BTC has no top cause FIATs have no bottom

BTC has no top cause FIATs have no bottom

don't try to time the market

don't sell your btc to billionaires for cheap

USD price is irrelevant

50% crashes are normal, 2X long leveraged traders will get wiped out, get used to them


don't think it's too late, it's never late, FIATs will always keep bleeding purchasing power

don't short (or you will lose it all)

don't long with leverage (or you will lose it all)

don't swing (or you will lose sats)


don't keep your btc in an exchange, buy them and transfer them offline immediately, do 100 offline backups of the wallet.dat or the seed key

CBDC (central bank digital currencies) are a scam, not different than erc20 rug pulls, a digital equivalent of fake printed out-of-thin air fake FIAT money

every project shilling FIAT CBDC is a scam

sats is all that matters, all shitcoins bleed to zero in the long term, if you don't trust me, check 2017-era shitcoin mothly charts

don't trust services like paypal, or other "you cannot withdraw your btc offline" services

don't wrap your btc (wbtc and similar are scams, you give away your private keys, while you baghold a worthless erc20 shit-token)

don't buy btc with funds like grayscale, or buying microstrategy, you need to pay a premium and you get fractional reserve exposure

don't buy BTC with CFD like on eToro, it's fake unbacked paper trading

i was buying below 1000$ and i will still keep buying above 60k/100k


0.1 BTC is 10M satoshis, you will regret one day thinking 0.1 BTC was too little to own

BTC is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it's a don't-get-poor-slowly scheme

[5:06 PM]

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this is elite tread?

I wish I had even 0.1 for my daughter she's 4

I've always enjoyed your posts anon, keep it up

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Same here, some of my favorite posts.

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0.1 is $1MM in 2028

you believe 1 BTC will be 10 mil USD?

Still using paypal

i use coinbase where do i move my buttcoin for safety m80?

only to own wallet. make 3 backups (of wallet, seed, all pins and passwords)

I only managed to stack 0.1 BTC in 1 year
unfortunately I am a third worlder who earns in bananacoins

any recommendations? just buy a hardware wallet and im good?

any recommendations? just buy a hardware wallet and im good?

get old laptop (or a new one I guess) install Bitcoin Core. send 1% of wealth there. test it. make backups. restore backups.
send 49% wealth there, disconnect from internet for next years (until needed)

get trezor (from legitimate shop!!)
make backups and test them
send 1% of wealth
spend it
after tripple checking, move remaining 49% there

more advanced is multisignature 3 of 4 between two trezors and two computers. but then test it many times, receiving, sending with just some 3 of 4 devices available, restore backups, test for weeks or months. then you may use.

the advnaced multisignature - you do not have to do it right now. never hurry. buddy lost like 500,000$ because he was using TOO MUCH security too hastly, didn't test, forgot one of passwords, RIP

all my Bitcoin wealth is stored in a single Electrum seed I created in 2018 and I barely did tests with it

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all my Bitcoin wealth is stored in a single Electrum seed I created in 2018 and I barely did tests with it

well what ever you do, do NOT move it to something "better" without testing it dozen of times, either

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I am intending to upgrade it to a Trezor next year... I might look into these testing strategies

Hello, retard here. Why is it not okay to just keep it in coinbase?

Thank you anon

>don't keep your btc in an exchange, buy them and transfer them offline immediately, do 100 offline backups of the wallet.dat or the seed key

hey i'm new to btc, is this real advice or just excessive autism?

Hello, retard here. Why is it not okay to just keep it in coinbase?

oh man if you are not trolling then you are actually retarded :-/

you store your money on some dude's computer.
they will obviously steal it eventually,
or get hacked
or steal it and claim they got hacked
or gov will confiscate it

hey i'm new to btc, is this real advice or just excessive autism?

everyone who keeps on exchange or any other web wallet, is an ABSOLUTE IDIOT.

god I hope they are just trolling

Because you don't own anything on goyimbase, you just own a receipt that says

trust me dude we'll give you your crypto lol

Everyone who held FTX receipts got fucked overnight, this can happen to any centralized exchange

uhhh my bitcoins are in my coinbase app, but no log in on browser obviously. 2fa set up, email set up, email has 2fa, email has backup email, backup email has 2fa.

i'm safe, right?

you store your money on some dude's computer.

they will obviously steal it eventually,

or get hacked

or steal it and claim they got hacked

or gov will confiscate it

hey, not him. i'm the other retard asking the same question.

so i can keep my usb in a usb stick? can i have multiple usbs with the same info?

so i can keep my usb in a usb stick?

keep my bitcoins in a usb stick

i'm safe, right?

if you can export the seed from the app, then maybe it is a local wallet with full custody, if that seed used in any real wallet grants you full access to own funds, AND if the app doesn't secretly send copy of it to coinbase and if the funds are stored in a way that this is the only key that can access them.

I think this is NOT the case for coinbase app (anyone here knows?)

in other case, you have an app that displays

lol sure bro you have 0.12345 BTC with us, we will give it back when ever you ask for it, pinky promise LAMAO!

in a bit more fancy way than just the web page webwallet

>so i can keep my usb in a usb stick?

keep my bitcoins in a usb stick

generally yes but

if you use Bitcoin Core (most proffesional wallet) then backing up the "wallet.dat" (using the command from menu) results in a file that has [access to] all these funds.

(unless you created some special multi-signature or otherwise shared accounts, which you didn't)

how ever in Bitcoin Core you should sometimes make new backup, usually e.g. after making 50 (possibly even 900 or 999 but better safe) uses of either SENDING FUNDS from you, or GENERATING NEW ADDRESS (no matter if/how many people sent to them) in sum.

for other local wallets such as Electrum (less pro, less anonymous, but still more than other classes of wallets) - doing the backup once usually is enough, it is just the seed

seed is 12 words, or 12 + 1 custom. (or rarely 24, or 24+1)

if you have this 12 words in ANY FORM (usb file, file on many USBs, DVDs, blueray, on paper, on clay tablets, scribbled with blood of your enemies on a wall) then you have the full access to coins.

i kinda understood this but kinda not

i understand of course that i am at the mercy of coinbase, but at the same time, if they tried to pull some shit.. i mean, it's not like they're getting away with it, right?

Outdated copypasta. Paypal now allows withdrawals.

it's not like they're getting away with it, right?


Paypal now allows withdrawals.

but not for (You), when (You) really NEED it

how cooked am i anon?

if they tried to pull some shit.. i mean, it's not like they're getting away with it, right?


countless times this happened

Mt Gox was the first exchange and of course they did that

Other ones ever manage to avoid any jail time. Either way they don't care with the billions they take from suckers like you.

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Either way they don't care with the billions they take from suckers like you.

this, many are willing to go to jail for less.
And i don't mean "risk going jail", i mean literally getting paid to spend years of their life in prison.

I asked ChatGPT how Coinbase differs from Mt Gox and ChatGPT's answer seems legitimate enough.

Security & Trust:

Mt. Gox: The exchange suffered multiple security breaches, culminating in the loss of a significant amount of Bitcoin, leading to its collapse. This incident highlighted the importance of robust security measures and regulatory oversight in cryptocurrency exchanges.


Coinbase: Coinbase has implemented stringent security protocols, including storing the majority of customer funds in offline cold storage and maintaining insurance coverage for digital assets held online. Its commitment to security and compliance has helped it avoid major security incidents and build a strong reputation among users.


Mt. Gox: Operating in the early, less-regulated days of cryptocurrency, Mt. Gox faced challenges in adhering to emerging regulatory standards, contributing to its operational difficulties and eventual downfall.

Coinbase: Coinbase has proactively engaged with regulators and obtained necessary licenses to operate legally in multiple jurisdictions. Its transparent approach to compliance has facilitated its expansion and listing as a publicly traded company on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Seems legit to me?

yeah but it's not like you're gonna scam the planet off their crypto, go to jail "just for a few years" get released and then enjoy all that money? if coinbase stole its customers crypto the people working there would all be jailed for decades and they'd never see a penny of the crypto they stole. there's no incentive because the fruits of it can't be enjoyed because of how heavily regulated it is.

Seems legit to me?

ok remember to post your face when you find out your account is frozen for 3 months (forever) or 0.

in what instance do coinbase accounts get frozen? help an anon out so i can avoid doing whatever gets my account frozen.

but it's not like you're gonna scam the planet off their crypto

that is literally what keeps happening for billions $, but it seems you think you know better than us or just want to promote "some dude's computer" as well, ok your choice

if you lose it all, you will re-buy probably around 2030 I would say.

used to think maxis were retards

years later I have accepted that I was the retard and became a maxi

I don't have much but I now understand the truth. Any BTC is better than no BTC.

in what instance do coinbase accounts get frozen?

when they want it
but why I waste my time convincing you, you want to be slave, fine by me

okay fine i'll store my crypto on a usb

i started with this shit literally 24h ago so give me some time to figure things out

AML laws. They don't have to give you any reason. They can just do it. For any or no reason. Without telling you anything. Why do you think we are balls deep in BTC?

okay fine i'll store my crypto on a usb

remember to make at least 3 backups, and a paper backups (3) if you have seed.


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i don't want to be a slave, i recognize that i'm completely new to this, but at the same time coinbase just seems too big and too regulated with all sorts of eyes on it to try to pull the shit off that this mt gox seems to have done.

can i store it digitally on, for instance, my google drive account? (maybe this is the dumbest idea on the planet?)

not storing it in a twitter post and sticking it


actually maybe i shouldn't store it somewhere from which i can be banned.

okay so how about a usb stick and a fucking .txt file?

can i store it digitally on, for instance, my google drive account?

you can hack into your Gdrive.
can you hack a piece of paper?

If you are new just do the simples way
as soon as you have >50$ then move to own wallet on own computer, write down the seed phrase on paper in 3 copies and also on 2 USBs.

with google drive it can be imo too easily hacked into I would not do that. unless you can't keep the USBs and papers (you will lose them) then maybe. standard advice for new users is to just backup to paper and usbs

Coinbase is extremely unlikely to do what Gox did. HOWEVER, that does not mean that Coinbase cannot fail or suffer some kind of massive security breach and lose all of your shit. Coinbase wants to be on the ground floor of a crypto banking system so they are not going to just scam all of their customers while actively working with regulators. They can fail as a business and go under though. It's just safer to self-custody unless you are actively trading on the exchange.

okay so how about a usb stick and a fucking .txt file?

that is ok, do 2-3 copies, and also on paper 2-3 copies. USBs die over time.

okay anons thank you for being patient with me, so how does this work?

this piece of code i write on a piece of paper. if someone gains access to it, they can steal all my bitcoins? how does it work?

If someone steals that from you they can access and steal all of your funds. Which is why you write it down and store it somewhere secure.


this has been very educational, and you guys have certainly made me think. for the time being, i will continue "trusting" coinbase, not out of laziness - but simply because i don't trust myself to be able to keep a physical wallet safe right now.

thank you anons

Not my keys, not my problem.

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this piece of code i write on a piece of paper. if someone gains access to it, they can steal all my bitcoins? how does it work?


who ever has this 12 words, he controls the funds on addresses generated from that seed.

Biggest risk is that you lose it, only after that then someone will steal the PHYSICAL media (paper) with seed, unless you like live in a dorm with no privacy or something.

Next step will be to use e.g. encrypted backup ith gnupgp/pgp (or just 7zip with full encryption) save only the .7z or .gpg encrypted wallet file to usb, and password paper paper. then thief needs both.
make 3 copies of that, store all papers in home and on self, and 3 usbs in other home and somewhere else, that is immune froim all bascially.
but first test this setup many times (guy, restore from backups, send, etc, many times) only do this ONLY when you are fully sure how this works.

even more advanced will be multisignatre between 2 wallets and 2 trezors (3 of 4) and some backup to paper others to usb etc.

do not move too quickly jsut write down for future research

try to use bitcoin core and tor, or at least electrum with tor.

Now that I think about it, could I not entrust a physical wallet to a bank? Like in the movies with those cool ass vaults in Swiss banks?

Are 2x long btc etfs ok? BITX?

Self custody, yes I know, but I have IRA money I can't pull.

Anon, I highly recommend to just download Electrum right now and at least test with like $20 of your BTC putting it onto Electrum, seeing what a seed phrase is, etc. Just so you know how it works.

The thing in your brain that is making you stick with Coinbase is the convenience of it. And I do actually have my own BTC in Coinbase for now because that and Binance are the easiest for me to DCA into. However, the convenience can easily make way for your coins being stolen, as these anons are repeatedly pointing out.

So yeah, download Electrum and send a tester amount of BTC there. If you are confident, buy a few decent USBs from somewhere and put the seed phrase on those in notepad files. Then write your seed phrase on something decent like card or whatever multiple times and store these in places you are 100% sure you will look after them (in a family photo frame, in your Bible, I don't know).

Just get into the habit.

For reference, throughout history, empires have debased currencies; banks have collapsed and refused to give money back to their customers; gold has been stolen from vaults. Think about it.

could I not entrust a physical wallet to a bank?

sure you could - they specialise in stealing property from "safety" deposits, and afair they totally can after some amount of time too.

Yeah Im 95% this guy is trolling us by parroting worst possible ways to handle Bitcoin ownership, but you never know...

*not a notepad file, silly me, I meant more like a password-protected file type.

For reference, throughout history, empires have debased currencies; banks have collapsed and refused to give money back to their customers; gold has been stolen from vaults. Think about it.

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holy based

you guys are so helpful, thank you.

Yeah Im 95% this guy is trolling us by parroting worst possible ways to handle Bitcoin ownership, but you never know...

no i'm literally just very careful and very new.

Some actually good advice... I wish I had been given it before. But I guess it's not too late. But I may always be a partialcoiner now.

There’s no belief needed. It cannot go down. Bitcoin being lower than today in 5-10-15-20 years is as likely as an ounce of gold suddenly being worth $5. It’s not going to happen.
Bitcoin will hit 100k. Then 1m. Then 10m.
You realize that when Trump got elected president the first time 1 bitcoin was worth $400…

Yeah but people uuuuse the U.S. dollar to pay for things, like a lot of things. It's intertwined in every transaction. It pays for most things on planet Earth. Bitcoin is just awesome electronic gold

How much more proof do goyim need when an asset appreciated from 400 dollars to 80,000 in 8 years… what else do you need to know? If you have any tiny amount of pattern recognition and future projection you can see that bitcoin will only appreciate in value. Exponentially.
Blackrock and ETFs bought in at 55,000.

Newfag here, currently investing in DOGE but thinking about investing BTC long term if I turn a profit with this bullrun. What's the best plan of action of how to move my funds or hop on the BTC train? Using robinhood atm

inb4 faggot

The advice is already in the OP. Just buy in, any amount, regularly. Don't try to time the market.