Cheese is Chinese cabal

Why trust someone without creativity to make a meme instead come here and steal ours?

Save yourselves frens. Let the normals get rugged. A true Anon Babble chad can see right through this scam. Don't get psyoped by Chinese bots in telegram.

Let the fucking normies get rugged and don't get rugged by a Chinese dev calling you faggot while he fucks you

Cheese will never be apu until Dev empties his bags. Or else you will get mev bot sell rug over and over again until 0. I am trying to save you.

Captcha digits

By the power of divination and the advice from the chief kike OP is right

Does it feel good being part of the jannie cabal trying to fud this token? You are a bunch of soulless faggots and I hope you rope next month

What a glowie fed response. Anything about hate towards a based anon glows.

Do you want to explain why all threads on this topic have been pruned except for fud?

Do you like the taste of ass fed? It seems to me that your response indicates that you whaled a buy before the rug, cheese makes a smelly excrement how does it taste.. ranjeesh? You got rekt by a coordinated sell-off so don't feel bad stop trying to get exit liquidity.

chez4-2.jpg - 1349x681, 112.01K

Ignoring the question

Answer, jannie faggot

The Chinese have been making money for Americans since 1970.

the fud turned out to be true, you got dumped on, the jannies try to keep the board free of scams.

Who the flying fuck sides with a jannie!
A foreigner.
No one who regulars here has any respect for those things. Get bent with your fud spewing ass, jeet.

lad the chart got nuked in one go for 50k and the dev had like 8%
you got dumped on. maybe it will come back but 20MC is a long way away.

Amazing all you can do is call me a jannie. Meanwhile the world knows you as the one getting psyoped by feds or you are the fed. Honestly it's because the fed jannies are rugging you with the Chinese to make sure you stay poor this bullrun so they are trying as hard as they can to make it look legit.

Anon i was airdropped and put nothing in. I got my bag out and its just around 1k.
I'm telling you man, there's no reason this won't blast off again.

Just look at the handsome aryan chad telling you it's Chinese cabal and you wanna defend Chinese dev who just rugged with Chinese telegram group? Then you have the chutzpah to call me a tranny jannie?

Still ignoring

You can check the dev wallet, it has not been touched this entire time.

Are you a moron? It was a coordinated sell-off by the Chinese and the dev is Chinese too. He rugged all of you and you wanna help him get more exit liquidity? He probably even has 20 wallets in there and dumped it with his mev bought all selling same time. Stop psyoping people into buying this Chinese/glow scam. It doesn't even matter if the dev hasn't touched his wallet. He's trying to make it look legit to dump again. It couldn't look more like a coordinated assault on Anon Babble anons. Now they're using your autism to dunk on you again. By the way autists are honest and I'm an autist. The dev isn't honest where is the moon why did it rug? He's using your autism to pump and dump you.

Look, I'm just gonna buy Cheese LOL

Ok epstein...

If you're a cheese loyalist and got robbed and psyoped to oblivion by Chinese bots it's not too late to sell get out NOW before the real dump begins and you get dunked on.

Don't think you're gonna get unrugged the Chinese love scamming you and get off on it. Don't fall for their psyop along with the tranny jannies and feds. You have to get out now. Just sell cut your losses and don't look back anons. Do you trust handsome aryan chad or Chinese dev who has already rugged you?

Are you the guy who got the TG deleted?

Do the shills enjoy getting called fag and fucked in the ass by Chinaman rugpuller? Do your fellow anon a service and warn him about this fed/chinese/trannyjannie psyop don't get rugpulled again. This isn't apu. This is the Chinese you're dealing with. It's a cheap knockoff and will be very cheap just like everything in China.

I didn't but I do have that power level anon. This is pure autism you're witnessing and I will save anons from getting pumped and dumped by the Chinese bot seller farm rug pull bs.

Autism will save more anons my autism is higher than all the cheese shills combined. And I will post in here every hour of every week until I am proven wrong. You can't beat me but I have the honesty to admit defeat and not cope and seethe. Or lie and try to rug again

I'm not gonna fuck over anyone and use them as my exit liquidity like you psyoped anons who got pumped and dumped by a chinaman while he called you fags lol

Watch the fucking video and don't get drained by scammees who are selling on you selling their Chinese coin.

This will be the most popular Anon Babble thread of all time don't get Anon Babbleraelied. It's not even a good jew move you're all getting pumped and dumped for pennies by Chinese compared to the billions jews. Just imagine being someone's fren and they scam you for pennies must feel bad. Just listen to the handsome aryan

If you don't make money it's because you love getting scammed by a Chinese dev increasing holders with his bot farm mev setup. Right before ww3 he's making your networth go lower watch out anons.

I knew this was all fake and gay

Now this is both bullish and schizo fud

Ya and? I am schizo autistic and we see the truth anon. Don't get psyoped by the cheese dev. Stealing right before ww3 to fund Chinese

If you didn’t make your original investment back on cheese already while slurping the dip then you are neither schizophrenic nor autistic. You are just low IQ and angry.

You think I invested into a chink coin?

implying I invested

Listen just bc you got fucked in the ass by the Chinese doesn't mean other anons have to. Did you like getting called fag while it happened?

Frogga Tyrone dev here.. Told you it was a scam. The only real Anon Babble coin by a White dev is FROTY. Frogga Tyrone will be here for you when you've gotten scammed out of every fucking cent you own. I'm in airdrop mood, so send your Base addys, niggas. (Only real addresses, no new/empty/dust addys - only brown people hold those). 10k if you post crakka hand like picrel along with base addy, else it's 5k.

hurr durr it's waycist won't go anywhere

So is RNT

hurr durr it's on base

Base will pick up once ETH fees get ridiculous enough

hurr durr why didn't you make it on solana

Because it's a fucking scamchain, like your cheesy nigger dev just proved once again.

Come to Frogga, frens. Or keep getting scammed. The choice is yours. However, one thing remains certain.. FROTY HE DA KAANG!

the jannies, glowies, jews and the Chinese rugged me so I'm gonna keep buying cheese because the jannies are trannies.

Stop getting dunked on SELL NOW STOP SHILLING FOR THEM

Frog bro you moved from eth to base? Y? Just curious.

Any proof it's actually a Chinese dev other than this literal who in the vid saying it?

No, it's been on base all the time. ETH is a joke. Right now the fees are somewhat humane, but we all know what's gonna happen when ETH starts mooning. Then it's 2-300 dollars per swap.

Yes just need to find it he rugged frogelon a few days ago I have esoteric information

zomg dev is based he never sold keep holding he is based even though he just rugged us for lolz

Except dev has 1k wallet chink bot farm ready to rug you chink Chinese elevator tech style GET OUT NOW ANON YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

This isn't apu anons think of the Chinese who get off on rugging white people

Wtf is this schizo tier meltdown? If you're trying to save wallets this shit isn't convincing anyone

It will convince the aryans of Anon Babble sorry you're not one of us. But don't feel bad not everybody is born aryan

This is what is known as a “buy signal”. I only invest in coins that make anons emotional. The emotion itself doesn’t matter, the intensity of emotion matters.

could’ve gotten a thousand dollars for free if I just stayed up longer.

Nigger I thought trying to fix your sleep schedule was a good thing. Fuck. Still, glad the only cheese I have was from the airdrop. And idk I guess I’ll cope by telling myself that I at least don’t have to pay crypto taxes just for $1,000

Speaking of airdrops, pls saar?

I was very early in cheese but just to let you know I rolled some of my gains in FROTY

Same thing happened to me, anon. Sleep schedule has been absolute shit and the one day I decide to go to bed early we hit $0.02. Threw some spare money so I guess I don't mind losing it but fuck, it hurts to have missed $1100 with a $40 investment.

I think I immediately put my phone down when it was 0.02 lol.

IMG_9226.jpg - 750x746, 53.2K

The only silver lining I can think of is that there are a ton of holders, still, and the last time I checked people are stacking up. Dunno now cause I don't wanna check my wallet kek

It's the Chinese bots stacking up nobody is dumb enough to buy. Just sell anon cut your losses and get out before MEV chink elevator dump

Yeah I guess. Apparently the whales and the devs never dumped, but who the fuck knows. I was thinking about buying the dip because it seems to be crabbing around 0.003 right now and to be fair this does seem like it has normie appeal, but my instinct was to wait and see and just stick with my airdrop and it was pretty right lmao

I'm glad I only litmus tested it so the cabal took a mere 40 usd from me. I spent more on ass wipes!

schizanon synchronicities firing like mad right now

I'm not selling the bullshit because of that but good lord

If this shit moons randomly in a few weeks I will curse your future generations, light myself on fire and jump onto oncoming traffic.

Curses don't work on Me or future generations and stop the kike kabbalah talk chink. I'm a follower of Jesus not cheesus this shitcoin is idolatry and never had a chance

No new/empty/dust wallets. Lots of jeets trying to take advantage of me.

I was joking, you sensitive faggot nigger. Then I'll fuck your mom raw dog and never call her back. The point being, I hope you're right about cutting my losses.

Stop the glownigger talk no point in being hateful to a based anon. Only glowies spread hate amongst anons while chink trannys rug some anons but I'm here to warn

If you spent $40 then it’s probably around $200 now, so at least that’s something

do some bantz

"y-you're a fed!!"

"i'm le based, I swear!!"

You fucking faggot jannie-fondler. Now I'm really regretting selling, fuck.

Why do you think hate is something an aryan would do? Don't tell me you fell for that psyop too. Anyone who spreads hate is a fed.

I'm a toad schizo about to kms. Please help.


Not even Anon Babble talks like this. Get fucked, fudtranny

Anon Babble is reddit 2.0 the only real posters that are left are the ones that spread christ not hate.

Most of the hate towards anon that spread truth are through government agencies I am getting mocked constantly. Based anons make the right choice don't buy chink knockoff of apu

If you had no idea about this you're a newfag

Hate pretty good privacy captcha related

If you wanna buy the only real Anon Babble coin on Solana here is ca

Never forget the day the Chinese rugged innocent Anon Babble anons

Kazuno on x released frogelon and rugged then made cheese I have found more information from Astral projection anons

This is who you're buying from. From a Chinese tranny anons.

You know It I know it everybody knows it this is a Chinese scam to the highest degree and I will not stop warning the aryand of Anon Babble

For a christcuck you’re mighty hateful. Doubled my stack and took profits again during this volatility. If you were truly schizophrenic you’d see God in the chart. But his light has abandoned you.

Nice projection this isn't hate speech