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?

DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

Real-Time Trades


Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions


All other news/DDs/etc

DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later

reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain

Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: As always:

sneed hedgies

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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info

Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen

Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare

~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024

~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5

~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,

~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co

Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,

12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22

and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021


Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares

'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Monday RRP: 200.030B, 59P = 3.390B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 200.664B, 62P = 3.237B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 217.793B, 64P 3.403B per (roughly)

4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)


Q2 24 8-K/10-Q


2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.


798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency


100 page comparison DD


Legacy links

www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)

Use archives

Avoid DSPP:

GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%


Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

Let's go

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based baker with the infinite wgami

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first for buying GME today haha you’re too slow anon gotta be quicker to buy GME before me
If GME hits $34 I’ll get a stripper girlfriend

I hope Trump gives that little faggot a job kek.

Baker considering you bake every single GameStop thread, would you tell us a little about yourself?
Do you have a GameStop position?
Do you work in finance in any capacity?
When did you decide to bake every single GameStop thread?
Do multiple people have access to the trip code? If not, then how do you manage being present for every bake as if it were your job?
Do you ever comment in the threads using different IDs?

Are you a bot?

mother ass squeeze benchodes.

smart.jpg - 655x527, 36.32K

To be honest I'm just as impressed

And you thought you should post this here?
Are you retarded?

Who said I was impressed?

I have come here to buy GME and say nigger, and I am all out of money.

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Blessed be the baker.

Eyes on the price don't forget what we are holding for, pic related

Uh oh Robinhood on desktop is down

The GMEhad has only just begun. Soon the homosexual Hedgie kafirs will be thrown from Ledgies.

Citron going short on MSTR. They quote a nov 2020 article in which Citron stated to long MSTR. Seems they are salty that they didn't hold long enough

btc 100k

nvda ath

mstr new Wall Street darling

RC favored white house

dfv about to 13g

This might be it. Markets are feeling exactly as Jan 2021

oooooooo rebound

this feels the exact same as late 2020 but without the covid. i expect more negative betas itt as we approach the event horizon.

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The big difference is that bed bath and beyond no longer exists, its stock has been delisted, and you’ve lost every penny you “invested”. That’s a pretty big difference to 2021…
Meanwhile GameStop, the company this thread is about, is doing exceptionally well. I still have every share I’ve ever purchased in fact.
Being wrong really broke you didn’t it? One day it will finally snap and you will have to accept reality. Just let it out. It’s ok to cry



watch this....

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vwapussy shows that we will go up after this dump


A lot of BTC is about to disappear


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Wtf this makes sense. I tried to buy steroids last night and my robinhood crypto wouldn't send. I might be fucked out of some bitcoin.

still british

still projecting

still a baggie

cannot innovate

cannot get 3/4 of his shares back

cannot come to terms with what comes next

Clint, I hope you are right.

is reddit kill?

Still Holding.

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they cut the fibre

Time to go Starlink

The poompa to 30 begins in less than 2 hours

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feels like they are scrambling behind the scenes to get out of this somehow.

Okay but it's felt like that for almost 4 years

I like this OP because it has the logo over a pair of fat tits

I should have sold when it was $60...
I should have bought $btc...
I should have bought $doge...
I shouldn't have voted to allow chobani to dilute...

It's very inconvenient because MOASS is going to be like a spear straight through the heart of the U.S. empire, The tax-cattle are also properly aligned class vs class (instead of left vs right) so they can't just gayop one side and blame the other plebs. They can't rugpull anyway without admitting the whole market is a big scam because it survives on the tax-cattle paying for insurance & 401ks etc, They can't let Citadel go down because it is counterparty to probably $50TN of derivatives (at least). We'll see if they have a chance in hell of paying for MOASS, but I think there is a very real chance this goes hand in hand with a complete collapse of the bankrupt-U.S. banking system.

It's taking what seems like a long time. But it's not a long time. Not if you account for the enormity of this event. Entire institutions are circling the drain and clawing desperately to survive. It's not going to be instant but it is inevitable.

Oh fuck off already short cunts

BTC hit 98k today baggies wheres your squizzly squooze? Has Clit killed herself yet?

I stand with Clit

This is why I am so adamant about having shares DRSed as well as physical precious metals. The more you look at the blatant criminality of it all you start to suspect this could be headed in to some extreme turbulence. And having a life jacket on with one foot in the life-raft is where you want to be standing imo.
That includes gun, food and ammo. We aren't going to get rich in a vacuum. Everyone else is going to get much much poorer at the same time.

MOASS is going to be like a spear straight through the heart of the U.S. empire

not necessarily. i imagine MOASS as a damokles sword growing bigger by the minute above the empire. it all depends which party stands underneath it when it falls. if it's going to be the tax payer it's all over. if it's the group of people who cause all this then the empire will renew itself and come out even stronger because it will punish those who caused the rott and also refunnel wealth into the middleclass and those with strong convictions, the new pretorian guard of the empire.

muh guns muh prepare

You prepper fags always have to insert your faggotry and nonsense into every conversation.
You will NEVER eat those free dried containers of mac and cheese.

Also, if DRS mattered insiders and RK would be doing it and sense there is no mechanism to DRS unvested RSUs which is where most insiders have their shares - it doesnt matter.

DRS is for retail investors to get equivalent book name protections as insiders. RC doesn't need it.

lol are insiders shares earmarked with a "do not fuck over" sticker? Doesnt this go against the untrackable phantom shares theory?

More like the insiders ACCOUNTS have additional protections.
Their shares are whatever along with the rest of the pile, but their risk is earmarked to fuck us over before they're fucked too.
But remember 2008: they're fucked too.

being retail you are a second class citizen with less rights than rich people. this is just the brutal reality of things. rich people protect each other and each other's wealth by shooing and pulling each other through held open doors and loop holes.

There are no such special protections on their accounts. If you worked in corporate america and received RSUs you could confirm this yourself.

in fact RSUs would be held in a central account managed by a broker until they vest. So if what youre saying is correct the brokers would have direct control over all of the insiders shares

average is reversing.
get ready for poompa to 30.

Better safe than sorry. I can't imagine the entire country losing their savings and welfare getting rugpulled (along with muh service economy) and everyone just carrying on eating burgers and drinking Starbucks as if nothing happened.
To the extent that you can trust the bank is their own self interest. And their self interest is going to coincide with creating havoc and chaos in the street so you don't sit around getting mad at the bankers who just robbed the country blind.
Count on it. These same bankers start wars that slaughter people by the tens of millions, I wouldn't put it past them that street violence is used to occupy the streets to keep the tax cattle in their homes.

I gotta admit I was just inventing a story so that someone with actual knowledge would come and correct it.
Thank you!

Better safe than sorry

I agree that it doesnt necessarily hurt but its unfair to say it offers more protection.
DRS is still allowed to be discussed on superstonk while other topics arent allowed. Citadel is also directly connected to computershare through citadel connect. I think grouping retail buy orders and sending them in batches to computershare actually helped hedge funds

What helped the hedge funds is that the share-dividend was mishandled and the DTCC STOLE all of the shares that should have been sent to European Brokers. Hands down the losses got dumped onto Europeans. This gave the hedgies in america more wiggle room to gayop us because they had more shares to work with.

You can tell this happened because most European brokers stopped letting people DRS afterwards.

Yes - more than one thing can be true but this is a separate issue/offense. This offense cant be compared/lumped with the DRS psyop any more than dark pools can. There are multiple attacks

vwapussy showing room to go up

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You're right. Probably every last trick in the book is being looked at on how to weasel out of this somehow. It all comes down to needing retail to sell. And being fully aware of the supply/demand issue allowing us to choose our price is where they are running into the wall.
I also wonder if everyone else is like "sorry, this is a YOU problem". I bet the SEC is allowing them to kick the can but will refuse to step in and force-sell or do something illegal like that. Simply because it proves to the world the entire market is a scam. There is no way out but to pay us.

Keep in mind that gay goonsler is still in charge of the SEC until January and his crypto shenanigans killed the NFT stuff.

Remember, tax cattle, you aren't allowed to do anything unless the banks can grift off of you.

DRS does nothing. stop with the delusions that gme will cause the economy to breakdown and shit. if your broker rugs, computershare is fucked too. i have all my shares in a few brokers just waiting for the right price to take some profits. i mean, it's your choice to drs your shares but all that lore regarding DRS has been debunked.

Cool story Glow

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If BTC can reach 100k, then they can afford to pay me $500k per share of GME, its as simple as

hedgefunds, SEC, brokers, and ken griffin are gay as fuck

this is why cramer is praying for ww3. he is deep underwater on his shorts. only flipping the table gets him out of this.

Give me 29, hedge cunt bitches

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kramer is one of those guys who i expect to not survive this. he's the personality type who is too deep in the shit and he would probably rope after losing it all.

Cool story Glow

stfu shill. i've been in on gme since late 2020 when i learnt about it on wsb. i know every fucking thing to know about the stock.

sweet, post it then


just pay your taxes and don't associate with financial criminals (most tax laywers) and there is a good chance you will be left alone.

Yeah, good luck getting past my vault security

I just hope Ryan Cohen is ok out there and not too stressed.

Silence! You are but a worm writhing at my feet. Now be gone! Get out of my sight!

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sweet, post it then

burden of proof is on you, bud. drs aint gonna hasten the squeeze especially after ryan's dilution.

Entire crypto sector took a massive dump while BTC and BTC related stocks were at ATH. All for money to short GME I bet.

[REDACTED] is going to take a massive hammer to Citadel, isn't he?

Can you say that for certain? You're speculating here just as much as we are. Nobody known what's gonna happen, so I makes no sense for you to FUD an action you may or may not be effective. Just let people DRS if they want to or not. I myself have gone back and forth on the DRS train, and now only have four shares there just in case. I may or may not allocate more should the need arise.

wheres mayoman

probably somewhere hiding his money

Kek what do you think

The dog is running

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Can you say that for certain? You're speculating here just as much as we are

yep, we're all speculating here. whats the current DRS number? and how much has Ryan diluted? it'd be naive to think that we can ever DRS to lock the float since Ryan still has hundreds of millions of shares waiting to be diluted. He has already done it thrice, it's not far fetched to think he'd do it again soon.

MSTR, SMCI, BTC and NVDA make no fucking sense.

You guys do know that they are pumping imaginary internet money to pay us January 21st right?

The rope will be absolutely insane

Cryptoniggers being the sacrificial lamb will be amazing. It is imperative that our easy-money get-rich-quick-scheme is the ONLY one that works. Everyone else needs to go to back to work on Moonday so I can enjoy my tendies as a true aristocrat.

Better had be chief, the thought of BTC reaching 6 digits just because its fucking disgusting.

Am I the only one noticing that the premarket runup usually ends up with an outsized slap down?

They'll be looking to make an example out of someone.

That's short shenanigans in action, bid it up on low volume to make money shorting, and use the downward momentum to short more.

Perfectly normal standard routine behaviour,



kek dumbfuck baggies

“Tether has minted over $11 billion out of thin air, within the last week alone, which has contributed to the massive growth we’re seeing across crypto. “

Is tether being used to drive up price of bitcoin, which they have been using as collateral for their shorts?

Gary leaving the SEC

btc 100k

nvda ath

mstr new Wall Street darling

RC favored white house

dfv about to 13g

This is it. NFT divvy while the interim chair is installed and they don't stand a chance

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i wonder how [REDACTED] would view what amounts to unauthorized money printing outside of the federal reserve.

Poompa time

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Fucking bitch bastard Dougie shit is popping my balloon. FUCK OFF DOUGIE. LEAVE MY COKEHEAD CEO ALONE.


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i wonder what will be the result of all the schizo leaving the society will pumping money everywhere they want, will the collapse even faster ?

RRP 188b

lol what happened in 2000 ?

Thursday RRP: 188.567B, 57P = 3.308B per (roughly)

Back below 200.

WAGMI checked.

.com crash saylor at the helm

Mfw it's actually Andrew Left again

I hate these kikes so fucking much it's UNREAL LMFAOOO

Millennium bug, wiped out all big tech, it was a massacre

How are these threads still a thing

Ni(insert gary genslers intials)er

It says a lot about Saylor's character how he stood with his company for so long. Ironically, I bought into MSTR when the price was merely 50 to 60 back November and December of 2020, but sold it for GME shares during the sneeze hype. It's a completely surreal feeling about how it all came full circle.















economy revolves around gamestop.
would you be surprised if the sun was stil there tomorrow?
that's what i'm thinking everytime i see GG's name or face somewhere.

steps in after the sneeze

leaves before the 3rd anniversary

What did GG mean by this?

Jamuary 20 is when the new President gets sworn in, dingus. It's a completely normal length of time for an agency head in a one term Presidency.

wasnt he attempting to regulate it which suppressed the price and now that hes gone it will skyrocket? same with gamestop?

I just realized with RC wanted [REDACTED ] in office so he could attempt to release the nft market place again

He's a blind man at a gay orgy feeling his way around looking for the exit, he got his exit thankfully, hopefully we get a god damn giga chad in charge now.

I swear to god, I do not want to fuck around with NFT, I will be as simple and clear as possible

Money me now money me big money now pay me big money.

Money me now money me big money now pay me big money.

if you didnt cash out at least half in May, I don't know what to tell you, bud. It might be a while before we hit 60-80 again.

I came in here to laugh at all of you! Check the bitcoin chart! It's almost ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Imagine missing out on the BEST asset in human history, choosing instead to invest money in a dying company to stick it to the man! Haha!

Holy kek

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most of us here have multiple investments. so we're good.

Bitcoin is only good as crashing the price of pc material when the price do -90% in a week (aka. when a single guy try to sell to take his "profit")

I think it will. There is no doubt going to be immense resentment over people getting rich gambling in the markets. Everyone just wants to kick back and make money streaming, playing poker, investing etc.
It's a very unhealthy and disastrous mindset for an economy. Once the tax-cattle stop giving milk you get hauled off to the slaughterhouse.
None of the international trade routes exists for your or my comfort alone. The upper class' ability to profit is really why makes the world go round. And if they want to sell you Opioids or turn you in to worker drones and saddle you up with student loans they'll do it all. Literally nothing matters to these people.
MOASS is a literal turd in the punchbowl and despite all of the laws governing the nation, I find it truly amazing to think the rich might literally get plundered by the plebs for the first time in history.

Dear Gamestop schizos:

Your stock sucks and you're seeing signs where there are none. You are what's wrong with the stock market.




Anal-retentive hedgefund manager

You are what's wrong with the stock market.

im not a jew though


Dear faggot,
A very green gme holder

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Complaining about WFH

Supposed to improve government efficiency

He literally fleeing to Israel on this date instead of choosing the ledge or the BBC cage.

Because its bullshit that people are giving there full attention to job they are doing

Make them come in every day. Maybe some will quit.

$78T in debt? for just California?

This is why btc is mooning. Only way out of this is to print print print

You dropped a one there partner.

Oh boy... MOASS is going to save America

Only way out is to redeem, redeem, redeem the imaginary internet money

I was always right

kek dumbfuck suicidal crypto baggies

You haven't been here from the beginning? It has always been Fuck you or Fuck me money. This is fuck me money.

Better than usd fiat which is as imaginary as anything else nowadays

holy moly.
i think as far as i understand Elon is trying to use D.O.G.E to cut down on government spending and probably also coordinates to extract 200T from crypto somehow to pay off the fiat US national debt. my only question is, how high would have BTC or Doge have to go for this to reach 200T marketcap so they can rug it and pay off the debt? is this the plan? i'm not sure. this is all getting a bit too convoluted for my smooth brain.

Physical assets in your own possession are a very wise thing to own. This is not just silver, but it is also labor-hours, time and energy. A finished product that industry NEEDS. Governments will just tax your house and your income until you are broke and they'll shove austerity down your throats.

SilverChud.jpg - 4000x3000, 1.28M

Only way out of this is to print print print

There's no "out of this"
It's one more day until... there isn't

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Mein Niegar

WFH is not the reason the SEC isn't doing its job. It's understaffing and the revolving door.
Retain the top knowledge-holders in the organization, pay them a stupid amount of money while threatening them with jail-time (find a reason) if they ever quit and go to the private sector, tip off their buddies, etc (carrot and stick). Fire everyone else. Create an aptitude test for analysts, hire everyone who passes, and start chopping off banker heads. From home.

i'm suddenly getting visions of hedgefund managers leaping to their deaths yelling YOLO at the top of their lungs as their hedgefund accounts hit negative five trillion.

He has also said we are going to have a much needed crash. If Project 25 is to be believed we are going back to a Gold Standard and there is no way to turn monopoly money into gold. No Fiat currency has ever lasted, and this one is on it's way out. Removing social programs is just a symptom of the crash.

How is social insurance net expenditures so fucking high?

When you read posts like what you see in it makes sense to keep one foot in the liferaft.
Debts are exponential functions that go asymptotic on a long enough timeline. Massive write-offs are coming and those losses are tied to EVERY other asset in the economy so there will be very few hiding places. Only the bold will survive as events this large will ONLY be able to impact the masses.
There is no way to contain these losses to one individual entity such as Citadel.

Covid benefits went out for years after Covid. I had a brother in law that lived there and got 2400 a week, for smoking bud and sitting on his ass.

as always, clint's analysis of the situation is absolutely...


clint has lead poisoning its not his fault.

You clearly know nothing.
Half the point of DRS is to hold in your own name, which is the most important. Computershare is not a broker, it is a registry.

still holding WAGMI

In the real world, proper accounting of the REAL shares is maintained at Sneed & Co. All of the brokers keep accurate records of the real numbers of shares they own. DRS was always about forcing the brokers to take proper account of the shares they actually owned and the "shares" they sold you. Brokers lose real shares when you DRS.

The problem isn't brokers naked shorting shares it's the Marketmaker.


Wage protection and medical coverage for boomers and poor people.

It's both. The marketmakers do it on execution, the brokers just don't execute at all because they short your buys.

The thing that bothers me is that they'll go after the assets of little guys, people who own a fraction of a fraction of the country's wealth. They'll clear out whole neighborhoods of their equity before going after a single plutocrat's money. I imagine that the point is to get back to a "sustainable" debt level before such people have to contribute to the bail-in.

Clearly the amount of shares floating around is at least several hundreds of percent of the total.
When it's all said and done, there are going to be more shares claimed than what exist... so someone is going to be left out. Likely they will receive some sort of compensation, but if, when, and how much? What if u never wanted to sell?
I'd rather not be a single retail owner with 100 shares fighting with brokers, market makers, hedge funds, banks, etfs, insiders, and other whales trying to ensure i either keep my shares or get the maximum possible return.

the brokers just don't execute at all because they short your buys.

Maybe in their holdings which aren't tied to customer accounts.

more people than you think receive some form of government gibs for being young, old, sick, retarded, female, foreign or handicapped.

so this is just RC's alt right?

Seems like Ryan’s sense of humour, checks out

see dip

buy too early

get dumped on

You know a thought occurs to me I'm good at paper-calling tops and bottoms, but when I manually try to manage my money instead of setting automatic buys and sells where I think supports/resistances are I always manage to sell for 20% on a 100% move, and buy at 170 when a stock is going to 130. I'm not sure what this is.

hold GME for no reason

There are many bullish reasons to hold gme. Anyone who lurks these threads for even a little while would know about most of these reasons by now.


you guys are missing out on another bull run

thank you for your goncern mr internet stranger. very kind of you to think of me even though i'm just a random chinese cartoon appreciator on this fish basket weaving forum holding a few shares of a dying forgotten memestonk.

In all likelihood, despite all of the talk about holding for millions per share. If the shareprice was sitting at $50,000 per share - that alone would have enough people dumping their entire stack of GME except for a few shares. That will take enough pressure off of the shorts that they will be able to resume kicking the can. Fully expect the Dark Pools and other Banks to step in and dump the necessary shares onto the market to assist in putting out the fire.
Everyone truly needs to be mentally prepared to only sell a share or two to be comfy-womfy while we squeeze the shorts until their eyes pop out,.

Too many greedy faggots anon.

I agree that most people are going to end up selling on the way up, and massive volatility would smash swingies/options players..
but, if some sort of event FORCED accountability of all shares, at the same time, (M&A, dividend, margin call, bank failures, etc. ), they can't resume any of their actions. They are going to be forced to buy back all shares to keep "market integrity" in place for the world. It all unwinds. There's going to be legal and government action at some level due to failures and proper settlements.


Kek baggies

100k is a huge psychological level. I am very bored so I hope something happens then

I guess citron made money after all. Imagine shorting mstr at the top

when did this turn into /PMG/? not complaining. just wondering.

Nothing’s going to happen is it?
Nothing ever happens.
It’s been four (4) years.

din.jpg - 1900x1266, 429.45K

/pmg/ is the final form of a HODLer.
once /gme/ got their fiat monies they will try to secure it and pms are an obvious choice after all the other hard assets are covered.

mark Post

Delete Post: Delete

1 minute

I remember when the national debt was like, $7TN in 2008 and it was a point of contention even back then. Make no mistake about it, this is not some big surprise that just magically snuck up on people.

checked and here we go again.

I imagine its actually 10x 35trillion as they went into overdrive with dark pools and derivatives and then intertwined everything with crypto so the issue is now derivatives upon derivatives upon derivatives.

They want it to be. They want it to be memory holed. But it's been an issue for 30 years

i remember the first time it was projected to cross 1 trillion.. thats about when i noticed the sports ball animosity between the 2 colors.
now we have a crew of blue manning the red team and everyone's upset. what a time to be alive.

dandadan dandadan dandadan dandadan dandadan
dandadan dandadan dandadan dandadan dandadan
Dandadan Dandadan Dandadan Dandadan Dandadan

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Look up what Obama did for Bank bailouts after 2008. They can no longer be bailed out by the government, but can from their customers, involuntarily.

My point is who they'll bail in first. Not people with significant wealth holdings, the sale of whose property could actually make a dent in the debt repayment; the people with almost nothing to their name. And they'll stop before they get to the former. Think of how many poor neighborhoods they paved over for highways, but suddenly there are environmental and other considerations when rich neighborhoods are in the crosshairs.
The only way to stop it is for people to be clear and together about who deserves to pay first. Start with Bill Gates et al.

Of course (((they))) do.


You're all retarded baggie faggot tinfoil lunatics who are addicted to copium. No one is safe from the Baggler

Everyone on Superstonk is a retarded fag. Idk why I even look at that sub. It's been 4 years when will you realize you're baggots and start owning it? The whole thing is a bunch of pussies who can't stand to look at the truth. I should know I'm one of them.

dont know if yall follow the ticker. but my cousin roman caled, we went bowling and he told me, apparently, we closed in the red.

We did? Sheeeeit... Wanna go bowling?

Exactly. Thats why ur fucked. Never selling

imagine shorting a cult, get fucked retard

want to see some beeg american teetees?

top men

top zozzle

checked and kek'd

In this country, first you gotta make the bowling, then the woman, you take the woman bowling




getting real sick of your shit, griffin

kenny.png - 622x695, 865.22K

That look he gives you when you just had to push it to far

that feel when you decline for the 30th time. but you know its just a npc.

they will announce the existence of aliens to distract from moass

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Space aliens tongue my anus.

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Question: when does the money from BTC reaching $100,000 finally get transferred into our Fidelity/ComputerShare accounts holding GME?

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report back to your superiors and profusely apologize for that dogshit attempt at an image edit.

Just another day of holding an irrelevant brick and mortar video game retailer stock :^)

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10 working days.

fuck that hedge fund cocksucker


hahhahahahah... dumb mother fuckers....

you should be ashamed for posting that image, embarrassing even for a jeet


As was foretold in the DD. Literally EVERYTHING revolves around this funny stock.

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Gensler implemented reforms to enhance efficiency, resiliency, and integrity in U.S. capital markets; agency held wrongdoers accountable and returned billions to harmed investor

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The GameStop Market Events

i guess this is the official name for the history books.

high-impact enforcement cases


enhance efficiency, resiliency, and integrity

i think it's safe to assume he did the opposite.


harmed investors

interesting word choice for criminals and guilty hedgefunds.

translation: gary prevented moass as long as he could.

funny stock


kek is a funny mother fucker when he gets going

i guess this is the official name for the history books.

sure, as of right now.
they'll change it after moass.

sure is.

Everyone on Superstonk is a retarded fag. Idk why I even look at that sub. It's been 4 years when will you realize you're baggots and start owning it? The whole thing is a bunch of pussies who can't stand to look at the truth. I should know I'm one of them.

I guess it’s just fun hanging out while waiting for another $80 run for me to unload my bags. Do not try to make sense of it tho. There are some really dumb ones in the community but there are grifters as well who depend on the hype to sell discord and get superchats from these ‘apes’ on their streams. So of course they’re gonna act retarded and ignorant, just have a look at bthniggers who also happen to hold gme too.

I am financially,

Ryan Cohen has had GameStop under his ownership as long as it takes for one of the big video console house to build and release a new console.

You don't own gme

a lot of anons here on Anon Babble don't realize that 2021 scared the rich guys shitless because it was a financial two front war for them: the memestock rally and the crypto bullrun.
it was too much for them to handle because they are only used to playing one pawn at a time against the other pawn. retail pawns zerg-rushing the stock market as well as the crypto market was too much. they panicked and shut it down as quickly and as hard as possible and then put on the biggest smokes and mirrors show in human history (covid plandemic, biden election, ukraine war, wokeshit, etc) in an attempt to regain control over their pawns.
this was the "forced intermission" gentlemen and you held and you survived.
2024 is picking up where 2021 was shut down: gamestop's successful turn-around and continuing ramp up as well as bitcoin leading the charge for a new crypto mania.
things are about to become very interesting again.

I own more than you.

this was the "forced intermission" gentlemen and you held and you survived.

Damn it feels great to be a young healthy white unvaxxed male GME holder.

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If the hedgies can't pay for my shares then they'll pay with organs. Their families' organs. Harvested while the victims are still alive and conscious to ensure maximum freshness and suffering. Of course they will be there to witness the harvest. The event will be livestreamed and we will remind the viewesr to subscribe to pewdiepie

If you look at it as having spent 4 years maintaining its 10 bagger status from when he bought it by tightening up the balance sheet, unloading unnecessary real estate, doing a share dividend, running an nft experiment, all while diluting to the tune of $5 billion in working capital then it’s not so bad. Mighty comfy even, in this inflationary environment? It was early foretold: moonboys get the rope. RC is being pretty demonstrably favorable to the federal changes afoot so maybe we shall see if indeed there will be whatever crazy price action schizos/grifters/useful idiots seem to think is a possibility. Even if that’s true I don’t think the government would let it do anything too crazy. But I could definitely see 3-4 digits based on fundamentals alone particularly if that cash on hand gets used well.

i never solded and somehow MOASS is going to help save America

Ironic because I bought GME to destroy it.

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Checked wagmi

Covid itself was partially demand side controls to stop an economic crash. Crypto is being used as that too. They take money out of circulation and you get internet tokens.

If it can get to $400 I would be over the feckin’ moon. I just wonder how long it will take to get there. If we start to see him make investments/mergers this could be sooner rather than later. God willing

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watch, it will end up being the cause of MOASS

If this even touches $90 it’s going to infinity.

1k is NOT a meme

They're price anchoring again

looks like this pump isn't done yet

looks like this pump isn't done yet

$80 friday.

Bruh shut the fuck up.

They're still thinking in dollars


>>/ft. meade/

No thanks I'm going over to >>>/JcupLand/ soon

GameStop Market Events



About god damn time

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t. Knows someone whose getting harvested

$125 is the ath.
they can't even handle that.

the name itself is a fractal eternally fractalizing into more GMEs just like the chart. poetry.

When (((her))) people are excited, I am concerned.

Digits is eod price tomorrow, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal

The owner of the worlds largest Omni channel company had butterflies in his twitter banner and tweeted about ryan Cohen's BBBY deposition.


rc sells shares of bbby in august 2022

rc has a sitdown with a famous corporate raider, Carl Icahn in october 2022

rc offers 400 million for company in December 2022

pitchbook (prestigious M&A software suite) lists company as sold in January 2023

one month later, February 2023 RC tweets “someone tell the government to stop shooting down my balloons”, alluding to bad actors delaying the bbby restructuring

only media appearance RC has made since entering gme in 2020 was gmedd.com

Larry cheng (who helped RC build Chewy, and is a current boardmember at GameStop, and a close personal friend to RC) has gone onto theppshow podcast, which is dedicated to bbby discussion

all sorts of scitzo speculation is allowed on here, reddit, and twitter, but when you mention any of the above, which is well documented, posts are censored and people come out of the woodwork to go berserk about it

platinumsparkles was allowed onto a video conference with Gary Gensler, which implies she was considered passive enough to not ask hardball questions. She also spends literally all day engaging with bbby content on Twitter and spends hours rebutting all of it.

mass media outlets all bash RC and his activities surrounding GME/BBBY nonstop for years, even in the face of RC's deafening silence.

These are some strange occurrences surrounding Ryan Cohen and his activities.

Also Patrick Byrnes old company purchased the BBBY IP, the same Patrick Byrne who has the attention of the 47th, wow what strange happenings

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$59,261,262 is a little low, but it's a good start

It IS what it IS because I will it to be so

Seems reasonable


Seeing a lot more of this shite on reddit these days. Definitely not organic and look like bots you get on youtube comments with fake comment stains asking the OP for "more info on their trading strategy".

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*comment chains lol

they are basicaly saying the market was a cesspool before Jesus gary took the job in 2021, they better be thankfull for all investor being retarded, because there is no way it would have fly otherway

oh yeah, the classic option teacher coming out in masse for a single week to save one more day for hedgie, buckle up

dead internet theory.there's only one way to know who's not a bot.

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Aight so question I haven’t lurked in ages but things seems to be optomistic round here
Why? I personally was under the impression that we wouldn’t ever see moass until a market crash that would make 08 look like child’s play, Trump is in which is great but now that the market and crypto is pumping what is the expected catalyst for gme? Gensler leaving is great but that’s just about it that I can see

The "Hodlers are all psychopaths who just want people to suffer," false flag psyops bit is old.

I haven’t been round here since june

New cope will drop next week when nothing happens tomorrow


trillion dollar per share.

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Call me a good goy then because im a sucker for that type of fedposting. We both know there's actual hedgies lurking /GME/ and I'm here to scare the fuck out of them and their minions. Imagining the looks on their faces and the fear they feel when reading these posts has me over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick right now I'm just stroking my shit I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak man like

Market will crash after Trump is inaugurated as a "Fuck You" by the dems...and a way to incentivize young men to enlist in the military and go die for Israel.

sold XRP years ago to go all in on GME @ 300 dollars

Kill me. watching it pump is making me suicidial

RC, Pulte & Icahn have all come out after Trump won and publicly support him and Icahn even stated that the current administration has been hamstringing M&A. I think that alone tells us everything thing we need to know.
The overall sentiment being overly bullish I tend to chalk up to hedgies hoping you buy/sell options. I think price action is nothing but noise and the what we want to see will be another $50+ move in premarket.


Hedge funds really expect people to see this guy posting this same thing ad nauseum and share the same manic opinion

That's not their goal. These posts exist to screencap and display on MSNBC to discredit us.

MSNBC airs Anon Babble posts? Shit I gotta get cable for a laugh

They have before, as well as reddit posts and twitter posts.

He just needs to go bowling will sort him right out

My idiot coworkers have been bragging about all the money they've made on MSTR, BTC, DOGE, XLM, HBAR etc. This has got to be a top signal, right?

Yeah you should let them top you and fuck you in the ass.

moving the goalposts AGAIN
fucken baggots don't know when to quit.

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I think you should stick to superstonk and not post on Anon Babble.

An organization with zero credibility is going to discredit investors by sharing the brain droppings of autistic frogposters on a Transnistrian turkey ranching forum.

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brain droppings of autistic frogposters on a Transnistrian turkey ranching forum


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Gobble gobble

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Lmao, i wrote that post. Ryan cohen is doing a fine job. I just like to shit post larping as if I was rc's boss and rc was a scumbag employee that sleeps on the job.

Blink once and BTC hits another ATH. How is clint coping?

Next you're going to pretend as if every BTC holder bought their BTC back in December of 2022 at an average of $16K each.

Sucks to suck. I've been stacking since $6000.
GME since $20 (pre split)

Itll be worth less than $6000 soon lol

If you have to tell towel believers to go to their own thread, doesn't that mean btc holders should shut the fuck up as well? You can't have it both ways

Nah I doubt it. algo+fiat printing keeps it up. Besides that, it doesn't matter to me. I'm not investing in it for profit. The fiat dollar sucks.

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Wow bitcoin did a 5x since 2017 ATH damn thats crazy

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How do you hold Gme and not understand what will happen to Bitcoin when moass starts? Are you stupid?

BTC is my bank account and I don't keep a lot in it. If the $50 I put in last week is worth $80 next week I just get to buy more GME when I pull it out. I consider that a win vs using a bank.

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I hope they share some of my more unhinged posts on cable TV. That way I can point to it and tell my mommy and daddy that I'm finally successful because my shitpost is featured on their favorite propaganda network

How do i cope with missing another bullrun? All i hold is GME

It's also kind of crazy that the 2021 GME sneeze is closer in time to the 2017 BTC ATH than it is to today.
December 11, 2017 to January 24, 2021 = 1140 days
January 24, 2021 to November 21, 2024 = 1398 days

How do i cope


I think they'll pick reddit since they can just blame the "Apes". Sounds nice and snappy for cable TV rather than "Anonymous posters on the far-right nazi image board Anon Babble." Anon Babble holders are a relatively small percentage of the total holders anyway. Wouldn't want to single us out and have a bunch of normalfags coming here looking for the next gme and getting redpilled on the jews after all. We'll just sit in our nice comfy room unbothered while the cringeminds make a big show of their cash and catch all of the heat.

You should take responsibility for your own actions and live with your choices. Alternatively you should stop spreading FOMO on behalf of hedge funds.
In both cases you should probably just shut the fuck up

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I was there in 2017 and I was there in 2021. Third time’s the charm.

Third impact theory.

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The Balancing

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