In 2025 most guys will have to sell the concept of cryptocurrency to their wife/gf

In 2025 most guys will have to sell the concept of cryptocurrency to their wife/gf

But not you Anon, 'cause I know you don't have a girlfriend :)

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I am the wife

He doesn’t know im all in

i tried, she prefers to

buy stocks

on revolut tho
she bought nvdia and microstrategy after i told her crypto is going up, also bought some dogecoin in the election hysteria

good work sweatie outearn that faggot

didn't have the foresight to buy doge when it was sitting .10 for most of the year

Man, I remember my fawtha used to work construction and my mother prepared a big meal for him every single night. In nice boxes. Like the japs. To save money. No woman is gonna do something like that in this day and age. Just don't try. Go to the Thai massage place. That is my cosmovision

for me it's marrying a good christian girl from eastern europe

eastern europe

Slavs aren't white but ok

they are unless you're some pol retard.

I'm not married and my gf will never know that I own a lot of btc. Fuck you.

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started dating my current gf as the bull run was getting started.
I got in late but it was still cool to wake up the next morning and show her how much I made

Why would I tell my gf anything about my finances?

I have spirit wives, do it count?
They dont require any money from me.

Ironically, my wife thinks Bitcoin is so volatile that when I say I made $2 million dollars in Bitcoin she doesn't think it's real money and says "it'll just be gone by tomorrow anyway" so she never asks to spend any of it and assumes we're still dirt poor.

Don't tell your wife about your money, let her keep thinking your dirt poor or you lost all your earnings in bitcoin. If/when she divorces you she will go after it if she thinks it's worth anything. You are not immune to this, ive seen it happen MANY times.

there are no trad girls in eastern europe sadly its a western fever dream
i dont know where the le trad east meme even came from, our birthrate is literally 1.00

Kek exactly. I have over 2m saved and make 200k a year and my wife thinks we’re struggling. I put most of my income into investments and when ever we have to make a big ticket purchase I make sure she thinks it’s going to hurt us financially really hard. She has no idea how comfy things really are.

my wife

i get if she was your gf or partner or whatever but are you clowning on your actual wife?
being married doesnt mean shit anymore in 2024 huh

Most women are in a relationship. Most men are single. What the fuck is going on, man? Sometimes I think there is this conspiracy that they are not telling us and that is: there are way more men than women. You see all the immigrants, they are all men. Everyday hundreds of thousands get in. What the fuck, man

Look on dating app

Overweight single mothers without a job

Amazon delivery

qt self-sufficient Polish women in good shape

Where do these women go when they're not delivering packages?

when I say I made $2 million dollars in Bitcoin

Unironically at that point I'd take out $1 million and put it in the S&P Jew Hundred. Call me a faggot if you want to.

He doesn’t know i gambled all of his money.

i hate women so much its unreal.

Most men are single.

this is simply not true, you are probably just friends with guys who are single because thats how it works
my "best friend" of 10 years found himself a hole, stopped talking to me and in a span of one month we want from "i'd go to war with this guy" to basically being strangers
fuckers with gf's dont want nothing to do with the single tards for some reason

This is the reason why wars are started from time to time, to eliminate men so the genders numbers balances out. There are like 4 men for each women, worldwide.

meds, NOW.

I mean they are weak pathetic ammoral stupid harlots that fuck for money and status

but hey prostitution illegal in the land of the free
muh trad marriage oh whats your job money status I fuck for "stability" not money

oh woman oppressed by patriarchy men bad, oh woman strong independent we deserve to be whatever the president of the world of ARKK that sucks ass, muh job LARP finance 6 five blue eyes.

Fuck off tradcucks.

I’m a no coiner but I’m 28 with assets and decent money behind me
Being single up until now is a superpower. No woman will ever have dominion over me. I will wield all the power from the first date and feel 0 pressure to marry anyone I don’t like

I have a girlfriend and she thinks my coins are funny cause I have 40% doge 50% Pepe and 10% btc (she doesn’t find the btc funny tho)

She asks me at least once a week how well my doggie coin is doing and says if my doggie makes me (she is respectful enough to not say we) she’s going to buy me a pet shiba

I’m in the car as we speak about to drive over to her apartment to fuck her and eat chocolate cake, as a matter of fact. Feels good

2025 most guys will have to sell the concept of cryptocurrency to their wife/gf

Crypto cucks lol. Women like shiny things, you don't need to sell them on silver and gold.

I have a girlfriend and she thinks my coins are funny cause I have 40% doge 50% Pepe and 10% btc (she doesn’t find the btc funny tho)

She's sucking other men's cocks.

they're all fucking the same guy, apparently.

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Thanks for the reply friend, I’ll think of you when I blow my load in her

I told my gf to buy bitcoin, now she's up 82% YTD and keeps telling me

omg anon, it went up so much, is this real

The only problem is she also knows I have money in crypto, and a LOT more than she does.

Even with the 20/80 theory, there are still more men than women, so even if we had sexual equality, many would still be left without sex.
The solution is sexual robots, VR implants and AI girlfriends.
The writing is on the wall. With the tokenization of the stock market, it will be possible to invest in transhumanist solutions without all the hurdle of regulation. In two generations humanity will simply stop to reproduce, and Anon Babble will be liquidated.

My wife pays me.

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yeah im engaged and she doesnt know i have 400k in crypto. i dont see a reason to mention it if it goes to 2 mil we can quit waging. telling her before that would just stress her out or wose, shed try to influence my financial decisions. like using it for anything other than making it

Chad’s harem

concentration camps of death all around EU
female virgin slave markets opens

I had an idea : I'm tired of fucking whores on tinder, bumble, ex GF. I Have status I have money, I have look. 1 year ago I've been dumped (cheated on by my exGF) and now I'm all better (bit lonely sometimes hence I'm here but you're forever here).
The idea would be : going to SE Asia, impregnate tons of women I mean like 10-15 and telling them I'll give them like a 200$/month alimony for each child they are bearing (non declared) which is a good salary there.
The idea is to get 10-20 child in SE and then being a sperm donor here in Europoor land.

I mean I don't want to get divorced and $ cut in half, also I enjoy women much more on a short basis, they are boring annoying no reason to spend time with them.
What do you guys think ? Legal ?

my wifey made me a pasta salad and cookies this week for my work trip :)

I feel like my ex lost respect of my for dumping checks into this, but now that it looks good it seems like she's in love with me again and admires me. It doesn't even seem manipulative, it really seems like her perspective shifted.