All the Big Players are Buying Gold but your not

Yet you people are still buying digital nothing, they are literally telling and showing you what they are buying and it isn't any crypto or stock or bond and you are still falling for the digital ponzi scam!!! you are all being setup yet you dont care!!!

All of you are still marching off the NPC cliff, this is how they've been doing this shit for centuries, they know because of mass herd brainwashing they can easily direct you people in the direction they want you to go be it tulip mania a hundred years ago or the new tulip mania (cryptos) and you'll all mindlessly head in that direction.

But today they've added much more humiliation ritual by advertising on the media what they are buying and what you also be buying but they know full well you won't because of the mass psychosis they have you all under.

Act now while you still can or forever be the cattle that always get killed off every century.

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Precious metals make pussy wet, crypto dries it up.
Simple as.

No auditable supply, industrial ressource, the more it appreciates the more profitable it is to mine more, no thank you.

Stay poor

but your not

My not what?

100% traceable asset

get everyone on board

USD fails

traceable CBDC already in place

Enjoy being a slave crypto cucks, the future belongs to precious metals Chads.

They are doing everything in their power to corral the sheep into crypto and away from PMs. They raised the margin requirements for gold/silver (resulting in the spot price being manipulated lower) TWICE in one week around the time of the election. And CIA Twitter accounts are pumping crypto hard.

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But mom said I can only hold ONE type of asset, it's impossible to have both.

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I just bought one of these bad boys

don't get rich buying crypto lose money like the smart kids do. Elon Musk is dumb for being rich buy gold be poor it's smart to be a broke wagie


Fun fact ,,,,,,,in the 8 years of /pmg/ none of them have ever turned a profit

countries last longer than individual people. it makes sense to buy it for 50-100 years from now. but for a human with a lifespan a fraction of that...

Ah yes, good small % gains yearly they make leveraging 50X in EU and infinitely leveraged in USA. The true deciders of good investments. The ones stopping you from investing in Crypto often enough, which greatly outperforms their gains and reduces their liquidity. Right. Them. Alright.

Put your fiat into magic internet algorithm that is even more controlled and manipulated than PMs and is nearly impossible to cash out from.

ok kike

Full disclosure I own metals and zeros and ones.

Yes i think i will side with Elon musk, vivek, vance and trump buying bitcoin the smartest people in the world against some broke white incels stacking dimes while praying for the end of thecworld

nobody really owns farmland, the state does and can steal it from you at any time with any excuse hiking property taxes is a very common tactic
oil is equally useless if its crude what are you gonna do with it, if its a distillate its a perishable
everything you think will happen in a collapse tier scenario is completely wrong

laughs in second ammendment

and there I was repeating everything social media told me to think

i'll grant you that but the anon i was replying too didnt say invest in lead which should be the first thing to do if you are a doomer

All the Big Players are Buying Gold

gold falls for 30 days straight

Lmao is there anyone dumber that a stacktard?

You can turn silver into bullets. You also didn't refute any of the points.

didnt say invest in lead

For anyone who truly values personal freedom it goes unsead. We're talking PMs vs arbitrary numbers on a screen here. PMs and lead/copper/brass go hand in hand. Numbers on a screen go hand in hand w/ a USB charged dildo because you fuck yourself either way. I only own the former.

It's because fools like you are cashing paper gold for BTC. Meanwhile the wiser investors are buying only physical assets.

Last year 3000 tons of gold was mined in 2023. That's 100 million oz of gold mined in JUST ONE YEAR.

At the end of the day gold really isn't that rare.

Put your fiat into magic ground sparklies

I've got my stop losses set. I've doubled my money already. I would be eating big fees in both directions on gold.
I'm hoping to use my profits towards a house for my family next year, not 50 years from now.
I don't side with anyone.

Good luck trying to cash out normie.

Yes i do like to make 12,000% more than the retards who buy boomer rocks. Lmao

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It's an exchange, in my country, and I've held longer than a year so my captial gains tax is halved. I've cashed out before without issue and I'll be out before others because I've got a lower risk at this profit level. You're pitching the safest most normalfags thing outside the S&P, you deserve your shitty rest to return.

captial gains tax is halved

Lol you have to pay taxes? If I wanted to sell 1toz of gold for cash why would I report it? Crypto is for cucks.

muh gains

Post portfolio then and prove to me you've made millions while I'm poor by stacking hard assets... I'll wait around.

I'm sure your ancestors would be very proud of you siding with the enemy


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btc is facilitating mutually beneficial cellular cooperation on a global scale

this is bearish


You are stacking garbage, lmao you are a poor. Stacker=wagie

Thats right crypto cuck, obey your masters.

When I pull out my 120 year old sterling spoon collection no woman can resist. They instantly undress and demand I inseminate them after they gaze upon my hoard of antique silver utensils.

implying /pmg/ isn't full of coin dealers who set their own spread

So when pmg says they are stacking, what they mean is they are stacking huge premiums from cucks that buy silver?

We measure our wealth in weight, not numbers on a screen that's value is purely based on being the derivative of fiat debt receipts.

stacking huge premiums

No, we're not Rapemex. The profit is made on the buy.

These clueless crypto NPCs don't understand the USD or Federal Reserve. BTC is adding to inflation. Meanwhile when we buy gold and silver we trade that inflating fiat currency for real money that has value since the beginning of recorded human history. In addition to that, you can't makes computers, network equipment or phones without silver and gold. Crypto wouldn't exist without precious metals.
Buy hey, if they want to stay poor and own the claim to zeros and ones instead of owning a physical asset independent of the internet (but that's required for the internet to function) that's on them.

Wherein a poor gives financial advice

full disclosure I own 20 acres and ones and zeros. My life savings are locked in a smart contract somewhere in teh blockchain

Post portfolio. Let's see that ""wealth""