Aside from the newfags who joined in the last few months, if you've been here at least 2-3 years, your net worth should have tripled or quadrupled by now just from holding.
What's your excuse?
Aside from the newfags who joined in the last few months, if you've been here at least 2-3 years, your net worth should have tripled or quadrupled by now just from holding.
What's your excuse?
tfw hundredaire
I fell for the altcoins meme.
I'm down around $6k AUD thanks to Harmony ONE shitting the bed and various SOL rugpulls.
I don't know how anyone here makes money unless they are insider P&D scamming, already have huge initial capital or are extremely luck with their shitcoin picks.
Just feels like gambling.
Holding what? There are new coins posted here every day. I don’t have time to check the charts every day for pump&dumps that happen in minutes, or scout out which of the thousands of coins are legit and have potential.
Also two years ago this board was convinced that crypto was dead, there is no usecase. The board was also dead as fuck.
Went up by about 100x. But started with nothing.
Nigger, you have higher chance to get fucked by meme coins than to make it, I've ~$100k in BTC, ETH and some smaller shit, I've tried method splitting BTC and ETH + putting in some into alts in bear market of 2018, the split returns between few alts were worse than just straight up holding ETH and BTC, it's easy to imagine that you well all in into PEPE at the start and got millions but what if you went into the wrong PEPE that were minted in thousand different contract?
I tried to play tryhard without size
to be a millionaire after quadrupling youd need to have $250k invested lol
I’ve probably bought a total of 12 coins shilled on biz and 4 did 6 figures and 1 7 figures. You just need to learn how feel biz vibes.
The new standard is 2 mil. Thanks Biden.
last few years
my net worth went down from $400,000 to $70,000.
No budddy. We've been in whats called a "bear market". Looks like its ending soon and we'll have some sort of recovery, but there's a long way to go yet
I don't buy during bear markets because I get discouraged and think it will never reach ATH again and end up doing stonks and other shit.
So I end up only buying on the way up and last run I didn't cash out so held all the way down and back up again this run.
alot of people here are too stupid to just play safe with alts and memes. They keep chasing 100x instead of easy 1.5-2x pumps then moving on
take linkies for example, holding the same coin for 5 years waiting for it to break out and hit 100+ when they couldve just been in BTC this entire time and made that money, and still be in time to hit Chainlink if and when it finally goes above 25 bucks
tripled from holding
implying I had 400k in 2022
I held ROSE
We are working on it, ok?
for every winner there is a loser
the winners stop posting here when they win
you do the math
unironically i don't get it either.
i started doing crypto and browsing Anon Babble this year. i started with $100 and right now i have $5326
that's a 53x.
if i had started with more money or knew what i was doing from the start, i probably would have at least 10 times what i have now.
and yet some niggas here claim they've been browsing here for 5+ years and are still broke.
literally how the fuck is that even possible?
learn how feel biz vibes
ok shill anything that hasnt pumped big, or at flat chart
What did you invest in?
Nobody posts a picture of their positions
Nobody posts a picture of their receipts
Nobody who has made it would stick around with these shitskins
You will own nothing and be happy
they panic sell a lot, buying tops selling bottoms
I have only around 10K in QAN, if it 100X then I can be a millionaire
I played all my cards bro, no more aces to play.
This is it for me, the final stretch of my life. All the doors have closed in on me, all my options are gone and all my opportunities vanished. I have abandoned the few remaining people in my life and further drifted into obscurity. I don't have anybody anymore, from here on I stand completely alone.
The few remaining battles left in me now look more and more lost with each passing day, I'm afraid I just have to show up and accept defeat. And so capitulation draws near.. it's over for me bros.
because retards don't dca, they panic sell or panic stop buying, never take profits, waste their gainz instantly, attempt to swing trade thinking they're a brainlord, etc.
Because I'm an eth investor. I'm in it for the slow transactions and the high fees, not for money
I'm chilling with my $1K investment on AUKI and expecting a 100X
but I am a multi millionaire and I'm still here.
turned out that not even 5 mil is enough to retire, I still have to wagecuck and still cant afford a decent mansion and pay rent instead.
you need like 20 to 30 million USD nowadays to have made it.
decent mansion
why u need that?
I hold ethereum and link
most only invest such a small amount that even a 1000% rise will not result in a final make-it amount.
reminder: it's all about leverage. you gotta have money to make money.
and ideally you are already rich so you can become really rich.
My excuse is only putting $2k in originally and now being at $400k, hopefully I make it this cycle.
$350k per year passive income isn't enough for me
Maybe you're just too greedy.
exactly apu was shilled here at 100k fucking mc.
inagine fading.
like wtf. easy money but most sold
feel sorry for new guys but they will get opportunities too. new ones every day
cause I sold in 2021 for $100k
Tell people about a new coin they call you a fucking indian sucks to be poor forever
people dont see the power this token has
Trannie jannies hate this token for some reason.
Paper hands and shit for luck by the time I figure out a couple things I didn't have any money left to invest.
Isn't it presumptuous to think that not everyone here is a millionaire at least?
I'm retarded.
i'm too lazy to make a dozen wallets and actually buy solana/eth/whatever to go in on memecoins (cheese, pepe, apu)