But you're a hypocrite anon.
As long as you hold any XRP, you can't fully make fun of us.
You have skin in the game too.
If you truly didn't care, you'd sell your remaining 20k XRP.
You can mock Ripple and XRP all you want (some of us will join you at times), but your attacks on other XRP bagholders ring hollow.
Since you are a XRP bagholder yourself.
Also, not everyone is a fanatic in here.
I post both negative and positive news about XRP.
And I discuss both.
I'm not one of the kneejerk response anons that responds to anything negative, with "I just bought more XRP" or "They want you out".
Those are thought (and conversation) stopping phrases.
I've been here since January of 2021.
Anons have expressed doubts and concerns over the years.
So don't act as if it's only been 100% positive sentiment in here.
Almost everyone in here is burnt out, depressed, bitter, and tired of waiting.
XRP is an educated gamble.
I don't think it's the sure thing some of the true believers do.
What I don't like, is the way you lash out at everyone here.
There are a variety of people here, and you paint us all with a broad brush.
It's also stupid and childish to attack us.
We have zero control over the price of XRP.
If you want to verbally attack someone, go after Brad and David on Twitter.
Go vent your anger there.
If you want to blackpill; go ahead.
If you want to discuss negatives news stories or XRP's price performance, go ahead.
If you want to attack individual posters in this thread, go ahead.
But stop attacking all XRP bagholders.
As much as you deny it, you're one too.
I'm also frustrated and angry at how long this is taking.
I also have doubts about whether I made a mistake buying XRP; and I first bought in February 2021.
I can't imagine how bad it must be to hold 7 years.
You're not in this alone.
Most of us here are suffering right along with you.