/GME/ - Buckled Buck's Back Edition

Basic Information

gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

Daily reminder


Mandatory study time

The Everything Short




Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk


Failure to deliver


SEC 10-K Annual report FY23


GameStop Investor Site


What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?

DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

Real-Time Trades


Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions


All other news/DDs/etc

DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later

reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain

Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: As always:

sneed hedgies

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info

Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen

Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare

~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024

~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5

~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,

~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co

Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,

12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22

and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021


Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares

'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 214.509B, 51P = 4.206B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 172.400B, 51P = 3.380B per (roughly)
Monday RRP: 200.030B, 59P = 3.390B per (roughly)

4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)


Q2 24 8-K/10-Q


2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.


798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency


100 page comparison DD


Legacy links

www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)

Use archives

Avoid DSPP:

GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%


Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

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Tomorrow is going to be a good day

Has to be Wednesday

checked. wagmi

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yup, i expect a nice downward trending crab and reaching highs of 24.50 eod

You really think anything’s gonna happen with this stock? You still haven’t learned in four (4) years?

I'm here if you are my sweet

You really think that I’m a real person? And not just a bot?


You really think that WAGMI is a good enough reason to invest in a stock?


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this kind of humor will make zoomers spend every last dime at GameStop. Keep doing it, I want a house and for them to be homeless.

You really think “humor” is gonna be enough to turn around a dying video game store?

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You really think a meme like that is funny when you’ve been in this thing for 4 (four) years?

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funko pops


only one collectable interests me

Well nowh I said said I guess you say them shills are.... "Buck" broken I do declare! Every time you think you have em beaten they go on squealin. It's almost as if... as if they enjoy it...

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Don’t ever reply to me ever again

Thank you. Threads so bad I scroll 60% percent.

Sneed hedgecucks

Finally a real thread.

You really think a real thread is enough to give you a “MOASS”?

he's crying again because no one is using his threads

You really think using a different thread is going to be a successful strategy for you?

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he's still not getting the hint

You really think responding to my response is going to be a deciding factor in when Ryan Cohen decides to sell all his shares?

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GME is probably back to a “wait and see” vibe for the foreseeable future

Fuck my life just pay me so we can all move the fuck on fuck this stock market and fuck all this bullshit just fucking pay me already goddamn. There’s not even any funny thread culture going on right now what am I even supposed to do here? This is unironically one of the worst GME arcs so far because of how fucking boring and uneventful all this is.

Is there a better example of Dunning-Krueger than Keith?
Told people here to buy bbby when it was trading at 25 dollars a share, and still has the hubris to post here about the now delisted stock
And all he knows how to do is have a tantrum when anyone points out he was verifiably wrong (and that’s just bbby, that’s not even talking about the other distractions he shilled here)

he didn't buy at $5

Sorry not everyone can be a brainy anon

i love gamestop
i love ryan
i love buck
i love dfv
i love GME
i hate (you)

Is he the one that maintains the BBBY threads & fakeGME threads? That's just really sad.

what's sadder is that he's selling bootlegged 3d-printed figures without reporting his income to the bong equivalent of the IRS because he will get his disability gibs taken away.

Ah they are cracking down on that, HMRC requires ebay & etsy to now declare income, he will have to liquidate his BBBY bonds to pay his taxes. Divine, although, come to think of it, he probably sucks at that too so so doubt he even hits a threshold.

Buck breaking hedgies

No that’s the team behind the trip code baking. Think of Keith as like an unpaid operative that falls for the dumbest of counter ideas pushed in these control spaces to keep topics away from GameStop and its stock, and beneficial topics for those who hold and trade it. without people like Keith, those manipulating GameStop shareholders would have to spend much more money to flood their topics. For now they can just convince the dumbest posters in these spaces that they are actually the smartest in the room, at that they alone have figured out why seven deuce offsuit is a better hand than pocket aces.
Things Keith has pushed:





that the people taking shit about these things are “shillies”

retarded collages

”research” and “dd” which make him an important part of these threads

originally an avatar fag until he realized it was counter productive

everyone who disagrees with me is 45


that sharing his brown hand holding his British passport somehow makes him seem like less of an Indian shill

mongolian basket weaving forum


glows like the sun, glows from space

not brainy anon

Things Keith has vehemently gatekept for those who control these spaces (still on the fence whether Keith is a shill or just the single most retarded person to ever exist)

buying and holding stock in an LLC to protect one’s identity

using educated decisions about options trading to profit off regular volume and volatility swings on gme to increase ones position of gme

that figures other than Ken Griffin including other hedge funds, banks, and prime brokers, are also short this stock and worth discussing

that cohen sold bbby because the company was corrupt and resistant to change, and that other intelligent traders got out of the play when he did instead of a continuous and ridiculous saga of spamming GameStop threads with nonsense about the now delisted ticker

Once you figure out that Keith is about 80 percent of these threads under multiple ids (he samefags like we breathe) you will start to understand why most of us despise him and laugh at him.
He is also most likely 90 percent of the bbbyq threads because no matter the evidence to the contrary, he simply cannot accept that he lost everything because he convinced himself he was the smartest guy in the room, and couldn’t possibly be wrong even though today his account show a ZERO (0) shares and most likely has paltry GameStop position because of his constant misuse of capital.
That is if he has ever purchased a single share of an American security to begin with

The amount of narrative control happening in this thread has my dick hard.

I don't think anyone understand the severity of the situation at hand here. Jake is sitting on his couch now.



zased, maybe that's why he's so irate
Your sandwiching between dunking on keith your ideas that will get anons in trouble

forming an LLC for fraudulent purposes


taking focus away from kennnoid

is pretty transparent

what Buck is up to while Greg is watching the store.

It’s almost like he has no interest in disputing any of Keith’s points. He’s only interested in turning him into a boogie man to push his psyops.

That image is fake. The original has Ken Griffin.


are all gonna make it


gamestop holders

keith is not a man but a subhuman

Is buck buck breaking Kenny while Greg minds the store.

And what is 45?

forming an llc for fraudulent purposes

Jesus your level of retardation while considering yourself informed is really hard to watch.
There is nothing fraudulent about forming an LLC for the sole purpose of investing. In fact, most of the largest GameStop positions on record are held in LLCs. No matter how many times your retarded pathetic ass tries to make it sound like a bad thing to protect one’s identity when holding a security which threatens the generational wealth of organized criminals, your stupid retorts will always sound like a high schooler pontificating about a world he has never even lived in.
Swinging?! Says the guy who spent money on a defunct cum rag store at 25 dollars a share instead of buying GameStop. Personally, my GameStop position is massively larger because of successful options strategies with a small amount of my capital. The vast majority of my position is I shares of which I have never sold. I am fortunate enough to have a continuous stream of cash with which to purchase shares and options.
As far as taking focus away from “Kennoid” the only person stupid enough to say something such as this must work for someone like Jeff Yass

it’s pretty transparent

That you are a stupid Indian

also keith

Also, it never fails that when Keith is discussed the conversation is flooded with unique IDs who somehow manage to sound just as retarded as Keith defending the idea that anyone here actually respects him after the unrelenting public displays of a level of ineptitude and lack of accountability that is hard to imagine is humanly possible.
He still believes that the money he wasted on bbby was a good investment and feels entitled to lecture GameStop investors who’ve never fallen for a single distraction about how they should still be listening to his insane and endless nonsense

He literally just accused you of being Keith. How have you not figured out what he’s doing?

a bad thing to protect one’s identity when holding a security

You do know that incorporators of LLCs are registered in the Secretary of State of the State it was incorporated in, yes? You also do know that almost all states allows one to look up your LLC from your certificate and find out who you are, right? If you really want to obfuscate your identity, you must do so via a trust.

Oh look, another ID

GameStop investors who’ve never fallen for a single distraction

Just like RC and DFV. Kek.

checked and what did i post last thread that has him so bothered.

Which I have discussed here as well, but llcs can also have a certain level of privacy depending on registered agents

Don’t know but I haven’t seen him post screeds in a while.

Another ID

gme schizo general

Still Holding.

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No retard, the articles of incorporation will show the incorporators and the agents for service.

Another ID

Can we go to the source and discuss the infinity pool?

Id just like to remind anyone that forgot that the first time he suggested forming an llc he was caught samefagging and pretending to be an insider.

I suspect his collage posting evolved into legal document highlighting (it's still retarded)

I see a striking resemblance between the "legal advice" from the PPshow and keith's

He is most likely a PPGold member.

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how many PPsocks do I need to buy to be a PPGold member

looking back on picrel, it does paint the impressions that ryan cohen knew something fishy was going on at bbby before anyone else.

I did the unthinkable. Clint have mercy on me.

Let's be honest, you posted that.

no that was keith.

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checked and does he deny the infinity pool exists?

It seems to me that this dick waving contest is about who is the niggest bathnigger. What a strange topic to be discussing in /GME/

I've been noticing lately that a lot of things that have usually been said in these threads on a daily basis are gone, and instead of these things, there are more nonsensical and pointless ramblings.

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Trump is starting his 9th year of presidency.



Please STOP. What you are doing is wrong. You have no idea what you are doing. What you are all setting in motion. My husband has been working at one of the affected investment funds for years and I have never seen him as stressed as he has been for the past 6 months. I have multiple children and there are many people who rely on our family in their day to day life. Please, I am begging you, do not continue with your hoarding and manipulation. You are going to ruin so many communities and families by playing this little game. I beg you, please stop! We are NOT the bad guys in this situation. We have EARNED our wealth by working smarter and harder our entire lives. It is NOT our fault the system is set up the way that it is and it is NOT fair that you take out your anger and frustration out on us. If you are unhappy with your life, you can fix it!! There are so many opportunities for you to better your lives. Honest ways to make a living but you have to work for it! You have to EARN it! Our futures should not have to be ruined because you were all to lazy to look in the mirror to realize that it all starts with YOU. You have the power to change your life. It is not anyone else’s responsibility. But you have to do it FAIRLY so you can EARN it properly. Stealing from others who have EARNED it is not.

Please reconsider your actions and how you are affecting others. Think about the children of the families who will suffer for this and what they will have to go through. This is not our fault and especially NOT the fault of our children. What you are doing will hurt innocent people. What you are doing is wrong.

easy there clay shooter from Kent

Moona soona?

its even better in reddit form

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I asked chatgpt to analyze this post to see if its satire and it gave a not useful answer of maybe, but it did guess it was GME

Daily reminder.

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Threadly reminder shills are mind broken

kek dumbfuck baggies

Let me guess, anyone who says bbbyq is delisted and never coming back and anyone who did hold this shit stock before it was deleted from existence will never see a penny of the money they wasted…those are your “shills” right?
What about bbbytards is so easy to spot? Is it the incel/discord tranny energy? The PP noses?

I'm not referring to whatever you're talking about, I don't give a shit about that. The shills I'm talking about sound like this

sell your GME SAAAR, I care about your money for some reason

They greedily and publicly suck hegie dick. If they weren't already mentally ill then the sheer cuckoldry of their actions will break their spirit

kekkkkkkkk buck the baggot

the threads are back to being un-comfy and unreadable which is bullish af. i'm pumped for tomorrow. nothing better than having your forst cuppa in the morning and watching the gme opening. it's sort of a ritual at this point.