/BBBYQ/ - Plan Hearing Edition

Basic Information

Teddy = BBBY + GME?

Pool’s closed for equity, common stock is canceled

In chapter 11 unsecured creditors occasionally converted to equity or receive a payout

Bonds are still trading on E*Trade and IBKR

2034 bonds


2044 bonds


Ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud


Share Buyback Fraud Explained


Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?


How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders


End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)


Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:

Baggies roped. Kek

Thanks for the bump!

Did anyone else listen to aj and sals space? What happened with the meeting today?

I do not care

It's over. You can stop making these threads now.

Thank you for bumping this thread back to the top of the catalog!

Are people really still holding this?

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No one holds this anymore, because it no longer exists.

and just like that
pulte NEVER mentioned bbby again
kek bathniggers

Pulte done the dirty on you guys , you can still buy gme though

Qrd? Is there a new stock or something?

technically speaking no one holds this, however there is one sole faggybaggy left that lives with his parent(s) untill he can afford to buy a rope

protip: the ledge beckons you and it is free

sneed, RC is just as big of a scam artist with GME if he's just going to keep ghosting us. he's going to have to pull some miracle with BBBY or he should get minecrafted really.

my gme is green, cry harder faggot

Any silly shillies want to do a banana bet?

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What's a banana bet?

even something stupid like PLTR or BTC would have given better returns than GME post-sneeze

Is not your problem ok?

just buy peanuts bro

just buy imaginary internet money that isn't backed by anything bro

and still wrong, even if I bought a BTC at 17k, the returns on my $15 avg gme blew it out of the water when it ran to $80 - and it was performing worse during that run. Cope harder.

very few people could time the pumps and swing trade like DFV, most retail investors lost money, DRS numbers are declining over time. if you're a trader it means you're not hodling for MOASS so you might as well trade any other stock.

I just averaged down, up $25k

Know that GME is systemic-naked-short-sold makes it crash proof. Even if the price dips down to $10 again it will always rubber-band back up to $80 instantaneously.
BTC and every other equity that Wallstreet is LONG has a very serious risk of getting dumped onto any investors holding for too long. The economy is in some dangerous waters right now and luckily for us, GME has already endured a catastrophic sell-off. We have the opposite problem. We don't worry about a cascade of market-sell orders. We have the opposite problem which is a squeeze. A squeeze is a cascade of market-buys!
We have NO DEBT which is the best place to be in times like this. We have billions of cash. We have a dedicated shareholder base. We have a visionary CEO with a strong relationship with Venture Capitalist firm. We had at one point 75% of the free float locked away by retail alone. This stock could squeeze into instantaneous-overnight-generational wealth tier numbers in the blink of an eye. For all intents and purposes this stock is a winning lottery ticket. To a GME holder, this balance sheet here looks like a piggy bank ready to be cracked open. This entire balance sheet belongs to us and most likely the DTCC as well.
We ALREADY won, kings. You absolute mad-lad CHADS.

i should be up 6-7 figures if RC didn't botch the splividend and didn't rugpull BBBY after hyping it up with his tweets and continued to larp with the icahn pic and liking pulte's cryptic tweet about how "only the young" "will be very important one day" and then dickriding pulte when he was dogwhistling to us throughout the BBBYQ bankruptcy

RC didn't mess up the share dividend. The DTCC stole the shares to be sent to Europe. They told European brokers to handle it like a split. That is how the shorts in America seemed to have so much ammo.
LOL. Gamestop even released a press statement addressing the issue and pointed the finger at the DTCC.
It is actually quite stunning that we did the share dividend at all. What a breathtaking action taken by the management team to placate the shareholders who were pissed about being robbed. This is why I have so much faith in RC, is exactly what he did back in 2021. (or was it 2022?)

how does BBBY and teddy fit into this? the teddy trademarks filed before the BBBY rugpull weren't just for children's books, those books and the GMEdd interview were probably invented by his lawyers as a cope, much like pulte's charity after he went dark before the trump rally with RC.

the CFO messed up the filing by setting a different record date and ex-dividend date, he got fired shortly thereafter

Your friend is le dead

Should have bought GME instead baggies

You can't tell me what to do.

Don’t buy BBBY bonds

Why not?


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Shillies shamblin

Ryan Cohen will not be at Pulte con, you dumb mother fucker.

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This is spam, that company does not exist anymore. Where are the jannies?

CH11 is not over yet. M&A is on the menu for the Trump administration.

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I never implied so. In fact, I didn’t even initially read into that wording as such a possibility until going back after your post. Obviously it’d be cool if he’s there but moreso that Pulte was still acknowledging the bbby crowd after deleting his old stuff. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything either beyond general public engagement pleasantries but it’s better than a worst case scenario ghosting which sadly wouldn’t be near the shittiest thing a billionaire ever did in service of whatever self interest. I remain intrigued at what’s to come at the end of ch 11.

lmao you absolute loser

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I am $40,000 in the green and we're not even CLOSE to the all time high we saw earlier this year.
I am such a winner its not even funny.

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