I sold 11 BTC a few days ago and Coinbase transfer hit my account today. I'm out
I sold 11 BTC a few days ago and Coinbase transfer hit my account today. I'm out
Are you fucking retarded?
now what?
Thank you for your service
No. Can you elaborate?
I'd much rather secure 1M at my age than risk losing it by trying to time the market.
You will literally rope by this time next year.
idk man i feel like $1mil hitting my account randomly would set off all kinds of alarms. the funny hat people dont like it when you get successful overnight
The golden bull run just started and you're selling now for some reason.
Was that your entire stack? Taking profits is intelligent but idk if id swing my whole stack at once like that.
I would rather have 1m rn than risk having nothing or 2.5 in the brave new world of 2025
My bank knew. Also I will pay almost 200k in taxes next year so nobody is gonna complain.
And how do you know that? I bought in 2022 for 225k. This was a incredible operation and a financial success
Nobody knows that.
Yes. 100%
Good for you anon. As much as the other anons here think they know the future, timing the market is just down to luck. You presumably profited quite a bit more than the average person, so, you won. For all we know the next slight bit of uncertainty these same anons will be holding bags.
$200,000 in taxes
And thats why my friends, I will never sell. Im forced to hold forever, I won't pay a single dollar to the country that fucked me in the ass so many times. No. I refuse.
if you're old I guess you might need it. if you're young you're a retard and you're gonna learn
thanks for holding my fiat bags retard
Most people on this board only trade lunch money, so it's easy for them to advise holding forever.
Like you I was sitting on a lot of life-changing money for years, 95% or so of my liquid net worth, and already sold half of it last week as well. I already bought back some of it.
You probably made a mistake selling 100% because it will likely double, triple or more in a few years. That nice round number "1 million" probably made you make this irrational decision because you thought it sounds cool to be "a millionaire".
Consider buying back a few coins if it dumps again.
NGMI just pay the piper you faggot
Gambling addicts will shit on you but good job knowing when to walk away. You’ll touch more money than 99.9% of these shitskin jeets.
much more reasonable
though why people have any interest in selling now when we are just like perfectly in line with every other cycle is kind of confusing
do you think this time is different or something?
tax man gonna take half
fucking kek, imagine cashing out 90 days before btc his $250k.
I think it's wise to move coins at varying amounts at varying price levels. This method would allow you to sorta maximize your profits while staying relatively safe.
Much like how this guy says it. This is essentially my plan throughout the run.
yeah that's fair, cowen recommends that DCA at risk levels and that seems to make sense to me but even then I'd always keep a good chunk in btc and sell no more than half. I'm a full schizo maxi though and nation state adoption this cycle is def non-0.
Did you call your bank in advance? I’m shitting myself about cashing out next year. Do they ask to see your trading records and stuff?
Personal reasons:
I got burned in 2017 and 2021 where I failed to sell. Many such cases
I quit my job earlier this year so it feels like I need to take some chips off the table. Bitcoin has many novel and barely understood risks, all of which are low probability but could manifest eventually and tank my holdings over night
I am looking to buy a house soonish so I have a good use for that cash (though considering waiting for a bit longer now)
Cycle theory:
I don't think there's enough evidence to support the idea that these cycles will keep going in the exact same predictable style forever.
We've seen some divergences from prior cycles, e.g. new ATH getting achieved before the halving, potentially indicated an accelerated or front-run cycle
Despite BlackRock's talk of bitcoin potentially being an uncorrelated asset, if the stock market and/or economy tanks for whatever reason, it will likely take bitcoin with it and may end the bull market
The current euphoria is likely to be exaggerated because things like the Lummis bill sound unrealistic to me
Cycle theory:
it's literally matching from cycle bottom exactly lol
The idea of some new crazy risk being introduced the same cycle as we have state pension funds, and mass institutional adoption with the etfs as well as nation states openly talking about setting up reserves just seems kind of unjustified.
stock market tanks it may end the bull market
We had a historical crash with covid and 2020 and the bull market continued, if potentially "restricted" which some people speculate (which is of course only even more bullish for this cycle)
The new administrations policies in general are all very pro btc and the market.
The current euphoria
there is no euphoria, no one cares about BTC except weirdos online right now, 0 retail as come back. That usually only steps up much later into the rate cutting cycle.
We have never peaked in the halving year, and always peak post halving year, there are tons of indicators you can use
I get being paranoid about it because you quit your job, but that was probably a bad decision and is making you make stupid decisions with money. I could see taking out like 5-10% now at most if you were really cautious.
Congrats dude after paying taxes invest in blue chip and index funds
He sold before the parabolic rise
What a total moron.
They don't care at all as long as you pay the corresponding taxes.
You now owe $270,000 to $370,000 in taxes… depending
Sneaky advertising thread. +you're brown
only a million?
Bitcoin has various centralization and potentially undiscovered technical risks.
Mining or wallet software could be subject to backdoors similar to the xz backdoor earlier this year, which could tank confidence for a while and/or flood the market with coins.
Big exchange hacks are also well known risks. Binance, Coinbase and other large custodians like MSTR are unlikely to go down, but there are novel attack vectors here which could manifest eventually.
I watched the market dump a few times when they shot some stupid rockets in the Middle East.
MSTR's infinite money glitch is raising eyebrows. They seem to be safe for now, but you never know for sure.
The UK could wake up some day and market-sell their 61k coins in Germany style. The US might offload their 200k coins before Trump takes office. Many market participants may awake to the reality that Trump hasn't done anything yet and we have yet to see how much comes out of his promises.
As I said, I don't see the Lummis bill passing. I don't see any Western globalist/IMF/World Bank friendly nation states entering this race any time soon. A few banana republics like El Salvador might join but that could be it for the foreseeable future.
not keep just one little bit corn just in case crazy prices materialize seems a bit risky
get a job
To be clear, all of these items are low probability and can be "debunked" easily, but there are so many known and potentially unknown items that something might happen eventually and then I could lose a lot of unrealized profit very quickly.
don't leave the money there, buy gold
NGMI just pay the piper you faggot
At $10k they ring up the IRS
At $1m they ring up OP to upsell him on investments
based. don't listen to these retards, just put it in stocks. there is no reason to stay in this garbage market after you've made over a million.
current song:
he already made it, THOUGH
if anything that chart shows we’re near the top, you dumbass. the cycles get faster with diminishing returns. I hope you don’t think the line will go as high as the green one.
Bobo doesn't know what a logarithmic scale is
congrats anon. you have "made it" all the anons itt whining about "paying taxes" don't know anything about making it -- you only pay taxes if you make money, they'd rather be poor and bitch than make it.
It’s pretty much a good starting point at any age, in some countries, even a retiring one. I hope a right mix or cell, galaxis and ton can help me achieve the same this altseason