No coiners, how are we doing?

No coiners, how are we doing?

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you had 2 years

I want to kill myself
I'm still in college and have no income to buy anything

not well
(I hold LINK instead of literally anything else)

get into alts right now anon, alts still haven't even begun to move yet.

I have 0.092 BTC, to be frank I almost feel as a nocoiner

Which ones?! I have $1k from my financial aid


Which? ADA? Doge?

literally any alt that is -80% from previous all time high.

Where and how do you check that

AVAX is pumping nicely and still well below ATH, long shot for an ETF too

how does 90k sound in 4 years? Honestly better than nothing, if you have balls, you'll run into MANY 2x-10x in this bullrun. The entire world is pro-crypto now.

You are literally going to be chained to your factory machine lol. And you zoomercucks made fun of us Millenial dropouts who bought BTC.


Buy WYAC SELFIE GIKO DOLAN youll be nice

tfw 0.7 btc

i should've put more in instead of being a pussy when it was hovering 50-70k. FUUUUUUUUCK

That's the neat part, he will be lucky if he ends up like that. Future is dark for zoomers.

Please give me some alts to buy

alts ship has sailed look for shitcoins

or better yet dont, youll lose all your shit. or "invest" an amount you're comfortable losing

it sounds great. I don't have hopes of becoming a 'millionaire', this is too much of a far fetched dream. I just want my money to not be depreciated and buy my own home in 10 years or so. I don't think 'retiring early' is a realistic scenario (and honestly this isn't what I am after either).

yes, unfortunately I wasn't spawned in a more fortunate situation. that's what I could gather in 1 year. be grateful if you can perform more than this.

Why even go to college? You could have made way more money just working a shit job then investing all that. Once you make it (mi) you could spend all day studying anything you want to.

Lil bro can’t think for himself


Get a job

You see, this is not what xoomer parents think. 95% of the kids go to college because of the tradition or pressure imposed by the parents. You don't have plenty of insight from outside of your social bubble when you're 18, you only fully develop your own mind once you are 25.

Do not listen to this retard

It's a sad time to be a nocoiner. I need a support group.

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Why do these stupid bills and rent exist. I want to kms. I missed out because I have no cash to throw. Even a 100 dollar gain is enough to make me happy.

I have a little stack of 0.5BTC and I stopped buying at 20k so I'm doing alright. My gold and silver are doing alright too.
Feels good to go from literally nothing in savings to having 0.5BTC and a bit of precious metal in 2 years.


The winklevii twins will buy reddit at some point just to delete their support group

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Remembering that reddit sold all their bitcoin just before the election cheers me up.
I bet they thought Harris was about to win based on since that's what they were all telling each other in their echo chamber.

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Buy kenis nigga

Sauce on the rebbit thing bro, I would love to see this.

how are we doing

too poor to hold anything, too smart to buy after +50% on the week. even if it might go higher, I simply cannot in good faith buy the top. I'm sitting this one out but I hope it goes well for you bros

Maybe that was the intention after all. Wait for the plebitors to dump so the bullrun could begin.

youre not making it in crypto alone, if you really want to make it you first need to save atleast $100k by working normal jobs

I bought some WIF to cope. It's crabbing, which means whale consolidation.

The crypto FOMO is hitting a little bit, but I'm also financially much better off than I was back when I ever messed around with crypto.

A real mixed bag.

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Meh. I think I'm gonna buy Bitcoin tomorrow, just a bit, even tho I don't believe in the project at all I believe in the stupidity of people and know it'll probably pump way more

Because it's a holiday of synchronicities


LILY (Lily's Coin)




check the lore behind $BUSINESS

this is the worst list of things you could buy ever holy shit

No coins, but 99% of my "portfolio" is in PLTR
So I'm not doing too bad.

iota please, I'm bagholding


Once we retrace to $10k I’m going accuuuuuumulate and be rich next bull run.

unironically not wasted and keys at lease a 10x

I don't have hopes of becoming a 'millionaire'

buy my own home in 10 years or so

Anon, in 10 years the down payment will be millions. Have you not seen that real estate has effectively quadrupled in price over the last three years?