$15 officially broken now can we fucking pump
Not checking the price. Fuck you.
Aaaaaand Btc dumps. What a shocker.
I'm so reduced by this coin that when it pumps I get knots in my stomach instead of joy
can you guys stop dumping BTC with your stinky linky fake pumps?
kek same, also reduced is the perfect word, like bilbo I've become like butter spread too thin on toast, a husk of a human, almost a wraith
this fuck you linkies with your stupid shitcoin that controls the market for some fucking reason just let it die can't you fuckers just sell or buy a real coin like doge?
Like seriously. This shit is a fucking joke at this point, one that stopped being funny a long time ago.
That would be your repetitive brand of edginess
why do they not want us to make it? why are we never allowed a big pump? why does it ALWAYS have to be followed up with btc taking a shrek sized dump? it has been almost 4 full years of this. so tired.
Thanks Linkies you KILLED THE FUCKING BULL RUN again.
Looks like the suppression target is $15 now
its all so fucking tiring just let me make it already
i am going insane
This was a punishment dump. An absolute PIMP slap. BACK in your place linkies. Dont you even think about trying to break out.
In this moment. I am demoralized
Look at this shit
both going relatively flat
Link starts pumping on its own
the second it reaches $15 Bitcoin puts a stop to it
this fat fuck stole my youth, I'm already 36 and my sex drive isn't what it used to be and it doesn't stay hard like it used to, my entire plan was to spend my retirement gains in SEA brothels but at this rate it's gonna take another 7 years before I ever see an asian asshole and I'll be forced to take boner pills to keep it up, curse you sergey you obese fucking scammer
How is this Sergey's doing
well done hitting $15, well done
Satoshi is dumping his BTC obviously.
14.50 the golden resistance
August 2020
BTC $10k
LINK $20
November 2024
BTC $80k
LINK $14
How haven't you shot yourself in the head yet?
literally every single time
Not much into Link lore, what I’ve observed devs enrich themselves by regular Link dumps their foundation controls and endless development promises. Their high pay and bonuses aren’t affected ofc.
Link dumps
Anon, Link was pumping until Bitcoin dumped.
Its simple. Either we make it (by allowing LINK to pump) or we will drag the market down into the depths of hell.
The dream is over
wait for high volume to come by bullish btc
hide high market volume through that
buy up cheaper moving average link from bots and other market makers as btc dumps
Holy over
This was nothing
I was in such a good mood as I saw Chainlink above $15 but now I feel nothing
Its the hope that kills you in the end.
Dude what the actual fuck. I've never actually read the LOTR books but I started listening to fellowship yesterday and TODAY I heard that butter line and thought to myself hah that's a good one... Now you just said it.
every time im having a bad day, i check a link general to cheer myself up, you faggots somehow manage to have it even worse, every time.
finally breaches 15 dollars again after 8 months
some whales take profit on bitcoin and dump it down 5% before it corrects itself back up to 89
Chainlink dumps back to 14 and isn't correcting again
this is whats going to happen in the coming weeks
bitcoin to 90 stable
chainlink 1450
bitcoin to 92
chainlink 1480
bitcoin to 90 again
chainlink 1425
bitcoin to 94
chainlink 1450
bitcoin to 97
chainlink 15
bitcoin to 95
chainlink 1425
bitcoin 98
chainlink 1450
bitcoin 100k
Chainlink 14.88
you - holds chainlink
demons from intergalactic space "SO YOU HAVE ELECTED THE WAY OF PAIN
its so like lotr guys holding this coin is a real adventure!
wow so incredible such insight. could you recommend me a video game to share these feels?
just take TRT loser