is it too late to buy more?
Dude just buy the ATH, this random dog coin #3728 is totally the next Shib
Yes, it's too late. Buy something that hasn't pumped yet instead.
any recommendations, or methods on how to find something good?
Its been shilled on Anon Babble by pajeets so much the past few days, its definitely too late now.
random dog coin
If only you knew
Please enlighten me. Still not buying, but I'd like to hear what makes this so special, because I've heard it a hundred times before.
Few days ago some faggot, probably you, said the same thing but still went from 550 to 600 holders.
Is 2.1k of this enough? I’m only looking to make about 200k
2,100 LILY is $105,000 at 1B market cap
it's a dog coin with doxxed devs and a roadmap that looks pretty good, which is unlike most other memes. I'd get a small sui stack just in case
This thread reeks of jeets lmao
methods on how to find something good?
Find shit with low marketcap. If you can find it with sub 100k then you'll either lose your entire investment or make 100x off some random dumb pump for no goddamned reason.
Finding those small coins is the hard part because for every shib that is trying just hard enough to be an actual project to bring in some money there's half a dozen jeet scams that are literally nothing but memes
That's an italian
Lel brainlet. You can stay poor
No chance of 2 billy?
There are many people who wont buy a coin that isn't 1B+ market-cap, so achieving 1B+ always means it will do multiple billions
Jannies deleted the Lily General. Kek.
This one more comfy anyways
im betting on an eventual cex listing and have distributed some gambling money (read savings) into what i think has the best chance to make massive returns
since listed here my linu exposure is comparable to the others
CEXes are coming for sure. I think this coin has a good chance of getting on a T1 exchange.
3 cexes soon. T1 eventually. This is a lowcap bitcoin dog before a massive shitcoin cycle. What can go wrong?
I bought but can we still get some airdrops?
I can give you 10,000 FROTY, fren. Worth a whoppin' 66 cents.
Is this nigga seriously begging for an airdrop on a 17M mc coin?
kys nigger
Not very nice
Just get a sui. It’s less than 2 grand (not for long). 3x L2, eventual L1 listing and an imminent 20% burn puts this in top 200. You do you with this knowledge.
i'd say wait for the rug
it has to happen eventually
KYS fagot. An overwhelming majority of the folks that already made 100x on this and are commanding a 6 figure wallet haven’t sold a single lily.
I'm not a pajeet you bloody bitch benchod.
4.2 million will be burned when my dog dies!!
Why the fuck can't you burn it now? Instead you get to hold 20% of the supply and everyone is just supposed to trust you not to rug? LOL yeah okay
they're doxxed you dumbfucks, rugging now and fucking over everyone including their whale buddies (that includes me) would be suicide
the 20% is on a multisig. given how everything has developed rugging will not be a good outcome for the devs
oh give me a break.
realistically speaking, what are a bunch of neet incel gambling addicts going to do?
what, you are gonna call the police and complain you got scammed gambling on literal memecoins?
yeah i'm sure the FBI is gonna use all of their resources to help you get back your $10 lol
lily dev and alexander WILL rug.
there WILL be a CTO.
i WILL buy at the bottom.
the baggies WILL pump my bags.
i WILL make it.
and i WILL be happy.
what tracking app is this?
looks better than the one i use
Nah there's still time to acoom
shill me as to why lily is worth acooming
When $10?
Coingecko if I'm not mistaken.
CPO is doxxed - confirmed multi-millionaire. Alex Levin. Founded Imageshack as well as some other stuff. Google article says the guy made 54 million dollars by the time he was 24. Has been in crypto since 2014. Team has deep pockets (Alex fronted all the money for 3 cex listings and bounties and himself bought at 16mm market cap). Team is pretty serious about building billion dollar market cap and are not in a rush but have solid roadmap.
They are very humble and taking things smart and slow. They even formed an LLC (so they will pay taxes) and doxxed themselves. Dudes have money and don't need to jeet.
Once this becomes widely known this shit is going to fly.
interesting, where can I verify all this info? You got links or screenshots?
He's also responsible for saving Apu from "bottom surgery" by keeping the HC in check, saving Apu from becoming rebranded into an Ai monstrosity and he is also responsible for bridging Apu on Sol and getting listed on Moonshot. Not only that, he bought Grape's and Palladius's Apu tokens when they were both dumping on late August and rallied a group of whales to mitigate the dump that threatened Apu from reaching sub 50m MC. The more you know!
from founding imageshack to funding scammy memecoins pushed through biz, what a career arc
Anyway to buy this without spending tons of money on gas fees?
yeah why the fuck is some multi-millionaire who made it a long time ago shilling a dogshit memecoin? on the Lily website it says Alexander Levin, but obviously people can write whatever the fuck they want on a website. How do I know it's actually him?
He created a legal entity for Lily's coin LLC
You will be sure when you look at Lily above $50.
He's not shilling bro. Barely anyone is. Project is not in the shilling stage yet Alex is building out the roadmap and executing on it. They want to build a billion dollar meme coin and take the goyim along for the ride. Alex himself is heavily invested and said it himself Go talk to him in the TG. He's active there.
spoonfeed me please sar I'm retarded
let's stop the doubt once and for all.
I went down the rabbit hole and found the name 'Alexander Levin' pop up multiple times. He is supposed to be an elderly person. I could not connect the dots until I saw 'Alexander Levin Jr' on the documents on the lily's coin website. I'm not giving out too many details of my findings because of obvious reasons. Unless this is the most elaborate ruse, with actual irl agents (with their own legal entities) involved, I am 99% certain this is in fact the person we are dealing with. with the way he is running Lily, he seems like the type of person who has connections, knows how to run a company, and knows how to make deals. he comes off as an absolute arrogant prick, but a prick that knows how to make money.
considering all the scams that are out there, I can not imagine ignoring lily for what it is, an actual moonshot.
wait I forgot
biz would rather buy rugpulls ran by ESL jeets that have no names, no legal entities, no money to back it up, no connections, and no history of running actual companies.
this is a better bet than any other memecoin currently out there. if you don't have at least a moonbag, you are actually retarded and should never invest in anything ever again. if you want to confirm everything I said, DYOR. it's out there.
Bullshit. Luna gook still lives. None of you will ever do shit, even if they rug your life savings.
He's been communicating to his inner circles that are Bitcoin maxis, and the appeal from Lily being born on the same day Bitcoin mined its first block has been attracting them. The issue Lily is having is that it's only accessible through uniswap and normies are having a problem buying since it's not obtainable through apps...yet.
Yes. People like Alex who have wealth, experience in crypto for 10+ years and multiple successful ventures each with 7 figure revenues per year have connections to other wealthy and influential people who also want to make more money.
yes. stonks on eth is the play.
made 100x on this and are commanding a 6 figure wallet haven’t sold a single lily
why would you buy something where loads of people are up 100x and waiting to dump on you? lol
That didn't stop Apu from reaching a 400m+ MC in a matter of a month after loads of people bought at rug levels. I fell for the FUD from Anon Babble when Apu was sub 20m MC, don't repeat the same mistake again with Lily you dumb Niggers.
what is literally every single memecoin ever made
Then don't buy. In my observations all of the stars are aligned here. DYOR. Simple as.
What I have learned in the memecoin space is that is better to buy memecoins with chad holders that will hold 6 figure profit than jeets with 4 figure that will dump every little pump
600 holders is a fucking nothing burger if you've ever seen any other coin on DEX.
not even the devs care enough to send dust to a few 100 extra wallets and fake the holder numbers
Top signal.
There is no such thing as an organic memecoin.
Cut your gains now before you become a baggie. Trust.
600 holder is bullish u faggot means less people know about lily for now
After all the bullshit that happened with APU for 9 months now, I don't trust any of you Anon Babble niggers with a single goddamn thing.
APU is mismanaged.
This shitass dog coin looks horrid and carries bad unfrenly energy.
k, fag.
thats a really long way if telling you jeeted your airdrop / early buy and are salty about the unending pumpage
Apu may be mismanaged but the chart doesn't lie. had you bought Apu 9 months ago, hell even two months ago you'd be in a generous profit.
The bullshit all the people in charge did killed the energy it had.
Now the faggots OOOO at every 10% pump below ATH. It's pathetic.
this so much
so the certificate for the dog (which is probably fake) is australian
this guy has apparently registered it in the US
so what's going on?
just looks like a scam project to me
dude its already 2m, its too late
dude its already 6m, its too late
dude its already 10m, its too late
dude its already 14m, its too late
dude its already 18m, its too late
you indians never learn, do you?
It's a scam!
It's a literal actual rugpull token, I see it pumping right now but my brain will not allow me to put my actual money in
Yeah, I'm getting Apu run up vibes.
this guy has apparently registered it in the US
I'm not talking about the dev.
dig, anon. venture down the rabbithole
If there's one thing I've learned, it's to never buy ATHs, ever. Yes, it could pump more, but it could just as well dump 75% first. If that happens, then I buy.
seems alright, although in soem situations you should still buy ath (lily)
aus owns the dog and created the coin. alex the american took care of the LLC shit.
you want the devs to dust wallets to trick you? are you a moron?
Not ironically, this made me remember KASPA when it was below 0.01.
The owner of Lily is Australian, Alex is helping him with the project. They are 2 different people. It takes like 10 seconds to figure this out
So this guy on the right is Alexander? A guy who made 50 million is making a dogcoin do I got that right?
the guy on the left is alexander, the right is the original dev of lily
holy fuck you guys are hopeless
just join the tg and scroll to pinned for starters
I am hopeless
oh like bitcoin? dumpers will get what they deserve (a half fed village and no more lily).
What u guys reckon we hitting this weekend I think $3 by Sunday is a fair guess
fair enough, i see the documents on the site down the bottom now
odd that this alex guy would reduce himself to making money off memecoins
greed is powerful i guess
but okay can see it having potential
many worse memecoins have pumped more than this
You were told to buy Lily at sub 100k mc
It is now 20 million MC despite the endless fud
M mc before CEX listings
M mc before Solana wormhole
mc before Moonshot listing
You can guide a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
he also holds 10 billion apu
Lmao poorfag retard sold his stack too early.
He used to be a utility coin maxi before he saw a post on Anon Babble about how Apu convinced others who missed out on the last meme cycle. After he saw that post that's when he started to invest in memecoins, particularly Apu and he's said multiple times how his meme portfolio already outperformed years of holding bitcoin cash
what do you mean convinced others?
you mean that argument that memecoins onboard people to crypto?
Convinced others, me included because I also used to be a die hard "in it for the tech" before I bought Apu. Pic related.
That post was what convinced him to drop $2 million into Apu.
new ath
Man...i am waiting for even that $1. I don't know, it just feels better when 1 coin isn't worth just cents anymore.
Your wait is over:
beginning. One of our visionary creators, Alexander—multimillionaire entrepreneur and founder of ImageShack—brings years of success and innovation to our team. His experience and dedication to decentralized technology make Lily’s Coin a promising addition to any portfolio.
Join us and be part of Lily’s journey. This is not just a coin; it's a tribute to legacy, innovation, and the future of finance. Start your journey with Lily's Coin today and be ready for what's next!
rip to all the sideliners who "not buying le top", get in before 3 cex's are onboard (not given tokens so they're actually incentivized to pump the price)
gas is too high
bloody basterds I got 50k LILY which I bought sub 300k
I'm gonna put like $1500 in frogga Tyrone. Sub $100k mcap and some dedicated shillers. Eth token too.
I’m a co-founder of imageshack and can confirm that Alex is in fact behind this project
o fug did it just break $1? I have a feeling the lilies on my LP are being eaten up gotta rebuy soon to gain my stack back.
lol who the fuck buys nigger tokens flush that shit down the drain fag
Didn't get airdrop
Bought a measly 2k Lily a week ago, all I could afford
Oh well at least I have a small bag
good for you anon, hope you have some lilies as well, never bet against the jews
Eh I hear you but the mcap looks appealing and it's not on SOL
same. Just bought 1k worth. Now it's 5k worth but I should have gone in a lot heavier
t. 6 figs in apu
What the fuuuuuuck. There's no way it's going to hold.
Btw someone post that screenshot of the guy that sold his airdrop.
True. I am waiting for that sol wormhole so i Can buy more. Asked me for $60 in fees. Fuck it.
Newfag here. I see lots of pools to buy from. So I just pick any? Is it all the same shit?
2.1k sui | 21k make it
may I ask what finally convinced you?
Same vibes as APU
I got banned for saying something like this about another biz shitcoin
Thread theme:
I honestly don't trust it without a pullback. Things don't just go up forever. I still threw a few hundred bucks at it when it was 10 cents
it crabbed in the 80s for like 5 days, that was the pullback lol
I was you april 1st, I vividly remember watching the Apu chart all morning and was anticipating a correction along with the rest of the market (bitcoin was dipping) instead it continued to pump and missed out. I ended up buying at an average price of around 110 MC for Apu, that's after DCAing the way down from the Iran/Israel FUD. You may have seen me Kvetch for a good couple months, don't be like me you're still incredibly early all things considered especially in this bull with trump in office.
Pepe, Apu, Lily, and Npc are the only ones green in my MM wallets. All the others are red.
So yes, I think it is too late.
Lily is Niggersending right now, it's like watching Apu take off late March.
You are accumulating, aren't you?
Just trying to get 21k but im getting priced out
This is the one boys, I can feel it.
Im so pissed waiting for an ETH transfer watching a green dildo sideline me
Lunch money 200 LILY at .69
Also I recovered my actual LUNC money from kucoin. All US anons check your old wallet there if you used it since they're nuking you and taking the leftovers on Dec 17 this year
Why did i get banned from your fucking telegram i never even wrote there...
I have multiple 6 figures was following your coin no go fuck yourselves
Jannies periodically clean the chat because there are a lot of bots and profiles soliciting services in their bios. If you had something in your bio soliciting a service that may be why.
Uhm...where is it going? I thought it's going to stop at 1 dollar for today.
they ban ppl without profile pics due to bots, theyll unban you if you put one
uh.. to a Billy? it was never a meme
he thought lily to a bily was a meme
he thought lily to a bily was a meme