CZ freed
dogcoins ripping
Sure its dead as fuck but that's an opportunity. Of all the non-doge dogcoins this one could actually 100x easy. Not shilling but seriously if biz wanted to we could make this a fucking legend
CZ freed
dogcoins ripping
Sure its dead as fuck but that's an opportunity. Of all the non-doge dogcoins this one could actually 100x easy. Not shilling but seriously if biz wanted to we could make this a fucking legend
There would have to be an easy onramp process and token distribution on the contract address would have to be checked out.
If biz could actually band together and get behind a coin it could be serious money. I couldn't give a fuck what coin.
It's over anon, I was there too. Put the bat down.
I fuckin love dogbat
its dead
Still breathing
100 x is fud 50b eoy
alight gooners what should i buy to skipidity chud it up?
you should buy og dogbat and suffer with us
Let’s go dobros.
50b eoy
What the hell did I just find ?
I remember.. fuck anons. Your post gave me PTSD from 2021 became a millionaire and then lost 90% bc I thought I was the next Buffet
This isn’t for’s reserved for people that are about to own a fleet of lambos.
50b EOY
open binance
see this
what does it mean?
Once this pumps, it’ll be the most crazy pump on the planet.
The imposter will get exposed in due time this is our time now! No brown money here
this. i remember the massive pump 3 (!) years ago around this time
thanks for the memories, but time to move on
Never touching this coin again also fuck the eth bat devs I will see them in hell and tormentt them for all of eternity
finally, a good thread
Selling my dogbat last spring was the best financial decision I ever made
This dog is but a crab
You have no soul for selling this.
But now I actually have money.
Google the difference between fools gold and real gold. Fools gold is for those who have sold. Aka paper hand boys.
I still believe. It would be great if Anon Babble would get behind this coin again. It was such a kino time and I want to relive those days again bros
can you post sauce on this glorious rack?
You have money and that’s for sure going to zero. Congrats
Most based coin.
I was there when it happened. For a brief moment in time, it was perfect. It was glorious. It was everything. Now, I know its over. But still, whenever I see it, I fondly remember everything. I could still sell my stack for 3X. But I wont. Good night, sweet prince with a bat.
You've been saying that for the past three years
You know it will happen. Godspeed.
... the real problem is what are we going to say when it hits 50B
guess we add a zero
muh wait for le bullrun
you're here
Now what d0b0fags?
100B eoy wen?
I want to see you fags moving the goalposts again
I still hold this lmao
I still hold 3 billion of these things
I still hold 700 billion
We could provide liquidity on solana and market it ourselves, but maybe the devs would dump on us no? Idk.
just realized the devs didn't do anything to put it on solana, oh well, it's dead Jim.
No.59195824▶No. We don’t want your liquidity . Bsc only
zesty thumbnail
the motion was never truly lost, as energy is never created nor destroyed, and is all returning
This meme is sooo 2021
you must still shit your pants. Yikes
always been curious to hear what it sounds like when paper hands turn to ash :/
intriguing, why though?
Retarded dobaggies at it again. Hilarious.
Still top 200. Never sold never will.
Dead coin
Liquidity too big it won't pump
Dev rugged and abandoned
Eth and sol versions superior
Dead jeet chain nobody uses BSC anymore