
it's going up too fast
This is unsustainable

1000000986.jpg - 1263x1141, 360.01K

97k wall blocks your path

if you can't see that it is different this time, you're ngmi, the days of the old cycles are over, too much institutional money is invoked

How just how is it that btc is mooning really hard and every other coin is dumping or staying unaffected? Are they finally killing off the other coins so btc is the only one?

They will call it "the night of the long pumping"

This is abnormal.

it's a new paradigm

All green. 100k is coming wagmi

IMG_1055.jpg - 1284x1840, 1.49M

Anon. the fully confirmed actual inevitable 47th President of these United States is calling for a strategic Bitcoin reserve, one which wants to purchase annually more BTC than miners are capable of producing. And this isnt even taking into account the next halvening. And the knock on effect when other countries realize whats happening and demand a reserve of their own.

Strap. The fuck. In. Shit's about to get crazy. Germany dumping their BTC will turn out to be one of the blunders of the millennium.

The real question is who will Germans blame for selling?

this, i'm getting a loan and holding till the sun burns.

Themselves as usual

It's only up like 2.5% today and 10% in the past week. Remember going up in 1k increments counts for less and less now as a percentage.

rockin pep.gif - 284x250, 614.71K

im going to be so fucking rich tomorrow (mstx holder)

images (13).jpg - 350x144, 3.9K


yup, people are panicking but really, think in the volume not the big number in the screen, it had a bigger increase last week.
Reaching 100K is great, but i'm waiting for 150K, that's when things start to get fun again.

Obviously themselves
Their law forces them to sell seized assets of all kind.


Do we need to remind you that bitcoin is king you filthy fucking nocoiner scum? There’s a reason they’re called shitcoins.

first three posters are green IDs its happening

Cash out while you can. It's gonna dump 40+% soon after hitting 100k. Screenshot this.

retarded FUD. this would mean a broken cycle you troon.

poor ass nigger is marrying but cant even afford own wedding. i feel sorry for your wife.

yeah you can have 2.5k pepes

Do you even realize the retarded altseason that's going to happen after this?

The cycle is already broken. Bitcoin surpassed its old ATH too early and there are obviously diminishing returns at high market cap. Sorry reddit. You were too late to make it.

Yeah, sure. If your wife sucks my dick in front of everybody at the wedding.

No its not. BTC 10m ETH 300k eoy2025
Altcoins always follow Bitcoin. They will moon too, just wait a bit.

Bitcoin surpassed its old ATH too early

The 2025 moon mission hasn't even begun, bobo. Prepare to seethe.

germany blundering their own economy because of muh progressivism. what a surprise.

retarded bobo cant into reading

get some reading comprehension too btw

Bitcoin started mooning around November 2020 last cycle
After that some alts didn't moon until around April 2021, some even as late as October 2021

he fell for the shitcoin meme


Never ever below 75k

Never below 88k again

Saylor can just print infinite money forever because he just can okay.

Seethe bobo

Altcoins will moon soon after BTC

BTC is not dropping ever again

not sure if top signal or its actually different this time

We (mostly old people and brainwashed idiots) voted in frauds and unqualified people into power. My only hope is making a bit of extra cash from crypto and ignore all the bs going on here. If you have money, life in germoney can still be quite good. But if you have to wageslave, you are fucked three times over.

BTC only goes up
This shit shouldn't even be possible but it literally only goes up for 15 years

It’s the future. Decentralized store of value. Global currency

People will take liquidity and put it into alts