not a good look
Linkies going sour on social media
aren't you glad you finally listened and switched to dark mode
penis penpis poop poo hah poop pbebis
*shits in your thread*
*Flails arms around* blalbelbl ablel penis
still trawling twitter for screens to post on Anon Babble
not a good look
thats what they get for dumping on their community
When the current financial system suffers a systemic failure, which it will soon; you'll be glad you bought Link. Unless you didn't buy Link, in which case, kek.
Two more weeks fellow LinktriQts! Trvst the plan! WWG1WGA!
Implying the token reflects network value with current tokenomics. You don't know about Sergey stealing the fees lol
what will you say when the payment abstraction layer is finalized and released?
If all payments go through it, and I mean all payments, even for price feeds, with link market buys, even for price feeds, then it will be a huge step towards decentralisation. Link will probably moon from this alone.
kek don't look at Sui's dumps anon.
That was always the plan retard.
As long as it isn't implemented it doesn't matter. Go tell the market its the plan, see if they care
as long as the future isn't here yet it doesn't matter
You just missed the absolute number one key aspect behind investing.
Even linkies are starting to fud themselves. I'm starting to think this is the bottom and it'll moon soon.
when the money dries up the one team that you can count on to dump on investors will stop
You check in on your coins and they aren't moving.
You see the timeline shilling something that is pumping massively day after day.
You don't do anything.
The coin everyone was shilling pumps another 50% the day after.
They are saying this is the winner of the cycle.
Your coins are going sideways.
You can't take it anymore, so you sell your coins and rotate into the coin that is pumping.
You feel light and free.
The coin you bought into dumps 50% the next day.
Whilst the coin you held previously goes up 70% in a few hours.
This is how you lose money in a crypto bull market.
Don't do this.
Be patient.
Let your thesis play out.
Unless you are holding absolute shite then you will be fine.
Capital rotates a lot in a bull market.
Once something has gone up a lot then people look for the next set up.
There are many paths to making it, and many portfolio constructions that will achieve life changing wealth this bull.
oy vey don't sell goys
the pump is coming in 2 more weeks
Unless you are holding absolute shite
imagine suggesting link is anything but
It needs to be said that Sergey is fundamentally not here to help them out. Look at Charles. He made up some nonsense about working with the Trump campaign and it pumped his shitcoin up massively. He knows how to win. Sergey hates it when you win. He wants the banks to win, but for you to lose.
incel coin
20 cents to 13.23
Never selling LMAO fuddies !!!
Sergey is constantly talking about working with governments and institutions.
Chainlink will be used for price feeds
Ok so no money is going to the token. We know how price feeds billing works now lol
subsidies bad
Better get out of Bitcoin then.
Also, "Chainlink will provide crucial pricing data and cross-chain interoperability infrastructure"
I was in the ICO for 7k Link in 2017 and now I have less than 100 Link left lol. Nobody gives a fuck about this technology.
UH OH BROS, NOT A GOOD LOOK, LINKIES ON TWITTER DOWN BAD!!! PRICE?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
No. Maybe you're new and don't know so I'll explain it to you.
It is nothing like bitcoin. Miners are not trustlessly mining for new tokens. The tokens are all premined and the uncirculating supply is held centrally by Chainlink Labs.
In the case of price feeds, again it is very different from btc. The uncirculating supply isn't just a top up as a subsidy: Chainlink Labs ask users to send the fee directly to them in any currency they want (no kidding I'm serious, it can be on chain or off chain no one knows how much, from which users, etc). Then Chainlink themselves pay the nodes, for this they do not sell the fees for link on the open market, they keep the fees (again no one can see that), and they get link from the premint they control.
So as you can see it is nothing like bitcoin, it isn't trustless, and it isn't all displayed on chain in a way that allows everyone to see how much fees Chainlink Labs receives. Also, this means that the more the nodes work, the more the token gets diluted, with absolutely zero buy pressure in exchange.
Advocates say it's not a big deal, Ill let you judge.
Hope that helps.
Link cheap?
Great more time to accumulate
PSA to new investors, "mommy why arent we treated like other investments" is not a thesis, and is a guaranteed way to lose money
it's really amateur hour up in here
THE Cuckolds of crypto
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH look at the cult member in absolute desperation mode
how'd this strategy work out for iota holders last run kid
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude our cult leader is just so honest
you mean the guy that partnered with celsius, bancor, sbf, etc
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude y yerrrr african!!!!!
you mean like chainlink labs' remote employees
that you pay for
but back to sergey, didnt he say ccip live in 2022?
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude the tech is such a sssssssssssssssssecret
ahhh yes, so secret even the market doesnt know despite them running 15 ads per day
This. I'm putting 2k into Link tomorrow. It'll prob moon tonight knowing my luck lol
can't believe newcomers like me still have the chance to get in. i'll be holding for at least a couple years and see where it goes with Swift etc
payment abstraction layer
any idea when that's coming?
even SirGay has had it with these stinkies
just move on kid. it will never be 2021 again for link
Buddy, ADA just nearly doubled based purely on Charles spewing some unsubstantiated bullshit about aiding the Trump administration.
What moves prices isn't fundamentals, it's news and hype about fundamentals.
crypto zoomers always wanting things NOW and then bitch about it
kek every time
fake and gay
Zoomers out gain you tho kid
They put zero thought into picking coins, hit 100x in a few weeks and then go spend time w friends and hot 20 yr olds
You on the other hand jerk off to breadcrumbs like a little fag nerd and talk about when you had gains 5 years ago like a washed uncle rico
Youre getting mogged son
Post reeks of being 30+ years old
I'm 600 link away from getting to my accumulation goal of 3000. If dubs I'll buy.
Chainlink has failed as a project. Price action is all that matters and they failed because Sergey is a greedy fuck that prevented price from going up by dumping huge amounts of link to break my uptrend
fat russian jeet scams millions of autists
said autsists gain sunk cost + stockholm and defend their worthless bags for the rest of eternity
Many such cases!
You are seething. Trump won. You hold no Link, and will never be a woman.