I tried to tell you niggers

It is a blackhole sucking in shit fiat and spitting out BTC yield.

file.png - 1024x512, 144.71K

You will never have an opportunity like this again.

I feel a bad omen about this

the chart looks unreal

I made threads about this when it was $400 (technically 40$ split adjusted)
I have massive regrets that i didn't go all in, I would be a millonaire, so im only up like 160k

I may just go all in at this price. The RSI indicator is dogshit and would have keep you out of upside for 200 days. Look at the last bullrun.

They are dragging behind a bit today.

Chart looks like a parabolic move about to resolve in the following 48hrs. And the chart is already in log scale!

mstr.png - 2241x1152, 197.25K

I was split between MSTR and miners, but have been aggressively selling miners again to get more MSTR and leap calls.
Not a bad day to do it either as MSTR is lagging a bit.

I never got myself to learn options, I wish I did. I don't even know how to trade them in EU. Apparently they are different in EU because you are forced to hold them to expiration or something like that. I don't know how it works in terms of how to measure if it's a good price, what to do if it goes the wrong way and so on. Seems complex af.

just watch some youtube videos..
EU you can only exercise on expo date, American style you can exercise any time until they expire.
It's like 4x leverage if you buy the furthest out of the money options that are 1 year out.

No you fucking didn't. All the spam a year ago was MARA and RIOT, both of them companies TOTAL SHORTING SCAM dumped on the stock holders.


disgusting chart

1605733306131.png - 899x904, 128.42K

I shilled CORZ a year ago when they were in bankruptcy and made a 5-10x on it.
I did lose a lot on CLSK though.

EU you can only exercise on expo date, American style you can exercise any time until they expire.

What does this mean?
I have to baghold the option until expiration?

No you can always buy and sell them whenever, but the value of an option in your ability to purchase the underlying equity (MSTR) at a set price. So if it goes way over the set price you make multiples, and in EU you can only exercise at expiration date so they trade a bit differently price wise. No one exercises early, because that would destroy the time premium. (longer = more uncertainty of where the price will go = more premium)

Maybe just buy MSTU lol

CLSK is also a shorting scam. Only reason MicroStrategy isn't is because they don't "dilute" their stocks and they aren't owned by Blackrock like the rest.

they dilute the fuck out of their stock, but to increase sats per share

So you would have sold NVDA at 45

nvda rsi.png - 1920x1014, 149.63K

no MSTU in EU as far as I know. Also it has that weird decay that leveraged ETFs have. I really need to learn options but im low iq, yet I frontran most people on spot MSTR.

holding a lot of MSTR for 10 years will probably just be make it.
Hopefully not, but could blow myself up trying to get too long MSTR with options and fuck myself over long term if I had just went all in spot and not touched it.

Not really, not even at the same scale as the rest plus they don't dilute to short sellers. It's why it went up a month ago, someone got short squeezed hard with MSTR.

I would rather not have to wait for 10 years desu. Im getting close to 1000 shares, but it's thought buying more with the chart this parabolic, at the same time it feels like I could go all in now and 2x in a few weeks

If MSTR breaks down from this log trend, it might be over for Bitcoin bull run this cycle. Getting a bit too close to it now

Damn, very nice position!
Ideally keep it forever and loan against it so you don't have to pay taxes.. Just don't lever it too much!

I don't know how to loan against it or do options.

What trend? it's not parabolic until 2 million.

mstr para.png - 1920x1080, 140.35K

Also totally based upon how long it takes BTC to become a big time treasury reserve asset.
I tend to think adoption is quite slow, but the speed could surprise us once the competition really ramps up.

Yeah miners have been a fucking dud all this year except for early 2023.
I still have some WULF because it's lower marketcap and Druckenmiller owns some, but I think I'll dump that too on the next MSTR dip and go all in.

I hope there's a small dip at least.

Unironic hyperinflation indicator.
Not saying you should let your money get inflated without investing, just that its fucking over for fiat.

invested 30k into it last week because a faggot on youtube told me its a good bet. well... he was right.

It's breaking down the log trend right now. This might be the big one

you would have sold here and miss on 300% run

mstr parbol.png - 2241x1152, 161.31K

Have fun selling at $20

have fun buying at $400

Which one is it

It's definitely going to see $400 soon, but Bitcoin might crap out down to $76K.

Why would it go higher?

how is he a faggot and why did you listen to him?

because I didnt listen to faggots around me when btc was at 3k. didnt listen when other faggots told me to buy when it was at 16k. this time I said fuck it why not. rather yolo it than having useless fiat. at this point I don't care anymore even if I lose everything.

how do you decipher whos a good faggot and whos a bad faggot because your post made me rofl