Brace yourselves for impact. The OGs played the long game, you are about to see the greatest rug pull in your life.
Brace yourselves for impact. The OGs played the long game, you are about to see the greatest rug pull in your life
show us your shorts and sell orders anon, im sure you panic sold and are waiting for $70k right?
178 mil worth of BTC aint that much
If it's not the satoshi wallet then who cares
We have nation-state FOMO going on even as we speak. More than likely, this wallet will sell OTC to a long-term stockpiler and have zero impact on the price.
Bitcoin volume on binance was $5 Billion today
My shorts are right here. I hope you are ready bull boy.
That's like less than a week of Blackrock ETF slurperino
rug pull
The OGs aren't pajeets bear anon, what will really happen is slow transfer of wealth from boomers to millenials to zoomers, and it wont affect the price. Accept this reality that you missed out.
Good liquidity test
I'm pretty sure you see tweets like this every bull run, and I'm pretty sure they're always used to sew fear.
What if the test fails and Bitcoin gets liquidated?
178 million
1.5 trillion dollar asset
oh god I'm so scared
They set you all up. The plan was to destroy bitcoin forever and you got lulled into the decade long trap. Smart money always plays the long game.
destroy btc
Another conspiracy nut that thinks btc is being controlled by “the cabal”.
Go back to r/buttcoin retard.
Do you honestly think bitcoin wasn't invented by deep state intelligence agencies? Nothing goes from 0 to magic moon money out of nowhere unless it has the blessing of the big guys. Whoever Satoshi was, he was probably a CIA plant.
Sorry, it's me, just got a new trezor.
Yeh retard crypto was made to hold up fiat. Stay poor sissy
$178 million
LOL that’s peanuts. Do you think it’s 2014? Do you know how much institutional money is in crypto?
you know thats like half a day of etf inflows right
and you also know that all comes from otc deals so no direct impact on price
0 to magic moon money
dumbass. have you been living in a cave this past few years? it took many years and dips before btc became what it is now.
deep state intelligence agencies
jesus christ just go back to Anon Babble stop shitting up this board it's already shit enough as it is with all the pajeets and dumb bears and now your conspiracy ass is gonna add up to the shittiness. Just shut the fuck up and go back to your hole.
Lol, internet funny money is nothing to actual real world currency backed by real world governments.
Less than a day
State is subordinate to Economy, slavemind
If it went from 0 to 90k within a year, I'd agree with you. But it didn't, therefore you're retarded.
The state is the economy.
giz a bit
memeshit is the Economy
time to move it all into DOGE
Someday people are going to be tweeting about me moving the 2k LINK stack that I bought in 2017
You do not understand the implications of the insiders from day one of btc now deciding to sell do you?
Selling in 15 years
retard actually thinks a 2010 wallet mean they're an insider
they don't even know what this means anymore lmao
that's right, the real OGs are laughing at you retards
the insiders
I love when stray Anon Babbletards wander over here
Literally this. Even if Saylor sold everything, it would only put a tiny, temporary dent. BTC is synonymous with Trump's victory. BTC is also, at this point, #TooBigToRig
That would be mega based of them desu
If you wanna make quick cash before the storm ape into TG nutellaeth dev is gonna burn money to try and pump it he’s suicidal
BTC and DOGE are the make it coins this cycle.
screencap this.