Day 1213 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k

Day 1213 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k

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i am with you mumen rider

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buy copper and make money


buy copper

100% of my net worth is tied to a snail with the bitcoin logo on it

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think of Diversifying into dumb eu copper stocks

You will never reach 100k, being above 90k is just a trap to give you false hope.

Its an asymptotic rise to 100k, you will think you're there but not really.

i need pussy and money

keep going snailnigger :)



Duuuuude, I saw a crab on the beach today, he said to me "the next few months are mine" or something, it was gnarly. Maybe it was the weed. Anyway, love you bro!

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We're almost there snailbro, it may not be today, or tomorrow, or even 100 days from now, but we've broken 90K and the next 10K will only be a matter of time. Don't give up, and thank you for going strong for 1200+ days.

There’s a difference between what you need and what you want. You might want a beautiful woman, but do you need her? It’s like buying vegetables at the grocery store: you don’t always grab the prettiest ones; you take the ones that’ll make a good meal. Wanting’s fine, but needing is where it counts.

also: supreme dream vagene team owes you nothing.

who the fuck keeps selling this is retarded. fuck the market makers. december is when we hit 100k

Could Saitama defeat Bitcoin?

Theoretically he could destroy the whole planet with one punch, so yes.

I think there's at least one hero that would survive the destruction of the planet. Assuming they have a working bitcoin node, what then?

Then he will be floating in space, like a turd in the ocean.

So the Bitcoin protocol is OPM resistant. This is meaningful.

Could Saitama beat pussy?

will you snailpost until $1m after this is achieved? you should.

The snail, me, can beat Saitama easily

generate free money with shitcoins

proceed to piss on money grubbing whores

Like magic.

Defeat from a worthy enemy may feel empty for some, but it's not a loss for me, it's just the way things are.


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keeps going from 92K to 89K for no reason at all

man this sucks


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redpill me on copper

Ok no there's no way a class B snail can do shit.

Busy day today, snail. I almost didn't make it.
In the end though, we're all going to make it.

slow and steady wins the race. i hope it dips down some more for a day or two so i can buy a little more, below 80k would be nice but i feel like we're not gonna see that for a looong time

It's not tomorrow until I go to sleep.

Slow but certainly, just like heading to the galaxis

people keep saying “crypto is dead”

meanwhile, Kendu holders like me are printing gains

I chose the meme over the cope

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All hail the snail. Hail, hail, we are not worthy!

just saw a woman who sat next to me on the train looking at a shitcoin on coingecko

The top is in. Have fun doing this another 4 years.

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desu I think it'll take less days snailposting to reach 1m than he's already spent on the way to 100k
may as well