What will LINK holders do when it doesn’t pump in the bull?

Like lets say it does a similar performance to last time, or even worse. Maybe it hits $25 or so while BTC hits $150k, and doge hits ath.

Will the cult actually fall apart?
Will there be a new excuse?
Will advocates spin it as a win?
Will there be a new boogeyman and illuminati reason?

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why do you care?

how else would he make a living?

this fat fuck stole the dreams of an entire generation

Same reason i watch a TV show, or play a video game. Entertainment.

Watching link retards is very entertaining although I admit lately it has started to feel a little like making fun of mentally handicapped people

Also, is this an early narrative spin for the future poor performance?

Sounds like what advocates will say then

What will LINK holders do when it doesn’t pump in the bull?

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i will just buy link on solana

Simple as.

i will take these bags to the grave if needed

spends all his time composing Link fud threads but doesn't hold Link, a token he's absolutely not interested in.

We all totally believe you're genuine.

like it or not you will be forced to, delisting from multiple major exchanges will begin Q2 of 2025

so be it

source: anus

the paid shills already got the narrative out of a 'landgrab' you cannot hate zach enough
the cultists here dont even care or register reality anymore they already retreated into pools closed for months now as the token dumps and dumps
so nothing will change here if link misses this run it will just be xrp 2

posts Link fud but doesn't hold Link

We believe you

Hold another 4 years.

i answered ops question about a hypothetical, i never said it would happen, i never said you should sell and my folio does nothing to the content of my post
did i say something that was untrue perhaps?
zach already shit the bed on twitter, half the board is now fully deranged cultists that will shout down any critical voice

spends all his time thinking and posting about Link

follows everything about the Link project. seethes about project spokespeople

doesn't hold any Link, honest

spergs out when this is pointed out

you're ever so convincing and we all completely believe you

now see this here is an example of the deranged cultists that will shout incoherently at any critical thought and cant even form a logical pattern himself
where the fuck did i say i dont hold link and zach is universally hated here for years now

Are you all fuking retarded in here or what?

gets more and more irate when he is called out and doubles down on his seething, desperately trying to sell the idea that investors shouldn't discuss their project, but those who despise it should

the more you talk like this, the more convinced i find myself becoming about your humanitarian concerns and love for my financial security.
i think everyone else is believing you, too. you're just too genuine-sounding to possibly be anything other than a really lovely, concerned, non-Link-holding guy.

Thats actually a great point. Chainlinkgod faggot was hated here aggressively by everyone since he appeared, both holders and fudders.

Now it seems like cultists *ahem* holders like him or at leaat never talk shit about him anymore.
To me that suggests the only people here who are positive on LINK and defend it are advocates, or bagholders from twitter.
Anyone genuine has long moved to negative views of link and still hate CLG

normies are not allowed to buy until it gets relisted at $1000

Sounds good to me.

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changes id and miraculously becomes another genuinely concerned Link despiser who only wants the best for those interested in the project, while all the time he doesn't hold any Link

omg the overwhelming generosity of these concerned Link-haters for my wellbeing is overpowering. how can i possibly not sell all my Link tokens after reading this?

The pool's closed shit is so incompetent it has to be an advocate campaign. The 4% return is so unappealing that i never even bothered using most of my allocation given I outright get more with aave. Spamming pools closed when most view it as a crap deal anyway is not good engagement, just makes the spammers seem bitter and seething.

Sent what I could bro, might take

another genuinely concerned 1pbtid Link-hater joins the conversation to let us know how much he wants us to be successful in our investments

the sheer goodwill of these guys is really quite moving and we all totally believe their posts

Which aave are you using? Show me where you can non custodially get >4.32% and I'll give you my spot in the pool.

inb4 horserimmer scam

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low iq morons like yourself overrunning this board is what has killed it
like the other anon said zach was hated by everyone here since the beginning, only twatter retards that drifted in here in 2021 would even think of defending that fat fuck

again you colossal fucking humongous retard where the fuck did i say i dont hold link or that i care about your financial security
op asked a question about the state of the board, how fucking low iq narcissistic do you have to be to somehow construct that as attacking your folio
this is my last interaction with the twatter refuse such as yourself and serve only as yet another example of the board decaying due to newfag influx

absolute seethe

kek adem needs to have another wank he's losing it big style today but hey he's probably worried for our finances, i guess kek

Its so obvious you live with your parents and are underemployed.
I can also tell you live in a deprived town north UK.


I don't want muslims to marry or breed. Muhammad fucked Aisha when she was 9 years old according to muslims, and he married her when she was 6

Convert to Christianity, look into who the real Jesus was (not the lies told to you by a child rapist), and God (the real God, not the one made up by a child rapist) will bless you

V3, the direct APY on link has been 0 for a year but it's easy to build it up. You gain GHO or whatever the gay aave token of the day is, you can then place the alink in liquidity pools and margin against the link and use that. If you were really lazy you could outright beat the staking pool just by borrowing USDT and placing it in a current account at a bank but i'm happy enough doing the defi shit. My total apy is probably around 10% and i'm not in a risky position. Plus I can have it all back out in 5 minutes, no exit ramp period.

jesus was a jewish rabbi and only came to save the gentiles when the jews rejected him. you following a jewish religion that thinks goy are animals

Modern jews love nothing more than you.

Jewish as you mean it relates to the people that chose to reject Jesus, and in your mind is associated with connotations of Russian Jews in the 1900s from which communism and trannyism derived. Your low IQ prevents you from seeing this, so you think it's insulting to call Jesus a Jew by conflating the concepts.

Jews were the only people that had knowledge of what happened in the Old Testament and would understand the signs and miracles given. It's logical that after he converted the Jews (some of them; all the apostles and early leaders were jews) which understand the symbology, he'd move on to the rest of the world. Ultimately the greatest empire in history was converted to Christianity :^)



kek esl anyone?

Dude what are you doing? Instead of all that shit you couldve bought the bottom of Doge and sold the top. Then you couldve went all in on GME and cashed out at the top and then bought the bottom of Doge again and sold the top and rotated the profits back into link which would effectively give you a 45,600% yield on Link.

Gtfo of here clown.

says you can literally borrow dollars against link, put it in a bank account and earn better interest

vastly too complex for seether

are you truly this abysmally low iq to imagine 'underemployed' an expression of esl rather than the correct use of the established economics term it is

so you think it's insulting to call Jesus a Jew

calling jesus a jew is not an insult no more then calling a cat a cat you twat.

Jews were the only people that had knowledge of what happened in the Old Testament and would understand the signs and miracles given.

All of there teaching are ripped off from occult teachings from groups of people. You cant even look into the source material of this stuff because kikes call it devil worship

earn 5% yield on a liability that has lost half its value in the last ten years


earn 4.32% yield on an asset that tremendously gained value against the USD, SP500, most individual stocks, bonds, precious metals, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin and 99.999% of all altcoins and shitcoins in the last 10 years

Gee its a hard choice anon. The. Pool. Is. Closed.

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all the apostles and early leaders were jews)

again thank you for proving my point correct. christianty is invented by jews to get gentile to give up their ancestral teachings/gods

I bought SOL LINK because I think it has more upside

Sold 50% of my bags and tossed it into YLAY, staking that shit to earn passively.

this is how low the linkie cope has fallen

yeah we're gonna rope but why do you even care, huh? HUH?


I’m putting my idle assets into Yield Layer’s different strategies to maximize my gains. Holding without earning is a waste of time.

You could easily get 8% in any savings account for past 2 years. If you were really so committed you could buy link immediately with it. Then if you aren't lazy you could do a ton more with basic defi tools. So go on posting pools closed, not sure im going to use my allocation though sorry.

I would be happy with $25 so I can finally sell


You love to see it folks.

the entire value proposition of the pool was never about the 4ish% in link you got but about the build rewards
funny thing that isnt mentioned so much anymore isnt it

kek - the state of fud 2024, the desperate squirming, the absolute seethe from idiots who lost it all out of stupidity and greed and will NEVER get back what they once had in the palm of their hand.
Ahhhhh.... what a dreadful shame LMAO
Pool closed, no one selling, tough shit.

Build rewards are the only reason I used any of my allocation at all. Thought might as well be in to be able to claim if any of the make it worthwhile.

Instead it's 2 years down the line, zero mention and most BUILD projects are vaporware than don't exist anymore that just took the free link services and ran. Basically oracle start ups 2.0. Makes me more glad still to have not used much of my staking allowance.

you can buy link on SOL and actually be in profit while spitting in sergeys face at the same time

Much of thanks to you gupta

nigger if you cant see everyone from the 2k17 era is in this shit then you are missing out

Pretty weird how the LINK/ETH volume was over 15x normal yesterday. Haven't seen that much volume since 2022. What's going on?

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you can buy link on SOL

it's called Link but it's not Link. They can't perform Chainlink services and are worthless. I can call my chocolate buttons BTC but i can't sell them for $90k
Also, Link on Sol rugged already. Hate to break it to you, Mr Fuddy.

build rewards v0.1 will release, which is another excel sheet you can enter your name into

They can't perform Chainlink services and are worthless.

chainlink cant perform chainlink services. The whole point of crypto is number go up.

You may be inclined to believe this if you are a 2021 buyer.


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chainlink cant perform chainlink services

we believe you!

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Except XRP actually pumps from time to time

the paid shills already got the narrative out of a 'landgrab' you cannot hate zach enough

this is the exact reason why people are buying link on SOL. its like a protest buy. Fuck CLL

i should have specified the community pool
obvious real unrestricted staking in a decentralized protocol where nodes need to compete for link to secure contracts is the proper value proposition since the white paper 1.0
but this garbage isnt even close to that
i also find it hilarious that the retards somehow think that the community pool is a permanent fixture and not some test kit that will be discarded and forgotten when the real network rolls out
or even worse that participating in the community pool somehow gets them priority access to real nodes, i have seen the weirdest headcannon pass here the last 2 years

Don't forget the fact that we all expect Chainlink to take off violently and unexpectedly, so selling any would be retarded even if we could use the money to accumulate more LINK. The fact is that I'm not going to try to gamble on a completely irrational market when I already have a golden ticket. I'm perfectly happy just waiting, because I already have more than enough LINK to make it.

bullshit. All the billionaires that know about this aren't even buying it. If it goes up from demand it's going to happen very slowly.
