It really was that easy to get rich
It really was that easy to get rich
Imagine being bored online and stumbling on this in 2010
You’d be a millionaire now
kids after zen alphas will hate and belittle us for this just like we hate boomers for easy real estate entry and pretty much everything good about society
I still have some doge i got from faucets back in the day that is worth about £1.5k at current prices.
In 2038 people will be talking about how obvious chainlink was
anybody with $14 could have bought an entire token ($30K) in 2024
keep dreaming linktard
you are only marginally better than a rosecuck
there was also that guy who bought a pizza with like 10k BTC, I think I would kill myself if that were me
It wasn't 5 Bitcoins and the people who used the faucet sites were so greedy that the wallets were usually drained most of the time. I remember getting enough to test sending transactions. Which was cheap af at the time. You'd get like 2300 satoshis at most. 5 BTC funded the faucets, sure but it wasn't for every captcha solved by a long shot.
Yeah I mined 160bitcoins with my desktop pc when it was first launched, but those 160 bitcoins are nowhere to be found lol, 99% of people who would've gotten bitcoins from that faucet would've lost them one way or another.
pretty sure i used this website back then. no idea what email address i would've used back then
Ahhahaha, LINK. You funny man. Maybe if you were talking about Litecoin or Doge.
Imagine if
Yeah, faggot, imagine if you stumbled on a gold mine while playing in your garden as a child, imagine.
This is why it will fail. There's nothing special about "bitcoin" it's just a name, there's no superior technology behind it or anything like that. Come up with a better name and you will have a superior coin.
stop beating yourself over it, you can't predict the future to know which investments will make you rich and which won't, just like the Amazon stocks in the dot com bubble. you pretty much had to guess: a complete shot in the dark.
Even better. I remember back then on Anon Babble
All you had to do was make a shitty bitcoin meme and post your wallet and people would give you 100s for posting OC.
A lot of us didn't know then. The best investments are the long shots. Like right now people could be dumping everything into AMD with hopes they start competing against nvidia in AI.
300k isn't rich. That's "saving money while making 40k a year and invest it over64 years" or "saving money while making 40k a year and investing it over 2 years while living with your mom".
DFW reading to kill a mocking bird in literature class instead of solving online captchas
the public school system owes me millions of dollars
I made 400k online in 4 years (neet with no career here) and now im trying to get a 10x
I would have kms if I didnt find that good luck streak
now I lost all income and must get to 4 million
i would be at 4 million if i went all in on mstr months ago
but at least im at 600k now
but i need to get 4 million ir i killl kil kill aarrgh
you should seek God my brother
It’s always been easy. The only reason you’re not rich is you hate money.
It did start at 5 BTC, and then it went down to lower and lower amounts over time.
I was collecting faucet outputs on a schildbach wallet on my phone for a while. But a couple years later I had to move most of it elsewhere because the coins were becoming worth multiples of the phone value itself and that felt weird.
Well.. I just checked, I still have 0.3 BTC on there. I probably should move some again before it gets sillier.
I don’t need to imagine, cause I remember. Even having free bitcoin meant you had to download bitcoin core and create a wallet and it seemed like a lot of effort for something that wasn’t worth anything. It literally had no price or market. You couldn’t buy it or sell it. There’s a reason Lazzlo traded 10k BTC for two pizzas that year. You may think you’d have thought differently about it, if only you knew, but you wouldn’t have.
That does put it into perspective; it was easy to "get" bitcoin once you've looked deeply into it, but holding it for decades is another matter. Imagine the billions floating around that'll never meet the market because the owner's of the coins didn't write the password/wallet down, lost their credentials/hardware/files, etc. Maybe quantum computing password crackers will recover some of it in half a century or so.
There wasn't really any wallet creation hurdle.
You'd just start bitcoin-qt, and it'd show you a receiving address even while it was still syncing.
but you wouldn’t have.
Different people did different things. I'm not going to claim everybody would have saved a bunch of coins to this day, just in case, and you probably shouldn't claim nobody would have bothered either.
Maybe quantum computing password crackers will recover some of it
There are no known quantum computing method to access coins associated with a Bitcoin address that has no associated outbound transaction.
If one were to appear, I'd expect a protocol migration to occur quickly.
The timeline is blurry cause it was a long time ago, but I know in 2009 it was a hurdle. I spent hours as a non technical person trying to build core from the github repo to mine. There weren’t easy wallet apps to download until later. There wasn’t any reason for non miners to even have a wallet until it because something worth something
lost them
or sold them the moment they were worth anything
Shut the fuck up you giant retard and stay in your containment thread
nobody would have
There were two types of people in the early days. Programmers with a cryptographic background who thought it was cool that Bitcoin solved the double spend problem… and very schizo “end the fed” types like Max Keiser. I don’t think anyone from either camp really imagined it would be what it is today back then though.
Essential post
It was not the only site doing easy task like that and survey for some bitcoin, I use to make shit like that, the problem Is I used to create a lot of mails, so basically those bitcoins are lost forever
There’s a reason Lazzlo traded 10k BTC for two pizzas that year.
The pizza shop owner should post a screenshot of his bank account and an photo of that receipt and write " thanks for the money retard". That would really push Lazzlo's suicide tendencies.