Let’s do it again (100m edition). Name and ticker with the most replies in the next 3 hrs (3pm UTC) we launch on pumpfun.
Put your thinking caps on, this ones gonna flip cheese.
Let’s do it again (100m edition). Name and ticker with the most replies in the next 3 hrs (3pm UTC) we launch on pumpfun.
Put your thinking caps on, this ones gonna flip cheese.
flip my testicals into your open lips
Op , you should launch new frog coin
Sad attempt at making the next CHEESE. It will never work.
It's not too late to buy a bag, anon. You can still make it.
Wtf green id 77 dubs
new Frog coin op! Les ghoo
A shitty copycat will never have the lore and authenticity of the night Cheese launched. It was truly special. This is just lame give it up man.
All frogs have been done. Best Anon Babble could do last time was a fucking mouse
how about Tuxedo pepe. Ticker $TUX?
new frog!
What the fuck is that thing
last cycle, when it was Dogecoin season, every Dogecoin reached at least 100 million during the peak of the cycle. The same could happen with frogs
it's already live
Your reddit mouse Pepe already topped out at 25m just give up
It topped out at 500k
It topped out at 1M
It topped out at 5M
It topped out at 10M
It topped out at 20M
It topped out at 25M (you are here)
It topped out at 50M
It topped out at 100M
It topped out at 500M
You're always gonna be poor. Have fun with that.
Booo hooooo
Now post it again kek
Already sold
Why don’t we just make SADGE coin? Both coz it’s recognizable and coz we’re sad we missed cheese
I’m not that sad KEK
I'll make one. I'm white. I launched a reflections token last cycle on BNB. Didn't rug. People had fun and made memes.
This one is primed to take off.
SUB is gladly accepting Cheese refugees. Dev is white and based. tg is SOLSub
Reflections were never worth it imo. They never paid anough to even notice a difference beyond the normal intense fluctuations in shitcoin price. Having buy and sell taxes to cover the reflections just made it a pain in the ass to trade
$DEPORT should be huge post inauguration
Will the $1trn gamble play off?
SATURN, ticker: $1trn
It’s giving schizo, it’s giving doomer, the end of the world is so in vogue.
It's already nuked to death but nice try
I'm not shilling, just donating a 1 trillion mcap idea.
$1trn = SATURN
What are they planning?
Could do a Cheese CTO - as in make a new Cheese, but a CTO from the get-go.
6-figure hell
It's already mooning. Still only 5k mcap
What is a cto?
Community takeover. This is just a community take over from the beginning, so it's up to the community. It's a fresh start. The meta is great, the Cheese dev just can't be trusted.
Fuck cheese, they banned me over nothing (wasn't fudding, i was slightly politically incorrect) despite supposedly being le based biz coin. May as well vote for the democrats with how cucked their mods are. Not based.
i finished exercising and while resting for a bit i started browsing Anon Babble and saw this thread.
i then went to have a shower and got a bunch of ideas.
don't know if any of them are good but here they are:
there seems to be a meta about gen z turning into millionaires with memes so how about a coin about that? ticker could be "zillionaire" or something.
a coin about the dinosaur with 500 teeth.
you've seen those images where a frog or an anime character or an animal is about to punch the camera? a coin about that.
don't know what it could be called though.
you've seen the memes of characters with guns pointing at you? a coin about that.
since world war 3 looks to be on the horizon how about a coin about pepe, apu and wojak wearing war uniforms?
you've seen that meme of pepe holding a sign that says "fact" or "truth nuke"? well a coin about that
how about a coin about that frog saying "hippity hoppity"?
a coin about dabbling.
don't know if it exists. haven't checked.
how about a coin about confused anime girls with question marks?
a coin about meme magic.
lastly a coin about a gorrillion. as in a literal gorilla who wants to make a million.
could make the max supply of tokens 1 million.
feel free to use any and or all of these
but for my contribution i request 1% of the supply.
Bueno mooned hard and is low rn. White Dev who has sent projects to a couple hundred mil MCs before. Also going to be speaking at shibcon and will presumably shill it there.
Why are you so butthurt about CHEESE? Just make a new memecoin. I don't think people would want to invest in someone so angry
zillionaire is the only one I think is good. Maybe meme magic with the wizard pepe could work too
I already did - Cheese CTO on pumpfun. Still only 14k mcap. EajuJRrRaAAYRrtp6FtH5ecdJHUjZ5RvWoDomiovpump
Even has RaAAY in the ca, kek
Ya based, should do 100x from here
I've got about seven token ideas, but I don't wanna have to launch all of them myself. Anyone wanna collab? Also, best Telegrams for insider token info? I'm trynna make it out the lower-middle-class hood.
How about a frog that's part frog, part maggot, call it FAGGOT.