Since base szn has officially started I thought we should reinstate the general

Since base szn has officially started I thought we should reinstate the general.

Anything allowed as long as it is happening on the base network.

based.jpg - 275x183, 6.03K

Based. What are the plays? And how do we feel about AVI? I have a huge AERO bag and some ALB, looking to add

And how do we feel about AVI?

theyve always been a long-term project so im hoping they get an aero whitelisting soon, id rather pool that over all the memecoins they have listed

Do you think coinbase will now actually onboard the newfags? That seems to be the main draw otherwise just go solana

I would like to mention RPC Ron - Paul - coin, there's talk of him joining trump and elon for.. 'stuff,' and it's a small 100k mc, and news events around this 'friendship' will cause price action, and soon. I picked up a small bag.
Frog coin revival! Okayeg went 10 in a few days, other frog coins from may when apu was doing its thing include Oscar, BAPU all are super cheap rn.
These all enjoyed some play earlier this year, lets do it again while btc is making history as we speak


DATBOI is all you need

just fomo'd into some shitcoin called monke i saw with decent volume on dex screener

what do you guys think about making an Al Qaeda themed memecoin on Base called "The Base" (meaning of "al quaeda" in arabic) using 80s a e s t h e t i c pictures of Afghani terrorists with big cell phones etc combined with photoshopped pictures of Jesse Pollak and Brian Armstrong with big beards and AKs for promotional materials?

is this a good idea do you think? could it be a success?
we could make a farcaster channels where we organize "Al Qaeda Cells" and call members "jihadists" who organize in-person meetups and flashmobs. it could really blow up!

Anyone still in on AERO?

Mr. Snappy the Shark
CA: 0xa9d1b044467D55c811E77e4D30AD61DF58B86D3E


been holding that shit since August last year. Bridge/arcade is a good idea but the marketing is absolute trash. The “connections” were bullshit too. I don’t know what to think of it at this point desu… I will hold what I have for now

My current base play is based Pepe. Base needs a Pepe and that’s the only one worth a damn. The chart is also looking strong

That'd be pretty funny. I'd buy sum.

Now that biz is dead where is good for hunting ultra low caps

Felt biz coins were less likely to be rugpulls

Toshi is obviously the one. Legit as fuck.

Still waiting on ultraround to make a comeback but feels unlikely.

Check out FROTY, fren. Dev/team is solid. Only 55k mcap. It's a proper Anon Babblecoin.

fuego has the single biggest AERO holder backing it, will gigasend once it gets on aerodrome

private Telegram chats and various Discords where they have filtering mechanisms to keep out jeets and retards

What happened to Toshi why isn’t it top 100?

i made flowers to this.
felt good.

Still coming up. Bullish times ahead.

For me, it's Boshi. 500k mcap and still hasn't pumped a lot. It's like 13x back to ATH.

it's an old shitcoin with no hype?

Okayeg bros...

You're surprised it dumped after a pump like that?

this, fuegos pools are just gonna grow and expand anyway, why gamble on shitcoins when you can just buy bases base deflationary index coin? fuego will 100x ezpz, all on top of its treasury being over 100k, which will pay out to holders once 50% of supply is burned, on top of airdrops to integer holders and void victims along the way

Jesse Pollak is so fuckin cringe

Guys, if you’re based, tell us how many transactions you have made?

Literally nothing “based” about Base

DEGEN is the way

It will keep pumping, just relax.

6 days old. No website. No socials. Some bot spamming $0.02 buys.

Lazy scamming. Try harder retard.

TAD on base gonna reach at east 10m mcap soon

tadpole.png - 250x250, 94.24K

Lol. Ngmi

no website or socials

are you retarded? Go to dexscreener instead of pajeet tools to get the socials. feel free to go buy another shitty derivative meme instead of something that actually has whales behind it

those are automatic transactions via its liquidity pools with other coins, its a DeFi liquidity hub with huge holder incentives. you're just stupid

Looks like somebody is trying to revive this failed project. Good luck to you sir.

Shill it to a retard. Why would i want to Fuego?

Is anyone into DePIN on Base? Auki is a solid play

Copebros, is it finally our turn? Been bagholding this since April.

Cope.jpg - 1147x599, 131.04K

some are, the 1 cent buys are obviously a bot to keep it trending. Honestly bullish because it means the team has money to run them constantly

deflationary ponzi combined with upside and pump potential from being attached to other projects via side pools. Plus the backing of the biggest single AERO holder and some other fairly big AERO whales, which means it can be used to farm aerodrome which will attract big money once it gets whitelisted on aerodrome. No such thing as a guarantee but at 2M MC right as alt season is starting the upside potential is massive