Searching fo dat froog

When all of you are fed up with scammers and useless devs, just know that Frogga Tyrone will be here for you.

b-b-but he waycis

Kek. So is RNT and it went to 100 mil.

b-b-but it's on base

So are projects in the billions, and base hasn't even gotten started yet. Once ETH gas fees are 2-300 dollars, people will seek towards base. Wait for it.

Also, Trump literally just got elected in a landslide after one of his stand-up comedians called an entire brown country trash, kek. Tell me more about how waycism is bad n sheeit. No one cares.

Post addy and get 5k froties, niggers.

I remember you dev. You were generous to us. A blessed day.

Thanks fren. Frogga loves y'all, as long as you're white.

Scottish on one side, Welsh on the other. Some may say I'm white, but my homeland isn't doing well. I may be the last white man in England.

Come to Denmark, Nigel. I'll buy you a koolaid.

Heard you have no roving young scholars up there. How do you still have a solid GDP? No Tyrone = back to the stone age they say.

Oh sheeeeit. GDP goes up up up.

I’ll give it to you Frogga niggas, yall consistent and shieet.


Based frogga shiller appreciator.

Here nigger


Forgot the addy


t dot me frogga_tyrone

My Froggers
I got sum 18 millies froggas


It definitely has a ceiling for how high it can go because of the very specific niche (the poorfag Anon Babble refugees and bored Anon Babbleraelis that can never leave) but because the dev at least isn't a turbojeet it could still make money. For sure getting a little bag during this pullback.

There's a ceiling for everything. Fact is that most waycis memecoin devs are lazy, talentless neckbeards. I'm making a throne fo da upcomin' kang video.

REAL NIGGER TATE - which is way more waycis than FROTY, hit 100 mil earlier this year. There's absolutely no reason why Frogga can't. I will keep busting my ass.

throne.png - 1920x988, 145.02K

The dev seems high energy so I hope my stack will get me some gibs

Froty is a safe way of being waycist, just like pepe and apu used to be. It doesn't have any naughty words in its name. At the end of the day, It's just a frog that kinda resembles and behaves like a nigger. There's plausible deniability here. It's just a funny frog.

This anon gets it.

What do you see the mcap being a month from now?

Might buy a bag

I have no idea desu. We're in a bullmarket, so it should be way above than what it is now. It's still at around a 100K market cap. It doesn't even have coingecko listing yet. The real fun starts when it reaches something like a 1M+ market cap.


Hope this one is better at breathing


Not sending to new, empty wallet. There was a jeet scammer yesterday taking advantage of me, so sorry.

Sending 5k, fren.

Sent, fren.


Got rugged on Cheb, so I'll gladly take an airdrop, please.

Thanks, fren.

Can a nigga still get EBT if this go to 100M marketcap?

IMG_2082.jpg - 279x279, 16.6K


I already have some frogga but I'll gladly take some more frogga dev

Sure fren. Airdrop is airdrop. Thank you for supporting Frogga, chad. Sending 5k.


...But I'm still doing airdrops to real wallets..

Good afternoon frogga dev, newfrog reporting in o7


I don't airdrop to new, empty addys. Some jeet tried to scam me. With all respect, I couldn't know if you're him. So post an addy with a track rec and just some funds, and I'll send you 5k froties.

Understandable, ill move some coin around bossman

Gimme gimme chicken tendies


see Jeg er ikke idiot.

Give me Frogga I am not brown I just made my Phantom wallet today >:(

Also rate my portfolio