BTC is officially out of the "thousands" metric

counting the "thousands" doesn't matter anymore. Bitcoin pushes through them so quickly we need to start considering them the new "hundreds" metric soon. In 2020 every $200 shift was a big deal, now every $1000 barely matters. Soon Bitcoin will be measured by every $5000 and once we hit peak cycle, probably every $10k
We won't be counting mere thousands anymore when Bitcoin is 500k+ because they simply won't matter anymore

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I'm finally able to join you and just in time it would seem. I still feel like panic selling every 5 min. Wtf is wrong with me???

The Reddit r/bitcoin front page is already filled with only threads from 80k to 86k. They really need to up their moderation.

To be honest BTC has been very volatile since americans decided to elect a convicted felon as their president

0.1m soon

I remember when $10 movements were a big deal.
I feel old now.

A notable milestone that many have been anticipating is for bitcoin to go up +10k in a single day. We're getting close to it but it may overheat and not reach it this day, but it seems inevitable we will get such a candle within the next five months or so (conservatively speaking). +10k in a day is called a "god candle".

Even as an oldfag I'm starting to feel excited, even though I seldom feel anything about price. But perhaps it is mainly all the positive post-election vibes that everyone has (everyone who isn't a shitlib). Good things ahead. Orange candidate crushed his foes. 48 out of 48 of the pro-crypto Congress candidates who were running, were just elected to the House as well. Some geo-political game theory about to play out in front of us. Bitcoin will eat the world and subsume all.

you're welcome!

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bro tell me how do I time the market
is it even worth it? I only have 0.3 BTC

Its only going up since then, thats not very volatile

I have never timed the market so I couldn't tell ya. I bought and held, studied enough so I would have conviction to do so over the course of multiple cycles. It isn't the glamorous high time preference way to do it, but it set me up nonetheless. That .3 could buy you a nice house at some point.

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mining BTC since 2017

never sold a single satoshi, only small amounts to buy more ASICS

more than 20 BTC in my portfolio right now

why sell? So you can buy again cheaper? Don't do it, you are not gonna time it correctly. Just accumulate, or are you a

nigger with an inability to visualize the future?

Future "god candles" will be 100k swings

Fuck off, anybody who owns less than a single BTC will have to swing his stack at some point. For me, it's when my poorfolio reaches 100k, because BTC will dip below a 100k in the future and then I can at least own an entire BTC.

swingies get the rope but good luck fren

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You are old and poor considering you remember that and still haven’t made it

If Bitcoin hits $500k I will only have $1M and that's fucking cringe. Imagine how rich other people will be. I seethe so much I can't begin to describe it.

i sold at 77000

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You have to sell your bitcoin and gamble on microcaps niiiiga

i just bought btc for the first time ever, investing significant amounts into this.

am i making the meme mistake of buying at the peak, only to have my hopes and dreams crushed as btc crashes and takes 1-2 years to recover?

What's "swinging"?

keep dollar cost averaging. we are gonna make it newfag.

Nope, you came in right. This is literally only the beginning.

dollar cost averaging is constantly buying smaller amounts no matter the cost, right? that's what i'm doing. putting in about 500-1000 euros per day into btc.

this gives me hope, thank you bro. i do have significant disposable income right now so i can afford the risk, and my salary will increase by like 40% or so in a few months as well.

i'm just gonna keep buying and holding until i can sell it all and retire my mother.

1.- buy @ 80.000

2.- sell @ 87.000

3.- buy @ 75.000 with the $ from No. 2

Is this tweet from Bryan here true? geesshhh

okay makes sense, but, it's easy to buy at the "dip" I think it's called. but how can you know when it's time to sell?

If you learn to love God it doesn't matter how much money you have.

I'm just a BTC hoarder, as I said never sold any BTC, to me is not worth the risk

i already made it ofc

i wish i started a few years earlier, but my disposable income only really took off recently.

how old are you? 10 years is nothing

that's the joke, you don't. see pic, and now you know the expression:

swingers get the rope

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that's the thing mate, i'm 31 now.

Soon to be not a convicted felon on appeal dumbo.

I was 38 in 2017 when I started, so you are not too late.

How is one bitcoin worth so much money? I just don’t understand.

Is this thread ironic?
It's sell signal after sell signal

You bobos are getting smarter

i'm locked in

same reason why we think gemstones and precious metals are valuable. just an arbitrary perceived value that is upheld by an enforcement of rarity

we are like 2k away from getting our first 10k daily candle

if you disregard the normal time when candles start and close, I think the point where it has moved 10k in a twenty four hour period is even closer:

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How the fuck am i supposed to go to sleep right now.

Doesn't work. You lose 5-6% buying and selling.

be newfag, dipping toes

buy BTC, ethereal, and even a bit of Doge for keks

Doge is the only one turning a profit

I can't cope with the fact I didn't buy before now. Why do I keep making the same mistake every bull run.

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you are prideful and greedy and stupid, you are hoping to get rid of all the difficulty in your life by getting lucky and magically stumbling into some shitcoin that will recreate the early days of BTC. You are a pussy coward who doesn't want to deal with your life and that's your excuse. You think you should have been able to get in early on BTC but you just missed it coincidentally.
You missed early bitcoin because you are the kind of person who comes late to things, that's okay. That doesn't mean you gamble, that means you buy the best asset which is BTC. Yes you won't get some crazy 1000x return this year, and you still have to work but that's okay. Gambling and wasting your time is you just being a prideful pussy, admit you fucked up and just by btc and don't sell it.

for biz anons who do that it is usually pride that gets in the way. "I'm too late to buy in, I need to be on the ground floor price of the next bitcoin". Instead of gnashing your teeth comparing yourself to others who got in earlier, focus on moving up the next wealth level on this chart. Compare yourself and your present situation, to an earlier version of yourself.






lol this couldn't be more untrue. I got into this in 2010, probably before you.

admit you fucked up

I did admit I fucked up, in fact way worse than the nonsense you wrote

in 2010

still bizposting and haven't made it

lol, are you a drug addict or something?

No I just kept making stupid mistakes. I had 20+ BTC back in the day, sold them for a few hundred profit. Didn't buy in 2017 because I thought I missed the boat. Didn't buy in 2021 because I thought I missed the boat.

I actually have a few bits of change left over in my wallet which are now worth about $8000. But I have enormous regrets about not buying in earlier in large amounts.