/pmg/ - Precious Metals General

"I said mercs as in Mercury dimes not mercenaries!" edition.

Why Gold?


Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable


Bullion dealers

luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)
more at:pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

Numismatic search


News and graphs








Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test


Previous Thread:

No stack photo, no opinion.

Simple as.

Deez Nutz.png - 1605x1064, 3.12M


smug chortle

whatever, kiddo. I'll stick with my shiny metal cat coins!


Precious metals get you pussy, crypto dries it up.
Simple as

Would it be retarded for me to stack ancient roman silver/gold coins?

I am mild autism and have the need to have some theme in my stack. I want all my coins to be exactly the same, but I also want them to be somehow special. Whenever I look at a roman coin I just get a sense of joy imagining that some ancient person was holding this.

I bought a little bit of Doge and BTC and now I feel dirty

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Ancient coins are not the best way to take advantage of gains from either the potential industrial demand for silver or the potential remonetization of gold. But ancient coins are very cool and interesting. And people do make gains from trading numismatics. But it requires far more time and knowledge than stacking for bullion value.

Precious metals get you pussy, crypto dries it up

Satan trips confirm.

when you only bother even taking a portion of it out for a pic once it gets big enough

Even though I have stocks and BTC, nothing gives me peace of mind like my stack, my house, my food stash, and my guns.

Found a wheel of fortune I like. Should be getting it early next week.

we will never give up
we will never surrender
we will

kos.png - 772x818, 1.22M

USA - Silver Eagle
Australia - Kangaroo
UK - Britannia
Armenia - Noahs Ark
Austria - Philharmonic
SA - Krugerrand
Canada - Maples
Mexico - Libertad
China - Pandas
Somalia - Elephants
Ukraine - Archangel

Am I missing any official country tender silver coins? Trying to get them all besides the Pandas (not full ounces)

buy gold/silver

turn it into a ring, earring, necklace, etc.

sell it for even more than you bought it for

Free money glitch. Don't let the normies know.

realistic.jpg - 600x618, 71.08K

Then there's one thing you men will be able to say when this fiat is over and we get back to honest money. Thirty years from now when you're sitting by your fireside with your grandson on your knee and he asks, 'What did you do in the Great Depression II?' You won't have to cough and say, 'Well, your granddaddy held crypto and fiat like a shithead.'

Nope that's all of the major ones

Germania doesn't count for Poland, but they make nice rounds.

are there minor ones? I know some of the mints produce rounds on behalf of other countries

Whatever the hell Republic of Chad is doing. They're practically Pacific Island meme tier, but they have some foundational coins like their scorpion I guess.

Well there's Asahis and Buffalos, I think those are essential to a stack but they aren't minted coins.

I got these in from random "circulated" coin buy from GEC.
Oh! Ghana has those alien ones that Scottsdale makes. Definitely an essential. I only have 3, 1/2toz coins but the ayy lmaos are fun!

Do you remember an anon over the past few months pointing out an obvious presidential bubble through charts and begged you to hold?
That was me.
Hope you listened.

Audit COMEX, it's the only way forward.

Thanks fren. I didn't buy any gold but still DCA'd silver because you never know.

I don't disagree. I'm a stacker.
But I can also read the tea leaves.
I'll be buying soon, and I'll be buying a lot more than those who bought at $2,800 and $35
You never know means you don't know the game.
The $100/oz stories are pipe dreams akin to penny stocks.
Preservation of wealth, not get rich quick.

be gone, silver FUDer

I remember $4/oz silver, but so be it. Bubble detectors aren't welcome.
Silver was $15 in 2020, but that just means $100 is under-priced today.
Have a great day.
$33 is the ground floor. Give them all your money.

They must have been drinking a hell of a lot of transformer oil to think putting an ayy on their official bullion coin was a bright idea

I can't find an image of what you mean anywhere, only the knowledge of a "white eagle" of some description.

I don't like the look of the buffalos to be honest, but I do like their official logo rounds

putting an ayy on their official bullion coin

It's awesome though.
They have new ones every year.

$100/oz stories are pipe dreams


not get rich quick

No fucking shit little retard. The difference between $30 and $100/toz silver is meaningless to me. What are you actually poor? $100 or less is a fire sale, anything under $1,000 is a low price. Stick to crypto instead.

Bubble detectors aren't welcome

pointing out an obvious presidential bubble

Then go. I was being cordial at first but if you contradict yourself that obviously then you're an idiot.

I hope you enjoyed buying at the top, but I suspect you enjoyed {{{ SELLING AT THE TOP }}}

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buying at the top

We're at bedrock dipshit.


Why would I sell? Let me guess you're so braindead you think in terms of USD as wealth still? Pathetic.

That bear vs. bull is very well done.

I’ll keep an eye out for these and others

Le time is money

’Well, your granddaddy held crypto and fiat like a shithead.'

This tickles my confirmation bias.

I do like that spidr

you could say malta gold eagle if you wanted something they minted too

there's a few of us that collect coins here. Not really in total alignment with the thread, but it's fun to see what people have bought. I also enjoy the history aspect of old coins. There's something special about them. It's not really stacking, but coins do go up in value faster than metals usually.

This song is a fucking torture to the ears, wtf man

NZ had a cool fern design but for the last 10 years has been pozzd by starwars
Russia has their own annual St George & dragon
Niue/NZ makes a bunch of the special issue / comic / pop culture rounds

I can't find an image of what you mean anywhere, only the knowledge of a "white eagle" of some description

Got one of these myself a few years back, very nice, but expect to pay a hefty premium.

Ya, it's trash. That's why I picked it!

You're supposed to listen to it while reading my post and looking at the picture. It sets a mood which you can extrapolate into a story in your mind.

A real gf? Because it sounds like a gf (male) if he stacks.

When an uninvited guest invades your dwelling


They switched the pandas to 30g in 02 if I remember correctly. My lcs had an ounce in the assay for 90 a few months back. Better believe I ripped that bitch right out and started fingering it.
The inside of the assay smelled like a mildewy 90's JDM car

ehh, fuck that then. only really want the full ounce ones and I never liked the look of pandas irl anyway

thanks for the link fren

Niue has some of the most cancerous borderline funko-pop adjacent designs. i think the Taku / turtle is official leegal tender, so I may grab some of those. Also if you have somehow found a tube of Russian coins, damn. all I can say