How much money do I need to live comfortably in Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador or Panama if I'm hypothetically 32 around the time shit really pumps.
How much money would I need to live comfortably with say a family of 6? I plan to get myself a wife from Japan or Ukraine.
How much money do I need to live comfortably in Mexico, Brazil...
youre a living meme and likely too much of a pussy to be comfortable in a third world shithole or get a girl that wont divorce rape you
Those places are shitholes and no place to raise a family. The richer areas of these places (mainly Mexico) are going to be just as expensive as small big cities in the US.
This. Also
I'm broke a dirt but plan to get myself a wife from Japan
kek you are hilarious. Asian women are so materialistic it's unbelievable. You will beg her for divorce within a month.
still dreams about muh japanese waifu
grow the fuck up
I'm going to spend the first 3 months sexpating in Philippines, then 3 months in Thailand, then 3 months in Taiwan to get progressively better with women. Starting from the most easy mode countries until I'm comfortable with Ukraine or Japan.
And I'm not shooting for a 10/10 anywhere, just 4 to 6/10.
But I take it housing is cheaper there though. And goes up at a slower rate than here.
I was going to correct you and say OP has a family of 6 but now I realize he's dreaming about making 4 kids on a shoestring budget with a Japanese woman in a Mexican ghetto. Hold me I'm actually laughing in real life.
have you ever had a gf or had sex (serious)
Currently 28, I'm giving myself 4 years for shit to pump.
Nobody is giving me a number I need!
shit is pumping right now, why are you talking in years? Go look at the time from BTC bottoming after COVID until the rug in 2021. You have months not years. Furthermore if you're 30 and single you're already hitting the wall daily and you're definitely not getting a white or honorary white gf as a 30 year old incel
Won't matter my first week in the Philippines.
I'm attractive enough to get the attention of women acceptable for my tastes, just have low self esteem from being a dirt poor fag so never tried.
200k is enough for a comfy NEET life in a shithole
For a family of SIX? A million at least
My nigga you are not going to "find a wife" with virtually no money after 9 months of fucking random whores in SEA. This is hilarious.
The real number for a family of 6 with a wife from Japan or Ukraine to live comfortably in the places you suggested is about $4 million. There's your number. It's about $4 million. You can live just as comfortably with that life in the USA though, you retard
Anon I'm just scared of WW3, relocating to Mexico puts me out if the radius blast, but still close enough to drive back once its safe enough. That's why Mexico is on the list.
El Salvador is in the lost because of Bukele and pro crypto policies, Brazil is on there because it's white enough and has more water than us
I'd settle for a Filipina or Taiwanese if necessary. But Ive seen the type of men Japanese girls get, and I unironically look better and less autistic than many of them.
Look anon I'm just thinking about this with an abundance of caution.
Thanks for the $4 million figure. I think I can possibly get $10 million.
I'm not sure how it'd be comfy in the USA if sending 4 kids to college is like $100k each though.
Sending 4 kids to college is like $100k each though
I have 2 kids and it's way more than $100k each. $4 million wasn't a conservative number though. It was the absolute minimum you need in a complete shithole for what you're describing.
Whether OP is trolling or not the fact that there exist people who make plans like this and really think something like this is going to work out is insane.
don't know about those countries but i know that in colombia you can buy a mansion for $200k (or at least that's what i've been told)
my plan is to retire to colombia once i make it
3 months sexpating in Philippines, then 3 months in Thailand, then 3 months in Taiwan
Dude. I've seen the jbw videos in SEA countries.
A few months of experiencing that myself and I'll be great with women. It's a matter of experience, and I have no experience because I simply never tried.
Fucking prostitutes in Vietnam is not going to make you "great with women". Having enough money to support yourself might actually make you "great with women". These 2 things are so antithetical to each other that everyone besides you in this thread can't tell if you're joking.
How safe is Colombia? I noticed they also have just much water as us despite being many times smaller.
I'm just trying to move somewhere that's both free from ever getting nuked, and least likely to ever run out of water.
why not try right now in your own country? you think women wont like you unless theyre getting paid? if you dont fix that you are setting yourself up for a life of misery
Your chances of getting decapitated in Columbia, kidnapped in the Philippines, or outright starving because you're too retarded to buy food in Japan are about 10000x higher than your chance of getting literally nuked in the USA, you fucking retard.
Look nigger. The whole time I'm there I'm not just only going to fuck prostitutes, that's just to get me primed to dealing with girls. Eventually I'll graduate to successfully getting one night stands with girls, which are free since you guys have such a vendetta against paying fur sex.
you think women wont like you unless theyre getting paid?
I never once said it implied this.
But women in America just aren't worth the squeeze to me. That's my main reason I won't try here. Money just gives me confidence, but I'm not thinking about paying any whore to like me, just paying a few prostitutes to get sexual experience, but once I feel that's enough, it'll be just gaming and dating girls.
Motherfucker I have been all over Thailand and Laos and married a Korean girl and now we have 2 kids in the US. I did that shit. You're going to get "primed to dealing with girls". If you actually took a year and focused on raising your income, going out and socializing in your own country you would actually be "primed for dealing with girls" as you said. I'm just telling you you're setting yourself up for a hilariously predictable divorce in 10 years.
I think I can possibly get $10 million.
I'm not sure how it'd be comfy in the USA if sending 4 kids to college is like $100k each though.
So you're currently "dirt poor", are going to get $10m somehow (I bet it's fucking LINK), you're a virgin, you're presumably never left the country, and you've never had a girlfriend or presumably any romantic contact with women.
Then you honestly think Sergey will flip the switch one day, you'll get $10m, and then based on incel videos you're going to go from a virgin who doesn't know how to talk to women to a chad?
Anyone who's had any actual experience in the world can see exactly how thing is going to go when you make contact with reality.
why not try right now in your own country?
A very good question I think I know the answer to.
nigga if you are considering other hellholes like mexico or brazil then safety is clearly not at the top of your list of priorities
My assumption was he meant $1 million but made a typo.
Did your wife divorce you or are you close to it, you braindead shitter?
You sound like a post wall 45 year old roastie telling girls in their 20's what they should do despite doing what they want to do themselves.
Did your wife divorce you or are you close to it
Neither we're doing fine. I'm actually your age too, which is funny to me. I'm 29. But I don't need to explain myself. This guy already summed it up for you:
Like 3k a month to live securely. The problem with bring a suspiciously rich foreigner in South American shitholes js you will be targeted for crime.
Consider Asia instead. It's much more safe and inconspicuous.
I got some link but it's not all my bags.
I also have DOGE, Shiba Inu, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Pepe, Apu, some XRP, Kaspa, TARA
Well kys faggot. I'm merely doing what you did in the past. I've just been meeting the past few years because of my remote work.
But I've had female friends, and I've had girls that were into me but I purposely ignored and rejected.
This thread reeks of neck bearded incel
A few months of experiencing that myself and I'll be great with women.
Sexpatting doesn't make you good with women. It makes you spoiled by having easy access to pussy, and causes you to avoid any woman who doesn't put out instantly (ie the good ones who make decent girlfriends/wives). You surround yourself with whores and it fucks with your brain.
I've been there. It's not pretty. You either do a full embrace of the lifestyle and forsake the west entirely, or claw your way back from coomerdom and date normally without paying, and settle for who finds you attractive.
Why are latinx like that? Why can't I just live in their countries as a rich foreigner without any issues?
Can't I just hide my wealth and enter an upper middle class neighborhood and pretend to be one of them?
I'm merely doing what you did in the past
Yeah when I was 18-20. That's why people in this thread are telling you to grow up.
I already told him this about 4 times and he ignores it.
So what? Where do you think you are dumb bitch? Who are you virtue signaling for? This is Anon Babble. If you want to be around faggot normies then you know where to go.
You think you're clever or insightful pointing out that type of behavior? Again, you chose to come to Anon Babble. You are the idiot for expecting normalfag echo chamber.
hey guys I noticed that some people here weren't perfectly adjusted npc niggercattle with work safe opinions, I thought I would point it out
Ok now what dumbass? Think about it objectively.
I don't know why you guys are anti sex pat anti pass port bro like a bunch of bitter screeching western roasties.
Well I didn't have any travel money back then, so stfu. Most zoomers men will be virgins well into their 30's and you faggots try to push down a guy that tries to better himself.
And given that your excuse for being a virgin is that you're dirt poor, what multiple is this portfolio meant to do to get you to $10m by 32? Is this 4 years?
I don't see any number for your current portfolio that lets your target for returns and your justification for lack of experience with women simultaneously make sense.
Especially given that money has nothing to do with getting laid in high college or college to begin with.
OP seriously i tried to do what youre thinking about doing in 2021 but i had a miserable time and was about your age. a 30 year old doing it is way creepier and harder to pull off compared to a 20 year old
You know what? Fuck it I'll concede: I'm jealous of you guys that get to go fuck random whores well into your 30s because you didn't settle down and decided not to have kids like I did. It looks fun. I feel a little jealousy and wish I could go back to being a kid again too.
But as a genuine warning, the life you're talking about and the life of getting a cute Japanese wife to have 4 kids with that you're describing are worlds apart. One of these will not help you with the other. Fucking whores in Bangkok will not help in the slightest with finding a wife who will make you happy.
You've never been there faggot
So what do you suggest I do? Not having sexual experience is a death sentence here in the west.
And what you're saying is bullshit. There's plenty of 50+ boomers going there to have sex. I at least still look good at 28.
They're not so far apart, jackass. Fucking prostitutes is just to get me back into talking with women again. It's only to break me in, it won't be what I spend going for multiple years.
Damn you really are a little faggot aren't you? We came to your thread to tell you about the consequences of the lifestyle because we did it/are doing it.
Seriously you made the thread seeking advice and you got it now you're crying because it wasn't other guys telling you it was all wonderful. Sad stuff. Go learn the hard way. Have your fun and burn out and find out how empty the lifestyle is, then go get raped by a gold digging Asian woman who will squeeze out a kid then freeze you out after she's got you trapped. Make the same exact mistake tens of thousands of morons have made.
This thread is full of little shitheads isn't it? I'm literally in the Philippines right now, and I just spent 2 months in Thailand. I've been in SEA since 2022 and was there for 5 years before covid.
I will gladly do it. Fucking s o y boy
yeah my first post was projecting desu. if youre going to make a fool of yourself then go do it asap,
There's plenty of 50+ boomers going there to have sex.
im not talking about whores im talking about getting a girl to actually like you which is probably what you really want. youll have a much better chance at 28 instead of 32
Follow your own advice and get the fuck out of there and come date a used roastie your own age faggot
Anon I live in a mouse infested trailer in Montana with no AC right now. It'd be hard to even bring a girl home if I went out and tried to.
There's plenty of 50+ boomers going there to have sex
Lmao try to sit down and talk to any one of them for more than 10 minutes and you'll immediately learn what miserable, broken, alcoholic people they are. Seriously do it if you can. I'm not even saying they're bad people, but they are not happy let me tell you.
well damn i thought you had some money to make some headway
Yeah and in a hypothetical scenario where I got 5 million dollars or more and no alcoholism and 20 years younger than them, I don't see why you fags think I'll have a hard time.
I'd duck some Asian prostitutes at a massage parlor here, but I'm too scared of doing it since in this puritan shithole it's illegal to do thanks to moralfags like you.
Just go to the Philippines.
Nope. My fucking parents are broke. Lost the house when I was 11. That also affected my self esteem.
I've only just barely these past two years been somewhat ok with an $80k a year remote job, but I've been putting 70% of my check into crypto and living really cheap.
Things have gotten expensive here and we've started having a homeless problem the last decade or so, maybe longer.