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I want to learn to make money while being unable to work, but have zero experience in literally anything. All I have is $100 I could invest.

i bought $500 worth of ICP once.

Bitcoin's picotop price only matters to me because it's an indicator of how hard my alt bags are gonna pump, specially DOGE.

ive been in crypto since 2017 and im still trying to make it

I used to baghold ICP and Polkadot.

I sold at 33k

Im all in on memecoins

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ive scammed and rugged many of you multiple times
not planning on stopping any time soon btw

I'm usually gooning when I'm on here, reading the threads while waiting for whoever I'm ERPing with to reply. I read somewhere that in paganism an orgasm equates to a small sacrifice, so it's my way of giving the bull run my energy

same lmao

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Back in Dec 2018, I wanted to put $4k into an exchange token. I narrowed it down to BNB (which was around $5 at the time) and COSS. I chose COSS because it paid a dividend.

I stole $8 from my sister in 1993.
I'm sorry Cecelia.

My wife came to me today

Anon, why don't you sell one of your bitcoins? I want a new Rolex.

I need to enroll her into something like gay conversion therapy, but for blowing money on really really dumb shit.

My girlfriend is awful and I would literally pay her $10,000 cash to just leave my house without saying a word and only ever contact me again in the case of an extreme circumstance.

i jacked off to a troon jerk off instruction video last week
about a week before that it was some dog fucking a zenless zone zero character video
and i also like shota hentai.
in regards to crypto my sin is not buying enough bitcoin earlier this year out of fear.

waiting for whoever I'm ERPing with to reply

are you the femboy or is the other one the femboy? just wondering anon.

After being in the red since early 2021, I only got into the green for the first time, and almost simultaneously into 5-figure hell, last week.

only ever contact me again in the case of an extreme circumstance

kek.... i mean... if you are paying 10k to get rid of her why do you want her to contact you even if is an extreme circumstance?

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why not leave her?

lease until april

I bought 8 billion pepe when mcap was at 500m. Sold it all at a loss when it dumped 3%

I sold my gamecube and my n64 pikachu edition to try to make it in 2023, and I sold everything that same year, the fomo is real guys, and it took away the most precious thing I had and the only thing I can do now is to try to recover some of that money with Byte, my existence is painful

I crashed cheese because I was scared

not saying coinfess

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i bought 1 bitcoin in 2014 on the off chance that it might take over the world one day.
i barely have more than that today.

i wish i had stronger convictions, fumbled my chance to be a gorillionaire like everything else in life.

I had 1.3 Mil usd during 2021 bull run, now I am in 200k because I traded like a bitch. And I have no idea how to take profit during current bull run

i missed every chance i had, and im gonna miss this one

you have to work until you are in the 5 figures range, anon

This. Coinfess.

I spent an entire btc on booze in 2021.

I misplaced all the information associated with my btc wallet because I figured it would never go over 500 and basically forgot about it until it hit 20k.

I'm the one who farted in the elevator the other day

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I still don't understand options...


Why would anyone buy such ridiculously overpriced shit? They're depreciating assets unless you have old, rare watches that haven't been worn.

I bought high and sold low


I don't own crypto or stocks, I only come here because of the funny red and green images

I made it to 90k in btc, eth and link during the previous bullrun. Lost more than 50% on celsius... I could make it in this bullrun if I hadn't fall for it. But well, I learnt my lesson.

I lost 700k in UST and 200K on Voyager, plus around another 10k on Celsius.
Not your keys, not your coins, people.

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it's coinfess you tourist

I am in the top 0.1% of millennial wealth, and I am still a fucking virgin.

Same but for near, sol, sui and few other of my altcoin bags I expect to moon once btc dominance reduces

Buying 50 btc in may 2012 @ 5,99$.
I loss my personal computer After 4 month

I'm europoor

Do you sometimes think about suicide?

Waiting for make money hopefully in my alts and will wait for a big dip after before I put them into BTC and hold them forever.


one of the few L1s I expect to cook, probably pull a similar run to sui considering all the AI hype right now

I bought .5 BTC at 7k in 2017 and sold almost all of it when it hit 20k during that winter bull cycle. Put most of those profits into shit coins and lost basically most of it
Now holding just .03 btc and I still don't have Lambo
I'm never going to make it bros

i went with a safer investment strategy and missed the 6x i would've had with bitcoin

pajeet calls people tourists

go ahead, what's the new scam?

I fomo'd into microstrategy at $540 and panic sold at $450.

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I bought this shit and I feel ashamed

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Why aren't memes and other projects coming out of there like we've seen with sui and others?

Profit is profit they say anon

You aren't looking properly, mintbase, ref finance and paras are literally some of the top ones I know of


I'm addicted to Boinkers farming cos devs keep dropping new features like candy.

I buy tokens on Ch*turb*te.