Pregnant Butt is so early we're still just a bit constipated and pregnant only ever so slightly...

Pregnant Butt is so early we're still just a bit constipated and pregnant only ever so slightly. Get yourself a bag on Solana and soon also you can be a happy owner of a new asshole. It's just what your doctor would describe, a make it bag of PBUTT.

How much to make it pbro?

50m sui

200m new butthole

Reviving old shit coins

Buy Cheb or Frogga, retard.

So you're saying for less than $200 I can get a make it stack?... I mean a new butt?

Based poop bag anon
Yes only 50k mcap so upside is huge. Get in loser we’re getting Brazilian but lifts after the bull run

Kek this shit flew last bull and is such a weird fucking meme but it’s match made in heaven for SOL. I grabbed a bag

Let's do this bros

I'd buy your shitcoin but you never post the CA. There are thousands of clones on SOL, which one is the right on?

51xuQkb4rWUTH68tWeV8Qk8MAtgfKAwk5mWnJP1JgLjT is the solana one

We are fkin early for once

Alright I'm in, bless you anon.
I hope this pops off like before.

best of luck. I really hope the telegram gets listed soon

I'm in, let's go PBUTT


I just got off the phone with Elon Musk and he told me this is the shitcoin to watch in 2025.

PBUTT and LTC pumping?!


I think this could be it. This is my second Sol coin ever. I'm putting in some more fuck it, I have 6b Shib

based shib whale impregnating his butt

i hate myself for even asking this but what is a realistic mcap for this thing? looking at the amount of holders and the % it looks promising doesn it?

it's quite cheap to put yourself in the top 10 or so wallets

have you been in the trenches lately? even obvious bundled scams and other assorted bullshit regularly sends way past $1M in a mtter of hours, so it's rare for a decent meme and CTO project to NOT do well

is this on pump?

@OstoBro at TG

DM him if you need your token logo taped onto his colostomy bag. $50.

$100 for additional messages.

$200 for a fully designed bag.

$400 if you want the bag removed for extra attention. Next to your logo.

i simply dont get it. how does one impregnate a butt?

I missed niggabutt, I'm not missing pregnantbutt

I'm more curious how a butt would look if it was pregnant

made $150 overnight after putting $10 into this thing as a joke


sweating.png - 477x452, 356.89K


IMG_1075.jpg - 600x586, 40.33K

Wtf this shit is parabolic

This shit is why i hate crypto kek. In what fucking world should i be making 3 grand off of "pregnant butt coin"

Jeets selling!!!!!!!!
This is the dip I hope. Not the dump I hope

If these guys got the website and socials up and running... it'd be wayyyy higher right now

Just got home from work to a nice 2.5x. My butt is sufficiently pregnant. This may actually be the shitcoin to fly to 10B+ MC with how quickly we're gaining traction.

Recovering well from that sell off damn

still early enough to get a top 20 wallet for quite cheap

okay fuck it im buying pregnant butt token

Anyone here remember the OG pbutt telegram?

This will go trending on phant9m over the weekend

That's a dude.

anons, is it time?