Be me, 20 years old

Be me, 20 years old

Get a girl pregnant, she wants me to raise the baby

I have $1,100 in my bank account

I don’t know what to do, overwhelmed

I’m scared, I wasn’t ready for this at all

I want to do the right thing, but I’m drowning in stress

Can’t afford baby stuff, need help

Anyone here want to support me or guide me through this?

Anything will help, really need advice or financial help

I’m not sure where to even start with all this, please help anons

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Just be yourself and it will work itself out

well well well
if it isn't the consequences of my own actions

congrats anon you successfully ruined your life have fun waging

Is the girl cute at least

You will probably need to cut back spending and acquire a second job. I wish you well, so long as the baby is white or hapa.

hope u baghold to the bottom for encouraging racemixing.

Listen to me you need to man the fuck up and get some manual labor job to support her and the kid that’s just the start, you need to basically wage for 10 years straight it’s going to be very fucking rough for you anon
He has a kid that’s our purpose in life you idiot, you were put on this earth to make babies

Sure, here's some advice. Never come here again


Consequences of your actions. Man up and deal with them the right way. You are looking at solid 2 years of pain, then it would ease off but then you would start liking having it, maybe even be proud or find a purpose of your life within it.

Invoke help from relatives as much as you could, don't kill the kiddo.

t. father of 2yo

yeah the idea is to be able to build yourself up and then have kids, so you can actually give them a fighting chance

How? I thought all the girls are doing the Korean 4B and not fucking guys. How did you get to be so lucky anon? Don’t fuck this up.

Based, but asians are honorary.

People give away baby stuff all the time on apps like Facebook market place and the other ones. That’s your best bet for stuff that doesn’t last long like clothes and toys. Just clean them well after getting them.

Also you’re asking baby advice from a group that mostly has never had sex so don’t expect the best answers.

This is bullshit, I thought so too. But kids don't need that much of money to justify having them in late 30s.

Lmao you are fucked retard. Like I don’t think words can describe how fucked you are. Beyond over. You are DONE. Hope the pussy was worth it

Also, fucking make sure that kid is yours. What’s her bodycount? Get a dna test cos u don’t want to be on the hook for years and years. U do know that baby trapping a guy is not fraud and a crime.

Bullshit if you instill good values in them they will be successful

Probably not even yours
Women are complete whores these days
Tell her plan to paternity test and if she freaks you have your answer

This is the best thing to ever happen to you anon, there are fags here that are 40 years old and are worth 7 figures and yet have yet to reproduce.
When you're 40 your son or daughter will be 20, just be there for them, wagecuck, try your best, kids are easy to raise, milk, diapers, etc. if you wagecuck at mcdonalds and stop paying for netflix or going out you can make it but teach the little kid values and be there and they'll be alright.

late 30s is a stretch of course im not saying that, but op is 20 and has 1k in his bank. He's gonna have to work extremely hard now, but i hope he does alright and has a good family to help him out

Thanks to trump you have to live with the consequences.

There is a good chances the kids not even yours. So get a paternity test the 1st chance you get

Probably not even yours

Women are complete whores these days

Tell her plan to paternity test and if she freaks you have your answer

This. Don’t be a statistic but you’re young and naive so most prolly we’ll be watching you on tiktok in a divorce court where you try to reverse the child support order because you’re not the father of the child.

I wouldn't say he's fucked. She's fucked for sure, like she gets no life now. So depending on how asshole the op is, she gets provided for or has to make do without anything at all. I hope op will do the right way.

shes a hog isn't she? only fat chicks keep the baby these days in circumstances like this. be honest, shes a hog isn't she?


You should probably let her know you’ll pay for her to abort it or else you’ll be dealing drugs in cash for the rest of your life and never pay her a cent for child support.

Lmao she is not fucked at all. She gets to suckle at the teet of the state for 18 years now. WIC, daycare, food stamps, reduced housing

Of fucks sake. Thanks for being reminded of being down to earth. Fuck off you lazy faggot.

How is this difficult? You accept her terms on one condition. Paternity test. If shes okay with it, its yours and you have to man up or your kid is gonna get raised by a single mom and destined to fail. If she freaks and tries to manipulate you, you bail. Its not yours. If she really loves you she would grant you your request.

Knee her belly "accidentally" with full strength

Also don’t be an idiot and do something stupid like trying to make an honest woman outta her and get married. It’s worse enough that you’re already on the hook for child support, you’ll be on the hook for alimony as well if she divorces you which is highly likely. But since you’re only 20 you’d prolly do something dumb but at least you’d be 40 when u break free from your mistakes. Plenty of time to start afresh


I was in the same position but with twins, both of our families were supportive. The next couple of years are gonna be HELL (especially at your age and even more if you didn't want kids in the first place) i'm not telling you this to scare you, but because i would've liked someone to tell me this so i could prepare mentally. The first year is the worst for your partner bc the baby needs her 24/7 so do ur best to not be an asshole.

From now on and for the next 20 years or so, you're gonna very low on your list of priorities, get used to that.
Also try to keep the girl, i wish you the best of luck!

I wish I could switch with you.

t. 33 yo virgin millionaire


lmao how about you tie the knot first so that both of you are on the same page and are committed to raising the kid?

This is the best thing to ever happen to you anon, there are fags here that are 40 years old and are worth 7 figures and yet have yet to reproduce.

And listen to this guy.

t. got into crypto several years ago, in 6 figure hell while a friend ignored my schizobabbling on crypto and started a family

Tell her you will take her on a trip if she aborts it and then ghost her.

Maybe incels don't know this but you really don't need paternity tests. Either your fucking her or your not fucking her. Life isn't some jerry springer show. A normal guy is going to remember if he nutted in some girl.

you're fucked mate, sorry. or, you can let your kid be fucked instead and move to thailand and live a good life, raise a second family to be better and make up for the the kid you rejected who ends up a druggie or in jail. (did it myself. two smart, well adjusted half chink kids in hong kong, and a chink wife to match). my other son? left him behind with his cunt mother in australia. drugs, in and out out of jail in more recent years, and last i heard through our intermittent mentally ill facebook chats he is now homeless and was messaging me for money from the public library.

my advice, ditch him and do better with a new family when you're ready.

so you're a dead beat dad who married a chink

You're a dumbfuck, and you will find that out the hard way someday.

Enjoy being a young dad. Learn to love your whore and nasty poverty child. Get a job mowing lawns and doing leaves and work your ass off for the next 18 years until the kid is grown. You will be 39 when it’s all over and can basically start a whole new life then if you want. But you are probably brown immigrant scum so just wage till you die like the politicians intended for you. Cheers and fuck yourself! Tra la Tilly ta la!

Kill yourself incel you will never even have sex. Should just get rid of genetic dead ends like you.

Cunt women who treat men like shit don't deserve to have men in their lives to be fathers to their children. Women can be entirely at fault for driving a man away through their absolutely horrendous behavior. It is all too common.

You just do what we all did. Same thing your ancestors did. Go to work and better yourself. I had less money in my bank account than you do when I had my first. Took a few years of taking night classes and working shit jobs until I was able to climb out of poverty… but you can. Get your head together and set your goals. It’s just a matter of taking simple steps towards them everyday after that. Success is certain for a man that is determined to achieve.

yeah ditch the girl but ditching your own child to go to thailand or some shit like a greaseball then idk man kinda fucked

Based carrot dangler.

insane esl screecher gets triggered by somebody suggesting getting a paternity test is a good idea

How did this dumbass become like this? Does he live in one of those shitholes like France where paternity testing is illegal?

Babies are cheap for the first year. All you have to buy are some cloth diapers and a few shirts every now and then.

Man up and stop whining like a bitch.

Just be confident bro.

kek at the fag, girls lie and cheat, he's nutted in her twice, Tyrone nutted in her 10 times, Chad nutted in her 20 times, she's pregnant, Chad is nowhere to be seen and she doesn't want to bother him with this, Tyrone is nowhere to be seen and he'll beat her ass if she bothers him with it, that leaves us with the Anon Babble poster who was too happy to fuck her.
I'm not saying this happened like this, but it's literally a life or death situation (changing your whole life to raise another man's kid) so if there is a chance this happened you need to do everything to be sure.

"Mum, dad sad he wanted a boy and you?"
"I (was wearing a short skirt and) wanted to put my shoes on."
(I'm sorry.)

all you had to do is using the fucking rubber

bbbbbut it doesnt feel good!!!

GET FUCKED then you irrational monkey lmao

also plain sex itself is extremely overrated, there are plenty of other sexual activities that are more pleasurable than it, but I guess your one-dimensional brain can't figure them out