/GME/ - Tuesday Morning Opening Entrance Edition

Basic Information

gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

Daily reminder


Mandatory study time

The Everything Short




Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk


Failure to deliver


SEC 10-K Annual report FY23


GameStop Investor Site


What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?

DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

Real-Time Trades


Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions


All other news/DDs/etc

DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later

reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain

Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: As always:

sneed hedgies

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info

Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen

Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare

~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024

~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5

~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,

~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co

Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,

12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22

and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021


Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares

'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 159.002B, 56P = 2.839B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 163.621B, 56P = 2.922B per (roughly)
Monday RRP: No

4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)


Q2 24 8-K/10-Q


2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.


798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency


100 page comparison DD


Legacy links

www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)

Use archives

Avoid DSPP:

GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%


Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

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The many fags that got btfo by me last thread can start anew. Breathe. No one will know you embarrassed yourself last thread.

Yep, price is slowly rising and the post frequency has gone up over 500% here, nothing is happening until the bbby march 2025 claims objection bar date AT LEAST. They even increased the option chain strikes, which is proven to drastically increase fomo.


if you goto 2 minutes 55 seconds, ken griffin says:
"There's an understanding that many dynamics of how humans behave can be.... in a sense... taken advantage of by technology. If we know how humans behave, and we can predict that, we can use that to better position our portfolios."

They also play this same game with how humans gauge sentiment on various subjects and topics of interest. Paid stock bashers, who are present in this very thread, are here to demoralize us, disinform us, make us all look insane, and flood threads to make information access difficult. The techniques for mass media manipulation are nearly unlimited and new techniques are developed all the time. You need to muddy the waters by having shills go after eachother.

Looking at the theory of how to disrupt an organization, they will send shills in to never activate, they will send shills in to attack non shills, they will send shills in to attack other shills, and by doing so they create an informational ecosystem that is so painful to navigate they make it nearly impossible to organize and bubble up good ideas and spread useful information.
Stay vigilant.

I'm going to stretch your asshole until it looks like a sinkhole

Aile is camping!


Still Holding.

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Make today be the day you paint a room like Kurt Cobain.

Bless you fren

nah fuck you gum rules

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picrel in your post is my hero

Not before you paint the sidewalk you finance fuck


These cocksuckers must pay for what they did in premarket

i hope the guy that tells everyone to shut up shows up soon
cant focus on the ticker with all that noise
(and dont feel confident enough to do it myself)

preemptive oooooooo

They will suck

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Someone is having a temper tantrum

I should have sold when it was $60...
I should have bought $btc...
I should have bought $doge...
I shouldn't have voted to allow chobani to dilute...

Was it really banks being closed yday that caused the pop?

so previous 'run' was at 24 max.
this run maxed out at 28
i guess, its time to sell and wait it out till it drops to 21 before reloading and wait for another run.

Volume is going crazy





Market makers are such cunts

I embarrass myself every thread



Hahaha oops

emptive ooooooo

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Still Holding! x4

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Push to 28 starts in 15 minutes friends, please preload your poompa cannons and prepare.

Checked, locked and loaded

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fuck this cock and ball torture, just get back to $80 so I can sell and buy a house

based baker, based gme frens, we all gonna wgami

thereheis.gif - 268x320, 736.17K

fuck this cock and ball torture, just get back to $80 so I can sell and buy a house

next run. im seeing a lot of cope posts which only tells me this run is done.

based post. Yea whatever I'm replying to myself.

These are all me

holy fucking delusional baggie cope i can't believe there is a GME general FIVE YEARS AFTER THE SHORT SQUEEZE. You are some dumb-ass Cargo Cult niggers, you know that?

5 years ago was 2019 you lying retard

The chart feels different, like you can visibly see the struggle and desperation each time they slam the price down. Is the algo about to break?

you guys did hold GME before January 2021, right? Right? Surely you didn't buy your first share at $483, right?

Oh god someone buy my calls please. I promise to never dabble in calls again.

may 2024 was 5 year ago

see you on your grave in 2 more week i guess

The gap gonna get filled (and Kenny's gap will be filled too)

Hold the line apes

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Hold the line apes

i know you're being ironic but its just funny in retrospect to see the same lines being used over and over again these 4 years.

I told you guys, no DFV means run is kill

I think Chobani diluted at 26-27

I think Chobani diluted at 26-27

cant dilute without filing with the SEC nigger

All of my

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Bought another 260 shares, it's good to be in the green

im so bullish

im so bullish

say that enough times and Ryan might just not diloot.

the filing can come after, like it did the last offering.

so we launch by Tuesday next week? I’m ready

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I told you that the shills were shilling yesterday. Timing and taking profit is everything.

$30 please...

shills were shilling yesterday

two kinds of shills tho, bear shills and bull shills

where did all the option fags go? weird

What the fuck does AMC think it’s doing?

where did all the option fags go? weird

back to their respective paid discord channels lol

No one saying that it's easy to get burned on options and that they're only worth it if you know what you're doing is a shill. It's possible to get lucky with them (I did), but it's more likely to be very unlucky (oh boy was I). In general, it's stupid to do things when you don't understand the risk involved.

Nothing until it's double digits.

It's abouch to show GME how it's done

All they had to do was just buy shares

simple as

double digits


i guess there was a miscomm, i was just saying that the word shills have different connotations to different people. i agree with you on the options.

It's dropping again

All they had to do was just buy shares

hard to sell discord memberships tho

It took AMC with it Kek



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looks like its gonna be another cold , sexless Christmas again

I swung my options for nearly 200% profit yesterday and now I'm just chilling until IV drops and the price goes flat. Then load up calls again and repeat.

I told you guys, if there's no 5k blocks of calls coming in by DFV, the run is fake and will crash

I'm tried of holding. I will sell.

Its amazing to me that theres still people spending money on that pile of garbage.

the run is fake and will crash

"OMG you shill pajeeet, how dare you!"

omg a hit tweet
los dos even
dos dos dos dos dos dos

It gets a good kek out of me

shorts are panicking across the market and are "shorting some more" in an attempt to scare the normies. they will fail.

A lot of people think the same thing about us. I know, I know, zoom out. I hate them

And people are still buying Nvidia at ath with the smci Chinese accounting debacle looming

Those people fail to compare businesses and what the gaming industry is worth. Id put my money in a company with billions cash on hand, no debt, on the brink of an economic pull pack where they can slurp up companies.
AMC on the other hand is run by a greedy money loving cronie who is driving their business into the ground. A joke of a company

The regular person is a complete fool when it comes to the market. They parrot what they hear on the news.

No one is panicking bro

The only thing that can save AMC is a merger with Cinemark

But it's cheaper so I can buy more

I'm going to eat them instead

nooooo you can't swing calls even though you've seen the pattern of run ups caused by significant call activity meaning anything else is fake and gay

I don't wanna make it tough
But I've had enough
And it ain't no lie, bye bye


It’s funny how little push pack they get from the towel haters. They only have anger for the bbby schizos.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of GME call holders suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

kek dumbfuck baggies

Something tells me todays RRP will be an important milestone

Nice background on your wojak image, faggot

talmudic magic at its finest

nice comment faggot

Price is up 18% from 30 days ago


Lol. Lmao indeed.

18e.png - 550x400, 86.9K

nice ass faggot

Post more cute anime girl gifs

nice faggots

just yesterday you faggots were talking about how to spend your moass money

congrats on this. seriously.

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i'm just gonna post a comment like this to talk to myself. i like gme.

calls pump well over 100% yesterday thanks to IV

calls drop 15% today

thanks for the condolences bro, i needed that

thanks for the condolences bro, i needed that

dont they still have like 3 days for price to run?

Fud don't mean nothin to me man. They call the stock market "gambling", so I must be the house. I'm acat, but I'll take a shit through my purple anus on your front yard. I make billionaires jump out their windows into my safety net, because I want them to do it again but like they fucking mean it. They're gonna rename it "splat street" when I'm done with it. My stock has no value because it has infinite value, it's everything and nothing at the same time. Holocaust 2? Nah man, I'm doing the Holocaust 1! Call me Super Mario because I'm cleaning out these tunnels. Call me Super Mario because I'm serving eviction notices in these tunnels.

dumpeet.jpg - 686x386, 40.08K

thanks for confirming who's pushing options in the thread the day before it opens -7%

if you weren't such a massive newfag you'd know that i told /gme/ to buy the 125's back when they traded for 30 bucks a pop and right now they're trading at 1.15 and were at 1.60 at their peak yesterday but i understand that you'd rather be a seething faggot so carry on

hell yeah brother

DFV is still buying as evident with these 5k share block in the dark pool which he has previously used to accumulate GME shares.
In my opinion, Q3 earnings release in December, followed by another dilution which will plummet the stock price. DFV will buy his remaining shares to get to 10% and file 13G starting MOASS just like RC did in December 2019.

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I don't know what any of that shit means man. Is the $1.15 - $1.60 how much each of the shares in the options cost within the contract? And you're just saying you think the price is going up, or are you 0dte'ing that mess?

dangerously checked

i love when redditors that fell for the 'options le bad' hodlfag meme seethe at people who aren't retarded for actually making money on this gay stock

meanwhile it's okay for deep fucking faggot to pump and dump calls uhhhh, because he just can, okay?!

daily reminder that if you're are a holdfagging DRSnigger that you've made absolutely $0 off your investment in 4 years while inflation and the devaluation of the US dollar has simultaneously eaten away at the money you've stuffed into redditschizo shit

has cohen DRS'd? larry? king capeshit? fat retard pulte? anyone?

meanwhile anybody that bought calls yesterday without buying the absolute top like a retard is still up today since IV was fucking rock bottom and has only increased into today's dumperoo

yeah i'm thinking i'll cap this post with a 'kek baggies'

here's a 'sasuga' as well at no extra change

gme will fill the gap

I personally made money on shitcoins in the interim but you do you.

T+35 is Dec 17th


it's over once it's over.
i didn't hear no bell.

keep seething nigger. your ngmi

options prices are multiplied by 10

so the lowest they traded were 0.30 (30 dollars per contract) and the highest was 1.60 (160 dollars per contract)

they're not 0DTE they expire in january
0DTE is for fucking morons, hence why every redditor assumes all yolo options are 0DTE (because they're fucking morons)

the reason why the januarys were so brutally cheap is because they have a $125 dollar strike

and before you shit your pants at me no i'm not expecting it to ever hit $125 but when IV is rock bottom and you have a bunch of retards piling in on a paltry 10% day (kek) that means you options fucking skyrocket thanks to IV

so when i'm kekking baggots for being my exit liquidity, this is what i mean

and this is why they seethe so hard and screech at me claiming i "push options right before a dump" even though you can go back in the general and see me posting about this position months ago

hope this helps

inb4 reddit spacing


Kek dumbfuck crypto ba-ACK!

He's saying that the $125 calls were $30 each, peaked at $160 each, and are currently $115.

These far OTM calls wouldn't make sense for a normal stock but GME is not normal and IV skyrockets when GME starts to pump causing the price of far OTM calls to go up in value alot despite being the stock price being nowhere near.

Options are what brings volatility to GME.
DRS, while you get to own your shares in your name, does nothing to volatility.

Obviously stay away from options if you don't know what you're doing though

It's slowly rising my bloody bitch bastards

Wow it’s almost like options are controlled by market makers and is one of many tools used against us. Yet they continue to use them. How can you seriously believe anything Niggerfaggot has to say?

They redeemed

I wonder if the loopring man being with [REDACTED] on election night means anything. Nawwwwww, its probably nothing.

Obviously stay away from options if you don't know what you're doing though

literally an hour of googling is all you need to understand how options work, i swear i don't even know how half the faggots here managed to open a brokerage account in the first place kek

Yep, price is slowly rising and the post frequency has gone up over 500% here, nothing is happening until the bbby march 2025 claims objection bar date AT LEAST. They even increased the option chain strikes, which is proven to drastically increase fomo.


if you goto 2 minutes 55 seconds, ken griffin says:
"There's an understanding that many dynamics of how humans behave can be.... in a sense... taken advantage of by technology. If we know how humans behave, and we can predict that, we can use that to better position our portfolios."

They also play this same game with how humans gauge sentiment on various subjects and topics of interest. Paid stock bashers, who are present in this very thread, are here to demoralize us, disinform us, make us all look insane, and flood threads to make information access difficult. The techniques for mass media manipulation are nearly unlimited and new techniques are developed all the time. You need to muddy the waters by having shills go after eachother.

Looking at the theory of how to disrupt an organization, they will send shills in to never activate, they will send shills in to attack non shills, they will send shills in to attack other shills, and by doing so they create an informational ecosystem that is so painful to navigate they make it nearly impossible to organize and bubble up good ideas and spread useful information.
Stay vigilant

How can you seriously believe anything Chadshill has to say?

because i'm literally the only person in this general that posts my positions so unlike you, faggot, i can actually be held accountable for the shit i say
feel free to continue seething at me while i make money swingchadding options though kek

those digits

Implying what for 12/17 sirs?

They cant even properly fud it anyway so they are just trying to get ppl to waste their money on options degeneracy kek

i swear i don't even know how half the faggots here managed to open a brokerage account in the first place

its common to go reddit and see people still keep saying 'retail cant trade during premarket' when almost all of them allow you to trade PM and some even allows Overnight trading.

responds to the name Niggerfaggot

wants to be called by his self given nickname

wants to be taken seriously

lol lmao

IMG_9979.jpg - 1467x983, 119.49K

responds to baggie

is a baggie



Added a few shares at the bottom of that scrumdiddlyumptious dip
With the TRVMPENPVMP setting crypto off into the stratosphere it is only a matter of time before GME catches up and does its thing again as well
WAGMI lads

You are arguing with a man that has roleplayed as a prepubescent boy for years now. He roleplayed so long he has to pretend he's in college now.

Very nice one.

Method acting is a trap he should try Cage’s shamanic approach.

Is this a big ass bowl of a cup and handle?

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I believe you are correct

I wake up in my wrinkled white shirt, the one I’ve been wearing for three days. My Bloomberg Terminal glows dimly in the early morning light, casting shadows on the coffee-stained papers littering my desk. GME is sitting at $30 premarket. “Not today,” I mutter, running a hand through my unwashed hair.

My phone buzzes. It’s an email from the desk manager: “Options activity on GME spiking again. Make sure we don’t get run over. Bonus reviews next week.” I glance at the family photo pinned to my wall—my kids at the zoo last summer. Haven’t seen them in weeks. “Daddy’s working hard,” I whisper to no one in particular.

I grab a cold slice of pizza from the fridge and sit down. CNBC is on in the background, Jim Cramer’s voice blaring: “GameStop! This thing doesn’t make sense, folks! Fundamentals are dead!” He’s right, of course, but that doesn’t help me. I mute the TV.

9:30 AM. The bell rings. The first trades hit, and GME ticks up—$31, $32. The options chain is lighting up. $35 calls are moving fast. If those go in the money, the gamma squeeze will rip through the market, and my desk will take the hit. “Not on my watch,” I mutter, queuing up sell orders.

10:00 AM. My first sell wall holds. GME drops back to $29.50. I exhale for the first time all morning. But the apes don’t quit. Buy orders pour in, and the stock climbs again. By 11:30 AM, it’s at $34. Margin warnings flash on my screen.

I call another market maker. “Hey, you seeing this volume?” I ask, trying to sound calm. “Yeah,” he replies. “We’re throwing everything we’ve got at $35. You?” I nod, even though he can’t see me. “Same. Let’s layer some fake resistance and hope these idiots take the bait.”

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Noon. The stock is dancing around $34.75. My stomach churns as the options chain shows $35 strikes nearing max open interest. If those hit, we’re done. I throw everything at the wall—shorts, spoof orders, a few aggressive market sells to scare the buyers.

1:30 PM. Finally, some relief. The momentum slows. My orders start holding. GME drops to $33.75, then $33. “Gotcha,” I mutter, grinning like a man who’s won a bar fight with a broken bottle.

3:45 PM. The last push. GME tries to climb, but it’s no use. My team holds the line, and the stock closes at $33.10. Just under $35. Just enough to keep the calls out of the money. I lean back in my chair, drenched in sweat. “Today, we win,” I say to no one.

But I know tomorrow’s another story. The apes don’t quit. They’ve got nothing to lose, while I’ve got a mortgage, two kids I barely see, and a boss who expects perfection.

CNBC’s on again. Jim Cramer is shouting: “The hedgies pulled it off today, but this war’s far from over!” He’s right. I pour myself a Red Bull, stare at the next day’s options chain, and start planning. The market never sleeps, and neither do I.

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king kike has proven he isn't doing fuck all to make moass happens (4 years, really nigger?) and baggots are seriously gonna be mad at anyone using options to bypass cohen's faggotry kek

here he goes again with the options. lunchbreak is over i guess.

surprised you can still type coherently with cohen's dick and balls so far down your throat

Wedge from 05:03 ending now

Tuesday RRP: 178.814B, 59P = 3.031B per (roughly)

WAGMI checked.

New trademark by Gamestop

Call of Duty Vantage

superstinkers and meltdownies in shambles

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Filter Selected Text

hey man, please do not give free trading advice on this board also i'm pretty sure it's illegal.


Raptor (rapture)

Checked. Simulation is funny.

based baker WAGMI. checked

buckle up.jpg - 720x575, 169.87K

this and this are not coincidences.

Can't wait to find out what type of small animals Barron likes to torture.

You just know the hedgies must have been super desperate to gap gme down in the pre market like that knowing that gme always fills gaps. Gotta kick the can for one more day, right Kenny boy?

one more day.png - 741x434, 368.04K

Probably something gross like hedgies or fund managers.

This is one of the biggest wtf's I've seen in this whole saga. Like is this even legal?

This is also a big part of the problem. 30->160 or even 115 would be big pimpin' on normal tickers. Here, it's hard to tell. When do you take profit? How many share's worth did you drop into the play? Only a few? Then maybe you're hoping to see something like May, where $20 turned into $800. Maybe you bought dozens of contracts? Maybe you're okay at like $150. How do you know that's the best exit point for you, though? Oops, the price rockets to $45 tomorrow, you just missed out on a 20x. How do you cope? Are you happy with your ROI or are you shaken into FOMO?

This is the danger.

Legal, perhaps. But smart?

When the market maker does it, it's not illegal. Mrrrrrbrmbrbmrbp. Agnew, get my trucker cap, we're going sneedin'.

If anything this is clearly a reckless and desperate ploy because gme is not safe to short



When do you take profit?

The pattern I've noticed over the years is that GME typically runs up Monday, Tuesday, peaks Wednesday, then crashes Thursday and Friday. Basically when there's a DFV induced run up you'd want to take profits within the first 3 days.

I closed my calls yesterday when the price hit $27 and was feeling FOMO seeing it hit $28 in after hours. But my thesis for taking profits was that I didn't see blocks of 5k calls meaning this run up will lose momentum. I was proven right this morning with GME going to $25 lol






Patience my brothers...soon our time will come...

only options niggers are trying to claim that DFV pumps the price and they are taking advantage of his market manipulation to profit

Really makes you think. Too bad DFV is not responsible for the price action.

This is the danger.

The volatility from the options he buys is what causes the price to run up, you fucking schlomo jackass. We already know the jews fear forced delivery of shares via excersing options.

All this option talk sounds just like how the shills speak on wsb

im still trying to wrap my brain around the greg reference in the upcoming presidents tweet


Like, its a really fucking wierd thing to include and its fucking wild that occams razor is making me think its related to GME

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So he’s legal? Good. I intend to destroy his yellow bussy. I’m going to stuff his chinky backside with so much meat it becomes an eggroll. Lube up niggerfaggot.

I might be misremembering, but I think there was a time when there was a -% fee briefly.

everything is related to GME

pulte is long.png - 383x1641, 413.66K

Prolly to get Greg to reply to make his post go viral

send this to Gary to annoy him.

it's almost green

Shortbros, what do we do?

Just woke up, sad to see we're back to small price movement crabbing. But you never know.

and this is all without hitting power hour yet. i would not want to be short this stock.

I'm actually amazed gamestop is still a thread on this board. I'm not even mad, just disappointed in all of you. this is the first and last time I will enter a GME thread. goodbye anons.

GME is a singularity event. Everything will merge into one.

Every single statement in this post is a lie.

checked and keked


this is the first and last time I will enter a GME thread

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The movement seems designed to fuck weekly callfags. I kind of figured this would happen.

Vantage Point

that font


kek garries

gg.png - 735x139, 16.57K

It's an autoreply bot tweet. He sends out ads that will post tweets to you if you like them. This means Greg lives in a swing state and voted for Trump on election day.

Gonna go out on a limb and say that there's an Italian in this thread (or the last one). Perhaps a certain cat? No, the other one.

Mr. Cohen I swear I'm more patient than I've ever been before. Your passiveness have taught me not to get hyped over prices increases. And a slow brick by brick approach is preferable over quarterly goals and targets. One should not get flustered for when the price goes up, because thau will offer shares to remind me price that can not be backed by revenue is not what drives customer delight. A company that is valued even double its revenue is too volatile for a non-tech company.

Four years should be nothing but the beginning as you have demonstrated by selling Chewy to PetSmart after seven years of building the company to 3 billion only then can one humbly leave money on the table for PetSmart to grow the company to 10 billion. Should I not see clearly the path that is cost cutting and candy con. Then bless me with Larry Cheng and his tweets about his experiences as a venture capitalist for me to see the expansion that is about to take place.

Yet I'm not a billionaire like yourself, I stand with you in supporting Trump, therefore he is also a billionaire that I one day will also become.

I understand now that 4D chess is beneath you. Buffett would spit in our face of the mere notion of combating illegal short selling in a way that could make the price volatile and make me feel like owning a home could be reality, because the feeling of ''need'' and earthy delight is against what your father Ted Cohen taught you. I'm ashamed of being a blatant retail, thinking there is happiness in the ways of the Tesla, Nvidia or the Bitcoin holder. The inner peacefulness I get from Gamestop transformation will keep me a sleep for I have not to think about numbers on a screen like them.

My children will ask me if I bought bitcoin when I was younger but I can definitely tell them I bought them something better. something that one cannot just buy with money.

But yet I wonder, can retail be take out the ape? If that is true, Will ape ever be take out of retail?

nooooo options are le BAD

gme shares today: red

gme options today: green as fuck

get fucked faggots

IMG_1877.jpg - 313x283, 45.64K

Did you sell?

Did you?

funny isn't it
DFV heavily uses options but midwits think they can't use them "just because"

Gamestop made a W on the 5M lmao

I never bought any of those.

How is this new Pokémon trading card game mobile app everyone is crowing about? Is it any good?

If you guys could have used options like DFV, you'd be DFV.

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so i'm up 13% today and you're down 3% gotcha

noooo you need to sell or else you haven't made any money

picrel redditnigger

5hztc6.png - 700x662, 397.29K

It's meh.
Flip coins to win. Go second to win.
Pay to win.
So tendies will love and support for decades.

I won at roulette today and you didn't hahaha

How is soxl working out for you?

well i'm not a capeshit loving twitter faggot but i do be making big shmoney

buying one set of options several months out and another set of options years out at rock fucking bottom IV is "roulette" in redditland

kek baggots

doesn't know who he's talking to

i'm not soxlfag
thanks for playing

name fags and personalities on an an anonymous message board exist solely to be niggers and sell you ideas

Why even bother? Its like arguing with a radioactive retarded child. Nothing of value is to be gained


agreed, clint should really be with his wife and kid
there's only so much time left

For me

lol imagine making 50 bucks a year

imagine making 0 bucks in 4

buy loopies

buy FTX


king k.jpg - 441x441, 123.04K

I called all my friends and family and begged them to watch the chart today. I am such a fool


jesus bud, nice AI, no wotermark, insanely demoralizing text that could literally have spilled out of a super stinky post. (You) dun gud.
Rember what Roaring Kitty said... 10 years... too long... 5 years is nothing... haha

i use my wife's money to buy weeklies since we used my btc to buy our house

jajajaja trolling or not you should post this every day



Do you think he remembers that I filtered him?

So... we basically crabbed today

Not too bad after a 10% up.

lying about filtering in /gme/ in 2024

many such cases


are you retarded?

It is if you gamble options.


its a sandwich filled with air

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Can I pay you in electrotherapy?

I just see that he keeps replying to my posts, but I dunno what they say lol

So it's over right? I been hearing all over that Ryan and DFV sold today

But why call it a burger then? Its a sandwich!

this is the first time i'm hearing that today

It's over. go home. Close the browser and never look back. If you come back your family will eat very well.

A black man is listening to this.

So since it can’t happen on a Wednesday I expect tomorrows thread to be hella slow

Although I'd like to dunk on America every single day for voting a literal felon into office, I can appreciate the potential changes this will result in, which is basically the immoral capitalist behavior that got him into office in the first place.
However, there is one thing I wonder about. The whole Elon thing - isn't that very literally corruption? Doesn't turn that the US even more into a 3rd world shithole? I mean it ticks all the boxes


t. too retarded to know what IV is

see thanks retard

I voted for him because he promised to use nuclear weapons. Hopefully on you.

America is way more corrupt than it gets credit for, in general. Much like the transition of Irish and Jewish gangsters into NYC's hereditary police force, we just institutionalized it.

Downdetector says GameStop is down...Which i guess today it was...

vaxxd hands typed this


So bro after I've done the daily quota where do I collect my payment? If it runs in after hours I need to post more, but will I get a bonus? If so eth is fine.

hello convicted felons my old friends

i come to get vaxxinated again

i am sorry you had to pay the maximum fine

and that a company still wouldnt resign

in the age

of darkness

It will take a while. We have to count the bobs of rice by hand.

why can this nigger talk about [redacted] but I get banned if I talk about [redacted].

For what its worth, it does seem that Elon having beef against short sellers being put in a position of power against short sellers seems advantageous for gme



they know he's coming for them

they are barracading the doors

echoing though the halls of the Citadel


Floor by floor, office by office, brick by brick.

Same reason why can use slurs but when regular anons say it we get banned. Jannies are compromised

Oh I won't argue with and hopefully it's going to beneficial for GME.
It is just so weird.

I am a billionaire

And I want to become president (again)

Cool, here's $130m and my social media platform

We are the bestest of friends now

Yep, no corruption.

We talk about that every day?

This is normal politics. Usually they hand out positions for backroom favors, at least this time we know what headed for it.

*What he paid for it

Wew lawd absolutely shit thread. I think today and tomorrow just proves everyone who goes on this board hates us even though we only have 1 thread and only post here. We have a semi okay day, then next day isn't as good, bam, here are the intense shills talking to themselves in made up ways.

It didn’t help that I’ve spent the last 2 years saying Kek crypto baggies. Probably a large part of why they’re mad

Yeah, in here though. The fuck they hanging around here if they don't care?

There aren't other people on this board. Just bots and third world shills. It was obvious 6 months ago when the email verification was tried the first time. I watched 25 posts happen with no missing numbers.

do it again for good measure

True. They see the even though it's our own containment thread.
Dang do you have a cap?

Pulte can suck my dick

I wish. I was too stupid to document it. Maybe someone else did

Oh yeah. 3rd algo price spike in bound.

Jannies are compromised.

Totally agree

yeah, why did they delay it so much?


For many months, you could NOT copy paste the gme bake remove the automatically added [embed] tags that Anon Babble places after youtube links. It would have errors, and after people started noticing, now it works. janitors have been, and always will be comped. This entire place, and any discussion space that has a significant portion of the attention market will be a limited hangout, for emerging information.


I'm going to smite you

It's not Pult

It's Pultay

The e ain't silent!

For many months, you could NOT copy paste the gme bake remove the automatically added [embed] tags that Anon Babble places after youtube links. It would have errors, and after people started noticing, now it works. janitors have been, and always will be comped. This entire place, and any discussion space that has a significant portion of the attention market will be a limited hangout, for emerging information.

You don't know what a Anon Babble pass does do you?

MSNBC up for sale

Ryan... Do it, it would be fucking hilarious.

and you're here to muddy the waters on purpose, the pass has nothing to do with the content of posts. There we're GME related titles/post content that was secretly blacklisted unless you had a secure trip code, which is why the same few secure tripcodes have baked threads for years - controlling the narrative. Almost all traffic on this site is bots as well.

controls the narrative

op almost never posts


youre phoneposting anyway, why do you want to bake so bad?


The only one controlling the narrative here is you, pal. Also you keep saying "few" tripcodes, but only 1 has ever been making threads. What is it that you're even after by complaining so much? Besides wanting to peddle the towelfag hopium.

Because everything is shit
And really gay now
And everything I thought was good is actually gay
Can't you feel my mind fry fast?
I need this to end
Need to die in my sleep

I wonder how much overtime their interns are making rn


Incel bake

why does an OP, who uses the same secure tripcode for YEARS, only post the 2 post bakes, then posts a next thread? seems really odd no?

Didn't you know that broken links that have been in the general for 4 years now is an obvious sign that there IS in fact a narrative to be pushed?
No, I don't know what that narrative is! Why do you ask?


being this gay over a

If you want to bake a gay BBBY thread you go do you babes

what does this thread:

have to do with bbby?

Don't be a fag bro, you ain't getting my bussy

I called it. Soon it will be negative again. buttcoin will continue to climb. fed reserve will buy failing cmbs. interest rates will drop. money printer goes brr. gme goes to zero.

pass has nothing to do with the content of posts

You can post more per post with a pass retard.

You are an incredibly gentle lover, I didn't feel a thing

You faggots spent all that time shilling Anon Babble just to lose and now you've come crawling back to /GME/

That fucking monkey...


checking the checker, very based.

dubsspotted.gif - 320x310, 2.83M

This after hours premarket fuckery is getting way too blatant


Trump just officially announced Elon will be leading DOGE, assisted by Vivek.


I sold 16 covered calls for $38 bagging myself $800 in premium.
Nows your chance, hedgeniggers. MOASS starts this week or I spend $800 of your money to buy more GME.

can someone give me a qrd on the dream team

elon musk




IMG_0500.jpg - 824x1199, 188.33K

I can't remember ever seeing moves like this before. The chicanery is off the charts. Are they afraid of something coming? Why else would they need to go all out like this outside of regular market hours?


On a 58k volume candle. That's a candle for ants.

3 weeks until Vegas. If MOASS before then I’m gonna put it all on black on a roulette table in Aria

There's a $10k table limit at Aria.


I am trusting the plan.

buck_bunny.png - 1024x1282, 176.81K

Sorry CLINT, only casino without a table limit is the NYSE.

Nice. Had a good laugh at this one.