If I want Bitcoin, I buy Bitcoin
If I want leveraged Bitcoin, I leverage Bitcoin
If I want Bitcoin but on the old financial system, I buy ETFs
Why would one buy MSTR?
If I want Bitcoin, I buy Bitcoin
If I want leveraged Bitcoin, I leverage Bitcoin
If I want Bitcoin but on the old financial system, I buy ETFs
Why would one buy MSTR?
If I want leveraged Bitcoin but on the old financial system, I buy ETFs
There you go, you left it out on purpose
Did you mean
If I want leveraged Bitcoin but on the old financial system, I buy MSTR
You can leverage ETFs
rrruhroh! wut could go wrong?
Why would one buy MSTR?
Because line go up
So, they ico and it pops, so what.
Its a different thing entirely now.
Mstr will necessarily be insanely volatile.
are jew retarded?
i think their goal is to be like 1.5x permanently levered on btc. honestly its kinda nice having this done automatically i personally have a vaguely similar strat for my btc holdings and i have to adjust shit manually
are you paying 25 basis points for your leverage?
right now i use kamino finance with wrapped btc and also TLX which is a leveraged coin thingy on optimism. also i have some btcup tokens on kucoin I actually dont know the fees theyre taking tho. if i were to optimize it further I'd probably switch to Aptos wrapped btc. since theres some defi protocols that are offering like 6% yield on btc atm through some boosting program which would allow me to leverage like 1.5x with almost no fees. but readjusting the leverage manually is really a pain so desu tlx is the main thing i would recommend if youre doing it onchain
explain to us king
Nice. Can you elaborate on that? I'm doing something similar but would love to read your take.
you can have it in a Roth IRA, no tax
Not your personal army. I did a thread on this months ago.
What were the conclusions to this question?
Threads like this tell me Anon Babble (and Anon Babble) are dying. There's no more alpha here. No one is at the edge of the future. It's a dwindling group of retards. The 900 billion second captcha shit isn't helping. Somehow twitter is now the only halfway decent place on the internet.
Only retards would, mstr is a scam.
Number go up faster but saylor might rug and you have to baghold. No refunds.
Posting a graph from 20 years ago in the tech ipo era an implying it has anything to do with how the company currently operates is not even retarded, its just stupid.
Mstr is now a finance company that creates multiple financial instruments for both extreme low risk(by issuing bonds) and extreme high risk(ticker mstr) investors.
The software side business creates cash flow to fund day to day operations.
Saylor is engineering the financial system.
There's no such thing as "alpha" in a market now dominated by shit like "peanut the squirrel" and dog-coins. The market and alpha you're yearning for is 8 years in the past, maybe 10. If a person has not learned the best times to buy and sell, as a trader, or how to hold and invest and grow their income to invest more as a long term investor then they're NGMI at this point and I don't' care about how fucked they are.
A record of the past is the prediction of the future...
First time playing stocky stonks market friend?
Just don't buy, problem solved. I intend to actually make it.
another 2bil$ worth of btc tomorrow. dunno about you guys but I am ready.
In the UK shit hole, the FCA and government are anti-crypto. The one good thing UK citizens have is ISAs which are tax free withdrawals and you can deposit 20k each tax year. I can buy MSTR and 10x, make a million and withdraw that amount tax free.
This will never get noticed in a sea of shitcoins. We are early as fuck. Unfortunately you didn't buy months ago so you already missed on a 10x. This is a trillion dollar marketcap company if you understand the game theory, but 99% still don't, and will either not buy or sell and never get back in.
if they dont want to get hacked nigga
price exposure to BTC if you can only buy stocks
in my current IBKR account i cant buy IBIT because its a
'complex of leveraged exchange traded product'
and i need some permissions bullshit idk to enable it but i can and do buy MSTR there. (i can buy IBIT in my bank or another local broker in my country but IBKR has better fee rates and margin)
I was late even though i knew, i bought mstr on jan 3 2024
I am +436% but i only put 6k in.
mstr is both a long on btc and a short of fiat and is leveraged without volatility decay (compare mstr to bitx over the past 6mo)
You can trade crypto in some IRAs too.
Why would one buy MSTR?
1) Number go up
2) Number go up in Boomer IRA
3) Number go up with no hack/keys risk
4) Number go up in big cap stock, so no rugs
5) When Number go down during bear market you buy Boomer ETF to protect money
MSTR is one of the greatest all time holds. We've explained this shit enough times.
Not touching this, bro. I’m all in on AUKI—spatial computing is gonna be massive, and it’s already flipping the retail game.
If you look at the price at which you'd get margin-called for the amount of leverage you'd need to match MSTR's performance, you'll see it's much higher than the price at which MSTR would have to start liquidating any of their assets.
That makes it one of the best options for little people to get leveraged exposure to Bitcoin.
The downside being that you become entirely at the mercy of Saylor's whims, since there are no constraints on MSTR to change its mind overnight, sell all its Bitcoin, and go all in on potato futures.
I stick with SUI mostly. Use it to stack alts and memes, it’s been solid so far.
I bought all my bitcoin and crypto before kyc. I buy etfs now with my TFSA. (leafland).
I suppose I could make a kyc wallet and do that but i haven’t.
You can trade crypto in some IRAs too
Not going close to this, I got more crypto's to invest in on SUI.
5) When Number go down during bear market you buy Boomer ETF to protect money
but you have to guess where is the top, boomer ETFs will also crash but less
boomer ETF
Uranium ETFs??
The point is you have many non-crypto option$.
Oops forgot to mention, when the bear hits and you are worried about your shitty crypto exchange going bankrupt because they stuck your cash in 27% yield farming blah blah...you don't have this worry with MSTR.
Happens every cycle.
Ticker: SAAR
Dev redeemed, only up from here.