You missed out on everything? get a bag on a low mc that can 100x

you missed out on everything? get a bag on a low mc that can 100x

$ASUKAI.jpg - 959x1233, 185.38K

ai slop

Pajeet spammer


normies love AI

generic AI slop

slap a lora on it and prompt something interesting

Got a few ROCKY bags early and I have a 15x now, I'm happy with it, not gonna lie

1628285853267.jpg - 1200x1400, 101.22K

Based. Fuck this AI bullshit. Normies are gonna get tired of it sooner or later.


built the pyramids

based danish dev with white pubes

chad top holders

very memeable, already with tons of memes

3.5 months old

65k mcap


ch.png - 1410x752, 109.75K

silence peasant
im not the one doing the images, join the TG and you can give suggestions

that looks rly cool btw

at least im not a larping wigger

Satan man posting again.

Neither am I, faggot. Frogga is a frogga. But thanks for admitting to your brownness. Disgusting untermensch.

silence wigger

There is nothing wrong with AIsuka.

Except it's gay as fuck. Let's say you make money from it. How are you going to tell people? Might as well jump out of the closet.

Give me your base addy and I'll send you 10k froties, nigga.

send me some too tyrone cuz i missed it

Let's say you make money from it. How are you going to tell people?

you're the gay one. waaa .waaaa. what will people think

100.jpg - 640x640, 101.24K

They will think it's a funny nigger frog, and not some gay AI cartoon.

Sent you 10k froties, fren. Better patrol dem n keep them safe. But also, you didn't miss it. It's only just getting started. Looks like the bottom is in.

thanks saar, now im gonna make it

After browsing biz a bit, is the only thing you guys do is buy crypto and hope it goes up?

You kinda got it right

Verry belcome saars. You might need a bit more than 10k to make it though.

frogga.webm - 1280x720, 2.39M

Crazy how it works innit

32.png - 900x300, 250.88K

Im gonna load more bags later tonight, I thought it already pumped to some hundreds k, didn't expect it to be still at 60k-ish

Based. It's just been going sideways the last couple of days. Can't moon all the time. But sure looks like it's beginning to ramp up again. Small caps always pump after bigger caps. So it's not in tune with the market yet. It also went 33x when most other memecoins started dumping.


every day we get closer and closer to AI and robotics becoming advanced enough that i can marry my beloved asuka
soon my queen

You mean ARCA the gaming token?

fwe.png - 280x180, 9.73K

Nobody wants your jeety pyramidpepe slop, Asuka is at least on point af for an AI

3.jpg - 1108x423, 118.3K

I think everyone should be buying this now seeing it with great utility, hype and low mcap



Get in while you can


It's a real meme, you dumb fucking nigger animal. Why are you such a pathetic cuck you have to worship some fucking AI anime whore? Can't you see how pathetic it is? You're literally like those faggots who sit and spend all their money on e-whores. Heck, you might actually be one of them.

I hope the narcissist behind that retarded crap rugs you all and mocks you afterwards. You deserve it for being cucks. Don't even think about buying FROTY, cause I don't want insufferable faggots like you to make it.

Skyd dig selv, din taber.

Shieeeeet, THIS much insecurity?

Who let you off Reddit?

You're projecting. Come to the tg and we'll have a vc, cuck. Bet you don't dare. You're probably a stinky little jeet.

My daddy can count to a bigger number than your daddy

Oh wait, your daddy is a retarded frog derivative no 8381711, right

You can't even figure out to tag others ITT, you drooling retard. Come to the vc. If you're so tough and I'm the insecure one, then what are you waiting for?

There's zero weight behind your words. It's all talk. At least Frogga is a unique frog and a human made (yes, I'm White and Danish), and not some retarded AI slop that larps on cuckery, kek. You are infinitely pathetic.

Please tell me this is intended as comedy. I can't, LMAO, my sides


Come back when you're not 20 anymore

Insecure for a biznigger. Bad look

Spoken like a true cuck. You don't even dare to get on a vc, kek. And yes, I'm White and Danish, and that's a plus in cryptos - and everywhere else. Danes are known for being intelligent, dilligent and trustworthy, and I am all three things. Faggots like you have called Frogga a scam since day one, but now that that doesn't work anymore, you start to make up a load of other dumb shit.

Guess you prefer brown devs. Come to the vc, nigger. You called me insecure. Come to the vc if you're so self-confident. What's wrong? You're so insecure you can't even speak in a mic?

Oh, there's the backup. You're so self-confident you now need to be two faggots. Bring them all in here and let's have a shitfest. You're cucks. You've literally turned cryptos into cuckoldry.

OK I just checked dex, you're a Scandicuck trying to get the last $10 out of a rugged and then failed CTO

Last buy $3 5 hours ago

I get it, times be hard in Cope-nhagen :DD But biz isn't the place for Reddit trannies

What the fuck are you talking about? I made the project. It launched on uni two days before the giga crash in July/August, so everyone sold. I never sold a single token. Everything else crashed just as much. Frogga did a 33x last month, so some cooling off is to be expected. Got lots of diamond balled holders and Frogga will moon. It's just a matter of time.

Yeah, it's a slow day in the markets. Base isn't all fired up yet either. The low volume fud is useless, nigger. Funny how you completely ignore getting on the vc. You're a tough guy here, but I would cuck you in a minute in the vc. What are we waiting for?

I bet you're a stinky jeet with shit on your hands.

Have you ever been to biz before brah. Dont seem like it

You are an insecure lil zoomer muh fren, and have a lot to learn as you'll find out with time. Bon voyage

based danish dev

translates to middle eastern dev

very memeable, already with tons of memes

forced nigger based meme with a faggot who can't even stay in his own general (oh right, there is none because no one gives a fuck) but has to shit up APU's and everyone elses

65k mcap

where it will stay, like all the other excrement on base

just for the record I fucking hate AI slop but even this AI slop is a better pick than the nigger APU derivative

I'm an oldfag, nigger. I'm probably older than all you kids combined.

So in your world, the antithesis to a cuck is an insecure person? Just trying to understand you here.

So much seething. And you know what? It will continue, and I will ramp it up. Jannies can ban me, but I'm back after 900 seconds, cause something something. Just for the record, no one cares about your brown opinions. Funny with all you faggots.. None of you have the balls to get on a VC. None of you. You're just 15 year old basement dwelling losers who can't even grow a neckbeard yet.

And it's not an APU derivative, but a pepe derivative. Just goes to show how retarded you are. You don't even know your Frogs 101. Frogga will moon, and I will keep posting, and you will moan and cry, while getting rugged by brown devs.