/xsg/ XRP Schizo General #2312

Buy XRP on:

Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue, Uphold, etc

Why hold XRP?


Newfag Tutorial:


Gay Song:


XRPL Guide:


XRPL Explorer:


XRPL Richlist:




The Myth of Market Cap:







x.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

Schizo Ramblings:


Past /XSG/ Threads:


What wallet do I use?

Hot storage - Xaman, Gem Wallet, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

Link sucks

fuck niggers

I used to have 500 dollars worth of XRP in 2022 but sold it. Did I miss out bros?

How are my fellow xrpatricians this evening?

Hate Has No Place Here
/xsg/ is an oasis of love

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Fuck niggers

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please stop saying that, it reflects poorly on /xsg/ community members who have no hate in their hearts.

thoughts are things, words have vibrations, and by putting that out into the universe you are hurting yourself and everyone else.

by mindlessly spreading hate, you are doing exactly what schwab and soros and those type of people want you to do. you are playing directly into the hands of the people who want you to fail.

Fuck niggers

America is waking.

niggers STINK



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anyone else here believe that XRP has no real world utility and only here for speculation purposes?
There is a <1% chance that XRP gets implemented into anything meaningful AND will provide price appreciation based on said utility

you mean quite literally every single person who buys crypto?

You fucking dumbass.

This thing seriously looks like it's about to dump.

This is the nuclear winter temperature change map. You should consider cashing out in Australia imminently, just in case.


Do it Jed.

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Are the numbers on that map the number the current average would decrease by, or the number they would come to rest at? Florida at -20 doesn't seem feasible.

XRP will remain in the sandbox as XLM moons. All apologies. Thank for playing, goy.

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xlm are smelly heretics

Delta Celsius, so -36 Fahrenheit.


Fuck you faggot.

I’m sure most people have both

Last chance to sell over $1.

So it'll go to what? 1.14$, 1.15$ maybe 1.16$ and it'll take about 6 hours to get there. Then, dump right back to 1.08$ in 15 minutes.
Last weekends pump was great, the fact XRP has done a 20 cent pump in what, 12 hours, was great. But it's time to watch this thing tampoline between 1.10$ and 1.20$ for the next 2 months.

so then buy at 1.10 and sell at 1.20 and then buy again at 1.10 if you know it's going to range like that why wouldn't you just be running a bot to take advantage of that?

I have a 5 figure bag of XRP, and I accumulated before it hit 60 cents. I'm not selling one single XRP until it reaches my exit strategy price point that will get my money back. The remaining XRP in my bag, is simply my moonbag,

Remember when it glitched to 2000 per xrp that one year?
Damn I’ve been here for way too long
I’m Hispanic btw

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Yeah I have 100k in my main bag but I also have 5k stack that I have on a grid bot just farming free zerps ever .1 move and I just manually play around with XLM futures on goybase to increase my main xrp bag just diversify the ways you increase your bags

No one hates niggers "mindlessly." We all have a very good reason for it and so do you.

We need to go back to 55 cents at a 33b market cap until the case is judged in the Supreme Court in 2033

does anyone else know what the ATH is adjusted for inflation?

What's /biz's bull run top and bear bottom predictions?

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I had a dream this piece of shit went all the way to 57 dollars before I woke up. Do with this information what you will.

I gotta agree with the haters, Golliwogs are the fucking worst; especially having to live next them. They never shut the fuck up. They talk just to use up air cuz it’s free.

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It’s a no brainer for banks to use it to transfer money between banks and customer accounts. Swift and current settlement times/cost suck donkey-dick.

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When will niGGer finally be thrown out on his ass? He's like a JRPG boss singlehandedly suppressing crypto with his fag aura.

It’s the tech bro

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Teresa Guillen, rumored to be the likely new SEC chair, has multiple times spoken positively about both Ripple and XRP
not a fan of "powerful female lead" but if she's pro XRP, then fuck it
bullish days await

The single biggest fud this coin has is how poorfags think that their bag of 500 xrp will make them rich. And this seems to be most of the posters here.

Can someone edit this picture or tell me what to program to use so maybe I do it this weekend? Not a fan of the unreasonable growth this has. Should cap at 250k. 1 million is way too unreasonable to have unless you got in a decade ago or are extremely wealthy. Other versions of this have more reasonable middle goals, like a 75k.

I'm the one that made it.
About a week ago, I mentioned in a previous XSG that I was working on making this chart.
I posted the numbers I wanted to use.
Only one anon responded with suggested alterations.
I agreed with him, and those are the numbers I went with.

The suicide and make it bags are reasonable.
The fuck you money bags are meant to be high.
Obtaining fuck you levels of wealth shouldn't be easily obtainable this late in the game.

Is XRP Unleashed documentary out it? Has anyone seen it?

It releases this Thursday.